------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- GEOMETRY FILE : SPIM_0BR_17978A01_D_GO_01.TXT --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = Fri Mar 23 15:35:01 2018 PRODUCT_SOURCE_ID = SPIM_0AR_17978A01_D_04.DAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- NAIF SPICE KERNELS --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- META_KERNELS_DECRIPTION = " Find below the list of NAIF SPICE KERNEL Files used to compute geometrical parameters for this observation. This list is frequently up to date." More accurate spice kernel files exist and should be used for thin precisions -> Specially for CK files -> SC mesured attitudes or SC reconstructed. attitudes. However, these files are too heavy for common used and this is why this list loads the Mars Express predicted attitudes (ATNM_PYYYYMMDD... files. ------- THIS LIST ARE AT LEAST SPICE TOOLKIT N0065 COMPLIANT ------- ... '$KERNELS/pck/MARS_IAU2000_V0.TPC') \begintext The standard SPICE convention for longitude is such that Mars longitude is positive west, the opposite of the normal convention for Earth. The following line makes the Mars longitude convention match that of Earth. Move it past the begindata marker to give it effect. \begindata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SOLAR LOCATION INFORMATION taken at first record time -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First record UTC time = 2018-03-16T16:35:48.810 1 AU = 149 597 870.691 km (from Near Earth Objects Program) LS = 144.338 deg SUN apparent position on planet (IAU_MARS) : Sub solar Longitude = 205.363 deg Sub solar Latitude = 14.355 deg Distance from planet = 1.5522 AU Solar right ascension = 46.948 deg in EMEJ2000 frame Solar declination = 17.575 deg in EMEJ2000 frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- TARGET INFORMATION ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET_NAME = NAD/LIMB Mechanical offsets for SLIT center in S/C axes : - theta = 90.000 deg - phi = 89.830 deg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ IR CHANNEL PARAMETERS --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infra red line of sight according to UV mechanical offsets for slit center : OBSERVATION TYPE = Nadir/Limb or stellar occultation SPICAM_IR_DELTA / UV = 0 (in pixels) PARAMETERS_DESCRIPTIONS = " IR channel aperture for nadir/limb or star is considered to be aligned with UV main aperture. In sun mode, a delta of 51 pixels from the UV CCD center is used in the geometry parameters computation. For all kind of observations, LOS (Line of Sight) emanating from the UV CCD center is defined by SC attitude. In the case of star observations, geometry parameters are also computed for a LOS emanating from the UV CCD center but defined by S/C position and Star direction. (This LOS is called LOSE in the following description of parameters to distinguish from LOS defined by SC attitude)." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- PROJECTION PLANE ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJETION_PLAN_DESCRIPTION = " Planproj is the projection plane (u,v,w frame) defined as the plane at the nearest point on MARS to vdir and perpendicular to vdir. vdir is view direction from MEX with : - w = -vdir - v = North pole - u = right handed The view direction is LOS emanating from the center of the CCD and defined by SC attitude". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- FORMAT DEFINITION ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time UTC (A23) + (I5, F9.1, 2F8.2, F7.1, F8.2, F7.2, F7.1, F10.1, F11.2, F8.2, 2F9.3, F7.2, 2F8.2, F6.2, F7.2, 2F10.1, F7.2, 9F11.6, F8.2, F8.2, 10F10.2, 6F8.2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- COLUMN LABELS DEFINITION -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETERS_NUMBER = 48 (without Time) COLUMN_NUMBER - LABEL 1 RECORD NUMBER 2 ALTITUDE : MEX above MARS ellipsoid (in km, IAU_MARS) 3 LONGITUDE : sub-MEX point (in degrees, IAU_MARS, increases toward East from 0 to 360) 4 LATITUDE : sub-MEX point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 5 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE : sub-MEX point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 6 LONGITUDE : nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 7 LATITUDE : nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 8 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE : nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 9 DISTANCE : MEX - nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 if behind SC) 10 ALTITUDE : nearest point to MARS ellipsoid on LOS from the UV CCD center (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 11 PIXEL SIZE : nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in kms, IAU_MARS, 0.01 deg) 12 RIGHT ASCENSION : LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 13 DECLINATION : LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 14 ANGLE : MEX-SUN vector and LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 15 PHASE ANGLE : SUN and MEX position measured at MARS ellipsoid nearest point to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees) 16 SOLAR INCIDENCE ANGLE : SUN and Normal measured at MARS ellipsoid nearest point to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees) 17 SOLAR LOCAL TIME : At nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees) 18 EMISSION ANGLE : MEX position and Normal mesured at MARS ellipsoid nearest point to LOS from the UV CCD center (in degrees) 19 DISTANCE : MARS center - nearest point on LOS from the UV CCD center (in