Gamma Dra / HR 6705: K5 III Stellar atmosphere model and theoretical spectrum are generated using the MARCS theoretical stellar atmosphere code (Gustafsson et al., 1975 and further updates; Gustafsson et al. 2003) and the TURBOSPECTRUM synthetic spectrum code (Plez et al., 2003). Stellar parameters (and uncertainties thereon) have been derived by Decin et al. (2003). The line lists used in the spectrum calculation are discussed in Decin (2000) and Decin and Eriksson (2007). For the theoretical spectrum of Gamma Dra, the following stellar parameters are used: * Effective temperature Teff = 3960 K * Gravity log g[cm/s^2] = 1.30 * Mass M = 1.72 Msun * Microturbulent velocity = 2.0 km/s * Metallicity [Fe/H] = 0.00 * Carbon abundance: C = 8.15 * Nitrogen abundance: N = 8.26 * Oxygen abundance : O = 8.93 [other atomic abundances are solar scaled with the metallicity] * 12C/13C ratio = 10 The outermost depth point of the theoretical atmosphere model was taken at log(tau_lambda) = -7.2 with lambda being 2.2 micron. The atmosphere model was calculated with a spherically symmetric geometry, under the assumption of radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and homogeneous layers. The original theoretical spectrum was calculated at a resolution of Delta lambda = 0.5 Angstrom, and then degraded to a resolution of lambda/Delta lambda = 5000 applying a gaussian convolution. The wavelength coverage is from 2 to 200 micron. Uncertainties on the theoretical spectrum predictions are discussed in depth in Decin & Eriksson (2007). Absolute flux calibration is based on Selby K-band photometry. Kmag = -1.370 [Selby et al. (1988)] The Zero-point is determined on the basis of an ideal 'Vega', i.e. the K-band photometry of Vega is corrected for a flux excess of 1.29% (cfr Absil et al. 2006). The determined Selby K-band zeropoint is 4.0517E-10 W/m2/um The derived angular diameter based on the K-band photometry is 9.94 milliarcsec. The estimated absolute flux uncertainty is 1% The units for the theoretical spectrum are * wavelength in micrometer * flux F_nu in Jy This theoretical spectrum should be referenced as Decin & Eriksson (2007). References: * Decin L., 2000, PhD Thesis, Leuven University * Decin L., Vandenbussche B., Waelkens C., Decin G., Eriksson K., Gustafsson B., Plez B., Sauval A.J., Van Assche W., 2003, Astronomy & Astrophysics 400, 709 * Decin L., Eriksson K., 2007, Astronomy & Astrophysics 472, 1041 * Gustafsson B., Bell R.A., Eriksson K. Nordlund A, 1975, Astronomy & Astrophysics 42, 407 * Gustafsson B., Edvardsson B., Eriksson K., Mizuno-Wiedner M., Jørgensen U.G., Plez B. 2003, in Ed. Hubeny I., Mihalas D. , Werner K., `Stellar Atmosphere Modeling', ASP Conference Series * Plez B., Brett J.M., Nordlund, A., 1992, Astronomy & Astrophysics 256, 551