PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-13-07 NOTE = "Description of contents in the DOCUMENT subdirectory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END There are 5 main components to the document section: 1) eaicd.doc, provides a description of the data structure in document form. 2) Calibration Documents, are critical and will be expounded upon momentarily. 3) Experiment User's Manual, describes detailed information about the use of the DISR instrument. 4) Header description.doc, provides a description of the header that is associated with each data file. 5) Bibliography, is a compilation of relevant references. 6) ssr.pdf is the Space Science Reviews paper (volume 0, pages 1-83, 2002). The Calibration Documents are subdivided into 8 major categories, as data and information from the DISR can be subdivided into 8 major logical types: 1) Imagers, 2) Infrared, 3) Solar Aureole, 4) Sun Sensor, 5) Surface Science Lamp, 6) Violet, 7) Violet Flux and 8) Visible. Thus, for example, the three imagers of varying resolution and look angle (namely the HRI, MRI and SLI) are explored in great detail in the imager Calibration Report. The following table lists the instruments included in each calibration report: 1) Images: All three imaging cameras, namely the HRI, MRI and SLI. 2) Infrared: Both up and down looking infrared spectorometers, namely ULIS and DLIS. 3) Solar Aureole: All four channels of the solar aureole camera 4) Sun Sensor: Information relating to the Sun Sensor instrument. 5) Surface Science Lamp: Information relating to the Surface Science Lamp illumination system. 6) Violet: Both the up and down looking violet photometers, namely the ULV and DLV. 7) Violet Flux: The Flux for the violet photometer system, both for the ULV and DLV 8) Visible: Both the up and down looking visible spectrometers, namely the ULVS and DLVS. All information necessary to reduce the data are included within the approporiate calibration report. In addition to these 7 documents, there is a final category of calibration documents called the calibration standard. This last category is further subdivided into the cal standard review, integrating sphere homogeneity and dark current. 9) Calibration Standard cal standard review : Information about the calibration lamps used in the lab. integrating sphere homogeneity : Information about the Integrating Sphere used in the lab. dark current : Documents the procedure for determining the dark current at at given time.