PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "Figure Captions for Published Papers Figures 1 - 17 are the same for both papers referenced here. John Haberman, 2006-03-14" DATA_SET_ID = "HP-SSA-GCMS-3-FCO/DESCENT-V1.0" REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NIEMANNETAL2002" REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NIEMANNETAL1997" PRODUCT_ID = "FIGURE_4A" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-03-14T13:15:00 RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED ^PNG_DOCUMENT = "FIGURE_4A.PNG" OBJECT = PNG_DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "FIGURE_4A" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MISSION DESCRIPTION AND INSTRUMENT OVERVIEW" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-03-14 DOCUMENT_FORMAT = "PNG" DESCRIPTION = " Figure 4. Pressure vs. time profiles of the ambient atmosphere and in the mass spectrometer ion sources during the Probe descent through the Titan’s atmosphere. (a) Ambient atmospheric pressure, possible cloud locations and sample enrichment cell and gas chromatograph sample collection times are also indicated. (b) Pressure in the direct sampling ion source. Noble gas and sample enrichment gas analyzer times are: Time t0 - t1 0 - 30 mins. Direct atmospheric sampling; Time t1 - t2 30 - 31:29 mins. Background; Time t2 - t3 31:29 - 33:00 Rare gas cell; Time t3 - t4 33:00 - 34:50 Rare gas and enrichment cells; Time t4 - t5 34:50 - 36:00 Instrument background. (c) ACP ion source dedicated sampling time. (d) Operating times of the three ion sources dedicated to the gas chromatographic columns. " END_OBJECT = PNG_DOCUMENT END