kms) 20 DISTANCE : MEX - MARS center (in kms) 21 AZIMUT : SUN in MEX body axes (relative to X, in degrees) 22 X component : +X MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 23 Y component : +X MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 24 Z component : +X MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 25 X component : +Y MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 26 Y component : +Y MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 27 Z component : +Y MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 28 X component : +Z MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 29 Y component : +Z MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 30 Z component : +Z MEX unit vector in MARSIAU frame 31 ANGLE : +X MEX axis - local verticale at MARS Nearest Point (in degrees) 32 ANGLE : U Planproj axis and +X MEX axis projected on Planproj (in degrees) 33 P1 u component : horizon point in Planproj 34 P1 v component : horizon point in Planproj 35 P2 u component : horizon point in Planproj 36 P2 v component : horizon point in Planproj 37 P3 u component : horizon point in Planproj 38 P3 v component : horizon point in Planproj 39 P4 u component : horizon point in Planproj 40 P4 v component : horizon point in Planproj 41 P5 u component : horizon point in Planproj 42 P5 v component : horizon point in Planproj 43 X ra component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 44 X dec component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 45 Y ra component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 46 Y dec component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 47 Z ra component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 48 Z dec component : transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time (UTC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 -- End Comments 2018-03-16T16:35:48.810 1 6770.9 70.95 -14.92 136.0 70.95 -14.81 136.0 -6770.9 6770.91 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.97 135.97 3.04 0.00 10165.8 10165.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.00 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.53 9.04 298.98 -35.64 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:35:50.810 2 6768.8 70.94 -14.91 136.0 70.94 -14.79 136.0 -6768.8 6768.80 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.97 135.97 3.04 0.00 10163.7 10163.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.00 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.54 9.04 298.99 -35.64 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:35:52.810 3 6766.7 70.93 -14.89 136.0 70.93 -14.78 136.0 -6766.7 6766.68 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.97 135.97 3.04 0.00 10161.5 10161.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.01 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.54 9.03 299.00 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:35:54.810 4 6764.6 70.93 -14.87 136.0 70.93 -14.76 136.0 -6764.6 6764.56 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.97 135.97 3.04 0.00 10159.4 10159.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.01 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.55 9.03 299.01 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:35:56.810 5 6762.4 70.92 -14.85 136.0 70.92 -14.74 136.0 -6762.4 6762.44 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.96 135.96 3.04 0.00 10157.3 10157.3 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.02 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.56 9.02 299.02 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:35:58.810 6 6760.3 70.91 -14.84 135.9 70.91 -14.72 136.0 -6760.3 6760.32 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.96 135.96 3.04 0.00 10155.2 10155.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.02 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.56 9.02 299.03 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:00.810 7 6758.2 70.90 -14.82 135.9 70.90 -14.71 136.0 -6758.2 6758.20 1.30 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.96 135.96 3.04 0.00 10153.1 10153.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.02 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.57 9.01 299.04 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:02.810 8 6756.1 70.90 -14.80 135.9 70.90 -14.69 136.0 -6756.1 6756.08 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.96 135.96 3.04 0.00 10151.0 10151.0 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.03 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.58 9.01 299.05 -35.65 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:04.810 9 6754.0 70.89 -14.78 135.9 70.89 -14.67 136.0 -6754.0 6753.95 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.95 135.95 3.04 0.00 10148.8 10148.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.03 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.58 9.00 299.06 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:06.810 10 6751.8 70.88 -14.77 135.9 70.88 -14.65 136.0 -6751.8 6751.83 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.95 135.95 3.04 0.00 10146.7 10146.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.04 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.59 9.00 299.07 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:08.810 11 6749.7 70.88 -14.75 135.9 70.88 -14.64 135.9 -6749.7 6749.71 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.95 135.95 3.04 0.00 10144.6 10144.6 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.04 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.60 8.99 299.08 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:10.810 12 6747.6 70.87 -14.73 135.9 70.87 -14.62 135.9 -6747.6 6747.58 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.94 135.94 3.04 0.00 10142.5 10142.