PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* FILE DATA ELEMENTS */ RECORD_TYPE = STREAM FILE_RECORDS = 1855 /* POINTERS TO DATA OBJECTS */ ^SPREADSHEET = "HYDROUS_SITES_GEO_MAP.CSV" /* DESCRIPTIVE DATA ELEMENTS */ DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-OMEGA-5-DDR-GLOBAL-MAPS-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = HYDROUS_SITES_GEO_MAP RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0001 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2014-02-24T15:22:20.000 INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = MEX INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "MARS EXPRESS" INSTRUMENT_ID = OMEGA INSTRUMENT_NAME = "Observatoire Mineralogie, Eau, Glaces, Activite" MISSION_NAME = "MARS EXPRESS" TARGET_NAME = MARS START_TIME = 2004-01-15T16:20:24.031 STOP_TIME = 2009-04-01T13:58:39.020 START_ORBIT_NUMBER = 22 STOP_ORBIT_NUMBER = 6734 DESCRIPTION = "This data product is a global map of hydrated mineral sites at the surface of Mars detected using the reflectance data acquired by the Mars Express OMEGA hyperspectral camera from January 2004 to September 2010, and from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) CRISM imaging spectrometer. This data product corresponds to the map that was produced and published by Carter et al. ([CARTER_JGR2013], figure 1). This map is in the form of a spreadsheet where each row represents a detected hydrated mineral site, given by its planetocentric coordinates. The identifier of the OMEGA Experiment Data Records (EDR) used for each detection is also given. For more information on the methodology to identify these sites and how this map can be best interpreted, please refer to the original publication available in the DOCUMENT directory of this data set." /* IMAGE OBJECT DEFINITIONS */ OBJECT = SPREADSHEET INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROWS = 1855 FIELDS = 4 ROW_BYTES = 47 FIELD_DELIMITER = "COMMA" OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "LONGITUDE" FIELD_NUMBER = 1 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 7 DESCRIPTION = "Planetocentric longitude of detected hydrous mineral." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "LATITUDE" FIELD_NUMBER = 2 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL BYTES = 6 DESCRIPTION = "Planetocentric latitude of detected hydrous mineral." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "OMEGA_EDR_PRODUCT_ID" FIELD_NUMBER = 3 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 14 DESCRIPTION = "List of OMEGA EDR data product IDs used for this detection." END_OBJECT = FIELD OBJECT = FIELD NAME = "CRISM_EDR_PRODUCT_ID" FIELD_NUMBER = 4 DATA_TYPE = CHARACTER BYTES = 11 DESCRIPTION = "List of CRISM EDR data product IDs used for this detection." END_OBJECT = FIELD END_OBJECT = SPREADSHEET END