Geo File : SPIM_0AU_02771A04_T_GO_01.TXT Generation date : Wed Oct 5 23:04:59 2011 Data File source : SPIM_0AU_02771A04_T_04.DAT Contents of metakernel file KPL/MK This is the meta-kernel for Mars 2004 e100, from 2003-12-22 MEXFULL2 = uppercase name \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '/net/nfs/spicam/orbito/spice/kernels' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KER_PATH' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KER_PATH/lsk/NAIF0009.TLS', '$KER_PATH/sclk/MEX_110919_STEP.TSC', '$KER_PATH/spk/DE405.BSP', '$KER_PATH/fk/MEX_V11.TF', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__031222180906_00052.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040201000000_00060.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040301000000_00068.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040401000000_00072.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040501000000_00076.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040601000000_00080.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040701000000_00086.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040801000000_00088.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040901000000_00091.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041001000000_00096.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041101000000_00100.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041201000000_00105.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050101000000_00109.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050201000000_00113.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050301000000_00117.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050401000000_00122.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050501000000_00129.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050601000000_00136.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050701000000_00140.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050801000000_00153.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050901000000_00165.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051001000000_00181.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051101000000_00194.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051201000000_00203.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060101000000_00217.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060201000000_00229.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060301000000_00241.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060401000000_00253.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060501000000_00263.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060601000000_00274.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060701000000_00290.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060801000000_00294.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060901000000_00307.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061001000000_00310.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061101000000_00324.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061201000000_00336.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070101000000_00349.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070201000000_00361.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070301000000_00371.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070401000000_00387.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070501000000_00395.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070601000000_00403.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070701000000_00414.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070801000000_00423.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070901000000_00431.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071001000000_00441.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071101000000_00449.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071201000000_00457.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080101000000_00465.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080201000000_00474.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080301000000_00484.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080401000000_00490.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080501000000_00498.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080601000000_00508.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080701000000_00516.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080801000000_00525.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080901000000_00536.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081001000000_00544.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081101000000_00549.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081201000000_00553.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090101000000_00562.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090201000000_00570.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090301000000_00580.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090401000000_00586.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090501000000_00594.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090601000000_00602.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090701000000_00611.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090801000000_00619.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090901000000_00628.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091001000000_00637.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091101000000_00648.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091201000000_00654.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100101000000_00662.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100201000000_00674.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100301000000_00682.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100401000000_00688.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100501000000_00696.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100601000000_00704.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100701000000_00712.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100801000000_00723.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100901000000_00731.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101001000000_00739.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101101000000_00749.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101201000000_00755.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110101000000_00758.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110201000000_00766.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110301000000_00774.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110401000000_00780.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110501000000_00788.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110601000000_00794.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110701000000_00802.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110801000000_00815.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110901000000_00820.