PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-09-29 NOTE = "Description of the SOFTWARE directory content" END_OBJECT = TEXT This directory contains the successive versions of the access and data reduction software for OMEGA data (IDL version and corresponding C library) as a ZIP file (e.g. SOFTNN.ZIP for version NN) and its corresponding label file, SOFTNN.LBL When downloading a ZIP file, the user should put it in a working directory dedicated to OMEGA reduction software, then unzip it. This will create a subdirectory /SOFTNN with the relevant files, in particular SOFT01_reamde.txt which contains information on the new features, in particular the validity boundaries which the user is expected to take into account before publishing. With this approach, the user can maintain the history of OMEGA data reduction in the successive subdirectories /SOFT01, /SOFT02,... The simplest is then to copy the content of the latest release into the OMEGA working directory, then to follow the instructions given in SOFTNN_readme.txt, then to start IDL from the OMEGA working directory. END