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.04 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.60 8.99 299.09 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:12.810 13 6745.5 70.86 -14.71 135.9 70.86 -14.60 135.9 -6745.5 6745.46 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.94 135.94 3.04 0.00 10140.4 10140.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.05 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.61 8.98 299.10 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:14.810 14 6743.3 70.85 -14.69 135.9 70.85 -14.58 135.9 -6743.3 6743.33 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.94 135.94 3.04 0.00 10138.2 10138.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.05 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.62 8.98 299.11 -35.66 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:16.810 15 6741.2 70.85 -14.68 135.9 70.85 -14.57 135.9 -6741.2 6741.21 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.94 135.94 3.04 0.00 10136.1 10136.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.06 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.62 8.97 299.12 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:18.810 16 6739.1 70.84 -14.66 135.9 70.84 -14.55 135.9 -6739.1 6739.08 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.93 135.93 3.04 0.00 10134.0 10134.0 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.06 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.63 8.97 299.12 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:20.810 17 6737.0 70.83 -14.64 135.9 70.83 -14.53 135.9 -6737.0 6736.95 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.93 135.93 3.04 0.00 10131.9 10131.9 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.06 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.64 8.96 299.13 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:22.810 18 6734.8 70.83 -14.62 135.9 70.83 -14.51 135.9 -6734.8 6734.82 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.93 135.93 3.04 0.00 10129.7 10129.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.07 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.64 8.96 299.14 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:24.810 19 6732.7 70.82 -14.61 135.9 70.82 -14.50 135.9 -6732.7 6732.69 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.93 135.93 3.04 0.00 10127.6 10127.6 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.07 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.65 8.95 299.15 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:26.810 20 6730.6 70.81 -14.59 135.9 70.81 -14.48 135.9 -6730.6 6730.56 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.92 135.92 3.04 0.00 10125.5 10125.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.08 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.66 8.95 299.16 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:28.810 21 6728.4 70.80 -14.57 135.9 70.80 -14.46 135.9 -6728.4 6728.43 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.92 135.92 3.04 0.00 10123.4 10123.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.08 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.66 8.94 299.17 -35.67 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:30.810 22 6726.3 70.80 -14.55 135.9 70.80 -14.44 135.9 -6726.3 6726.30 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.92 135.92 3.04 0.00 10121.2 10121.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.09 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.67 8.94 299.18 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:32.810 23 6724.2 70.79 -14.53 135.9 70.79 -14.43 135.9 -6724.2 6724.17 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.92 135.92 3.04 0.00 10119.1 10119.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.09 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.67 8.93 299.19 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:34.810 24 6722.0 70.78 -14.52 135.9 70.78 -14.41 135.9 -6722.0 6722.04 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.91 135.91 3.04 0.00 10117.0 10117.0 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.09 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.68 8.93 299.20 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:36.810 25 6719.9 70.78 -14.50 135.9 70.78 -14.39 135.9 -6719.9 6719.90 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.91 135.91 3.04 0.00 10114.8 10114.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.10 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.69 8.93 299.21 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:38.810 26 6717.8 70.77 -14.48 135.9 70.77 -14.37 135.9 -6717.8 6717.77 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.91 135.91 3.04 0.00 10112.7 10112.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.10 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.69 8.92 299.22 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:40.810 27 6715.6 70.76 -14.46 135.9 70.76 -14.35 135.9 -6715.6 6715.64 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.90 135.90 3.04 0.00 10110.6 10110.6 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.11 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.70 8.92 299.23 -35.68 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:42.810 28 6713.5 70.75 -14.45 135.9 70.75 -14.34 135.9 -6713.5 6713.50 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.90 135.90 3.04 0.00 10108.4 10108.