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__111001000000_00820.BSP', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P030602191822_00135.BC', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P050401000000_00260.BC', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P060401000000_00820.BC', '$KER_PATH/pck/PCK00009.TPC', '$KER_PATH/pck/MARS_IAU2000_V0.TPC') \begintext SUN... 1 AU (from Near Earth Objects Program) = 149 597 870.691 km LS (deg) at first time 2006-03-09T16:08:02.980: 22.641 SUN apparent position on planet (IAU_MARS) at first time: Long (deg), Lat (deg), Dist (AU) : 61.620, 9.443, 1.6102 SUN ra, dec (deg, EMEJ2000) at first time : 289.405, -23.826 TARGET... O077 CENTER of slit, mechanical offsets in SC axes (in degrees) : 90.000 89.830 UV: codop, x0(first CCD column read), y0(first CCD line read), binning value for each band, width, height : 101 0 103 16 16 16 16 16 408 5 Parameters definition... 1stB, 2ndB, 3rdB, 4thB, and 5thB are center of UV Bands (binning included). For all kind of observations, the line of sight (LOS) emanating from the center of a UV band is defined by SC attitude. In the case of star observations, geometry parameters are also computed for a LOS emanating from the UV CCD center, but defined by S/C position and Star direction. (This LOS is called LOSE in the following description of parameters to distinguish from LOS defined by SC attitude). Planproj is the projection plane (u,v,w frame) defined as the plane at the nearest point on MARS to vdir and perpendicular to vdir (view direction from MEX); with w = -vdir , v = North pole, u = right handed. The view direction is LOS emanating from the center of the CCD and defined by SC attitude. Time UTC (A23) + (I5, F9.1, 2F8.2, F7.1, F8.2, F7.2, F7.1, F10.1, F11.2, F8.2, 2F9.3,F7.2, 2F8.2, F6.2, F7.2, 2F10.1,F7.2, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, 9F11.6, F8.2,F8.2, 10F10.2, 6F8.2, F8.2, F7.2, F7.1, F10.1, F11.2, F8.2, 2F9.3,F7.2, 2F8.2, F6.2, F7.2, F10.1) Number of parameters (without Time): 82 Reference number in geometry software, Column number, Label 0 1 Record number 19 2 Altitude of the spacecraft above PLANET ellipsoid (in km, IAU_MARS) 17 3 Longitude of the sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, increases toward East from 0 to 360, IAU_MARS) 18 4 Latitude of the sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 20 5 Solar Zenith Angle at sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 141 6 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 142 7 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 145 8 Solar zenith angle at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 144 9 Distance from MEX to nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 if behind SC) 143 10 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 146 11 Pixel (0.01 deg) size at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS) 147 12 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 148 13 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 149 14 Angle between S/C-SUN vector and LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 150 15 Phase angle between the SUN and the Observer measured at the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 151 16 Solar incidence angle between SUN and Normal at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 152 17 Solar local time at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 153 18 Emission angle between Normal and Observer at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 155 19 Distance between the nearest point on LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) and center of MARS (in kms) 154 20 Distance between MEX position and center of MARS (in kms) 156 21 Azimut of SUN in MEX axes (relative to X, in degrees) 101 22 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 102 23 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 103 24 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 107 25 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 108 26 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 121 27 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 122 28 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 123 29 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 127 30 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 128 31 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 161 32 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 162 33 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 163 34 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 167 35 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 168 36 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 181 37 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 182 38 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 183 39 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 187 40 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 188 41 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 87 42 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 88 43 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 89 44 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 90 45 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 91 46 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 92 47 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 93 48 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 94 49 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 95 50 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 312 51 Angle between the S/C X axis and the local verticale at MARS Nearest Point (in degrees) 301 52 Angle between the projection plane U axis and the S/C X axis projected on this plane (in degrees) 302 53 P1 u horizon point component in Planproj 303 54 P1 v horizon point component in Planproj 304 55 P2 u horizon point component in Planproj 305 56 P2 v horizon point component in Planproj 306 57 P3 u horizon point component in Planproj 307 58 P3 v horizon point component in Planproj 308 59 P4 u horizon point component in Planproj 309 60 P4 v horizon point component in Planproj 310 61 P5 u horizon point component in Planproj 311 62 P5 v horizon point component in Planproj 320 63 X ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 321 64 X dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 322 65 Y ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 323 66 Y dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 324 67 Z ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 325 68 Z dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 31 69 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 32 70 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 35 71 Solar zenith angle at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 34 72 Distance from MEX to nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 if behind SC) 33 73 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOSE emanating from the CCD (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 36 74 Pixel (0.01 deg) size at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in kms, IAU_MARS) 37 75 Right ascension of LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 38 76 Declination of LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 39 77 Angle between S/C-SUN vector and LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 40 78 Phase angle between the SUN and the Observer measured at the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees) 41 79 Solar incidence angle between SUN and Normal at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees) 42 80 Solar local time at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees) 43 81 Emission angle between Normal and Observer at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees) 45 82 Distance between the nearest point on LOSE emanating from the CCD (in degrees) and center of MARS (in kms) Time (UTC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 -- End Comments 2006-03-09T16:08:02.980 1 7959.6 349.09 20.48 70.4 288.87 30.05 119.7 -9792.7 3174.26 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.91 119.67 3.15 71.09 6565.4 11353.3 0.21 289.21 29.76 3217.73 249.631 -10.723 289.04 29.91 3195.99 249.468 -10.650 288.70 30.20 3152.55 249.143 -10.504 288.53 30.35 3130.85 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.15 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.53 -1.40 320.59 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.85 30.07 119.7 -9793.4 3172.22 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.67 3.15 71.10 6563.3 2006-03-09T16:08:03.980 2 7960.4 349.08 20.48 70.4 288.86 30.06 119.7 -9793.3 3175.11 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.66 3.15 71.08 6566.2 11354.1 0.21 289.20 29.77 3218.57 249.631 -10.723 289.03 29.92 3196.83 249.468 -10.650 288.69 30.21 3153.40 249.143 -10.504 288.52 30.36 3131.70 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.14 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.53 -1.41 320.60 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.85 30.08 119.7 -9794.1 3173.07 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.67 3.15 71.10 6564.2 2006-03-09T16:08:04.980 3 7961.2 349.08 20.49 70.4 288.86 30.08 119.7 -9794.0 3175.95 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.66 3.15 71.08 6567.1 11354.9 0.21 289.20 29.78 3219.41 249.631 -10.723 289.03 29.93 3197.68 249.468 -10.650 288.69 30.22 3154.24 249.143 -10.504 288.52 30.37 3132.55 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.13 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.54 -1.41 320.60 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.84 30.09 119.7 -9794.7 3173.92 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.66 3.15 71.09 6565.0 2006-03-09T16:08:05.980 4 7962.0 349.08 20.50 70.4 288.85 30.09 119.7 -9794.6 3176.80 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.65 3.15 71.07 6567.9 11355.8 0.21 289.19 29.79 3220.25 249.631 -10.723 289.02 29.94 3198.52 249.468 -10.650 288.68 30.23 3155.09 249.143 -10.504 288.51 30.38 3133.40 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.11 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.54 -1.41 320.61 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.84 30.10 119.7 -9795.3 3174.76 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.66 3.15 71.09 6565.9 2006-03-09T16:08:06.980 5 7962.8 349.07 20.50 70.4 288.85 30.10 119.6 -9795.3 3177.64 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.65 3.15 71.07 6568.8 11356.6 0.21 289.19 29.81 3221.09 249.631 -10.723 289.02 29.95 3199.36 249.468 -10.650 288.68 30.25 3155.94 249.143 -10.504 288.51 30.40 3134.26 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.10 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.54 -1.41 320.61 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.83 30.11 119.7 -9796.0 3175.61 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.65 3.15 71.08 6566.7 2006-03-09T16:08:07.980 6 7963.6 349.07 20.51 70.4 288.84 30.11 119.6 -9795.9 3178.49 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.64 3.15 71.07 6569.6 11357.4 0.21 289.18 29.82 3221.94 249.631 -10.723 289.01 29.96 3200.21 249.468 -10.650 288.67 30.26 3156.79 249.143 -10.504 288.50 30.41 3135.11 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.09 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.55 -1.42 320.62 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.83 30.12 119.6 -9796.6 3176.46 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.92 119.65 3.15 71.08 6567.6 2006-03-09T16:08:08.980 7 7964.4 349.07 20.52 70.4 288.84 30.12 119.6 -9796.5 3179.34 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.92 119.64 3.15 71.06 6570.4 11358.2 0.21 289.18 29.83 3222.78 249.631 -10.723 289.01 29.97 3201.05 249.468 -10.650 288.67 30.27 3157.64 249.143 -10.504 288.49 30.42 3135.96 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.08 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.55 -1.42 320.62 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.82 30.13 119.6 -9797.3 3177.30 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.64 3.15 71.08 6568.4 2006-03-09T16:08:09.980 8 7965.2 349.06 20.53 70.4 288.83 30.13 119.6 -9797.2 3180.18 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.63 3.15 71.06 6571.3 11359.0 0.21 289.17 29.84 3223.62 249.631 -10.723 289.00 29.98 3201.89 249.468 -10.650 288.66 30.28 3158.49 249.143 -10.504 288.49 30.43 3136.81 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.07 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.55 -1.42 320.63 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.81 30.15 119.6 -9797.9 3178.15 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.63 3.15 71.07 6569.2 2006-03-09T16:08:10.980 9 7966.0 349.06 20.53 70.4 288.83 30.14 119.6 -9797.8 3181.03 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.63 3.15 71.05 6572.1 11359.8 0.21 289.17 29.85 3224.46 249.631 -10.723 289.00 30.00 3202.74 249.468 -10.650 288.66 30.29 3159.34 249.143 -10.504 288.48 30.44 3137.66 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.06 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.56 -1.42 320.63 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.81 30.16 119.6 -9798.5 3179.00 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.63 3.15 71.07 6570.1 2006-03-09T16:08:11.980 10 7966.8 349.06 20.54 70.4 288.82 30.15 119.6 -9798.5 3181.88 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.62 3.15 71.05 6573.0 11360.6 0.21 289.16 29.86 3225.30 249.631 -10.723 288.99 30.01 3203.58 249.468 -10.650 288.65 30.30 3160.19 249.143 -10.504 288.48 30.45 3138.51 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.05 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.56 -1.43 320.64 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.80 30.17 119.6 -9799.2 3179.84 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.62 3.15 71.06 6570.9 2006-03-09T16:08:12.980 11 7967.6 349.05 20.55 70.4 288.82 30.17 119.6 -9799.1 3182.72 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.61 3.15 71.05 6573.8 11361.4 0.21 289.16 29.87 3226.14 249.631 -10.723 288.99 30.02 3204.42 249.468 -10.650 288.64 30.31 3161.04 249.143 -10.504 288.47 30.46 3139.37 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.03 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.56 -1.43 320.64 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.80 30.18 119.6 -9799.8 3180.69 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.62 3.15 71.06 6571.8 2006-03-09T16:08:13.980 12 7968.4 349.05 20.55 70.4 288.81 30.18 119.6 -9799.7 3183.57 