PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-07-01 NOTE = "" END_OBJECT = TEXT END 1. Introduction This document provides an overview of the Huygens Surface Science Package (SSP) Archive, including a listing of the contents of the archive, below. This archive contains science data products from observations acquired by the Huygens Probe Surface Science Package (SSP) instrument during the Descent Phase of the mission as well as on the surface. SSP data products include raw data and calibration tables. This volume contains both. 2. Documentation The SSP data set is described in the file DATASET.CAT in the CATALOG directory. In the CATALOG directory there are further files describing the SSP instrument(INST.CAT), the Huygens probe (INSTRUMENT_HOST.CAT) and mission (MISSION.CAT), personnel associated with this archive volume (PERSONNEL.CAT), and a bibliography of references mentioned in these files (REFERENCE.CAT). The files in this directory are entries in the Planetary Data System online catalog. Additional documentation is found in the DOCUMENT directory. The most important of these are SSP_EAICD.PDF, which describes this dataset, and SSP_SUM.PDF, which gives a detailed description of the data. 3. Notes and Caveats SSP times are given with with reference to the DDB 'T0' event, based on the Huygens on-board clock (see INSTHOST.CAT). At the time of archiving there appears to be an additional 250ms offset w.r.t. UTC pending verification. 4. File Formats All SSP instrument data are in ASCII tables with detached PDS labels. Additional information about PDS labels is found in the Planetary Data System Standards Reference, version 3.5, October 30, 2002, JPL D-7669. Text files on this volume are mostly stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, and UNIX operating systems. The documents in the DOCUMENT directory are given as Microsoft Word (DOC), a proprietary format which can be viewed with most word processing packages of the early 21st century AD, and/or in the proprietary Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), which can be viewed with the free software Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated. For the most relevant documents, ASCII versions of vital documentation are provided. 5. Volume Contents Files on this volume are organized into a series of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). FILE CONTENTS Top-level directory | |- AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading. |- ERRATA.TXT Comments and errata on this volume. |- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this CD-ROM | volume in object format. |- [CALIB] Calibration directory. | |- SSP_CAL.LBL PDS label for SPSP_CAL.ASC. | |- SSP_CAL.ASC SSP calibration document. | |- [CATALOG] PDS catalog objects. | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in the CATALOG directory. | |- INST.CAT Description of the MOLA instrument. | |- INSTHOST.CAT Description of the MGS spacecraft. | |- MISSION.CAT Description of the MGS mission. | |- DATASET.CAT Description of SSP data set. | |- PERSON.CAT Description of personnel associated with | | production of this volume. | |- REF.CAT Reference objects mentioned in *.CAT files. | |- [DATA] | |- [DESCENT] SSP data directory, where nn represents a | |- [RAW] | |- [ACCE] Subdirectories of the sub-sensors of the | |- [ACCI] SSP. These contain the mission data. | |- [APIS] The impact event covers several of the sensors. | |- [APIV] Each directory contains one or several | |- [DEN] tables of sensor data and a detached label. | |- [HK] | |- [IMPACT] | |- [PER] | |- [REF] | |- [THP] | |- [TIL] | |- [DOCUMENT] Documentation files. | |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in DOCUMENT directory. | |- SSP_1177.ASC SSP article from ESA SP 1177, ASCII. | |- SSP_1177.LBL label for SSP_1177.ASC and SSP_1177.PDF | |- SSP_1177.PDF SSP article from ESA SP 1177, Adobe PDF format. | |- SSP_EAICD.DOC SSP EAICD. | |- SSP_EAICD.LBL PDS label for SSP_EAICD. | |- SSP_EAICD.PDF SSP EAICD in ASCII Format. | |- SSP_SUM.DOC SSP software user manual. | |- SSP_SUM.LBL PDS label for SSP_SUM.* | |- SSP_SUM.ASC SSP software user manual. | |- GEAKE1994.LBL PDS label for GEAKE1994.PDF. | |- GEAKE1994.PDF Publication | |- PHD_GHAFOOR.LBL PDS label for PHD_GHAFOOR.PDF. | |- PHD_GHAFOOR.PDF PHD_GHAFOOR.PDF. | |- PHD_LORENZ.LBL PDS label for PHD_LORENZ.PDF | |- PHD_LORENZ.PDF PHD_LORENZ.PDF | | | |- [INDEX] Index files. | |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in the INDEX directory. | |- INDEX.LBL PDS label for INDEX.TAB. | |- INDEX.TAB Index table of data products on this volume. 6. Whom To Contact For Information For questions concerning this data set collection: Planetary Atmospheres Node New Mexico State University Department Of Astronomy P.O. Box 30001/Dept. 4500 Las Cruces, NM 88003-000 505-646-1938 ESA Planetary Science Archive Joe.Zender@esa.int SSP Science Team PSSRI The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Electronic mail address: J.C.Zarnecki@open.ac.uk 7. Cognisant Persons SSP data were provided by John C Zarnecki, SSP Principal Investigator, with assistance from Mark Leese, both of PSSRI. This volume was designed and produced by Axel Hagermann and Brijen Hathi, both PSSRI, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.