PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-07-10 NOTE = "Description of the EXTRAS directory contents for the HUYGENS DTWG data set" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The EXTRAS directory contains three folders: 1) INPUT_FILES: This folder describes the input files (ZIP file) used by the DTWG tool for the computation of the Huygens trajectory. The filenaming and the format are explained in the document "EXPERIMENTER_TO_DTWG_ICD". The list of files is: HASI_XSERVO_CONING.DAT_PP HASI Servo acc measurements (smoothed) HASI_XPIEZO_04022005.DAT_PP HASI X-Piezo accelerometer measurements HASI_YPIEZO_04022005.DAT_PP HASI Y-Piezo accelerometer measurements HASI_ZPIEZO_04022005.DAT_PP HASI Z-Piezo accelerometer measurements HASI_TEM_CORR_08012007.DAT_PP HASI temperature measurements HASI_PPI_CORR_08012007.DAT_PP HASI pressure measurements GCMS_MOLFRACT_N2_04052005.DAT_PP GCMS N2 mole fraction measurements GCMS_MOLFRACT_CH4_04052005.DAT_PP GCMS CH4 mole fraction measurements SSP_APIS_25082005.DAT_PP SSP Accoustic Sounder Measurements SSP_ACCI_IMPACT_15012005.DAT_PP SSP Impact epoch measurement DWE_ZWIND_27032006.DAT_PP DWE zonal wind measurements HK_RAU1_20052005.DAT_PP Radar Altimeter Unit 1 (not used for reconstruction) HK_RAU2_20052005.DAT_PP Radar Altimeter Unit 2 (not used for reconstruction) HK_CASU_16012005.DAT_PP Central Accelerometer Unit measurements HASI_PIEZO_IMPACT_05052005.DAT_PP Impact time from HASI piezo accelerometer DISR_WIND_27032006.DAT Image derived DISR probe drift measurements Remarks: - all files contain 5 columns, with the following structure Column1: measurement epoch in ET seconds past J2000 Column2: measurement value Column3: 1-sigma uncertainty of measurement value Column4: Integer Flag Column5: Integer Flag - The following units are used in the input files: [m/s^2] for all acclerometer measurements [km] for all altitude measurements [K] for temperature measurement [%] for mole fraction measurement [m/s] for wind measurements 2) DTWG_SOFTWARE: This folder contains a ZIP file with all the routines (Fortran 90) of the DTWG software. Note that the current version uses Windows libraries for the implemented GUI and can therefore not be compiled in Unix/Linux. No readme file is included. 3) BSP_FILE: This folder contains the following files: - 050214_PE_DE405.BSP This is a NAIF binary file containing the ephemerides of solar system planets. - SAT199.BSP This is a NAIF binary file containing the ephemerides of the satellites of the Saturnian system. - SAT199.CMT This is a text file describing the exact content of SAT199.BSP.