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.61 3.15 71.04 6574.7 11362.2 0.21 289.15 29.88 3226.98 249.631 -10.723 288.98 30.03 3205.27 249.468 -10.650 288.64 30.33 3161.89 249.143 -10.504 288.47 30.48 3140.22 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.02 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.57 -1.43 320.65 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.79 30.19 119.6 -9800.5 3181.54 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.61 3.15 71.06 6572.6 2006-03-09T16:08:14.980 13 7969.2 349.04 20.56 70.4 288.81 30.19 119.6 -9800.4 3184.42 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.60 3.15 71.04 6575.5 11363.0 0.21 289.15 29.90 3227.82 249.631 -10.723 288.98 30.04 3206.11 249.468 -10.650 288.63 30.34 3162.74 249.143 -10.504 288.46 30.49 3141.07 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.01 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.57 -1.43 320.65 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.79 30.20 119.6 -9801.1 3182.38 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.93 119.61 3.15 71.05 6573.5 2006-03-09T16:08:15.980 14 7970.0 349.04 20.57 70.4 288.80 30.20 119.6 -9801.0 3185.26 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.93 119.60 3.15 71.03 6576.3 11363.8 0.21 289.14 29.91 3228.66 249.631 -10.723 288.97 30.05 3206.96 249.468 -10.650 288.63 30.35 3163.58 249.143 -10.504 288.46 30.50 3141.92 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 140.00 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.57 -1.44 320.66 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.78 30.21 119.6 -9801.7 3183.23 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.60 3.15 71.05 6574.3 2006-03-09T16:08:16.980 15 7970.8 349.04 20.57 70.4 288.79 30.21 119.6 -9801.7 3186.11 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.59 3.15 71.03 6577.2 11364.6 0.21 289.14 29.92 3229.51 249.631 -10.723 288.97 30.06 3207.80 249.468 -10.650 288.62 30.36 3164.43 249.143 -10.504 288.45 30.51 3142.78 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.99 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.58 -1.44 320.66 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.78 30.22 119.6 -9802.4 3184.08 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.60 3.15 71.04 6575.1 2006-03-09T16:08:17.980 16 7971.7 349.03 20.58 70.4 288.79 30.22 119.6 -9802.3 3186.96 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.59 3.15 71.03 6578.0 11365.4 0.21 289.13 29.93 3230.35 249.631 -10.723 288.96 30.07 3208.64 249.468 -10.650 288.62 30.37 3165.28 249.143 -10.504 288.45 30.52 3143.63 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.98 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.58 -1.44 320.67 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.77 30.24 119.6 -9803.0 3184.92 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.59 3.15 71.04 6576.0 2006-03-09T16:08:18.980 17 7972.5 349.03 20.59 70.4 288.78 30.23 119.6 -9802.9 3187.80 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.58 3.15 71.02 6578.9 11366.2 0.21 289.13 29.94 3231.19 249.631 -10.723 288.96 30.09 3209.49 249.468 -10.650 288.61 30.38 3166.13 249.143 -10.504 288.44 30.53 3144.48 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.97 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.58 -1.44 320.67 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.77 30.25 119.6 -9803.6 3185.77 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.59 3.15 71.04 6576.8 2006-03-09T16:08:19.980 18 7973.3 349.03 20.60 70.4 288.78 30.24 119.6 -9803.6 3188.65 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.58 3.15 71.02 6579.7 11367.0 0.21 289.12 29.95 3232.03 249.631 -10.723 288.95 30.10 3210.33 249.468 -10.650 288.61 30.39 3166.98 249.143 -10.504 288.44 30.54 3145.33 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.96 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.59 -1.45 320.68 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.76 30.26 119.6 -9804.3 3186.62 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.58 3.15 71.03 6577.7 2006-03-09T16:08:20.980 19 7974.1 349.02 20.60 70.4 288.77 30.26 119.6 -9804.2 3189.50 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.57 3.15 71.01 6580.6 11367.8 0.21 289.12 29.96 3232.87 249.631 -10.723 288.94 30.11 3211.18 249.468 -10.650 288.60 30.40 3167.83 249.143 -10.504 288.43 30.55 3146.19 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.94 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.59 -1.45 320.68 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.76 30.27 119.6 -9804.9 3187.47 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.94 119.57 3.15 71.03 6578.5 2006-03-09T16:08:21.980 20 7974.9 349.02 20.61 70.4 288.77 30.27 119.6 -9804.8 3190.34 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.94 119.57 3.15 71.01 6581.4 11368.6 0.21 289.11 29.97 3233.71 249.631 -10.723 288.94 30.12 3212.02 249.468 -10.650 288.60 30.42 3168.68 249.143 -10.504 288.43 30.57 3147.04 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.93 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.59 -1.45 320.69 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.75 30.28 119.6 -9805.6 3188.31 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.57 3.15 71.02 6579.4 2006-03-09T16:08:22.980 21 7975.7 349.02 20.62 70.4 288.76 30.28 119.6 -9805.5 3191.19 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.56 3.15 71.01 6582.2 11369.4 0.21 289.11 29.98 3234.55 249.631 -10.723 288.93 30.13 3212.87 249.468 -10.650 288.59 30.43 3169.53 249.143 -10.504 288.42 30.58 3147.89 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.92 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.59 -1.45 320.69 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.75 30.29 119.6 -9806.2 3189.16 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.56 3.15 71.02 6580.2 2006-03-09T16:08:23.980 22 7976.5 349.01 20.62 70.4 288.76 30.29 119.6 -9806.1 3192.04 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.55 3.15 71.00 6583.1 11370.2 0.21 289.10 30.00 3235.40 249.631 -10.723 288.93 30.14 3213.71 249.468 -10.650 288.59 30.44 3170.38 249.143 -10.504 288.42 30.59 3148.74 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.91 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.60 -1.45 320.70 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.74 30.30 119.6 -9806.8 3190.01 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.56 3.15 71.02 6581.1 2006-03-09T16:08:24.980 23 7977.3 349.01 20.63 70.4 288.75 30.30 119.5 -9806.8 3192.89 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.55 3.15 71.00 6583.9 11371.0 0.21 289.09 30.01 3236.24 249.631 -10.723 288.92 30.15 3214.55 249.468 -10.650 288.58 30.45 3171.23 249.143 -10.504 288.41 30.60 3149.60 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.90 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.60 -1.46 320.70 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.74 30.31 119.6 -9807.5 3190.86 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.55 3.15 71.01 6581.9 2006-03-09T16:08:25.980 24 7978.1 349.01 20.64 70.4 288.75 30.31 119.5 -9807.4 3193.73 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.54 3.15 70.99 6584.8 11371.8 0.21 289.09 30.02 3237.08 249.631 -10.723 288.92 30.16 3215.40 249.468 -10.650 