PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 RELEASE_ID = 0002 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-11-30 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END VENUS Express SPICAV LEVEL 0A UV DATA ARCHIVE VOLUME 1. Overview This volume contains Level 0A Ultra Violet (UV) Data Products from observations acquired by the Spectroscopy for the Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of VENUS (SPICAV), instrument on VENUS Express (VEX). There are three types of SPICAV level 0A data Products for each UV observation collected: raw records (in the DATA directory), browse images or quicklook (in the BROWSE directory), and geometry files (in the GEOMETRY directory). For a complete description of each data product, the user is referred to the DOCUMENT/EAICD pdf on the archive volume. In the DATA, BROWSE and GEOMETRY directories,data are stored by mission phase (VENUS) in files with detached label. The VENUS directory is then divided into subdirectories corresponding to the different extension 2 VENUS phases : MTP041_1136_1163 : May 31th to June 26th (orbit 1136 to 1163) MTP042_1164_1191 : June 27th to July 24th (orbit 1164 to 1191) .... MTP047_1303_1331 : November 14th to December 12th (orbit 1303 to 1331) with : MTPnnn : Medium Term Planning n (n=1,2,3...) DATA_SET_ID :VEX-V-SPI-2-UVEDR-RAWXVENUS-EXT3-V2.0 ----------- CONTENTS DESCRIPTION : Raw ultra violet records collected during the -------------------- Extension 3 different VENUS phases. Data products archived in this volume are copies of files released by the SPICAV team. Errors and anomalies in the original data and comments about the archive are noted in the ERRATA.TXT file. 2. Archive Volume - Concept of Delivery Within the Planetary Science Archive (PSA) the archive volume represents an online delivery. This might be not fully compliant with the PDS standard 3.6, but the PSA itself can after the end of mission produce fully compatible archive volumes. Deliveries are based on the concept of a release and a revision. This concept allows the delivery of experiment data without the delivery of all supplementary information, that has already been delivered at the first initial delivery of a fully PDS compatible Archive Volume, containing the VOLDESC.CAT file and all necessary CATALOG, DOCUMENT, INDEX, DATA, etc directories and their content. Some PDS labels used in the SPICAV Standard Data Archive are specifically related to the concept of release and revision. A data set release (or volume release) contains data from a well-defined period of time and is identified by the VOLUME_RELEASE_ID (4 digit number : [0001:9999]. A volume release is made of at least one revision : the initial revision. The initial revision contains the initial data of a data set release and is identified by a VOLUME_REVISION_ID equal to 0000. A following revision of the data set release (updated files, supplementary files, deleted files) would need the value of the VOLUME_REVISION_ID incremented by one. A release catalog object need to be included in the catalog object to fully describe the release. The release object contains all keyword-value pairs that are necessary to identify a revision within a release. The DESCRIPTION part of the DATA_SET_RELEASE object will contain the full history of the release including all previous revisions. Each revision of a release is added in the release catalog object and all necessary information about this revision is given by a REVISION object. 3. File Formats This section provides a brief description of the files and data objects available on the SPICAV archive volume: text files, PDF files, HTML files, PNG files, and PDS objects. A description of each file format is available in the DOCUMENT/EAICD pdf on the archive volume. Text and detached PDS label files have stream or fixed-length record format, and line lengths of must of 80 characters, including a carriage return (ASCII 13) at the end of the record. This allows the files to be read by MS-DOS/ Windows,Unix, and VMS operating systems. Line length of CAT files is 70 characters max. Documents that contain formatting and figures that cannot be rendered as ASCII text are provided as HTML,JPEG or PDF files. The hypertext file contains ASCII text plus hypertext markup language (HTML) commands that enable it to be viewed in a Web browser. The PDF (Portable Document Format) file is a proprietary format of Adobe Systems Incorporated a that can be viewed using the free Acrobat Reader software. PNG "browse" files are provided as a way to quickly view the image contents of a SPICAV