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.11 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.71 8.91 299.24 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:44.810 29 6711.4 70.75 -14.43 135.9 70.75 -14.32 135.9 -6711.4 6711.36 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.90 135.90 3.04 0.00 10106.3 10106.3 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.11 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.71 8.91 299.25 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:46.810 30 6709.2 70.74 -14.41 135.9 70.74 -14.30 135.9 -6709.2 6709.23 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.90 135.90 3.04 0.00 10104.2 10104.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.12 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.72 8.90 299.26 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:48.810 31 6707.1 70.73 -14.39 135.9 70.73 -14.28 135.9 -6707.1 6707.09 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.89 135.89 3.04 0.00 10102.0 10102.0 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.12 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.73 8.90 299.27 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:50.810 32 6705.0 70.73 -14.37 135.9 70.73 -14.27 135.9 -6705.0 6704.95 1.29 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.89 135.89 3.04 0.00 10099.9 10099.9 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.13 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.73 8.89 299.28 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:52.810 33 6702.8 70.72 -14.36 135.9 70.72 -14.25 135.9 -6702.8 6702.81 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.89 135.89 3.04 0.00 10097.8 10097.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.13 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.74 8.89 299.29 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:54.810 34 6700.7 70.71 -14.34 135.9 70.71 -14.23 135.9 -6700.7 6700.67 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.88 135.88 3.04 0.00 10095.6 10095.6 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.14 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.75 8.88 299.30 -35.69 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:56.810 35 6698.5 70.70 -14.32 135.9 70.70 -14.21 135.9 -6698.5 6698.53 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.88 135.88 3.04 0.00 10093.5 10093.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.14 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.75 8.88 299.31 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:36:58.810 36 6696.4 70.70 -14.30 135.9 70.70 -14.20 135.9 -6696.4 6696.39 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.88 135.88 3.04 0.00 10091.4 10091.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.14 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.76 8.87 299.32 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:00.810 37 6694.3 70.69 -14.28 135.9 70.69 -14.18 135.9 -6694.3 6694.25 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.88 135.88 3.04 0.00 10089.2 10089.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.15 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.77 8.87 299.33 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:02.810 38 6692.1 70.68 -14.27 135.9 70.68 -14.16 135.9 -6692.1 6692.11 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.87 135.87 3.04 0.00 10087.1 10087.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.15 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.77 8.86 299.34 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:04.810 39 6690.0 70.68 -14.25 135.9 70.68 -14.14 135.9 -6690.0 6689.97 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.87 135.87 3.04 0.00 10084.9 10084.9 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.16 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.78 8.86 299.35 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:06.810 40 6687.8 70.67 -14.23 135.9 70.67 -14.12 135.9 -6687.8 6687.82 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.87 135.87 3.04 0.00 10082.8 10082.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.16 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.79 8.85 299.36 -35.70 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:08.810 41 6685.7 70.66 -14.21 135.9 70.66 -14.11 135.9 -6685.7 6685.68 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.86 135.87 3.04 0.00 10080.7 10080.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.17 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.79 8.85 299.37 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:10.810 42 6683.5 70.65 -14.20 135.8 70.65 -14.09 135.9 -6683.5 6683.53 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.86 135.86 3.04 0.00 10078.5 10078.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.17 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.80 8.84 299.38 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:12.810 43 6681.4 70.65 -14.18 135.8 70.65 -14.07 135.9 -6681.4 6681.39 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.86 135.86 3.04 0.00 10076.4 10076.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.17 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.81 8.84 299.39 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:14.810 44 6679.2 70.64 -14.16 135.8 70.64 -14.05 135.9 -6679.2 6679.24 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.86 135.86 3.04 0.00 10074.2 10074.