288.58 30.46 3172.08 249.143 -10.504 288.41 30.61 3150.45 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.89 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.60 -1.46 320.71 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.73 30.33 119.5 -9808.1 3191.70 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.55 3.15 71.01 6582.7 2006-03-09T16:08:26.980 25 7978.9 349.00 20.64 70.4 288.74 30.32 119.5 -9808.0 3194.58 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.54 3.15 70.99 6585.6 11372.6 0.21 289.08 30.03 3237.92 249.631 -10.723 288.91 30.18 3216.24 249.468 -10.650 288.57 30.47 3172.93 249.143 -10.504 288.40 30.62 3151.30 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.88 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.61 -1.46 320.71 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.73 30.34 119.5 -9808.7 3192.55 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.54 3.15 71.00 6583.6 2006-03-09T16:08:27.980 26 7979.7 349.00 20.65 70.4 288.74 30.33 119.5 -9808.7 3195.43 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.53 3.15 70.99 6586.5 11373.4 0.21 289.08 30.04 3238.76 249.631 -10.723 288.91 30.19 3217.09 249.468 -10.650 288.57 30.48 3173.78 249.143 -10.504 288.40 30.63 3152.16 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.87 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.61 -1.46 320.72 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.72 30.35 119.5 -9809.4 3193.40 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.95 119.54 3.15 71.00 6584.4 2006-03-09T16:08:28.980 27 7980.5 348.99 20.66 70.4 288.73 30.35 119.5 -9809.3 3196.28 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.95 119.53 3.15 70.98 6587.3 11374.2 0.21 289.07 30.05 3239.61 249.631 -10.723 288.90 30.20 3217.93 249.468 -10.650 288.56 30.49 3174.63 249.143 -10.504 288.39 30.64 3153.01 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.85 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.61 -1.47 320.72 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.72 30.36 119.5 -9810.0 3194.25 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.53 3.15 71.00 6585.3 2006-03-09T16:08:29.980 28 7981.3 348.99 20.66 70.4 288.73 30.36 119.5 -9809.9 3197.12 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.52 3.15 70.98 6588.2 11375.0 0.21 289.07 30.06 3240.45 249.631 -10.723 288.90 30.21 3218.78 249.468 -10.650 288.56 30.51 3175.48 249.143 -10.504 288.39 30.66 3153.86 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.84 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.62 -1.47 320.73 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.71 30.37 119.5 -9810.6 3195.09 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.53 3.15 70.99 6586.1 2006-03-09T16:08:30.980 29 7982.1 348.99 20.67 70.4 288.72 30.37 119.5 -9810.6 3197.97 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.52 3.15 70.97 6589.0 11375.8 0.21 289.06 30.07 3241.29 249.631 -10.723 288.89 30.22 3219.62 249.468 -10.650 288.55 30.52 3176.34 249.143 -10.504 288.38 30.67 3154.72 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.83 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.62 -1.47 320.73 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.71 30.38 119.5 -9811.3 3195.94 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.52 3.15 70.99 6587.0 2006-03-09T16:08:31.980 30 7982.9 348.98 20.68 70.4 288.72 30.38 119.5 -9811.2 3198.82 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.51 3.15 70.97 6589.8 11376.6 0.21 289.06 30.09 3242.13 249.631 -10.723 288.89 30.23 3220.47 249.468 -10.650 288.55 30.53 3177.19 249.143 -10.504 288.38 30.68 3155.57 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.82 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.62 -1.47 320.74 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.70 30.39 119.5 -9811.9 3196.79 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.51 3.15 70.98 6587.8 2006-03-09T16:08:32.980 31 7983.7 348.98 20.69 70.4 288.71 30.39 119.5 -9811.8 3199.67 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.50 3.15 70.97 6590.7 11377.4 0.21 289.05 30.10 3242.98 249.631 -10.723 288.88 30.24 3221.31 249.468 -10.650 288.54 30.54 3178.04 249.143 -10.504 288.37 30.69 3156.42 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.81 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.63 -1.48 320.74 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.70 30.40 119.5 -9812.6 3197.64 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.51 3.15 70.98 6588.7 2006-03-09T16:08:33.980 32 7984.5 348.98 20.69 70.4 288.71 30.40 119.5 -9812.5 3200.52 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.50 3.15 70.96 6591.5 11378.2 0.21 289.05 30.11 3243.82 249.631 -10.723 288.88 30.25 3222.16 249.468 -10.650 288.54 30.55 3178.89 249.143 -10.504 288.37 30.70 3157.28 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.80 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.63 -1.48 320.75 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.69 30.42 119.5 -9813.2 3198.49 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.96 119.50 3.15 70.98 6589.5 2006-03-09T16:08:34.980 33 7985.3 348.97 20.70 70.4 288.70 30.41 119.5 -9813.1 3201.36 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.96 119.49 3.15 70.96 6592.4 11379.0 0.21 289.04 30.12 3244.66 249.631 -10.723 288.87 30.26 3223.00 249.468 -10.650 288.53 30.56 3179.74 249.143 -10.504 288.36 30.71 3158.13 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.79 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.63 -1.48 320.75 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.69 30.43 119.5 -9813.8 3199.33 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.50 3.15 70.97 6590.3 2006-03-09T16:08:35.980 34 7986.1 348.97 20.71 70.4 288.70 30.42 119.5 -9813.8 3202.21 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.49 3.15 70.96 6593.2 11379.8 0.21 289.04 30.13 3245.50 249.631 -10.723 288.87 30.28 3223.85 249.468 -10.650 288.53 30.57 3180.59 249.143 -10.504 288.36 30.72 3158.98 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.78 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.64 -1.48 320.76 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.68 30.44 119.5 -9814.5 3200.18 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.49 3.15 70.97 6591.2 2006-03-09T16:08:36.980 35 7986.9 348.97 20.71 70.4 288.69 30.43 119.5 -9814.4 3203.06 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.48 3.15 70.95 6594.1 11380.6 0.21 289.03 30.14 3246.35 249.631 -10.723 288.86 30.29 3224.69 249.468 -10.650 288.52 30.58 3181.44 249.143 -10.504 288.35 30.73 3159.84 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.76 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.64 -1.49 320.76 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.68 30.45 119.5 -9815.1 3201.03 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.49 3.15 70.97 6592.0 2006-03-09T16:08:37.980 36 7987.7 348.96 20.72 70.4 288.69 30.45 119.5 -9815.0 3203.91 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.48 3.15 70.95 6594.9 11381.3 0.21 289.03 30.15 3247.19 249.631 -10.723 288.86 30.30 3225.54 249.468 -10.650 288.52 30.60 3182.29 249.143 -10.504 288.35 30.75 3160.69 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.75 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.64 -1.49 320.77 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.67 30.46 119.5 -9815.7 3201.88 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.48 3.15 70.96 6592.9 2006-03-09T16:08:38.980 37 7988.5 348.96 20.73 70.4 288.68 30.46 119.5 -9815.7 3204.76 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.47 3.15 70.94 6595.8 11382.1 0.21 289.02 30.16 3248.03 249.631 -10.723 288.85 30.31 3226.39 249.468 -10.650 288.51 30.61 3183.14 249.143 -10.504 288.34 30.76 3161.54 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.74 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.65 -1.49 320.77 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.67 30.47 119.5 -9816.4 3202.73 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.48 3.15 70.96 6593.7 2006-03-09T16:08:39.980 38 7989.3 348.95 20.73 70.4 288.68 30.47 119.5 -9816.3 3205.60 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.47 3.15 70.94 6596.6 11382.9 0.21 289.02 30.17 3248.87 249.631 -10.723 288.85 30.32 3227.23 249.468 -10.650 288.51 30.62 3183.99 249.143 -10.504 288.33 30.77 3162.40 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.73 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.65 -1.49 320.78 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.66 30.48 119.5 -9817.0 3203.58 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.47 3.15 70.95 6594.6 2006-03-09T16:08:40.980 39 7990.1 348.95 20.74 70.4 288.67 30.48 119.5 -9816.9 3206.45 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.46 3.15 70.94 6597.4 11383.7 0.21 289.01 30.19 3249.72 249.631 -10.723 288.84 30.33 3228.08 249.468 -10.650 288.50 30.63 3184.84 249.143 -10.504 288.33 30.78 3163.25 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.72 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.65 -1.50 320.78 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.65 30.49 119.5 -9817.6 3204.43 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.97 119.46 3.15 70.95 6595.4 2006-03-09T16:08:41.980 40 7990.9 348.95 20.75 70.4 288.67 30.49 119.5 -9817.6 3207.30 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.97 119.46 3.15 70.93 6598.3 11384.5 0.21 289.01 30.20 3250.56 249.631 -10.723 288.84 30.34 3228.92 249.468 -10.650 288.50 30.64 3185.69 249.143 -10.504 288.32 30.79 3164.11 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.71 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.66 -1.50 320.79 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.65 30.50 119.5 -9818.3 3205.27 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.46 3.15 70.95 6596.3 2006-03-09T16:08:42.980 41 7991.7 348.94 20.76 70.4 288.66 30.50 119.5 -9818.2 3208.15 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.45 3.15 70.93 6599.1 11385.3 0.21 289.00 30.21 3251.40 249.631 -10.723 288.83 30.35 3229.77 249.468 -10.650 288.49 30.65 3186.55 249.143 -10.504 288.32 30.80 3164.96 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.70 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.66 -1.50 320.79 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.64 30.52 119.5 -9818.9 3206.12 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.45 3.15 70.94 6597.1 2006-03-09T16:08:43.980 42 7992.5 348.94 20.76 70.4 288.66 30.51 119.4 -9818.8 3209.00 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.44 3.15 70.92 6600.0 11386.1 0.21 289.00 30.22 3252.25 249.631 -10.723 288.83 30.37 3230.61 249.468 -10.650 288.48 30.66 3187.40 249.143 -10.504 288.31 30.81 3165.81 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.69 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.66 -1.50 320.80 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.64 30.53 119.4 -9819.5 3206.97 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.45 3.15 70.94 6597.9 2006-03-09T16:08:44.980 43 7993.3 348.94 20.77 70.4 288.65 30.52 119.4 -9819.5 3209.85 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.44 3.15 70.92 6600.8 11386.9 0.21 288.99 30.23 3253.09 249.631 -10.723 288.82 30.38 3231.46 249.468 -10.650 288.48 30.67 3188.25 249.143 -10.504 288.31 30.82 3166.67 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.67 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.67 -1.51 320.80 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.63 30.54 119.4 -9820.2 3207.82 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.44 3.15 70.93 6598.8 2006-03-09T16:08:45.980 44 7994.0 348.93 20.78 70.4 288.64 30.54 119.4 -9820.1 3210.69 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.43 3.15 70.92 6601.7 11387.7 0.21 288.99 30.24 3253.93 249.631 -10.723 288.82 30.39 3232.31 249.468 -10.650 288.47 30.68 3189.10 249.143 -10.504 288.30 30.84 3167.52 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.66 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.67 -1.51 320.81 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.63 30.55 119.4 -9820.8 3208.67 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.44 3.15 70.93 6599.6 2006-03-09T16:08:46.980 45 7994.8 348.93 20.78 70.4 288.64 30.55 119.4 -9820.7 3211.54 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.43 3.15 70.91 6602.5 11388.5 0.21 288.98 30.25 3254.78 249.631 -10.723 288.81 30.40 3233.15 249.468 -10.650 288.47 30.70 3189.95 249.143 -10.504 288.30 30.85 3168.38 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.65 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.67 -1.51 320.81 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.62 30.56 119.4 -9821.4 3209.52 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.98 119.43 3.15 70.93 6600.5 2006-03-09T16:08:47.980 46 7995.6 348.93 20.79 70.4 288.63 30.56 119.4 -9821.4 3212.39 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.98 119.42 3.15 70.91 6603.4 11389.3 0.21 288.98 30.26 3255.62 249.631 -10.723 288.81 30.41 3234.00 249.468 -10.650 288.46 30.71 3190.80 249.143 -10.504 288.29 30.86 3169.23 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.64 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.68 -1.51 320.82 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.62 30.57 119.4 -9822.1 3210.37 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.43 3.15 70.92 6601.3 2006-03-09T16:08:48.980 47 7996.4 348.92 20.80 70.4 288.63 30.57 119.4 -9822.0 3213.24 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.42 3.15 70.90 6604.2 11390.1 0.21 288.97 30.27 3256.46 249.631 -10.723 288.80 30.42 3234.84 249.468 -10.650 288.46 30.72 3191.65 249.143 -10.504 288.29 30.87 3170.09 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.63 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.68 -1.52 320.83 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.61 30.58 119.4 -9822.7 3211.22 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.42 3.15 70.92 6602.2 2006-03-09T16:08:49.980 48 7997.2 348.92 20.80 70.4 288.62 30.58 119.4 -9822.6 3214.09 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.41 3.15 70.90 6605.0 11390.9 0.21 288.97 30.29 3257.31 249.631 -10.723 288.79 30.43 3235.69 249.468 -10.650 288.45 30.73 3192.51 249.143 -10.504 288.28 30.88 3170.94 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.62 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.68 -1.52 320.83 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.61 30.59 119.4 -9823.3 3212.07 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.42 