observation. A PDS detached label provides descriptive information about the associated file. Most of the PDS labels in the SPICAV Standard Data Archive conform to PDS standards [Planetary Science Data Dictionary, 2001; PDS Standards Reference, 2003]. For examples of the PDS labels used with each type of data product, see the DOCUMENT/SA_VEX_ARCH_002_01.PDF (or .ASC) text on the archive volume. In general, the PDS label is an object-oriented structure consisting of sets of 'keyword = value' declarations; the object to which the label refers is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the carat character (^, also called a pointer in this context) indicates where to find the object. In a detached label, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number, if there is more than one object in the file. For example: ^HEADER = ("F01.DAT",1) ^IMAGE = ("F01.DAT",1025 ) indicates that the IMAGE object begins at byte 1025 of the file F01.DAT, in the same directory as the detached label file. 4. File Naming Convention Data products provided by the SPICAV team will have the following name: SPIV_YYT_nnnnApp_M_vv.DAT where YY 2 letters describing the SPICAV data level (eg. 0A, 1A, 1B, ...) T 1 letter describing the type of data collected (U for UV and R for IR) nnnn 4 digits for the orbit number App sequence number indicating the order that data were collected for the nnnn orbit (A01, A02,...). M 1 letter describing the type of observation vv version number of the file note : For the CRUISE and VOCP phases: - the orbit number is not applicable. the 4 digits will contain the day of the year (doy of 2005/2006) of the observation, preceeded by the letter C (for the IC phase) or by the letter P (for the VOCP phase). note on M: Type of Observation E: Etoile ( occultation ) S: Sun ( occultation ) L: Limb N: Nadir A: Alignment ( in Nadir direction ) W: Mercury observation M: Mars observation H: Earth observation Y: Sky ( Sky observation or observation with spicav no master ) T: Techno ( calibration ) During the Cruise, Star and Sun Observations are Technological observations with no occultation. But to immediately know which target is observed during the cruise, E and S are used in the name of the data file. Examples : SPIV_0AU_C016A02_E_04.DAT Star UV observation during the CRUISE phase. SPIV_0AU_P104A01_Y_04.DAT Sky UV observation during the VOCP phase. SPIV_0AU_nnnnA01_E_04.DAT Stellar UV occultation on orbit nnnn Associated detached label files and browse files follow the same filenaming convention with the .LBL and .PNG extension respectively. Geometry files provided by the SPICAV team will have the following name: (NA for the cruise ) SPIV_YYT_nnnnApp_M_GO_vv.DAT where vv version number of the software generating the geometry file 5. Applicable Software An idl routine was developed to read the SPICAV UV data file: readSBN_UV.pro. This routine calls the readPDS set of IDL procedures developed at the SBN (http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/nodehtml/software.shtml) Version 01 of readSBN_UV.pro works with readPDS version 4.3 Package Nevertheless note that a small modification has been performed in the pointpds.pro routine on lines 150 and 175. For more details please refere to the SPICAV EAICD: SA_VEX_ARCH_001_05.PDF in the DOCUMENT directory 6. Volume Contents Files on the SPICAV LEVEL 0A archive volume are organized into a series of subdirectories below the top-level directory. See the xxxxINFO.TXT files in each directory for specific information on the files in the directory. The following table shows the generalized structure and contents of the SPICAV archive volumes. Top-level ROOT | |- AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading | |- ERRATA.TXT Description of known anomalies and errors present | on the volume. |- AAREADME.LBL PDS detached label describing AAREADME.TXT | |- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of the volume in a PDS | format for the PDS Catalog | | |- [DATA] A directory containing the data + associated label files | | | |- DATAINFO.txt Description of files in this directory | | | |-[CRUISE] A directory containing VEX SPI level 0A UV data | | | collected during the cruise phase | | | | | |-- {file(s) *DAT, *.LBL} | | | | | |-[VENUS] A directory containing VEX SPI level 0A UV data | | | collected during the VENUS nominal phase | | | | | |-[VOCP_0001_0022] | | | | | | | |- [DOYxxxx] | | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *DAT, *.LBL} | | | | | |-[MTP001_0023_0044] | | | | | | | |-[ORBITxxxx] | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *DAT, *.LBL} | | | | | ... | |- [CATALOG] A