1. SPR 1811: new on-board BBID handling: the patch implementing the proposed solution has been agreed with CCB. The philosophy implemented is the following: - We have two BBids in the OBS: cur_bbid and meas_bbid. - cur_bbid is changed every time a new TC with a BBid is received. - meas_bbid is changed only when a LONG command with BBid is received - all TM produced by a LONG command reports meas_BBid - all other TM produced reports the cur_bbid - 2. SPR 1984: A time delay (200msec) in the HIFI_reset and hifi jump to boot procedure has been added to guarantee the production of the TC acceptance report before the reset. 3. SPR 1911: we added 5 NOPs after every LS command 0xCf0500xx occurring in the nominal HK sequence. Each nop adds 3 msecs of wait time, therefore this brings the wait before read to 15 msec (15.94 msec on average, measured by analyzing the Subsystem simulator log files at IFSI. The nops are NOT added if the command 0xCf0500xx is issued elsewhere than the nominal HK sequence. The overall nominal HK sequence has a duration of 893msec. 4. SCR 2043: change monitor parameter WBS laser temp to 14bit signed int.: - the laser limit is now 16 bit signed int - the corresponding HK is now a 14 bit signed int - the comparison is now done between the signed values 5. SPR 2054: The 0xF00A0FF0 LS command has been added at the end of the goto_safe commands 6. SCR 2055: request to add an HK reporting the status of the LCU heater.: the agreed solution has been to replace in the periodic HK packet HL_AGND2_V by the commanded heater setting (HL_rd_heater). 7. SPR 2063.: all_tuning_hk telecommand hides LCU errors: In command LCU_memory_read (type,subtype 8,4; FID,AID 3,4), after all normal LS commands have been issued, the following two additional LS cmds are now issued HL_LCU_Status 0xB200FFFF HL_error 0xB201FFFF The returned values are added at the end of the report 8. SPR 2124: SOVT-2: Peak-up error observed during SOVT-2. The test on the final positioning has been changed to deal with floats. In case of a pointing out of the normalised grid the command now produces an error EXF_HS_LIB_PEAKUP_OUT_OF_GRID. 9. SCR 1962: Add the unit status word of RT to periodic HK: in the nominal HK, in ICU HK 29 (less significant byte) and 30 (upper byte), are now reported two new parameters: - the total number of 1553 interrupts received in one second: a default value=64 in case no errors have been detected, and the first detected wrong number in case of error detection (total number of received different from 64) during the HK acquisition period; - a flag proportional to the pending interrupts: its default value shall be 1, if it is >=2, one or more interrupts have been lost. 10. SPR 2121: ASED NCR 4746: runtime error : NOBLOCK_1. The reported error was just a warning: its generation has been disabled for this case only, leaving the check active in all other cases, to trap possible future anomalies. In addition to these SPR, to limit the memory occupation, the PACK, UNPACK and PACK8 routines have been replaced with the corresponding MACROS. Another minor patch has been implemented to compute correctly the upper limit of the loop for generating the simulated science data. This last modification will solve the problem of the garbage packets generated in case of non nominal use of the simulate science command.