3.15 70.91 6603.0 2006-03-09T16:08:50.980 49 7998.0 348.92 20.81 70.4 288.62 30.59 119.4 -9823.3 3214.94 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.41 3.15 70.90 6605.9 11391.7 0.21 288.96 30.30 3258.15 249.631 -10.723 288.79 30.44 3236.54 249.468 -10.650 288.45 30.74 3193.36 249.143 -10.504 288.28 30.89 3171.79 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.61 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.69 -1.52 320.84 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.60 30.61 119.4 -9824.0 3212.91 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.41 3.15 70.91 6603.9 2006-03-09T16:08:51.980 50 7998.8 348.91 20.82 70.4 288.61 30.60 119.4 -9823.9 3215.79 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.40 3.15 70.89 6606.7 11392.5 0.21 288.96 30.31 3258.99 249.631 -10.723 288.78 30.45 3237.38 249.468 -10.650 288.44 30.75 3194.21 249.143 -10.504 288.27 30.90 3172.65 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.60 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.69 -1.52 320.84 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.60 30.62 119.4 -9824.6 3213.76 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.40 3.15 70.91 6604.7 2006-03-09T16:08:52.980 51 7999.6 348.91 20.82 70.4 288.61 30.61 119.4 -9824.5 3216.64 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.40 3.15 70.89 6607.6 11393.3 0.21 288.95 30.32 3259.84 249.631 -10.723 288.78 30.47 3238.23 249.468 -10.650 288.44 30.76 3195.06 249.143 -10.504 288.27 30.91 3173.50 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.58 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.69 -1.53 320.85 -37.08 317.67 52.88 288.59 30.63 119.4 -9825.2 3214.61 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.40 3.15 70.90 6605.6 2006-03-09T16:08:53.980 52 8000.4 348.90 20.83 70.4 288.60 30.62 119.4 -9825.1 3217.49 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.39 3.15 70.88 6608.4 11394.1 0.21 288.94 30.33 3260.68 249.631 -10.723 288.77 30.48 3239.08 249.468 -10.650 288.43 30.77 3195.91 249.143 -10.504 288.26 30.93 3174.36 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.57 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.70 -1.53 320.85 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.59 30.64 119.4 -9825.9 3215.46 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 55.99 119.39 3.15 70.90 6606.4 2006-03-09T16:08:54.980 53 8001.2 348.90 20.84 70.4 288.60 30.64 119.4 -9825.8 3218.34 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 55.99 119.38 3.15 70.88 6609.3 11394.9 0.21 288.94 30.34 3261.52 249.631 -10.723 288.77 30.49 3239.92 249.468 -10.650 288.43 30.79 3196.77 249.143 -10.504 288.26 30.94 3175.21 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.56 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.70 -1.53 320.86 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.58 30.65 119.4 -9826.5 3216.31 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.39 3.15 70.89 6607.3 2006-03-09T16:08:55.980 54 8002.0 348.90 20.85 70.4 288.59 30.65 119.4 -9826.4 3219.18 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.38 3.15 70.88 6610.1 11395.7 0.21 288.93 30.35 3262.37 249.631 -10.723 288.76 30.50 3240.77 249.468 -10.650 288.42 30.80 3197.62 249.143 -10.504 288.25 30.95 3176.07 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.55 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.70 -1.53 320.86 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.58 30.66 119.4 -9827.1 3217.16 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.38 3.15 70.89 6608.1 2006-03-09T16:08:56.980 55 8002.8 348.89 20.85 70.4 288.59 30.66 119.4 -9827.0 3220.03 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.37 3.15 70.87 6611.0 11396.5 0.21 288.93 30.36 3263.21 249.631 -10.723 288.76 30.51 3241.61 249.468 -10.650 288.42 30.81 3198.47 249.143 -10.504 288.25 30.96 3176.92 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.54 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.71 -1.54 320.87 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.57 30.67 119.4 -9827.7 3218.01 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.38 3.14 70.89 6608.9 2006-03-09T16:08:57.980 56 8003.6 348.89 20.86 70.4 288.58 30.67 119.4 -9827.7 3220.88 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.37 3.15 70.87 6611.8 11397.3 0.21 288.92 30.37 3264.05 249.631 -10.723 288.75 30.52 3242.46 249.468 -10.650 288.41 30.82 3199.32 249.143 -10.504 288.24 30.97 3177.78 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.53 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.71 -1.54 320.87 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.57 30.68 119.4 -9828.4 3218.86 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.37 3.14 70.88 6609.8 2006-03-09T16:08:58.980 57 8004.4 348.89 20.87 70.4 288.58 30.68 119.4 -9828.3 3221.73 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.36 3.15 70.86 6612.7 11398.1 0.21 288.92 30.39 3264.90 249.631 -10.723 288.75 30.53 3243.31 249.468 -10.650 288.41 30.83 3200.17 249.143 -10.504 288.24 30.98 3178.63 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.52 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.71 -1.54 320.88 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.56 30.69 119.4 -9829.0 3219.71 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.37 3.14 70.88 6610.6 2006-03-09T16:08:59.980 58 8005.2 348.88 20.87 70.4 288.57 30.69 119.4 -9828.9 3222.58 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.36 3.15 70.86 6613.5 11398.9 0.21 288.91 30.40 3265.74 249.631 -10.723 288.74 30.54 3244.15 249.468 -10.650 288.40 30.84 3201.03 249.143 -10.504 288.23 30.99 3179.49 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.51 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.71 -1.54 320.88 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.56 30.71 119.4 -9829.6 3220.56 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.00 119.36 3.14 70.87 6611.5 2006-03-09T16:09:00.980 59 8006.0 348.88 20.88 70.4 288.57 30.70 119.4 -9829.6 3223.43 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.00 119.35 3.15 70.86 6614.4 11399.6 0.21 288.91 30.41 3266.59 249.631 -10.723 288.74 30.55 3245.00 249.468 -10.650 288.40 30.85 3201.88 249.143 -10.504 288.23 31.00 3180.34 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.50 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.72 -1.55 320.89 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.55 30.72 119.4 -9830.3 3221.41 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.36 3.14 70.87 6612.3 2006-03-09T16:09:01.980 60 8006.8 348.88 20.89 70.4 288.56 30.71 119.3 -9830.2 3224.28 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.35 3.15 70.85 6615.2 11400.4 0.21 288.90 30.42 3267.43 249.631 -10.723 288.73 30.57 3245.85 249.468 -10.650 288.39 30.86 3202.73 249.143 -10.504 288.22 31.01 3181.20 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.48 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.72 -1.55 320.89 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.55 30.73 119.4 -9830.9 3222.26 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.35 3.14 70.87 6613.2 2006-03-09T16:09:02.980 61 8007.6 348.87 20.89 70.4 288.56 30.73 119.3 -9830.8 3225.13 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.34 3.15 70.85 6616.0 11401.2 