/* FILE_CONTENTS = CASSE calibration description */ LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2012-08-01, H.-H. Fischer (DLR)" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2016-05-12, K. Seidensticker (DLR), version 1" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2016-05-23, H.-H. Fischer, M. Knapmeyer (DLR), K. Seidensticker, version 2" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2016-05-24, W. Schmidt (FMI), version 3" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2016-05-24, H.-H. Fischer, version 4" Purpose and Limitations ======================= This document describes the nominal acceleration calibration of the SESAME-CASSE time series delivered in the SESAME-CASSE level 3 data set using the level 2 data set. As CASSE was designed primarily to measure time differences, when sounding from foot to foot, not much effort was made before launch to calibrate the amplitude of the received signals. Thus for example, the sensitivity factor S(sensor, axis) of the accelerometers as a function of temperature as well as the amplifier gain as a function of frequency are poorly known. It is possible that the calibration described below might be replaced by an improved version in the future. General information ==================== Transfer functions (frequency response and absolute value) are known for the accelerometer channels only. Transmitters were rarely used as receivers and only for qualitative measurements. A few measurements during the Rosetta cruise phase indicate that an external signal in ADC units (Analog-Digital-Converter) recorded by a transmitter is about twice as large as the same signal recorded by an accelerometer. The manufacturer Bruel & Kjaer determined the sensitivity factor S[mV/(m s**-2)] for each accelerometer axis at 159.2 Hz. The frequency response of the sensitivity factor is flat (within +-10%) from 1 Hz to 6 kHz (x-axis) and from 1 Hz to 3.5 kHz (y- and z-axes). Information about the time calibration and the equivalence of physical channel and accelerometer axis, needed to calculate the timing information of level 2 data, can be found in the document "SESAME Flight Software FM-3 TC / TM Formats" (Ref. RO-LSE-UG-3404, version 5.5a, 2012-08-01) that is part of this data package. Nominal Calibration =================== Several steps are necessary to calculate acceleration from a time series sample value: a1) All modes but Stacking Mode Invert the non-linear ADC characteristics and convert the sample value adc to voltage UADC [mV] by using if (adc > 96) UADC = (825/64)(4 * adc - 256); else if (adc > 64) UADC = (825/64)(2 * adc - 64); else if (adc < -96) UADC = (825/64)(4 * adc + 256); else if (adc < -64) UADC = (825/64)(2 * adc + 64); else UADC = (825/64) * adc; a2) Only Stacking Mode Divide the sample value, which is actually the sum of linearized samples from several measurements, by the number of measurements nMeas and perform voltage conversion UADC [mV] = (825/64)* sampleValue / nMeas. In a few operations, several of the nMeas measurements failed and erroneously delivered the same value for all samples ("flat lines"). This behavior can be detected by checking the channel statistics (defined in file CASSE_STAT_FM3.FMT) of each measurement of an operation: the minimal sample values equal the maximal sample values for all time series of that measurement. The stacked sampleValue must then be corrected by subtracting the constant value(s) from sampleValue to yield sampleValue#. UADC is then obtained by dividing by the number of successful measurements UADC [mV] = 825/64* sampleValue# / (nMeas - nFail). b) Convert the voltage UADC to the output voltage of sensors by considering the adjusted instrument gain. Uout[mV] = UADC [mV] / gain. The gain is calculated using the value agc of the Amplifier Gain Control (AGC) register (object "AGC" in file CASSE_SEQ_PARAM_BURST_L2_FM3.FMT) The status of the four bits in agc determine which of the four amplifier stages were active. Note that a cleared bit activates the corresponding amplifier. Any combination of amplifier stages is possible. The nominal total gain can be calculated according to gain = 1; if ((agc AND 0001b) = 0) gain = gain * 3.13; if ((agc AND 0010b) = 0) gain = gain * 2.13; if ((agc AND 0100b) = 0) gain = gain * 4.55; if ((agc AND 1000b) = 0) gain = gain * 5.55; c) Convert the output voltage of accelerometer channels to acceleration. The nominal acceleration a is given by a[m/s**2] = Uout[mV]/S(sensor, axis). The sensitivity factor S in [mV/(m s**-2)] of each axis of the tri-axial accelerometers as determined by Bruel & Kjaer is listed below: ACC foot -Y (Serial number = 2317546) x-axis = 9.97 y-axis = 9.73 z-axis = 9.64 ACC foot +X (Serial number = 2317544) x-axis = 9.99 y-axis = 9.89 z-axis = 9.90 ACC foot +Y (Serial number = 2317545) x-axis = 9.93 y-axis = 9.78 z-axis = 9.95."