directory containing information about the data set | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory | | | |- DATASET.CAT Description of the VEXSPI_0AUV data set | | set during the cruise phase | | | |- RELEASE.CAT Release object of the VEXSPI_0AUV data set | | | | | |- MISSION.CAT Description of the VENUS Express mission | | | |- INSTHOST.CAT Description of the VENUS Express spacecraft | | | |- INST.CAT Description of the VEX SPICAV instrument | | | |- PERS.CAT Listing of the people involved in the | | production of this archive volume | |- REFS.CAT List of pertinent references. | | | |- SWINV.CAT Description of the software included on the | | volume. | | | |- TARGET.CAT Description of VENUS target objects | | with SUN, STARS and SKY parameters | |-[CALIB] A directory containing UV calibration files | | | |- CALINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory | | | |- SPICAV_UVSEFF.DAT SPICAV UV Efficient Surface | |- SPICAV_UVSEFF.LBL PDS detached label file | | | |- SPICAV_UVGAIN.DAT SPICAV UV GAIN as a function of HT (level) | |- SPICAV_UVGAIN.LBL PDS detached label file | | | |- SPICAV_NT_UVCALIB_V1.PDF SPICAV Technical Note | |- SPICAV_NT_UVCALIB_V1.LBL PDS detached label file | | | |- [INDEX] A directory containing an index of data files. | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | | | |- INDEX.TAB Index of level 0A UV data files in | | the DATA directory | |- INDEX.LBL PDS detached label describing the | | the corresponding *.TAB file | | | |- BROWSE_INDEX.TAB Index of level 0A UV browse files in | | the BROWSE directory | |- BROWSE_INDEX.LBL PDS detached label describing the | | corresponding *.TAB file | | | |- GEOMETRY_INDEX.TAB Index of geometry files in the | | GEOMETRY directory | |- GEOMETRY_INDEX.LBL PDS detached label describing | | the corresponding *.TAB file | |- GEO_VENUS.TAB Geometry index file providing geometry and | | position information to locate the data | | within the data set( N/A for Cuise ) | |- GEO_VENUS.LBL PDS detached label describing | | corresponding *.TAB file ( N/A for Cuise) | |- [BROWSE] A directory containing reduced-size, easily viewed versions | | of data products. | | | |- BROWINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | |-[CRUISE] A directory containing browse images of VEX SPI level | | | 0A UV data collected during the cruise phase | | | | | |-- {file(s) *PNG, *.LBL} | | | | | |-[VENUS] A directory containing browse images of VEX SPI level | | | 0A UV data collected during the VENUS nominal phase | | | | | |-[VOCP_0001_0022] | | | | | | | |- [DOYxxxx] | | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *PNG, *.LBL} | | | | | |-[MTP001_0023_0044] | | | | | | | |-[ORBITxxxx] | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *PNG, *.LBL} | | | | | ... | |- [GEOMETRY] A directory containing geometry files associated to the | | data products ( N/A for the Cruise ). | | | |- GEOMINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | | | |-[VENUS] A directory containing geometry of VEX SPI level 0AUV | | | data collected during the VENUS nominal phase | | | | | |-[VOCP_0001_0022] | | | | | | | |- [DOYxxxx] | | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *TXT, *.LBL} | | | | | |-[MTP001_0023_0044] | | | | | | | |-[ORBITxxxx] | | | | | | | |-- {file(s) *TXT, *.LBL} | | | | | ... | | |- [DOCUMENT] A directory containing information documents. | | (see docinfo.txt = reference document ) | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in this directory. | | | |- SA_VEX_ARCH_002_01.ASC The SPICAV EAICD in ASCII format | | | |- SA_VEX_ARCH_002_01.PDF The SPICAV EAICD in PDF format | | | |- SA_VEX_ARCH_002_01.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SA_VEX_ARCH_002_01.PDF | | | |- SPICAV_UVDATAFILE_DESC.TXT ASCII file describing the contents | | of the data files which are delivered in | | the SPICAV data set. | | | |- SPICAV_UVDATAFILE_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SPICAV_UVDATAFILE_DESC.TXT | | | |- SPICAV_UVCALIB_DESC.TXT ASCII file describing the calibration | | of the SPICAV UV data which are delivered | | in the SPICAV UV dataset. | |- SPICAV_UVCALIB_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SPICAV_UVCALIB_DESC.TXT | | | |- SPICAV_GEOMETRY_DESC.TXT ASCII file describing the contents of | | the geometry files which are delivered | | in the SPICAV data set. | |- SPICAV_GEOMETRY_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SPICAV_GEOMETRY_DESC.TXT. | | | |- SPICAV_UVMODE_DESC.TXT ASCII file describing the different | | operating modes of the UV SPICAV | | spectrometer. | | | |- SPICAV_UVMODE_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SPICAV_UVMODE_DESC.TXT | | | |- SPVFUM25.PDF SPICAV Flight User Manuel | | | |- SPVFUM25.LBL PDS detacbed label that describes | | SPVFUM25.PDF | | | |- DATA_QUALITY_ID_DESC.TXT file describing the data quality | | which is associated with a particular | | DATA_QUALITY_ID value | | | |- DATA_QUALITY_ID_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | DATA_QUALITY_ID_DESC.TXT | | | |- VEX_SCIENCE_CASE_ID_DESC.TXT file describing 10 Typical Venus | | Express modes of observations | | | |- VEX_SCIENCE_CASE_ID_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_SCIENCE_CASE_ID_DESC.TXT | | | |- VEX_RSSD_LI_009.TAB A Venus Express Mission phase’s table. | | This file summarizes the Mission nominal phases | | and the extended one, in terms of orbit number | | and date. | | | |- VEX_RSSD_LI_009.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_RSSD_LI_009.TAB | | | |- VEX_POINTING_MODE_DESC.TXT document describes the values for | | the SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE keyword. | | | |- VEX_POINTING_MODE_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_POINTING_MODE_DESC.TXT | | | |- VEX_ORIENTATION_DESC.TXT file describing the convention used | | to describe the Venus Express spacecraft | | orientation, especially in nadir pointing mode. | | | |- VEX_ORIENTATION_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_ORIENTATION_DESC.TXT | | | |- VEX_MISSION_CALENDAR.PDF This document aims at providing | | information about the mission | | It is a constantly updated document. | | | |- VEX_MISSION_CALENDAR.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_MISSION_CALENDAR.PDF | | | |- VEX_ARCHIVE_CONVENTIONS.PDF document defining the conventions | | that apply to the VEX Science Data | | Archive | |- VEX_ARCHIVE_CONVENTIONS.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | VEX_ARCHIVE_CONVENTIONS.PDF | | | |- UV_OPERATION_MODES.PNG SPICAV UV detector operation modes | | (figure 2 of EAICD) | | | |- UV_OPERATION_MODES.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | UV_OPERATION_MODES.PNG | | | |- SPICAV_POINTING_001.TXT document describing the geometry | | computation | | | |- SPICAV_POINTING_001.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | SPICAV_POINTING_001.TXT | | | |- OBSERVATION_TYPE_DESC.TXT file giving the definition for | | the OBSERVATION_TYPE keyword values. | | | |- OBSERVATION_TYPE_DESC.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | OBSERVATION_TYPE_DESC.TXT | | | | | |- PSS_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.PDF Paper describing SPICAV, in | | Planetary and Space Science. | | | |- PSS_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | PSS_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.PDF | | | |- NATURE_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.PDF First paper in Nature 2007, | | describing first results obtained | | with SPICAV/SOIR instrument data | | | |- NATURE_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | NATURE_2007_SPICAV_SOIR.PDF | | | |- JQSRT_2008_12C16O18O.PDF Detailed spectroscopy of the new | | band of CO2 isotopologue from SOIR | | observations in the atmosphere of | | Venus. | | | |- JQSRT_2008_12C16O18O.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | JQSRT_2008_12C16O18O.PDF | | | |- JGR_2006_SPICAM_UV.PDF Description of SPICAM UV, almost | | identical to SPICAV UV. | | | | | |- JGR_2006_SPICAM_UV.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | JGR_2006_SPICAM_UV.PDF | | | |- ICARUS_2008_12C16O18O.PDF Discovery of a new band of | | absorption of isotope CO16018 in the | | atmosphere of Venus at 2982 cm-1: | | | | | |- ICARUS_2008_12C16O18O.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | ICARUS_2008_12C16O18O.PDF | | | | | |- ESA_SP_VEX_SPICAV_P1.PDF This paper contains a description of | | SPICAV scientific objectives | | | |- ESA_SP_VEX_SPICAV_P1.LBL PDS detached label that describes | | ESA_SP_VEX_SPICAV_P1.PDF | | | |- ERRATA.TXT The aim of this file is to notify the users | | about small inconsistencies that might be | | present in the SPICAV UV/IR dataset. | | 7. Whom to Contact for Information For questions concerning this data set: Contact JEAN-LOUP BERTAUX(Principal Investigator) or AURELIE REBERAC (Archive Manager) See personnel information in PERS.CAT catalog. 8. Cognizant Persons SPICAV data were provided by J-L Bertaux, SPICAV Principal Investigator, with assistance from A. Reberac and N. Chapron from LATMOS, IPSL, CNRS, FRANCE.