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.18 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.81 8.83 299.40 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:16.810 45 6677.1 70.63 -14.14 135.8 70.63 -14.04 135.9 -6677.1 6677.09 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.85 135.85 3.04 0.00 10072.1 10072.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.18 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.82 8.83 299.41 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:18.810 46 6674.9 70.63 -14.12 135.8 70.63 -14.02 135.9 -6674.9 6674.94 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.85 135.85 3.04 0.00 10069.9 10069.9 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.19 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.83 8.82 299.42 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:20.810 47 6672.8 70.62 -14.11 135.8 70.62 -14.00 135.8 -6672.8 6672.80 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.85 135.85 3.04 0.00 10067.8 10067.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.19 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.83 8.82 299.43 -35.71 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:22.810 48 6670.6 70.61 -14.09 135.8 70.61 -13.98 135.8 -6670.6 6670.65 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.84 135.84 3.04 0.00 10065.7 10065.7 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.20 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.84 8.81 299.44 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:24.810 49 6668.5 70.61 -14.07 135.8 70.61 -13.96 135.8 -6668.5 6668.50 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.84 135.84 3.04 0.00 10063.5 10063.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.20 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.85 8.81 299.45 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:26.810 50 6666.3 70.60 -14.05 135.8 70.60 -13.95 135.8 -6666.3 6666.35 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.84 135.84 3.04 0.00 10061.4 10061.4 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.21 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.85 8.81 299.46 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:28.810 51 6664.2 70.59 -14.03 135.8 70.59 -13.93 135.8 -6664.2 6664.19 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.84 135.84 3.04 0.00 10059.2 10059.2 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.21 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.86 8.80 299.47 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:30.810 52 6662.0 70.58 -14.02 135.8 70.58 -13.91 135.8 -6662.0 6662.04 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.83 135.83 3.04 0.00 10057.1 10057.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.21 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.87 8.80 299.48 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:32.810 53 6659.9 70.58 -14.00 135.8 70.58 -13.89 135.8 -6659.9 6659.89 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.83 135.83 3.04 0.00 10054.9 10054.9 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.22 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.87 8.79 299.49 -35.72 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:34.810 54 6657.7 70.57 -13.98 135.8 70.57 -13.87 135.8 -6657.7 6657.74 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.83 135.83 3.04 0.00 10052.8 10052.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.22 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.88 8.79 299.50 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:36.810 55 6655.6 70.56 -13.96 135.8 70.56 -13.86 135.8 -6655.6 6655.58 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.82 135.82 3.04 0.00 10050.6 10050.6 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.23 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.89 8.78 299.51 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:38.810 56 6653.4 70.56 -13.94 135.8 70.56 -13.84 135.8 -6653.4 6653.43 1.28 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.82 135.82 3.04 0.00 10048.5 10048.5 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.23 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.89 8.78 299.52 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:40.810 57 6651.3 70.55 -13.93 135.8 70.55 -13.82 135.8 -6651.3 6651.27 1.27 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.82 135.82 3.04 0.00 10046.3 10046.3 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.24 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.90 8.77 299.53 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:42.810 58 6649.1 70.54 -13.91 135.8 70.54 -13.80 135.8 -6649.1 6649.12 1.27 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.82 135.82 3.04 0.00 10044.1 10044.1 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.24 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.91 8.77 299.54 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:44.810 59 6647.0 70.53 -13.89 135.8 70.53 -13.78 135.8 -6647.0 6646.96 1.27 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.81 135.81 3.04 0.00 10042.0 10042.0 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.25 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.91 8.76 299.55 -35.73 317.66 52.88 2018-03-16T16:37:46.810 60 6644.8 70.53 -13.87 135.8 70.53 -13.77 135.8 -6644.8 6644.80 1.27 279.961 -22.045 130.16 135.81 135.81 3.04 0.00 10039.8 10039.8 351.63 0.718566 -0.402265 0.567314 -0.404295 0.422118 0.811395 -0.565869 -0.812404 0.140686 237.25 145.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.92 8.76 299.56 -35.73 317.66 52.88