PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2014-02-09, C. See" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-10-06 NOTE = "Description of contents in the EXTRAS subdirectory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Content Description of the EXTRAS Subdirectory The EXTRAS subdirectory on this dataset volume contains useful 'extra' material associated with the DISR instrument Archive. Following is a list of the subdirectories contained in this subdirectory and a description of each: FILE DESCRIPTION ----------- -------------------------------------------------- DISR3_CALIBRATION_DATA See Below DISR_IN-FLIGHT_DATA See Below DISR_XDR_DATA See Below IDL_PROGRAMS See Below IMAGE_ELEMENTS Improved DISR images + supporting data (darks, flats, etc). MOSAICS Mosaicked images. MOVIES Movies of the descent sequence. POSTERS Poster quality figures with captions. PROBE_ATTITUDE Tables of probe altitude and attitude during the descent. PROCESSED_IMAGES Images after processing by Erich Karkoschka. RENDERINGS Movies generated from stereographic renderings using orthorectified DISR images Late-arriving (2014-01) archive support files include: DISR3_CALIBRATION_DATA: The labratory calibration data from the flight unit (DISR 03) in eXternal Data Representation (XDR) format, and in the file structure created by the labratory Ground Support Equipment (RTGSE & WGSE), so as to be compatible with the IDL source code deposited in directory IDL_PROGRAMS. The DISR 03 lab calibration is from 1996, with a couple of additional tests on flight spare optics taken in 2001. Also in this directory is a copy of the calibration data companion document written in 2012. DISR_IN-FLIGHT_DATA: Data taken on the DISR flight instrument from the time of its mating to the Huygens Probe in 1996 until the Titan encounter in 2005. The data are in XDR format and the original directory structure so as to be compatable with the IDL source code presented in neighboring directory IDL_PROGRAMS. Also contined in the directory are the In-flight test reports, and a companion document (DISR_IDL_CODE_DOC) which describe the tests and data. DISR_XDR_DATA: The raw Titan encounter in its original XDR format and directory structury to make it compatable with the IDL source code in the IDL_PROGRAMS directory. The original ESCC data streams and several data replays (reconstructions) are included. "stream_524b" is the one used to generate the PDS archive files. A companion document explaining the data volume is also included (DISR_XDR_DATA_DOC). IDL_PROGRAMS: Contains much of the Interactive Developement Language (IDL) source code files generated by the DISR team while calibrating the DISR and interprating the data. The code is segragated by author, and is generally undocumented, although some explanatory documents are also included (SOFTWARE_SUPPORT_DOCUMENTS), as well as a directory companion document (DISR_IDL_CODE_DOC) to help orientent the data user.