Nine Image Mosaics for the DISR Archive This directory contains large-scale image mosaics given here as nine 1250x1600 pixel images, centered on the Huygens landing site, with the scale changing from one image to the next by a factor of two. North is up, east is to the right. The scales of the nine images are 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 m/pixel. Pixel number 1,1 is at the bottom left. Following are the pixels of the bottom row, etc. Pixel number 625,800 is the same location in each image. It is the Huygens landing site, or at least within 50 m of the landing site. The files are in PPM format. The first 20 bytes explain in ASCII the file type, width, height, and maximum pixel value. The rest of the file lists each pixel value in 2-byte signed integers. The data numbers divided by 666,666 give our best estimates of the observed I/F, where I is the observed intensity, and pi*F is the solar flux at the top of Titan's atmosphere. The effective wavelength is about 770 nm. Note that the resolution varies by large factors even on small scales, since some areas were imaged from low altitudes while other nearby areas were only imaged from 10 or 50 times higher altitudes. The images of highest resolutions were used to create the mosaic. Where only low resolution was available, the mosaic was left smooth. Thus, regions appearing to be smooth are typically regions imaged with poor resolution. The geometry in these images is most reliable vetween 500 m and 5 km from the landing site and unreliable more than 10 km away from the landing site. The photometric data is most reliable within 5 km of the landing site and very unreliable more than 10 km from the landing site.