0.21 288.90 30.43 3268.28 249.631 -10.723 288.73 30.58 3246.70 249.468 -10.650 288.39 30.87 3203.58 249.143 -10.504 288.22 31.03 3182.05 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.47 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.72 -1.55 320.90 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.54 30.74 119.3 -9831.5 3223.11 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.34 3.14 70.86 6614.0 2006-03-09T16:09:03.980 62 8008.4 348.87 20.90 70.4 288.55 30.74 119.3 -9831.5 3225.98 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.34 3.15 70.84 6616.9 11402.0 0.21 288.89 30.44 3269.12 249.631 -10.723 288.72 30.59 3247.54 249.468 -10.650 288.38 30.89 3204.44 249.143 -10.504 288.21 31.04 3182.91 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.46 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.73 -1.55 320.90 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.54 30.75 119.3 -9832.2 3223.96 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.34 3.14 70.86 6614.9 2006-03-09T16:09:04.980 63 8009.2 348.86 20.91 70.4 288.55 30.75 119.3 -9832.1 3226.83 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.33 3.15 70.84 6617.7 11402.8 0.21 288.89 30.45 3269.96 249.631 -10.723 288.72 30.60 3248.39 249.468 -10.650 288.38 30.90 3205.29 249.143 -10.504 288.21 31.05 3183.77 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.45 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.73 -1.56 320.91 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.53 30.76 119.3 -9832.8 3224.81 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.33 3.14 70.85 6615.7 2006-03-09T16:09:05.980 64 8010.0 348.86 20.91 70.4 288.54 30.76 119.3 -9832.7 3227.68 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.32 3.15 70.84 6618.6 11403.6 0.21 288.88 30.46 3270.81 249.631 -10.723 288.71 30.61 3249.24 249.468 -10.650 288.37 30.91 3206.14 249.143 -10.504 288.20 31.06 3184.62 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.44 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.73 -1.56 320.91 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.53 30.77 119.3 -9833.4 3225.66 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.33 3.14 70.85 6616.6 2006-03-09T16:09:06.980 65 8010.8 348.86 20.92 70.4 288.54 30.77 119.3 -9833.3 3228.53 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.32 3.15 70.83 6619.4 11404.4 0.21 288.88 30.47 3271.65 249.631 -10.723 288.71 30.62 3250.08 249.468 -10.650 288.37 30.92 3207.00 249.143 -10.504 288.20 31.07 3185.48 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.43 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.74 -1.56 320.92 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.52 30.78 119.3 -9834.0 3226.51 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.01 119.32 3.14 70.85 6617.4 2006-03-09T16:09:07.980 66 8011.6 348.85 20.93 70.4 288.53 30.78 119.3 -9834.0 3229.38 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.01 119.31 3.15 70.83 6620.3 11405.2 0.21 288.87 30.49 3272.50 249.631 -10.723 288.70 30.63 3250.93 249.468 -10.650 288.36 30.93 3207.85 249.143 -10.504 288.19 31.08 3186.33 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.42 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.74 -1.56 320.92 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.52 30.79 119.3 -9834.7 3227.36 1.88 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.02 119.32 3.14 70.84 6618.3 2006-03-09T16:09:08.980 67 8012.4 348.85 20.94 70.4 288.53 30.79 119.3 -9834.6 3230.23 1.88 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.31 3.15 70.82 6621.1 11406.0 0.21 288.87 30.50 3273.34 249.631 -10.723 288.70 30.64 3251.78 249.468 -10.650 288.36 30.94 3208.70 249.143 -10.504 288.19 31.09 3187.19 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.41 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.74 -1.57 320.93 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.51 30.81 119.3 -9835.3 3228.21 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.02 119.31 3.14 70.84 6619.1 2006-03-09T16:09:09.980 68 8013.1 348.85 20.94 70.4 288.52 30.80 119.3 -9835.2 3231.08 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.30 3.15 70.82 6622.0 11406.8 0.21 288.86 30.51 3274.19 249.631 -10.723 288.69 30.65 3252.63 249.468 -10.650 288.35 30.95 3209.55 249.143 -10.504 288.18 31.10 3188.04 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.39 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.75 -1.57 320.93 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.50 30.82 119.3 -9835.9 3229.06 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.37 56.02 119.31 3.14 70.83 6619.9 2006-03-09T16:09:10.980 69 8013.9 348.84 20.95 70.4 288.52 30.81 119.3 -9835.9 3231.93 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.30 3.15 70.82 6622.8 11407.6 0.21 288.86 30.52 3275.03 249.631 -10.723 288.69 30.67 3253.47 249.468 -10.650 288.35 30.96 3210.41 249.143 -10.504 288.17 31.12 3188.90 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.38 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.75 -1.57 320.94 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.50 30.83 119.3 -9836.6 3229.91 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.02 119.30 3.14 70.83 6620.8 2006-03-09T16:09:11.980 70 8014.7 348.84 20.96 70.4 288.51 30.83 119.3 -9836.5 3232.78 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.29 3.14 70.81 6623.7 11408.4 0.21 288.85 30.53 3275.88 249.631 -10.723 288.68 30.68 3254.32 249.468 -10.650 288.34 30.98 3211.26 249.143 -10.504 288.17 31.13 3189.76 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.37 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.75 -1.57 320.94 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.49 30.84 119.3 -9837.2 3230.76 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.02 119.30 3.14 70.83 6621.6 2006-03-09T16:09:12.980 71 8015.5 348.84 20.96 70.4 288.51 30.84 119.3 -9837.1 3233.63 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.29 3.14 70.81 6624.5 11409.2 0.21 288.85 30.54 3276.72 249.631 -10.723 288.68 30.69 3255.17 249.468 -10.650 288.33 30.99 3212.11 249.143 -10.504 288.16 31.14 3190.61 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.36 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.76 -1.57 320.95 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.49 30.85 119.3 -9837.8 3231.61 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.02 119.29 3.14 70.82 6622.5 2006-03-09T16:09:13.980 72 8016.3 348.83 20.97 70.4 288.50 30.85 119.3 -9837.7 3234.48 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.02 119.28 3.14 70.80 6625.4 11409.9 0.21 288.84 30.55 3277.57 249.631 -10.723 288.67 30.70 3256.02 249.468 -10.650 288.33 31.00 3212.97 249.143 -10.504 288.16 31.15 3191.47 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.35 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.76 -1.58 320.95 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.48 30.86 119.3 -9838.4 3232.46 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.28 3.14 70.82 6623.3 2006-03-09T16:09:14.980 73 8017.1 348.83 20.98 70.4 288.50 30.86 119.3 -9838.4 3235.33 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.28 3.14 70.80 6626.2 11410.7 0.21 288.84 30.56 3278.41 249.631 -10.723 288.67 30.71 3256.86 249.468 -10.650 288.32 31.01 3213.82 249.143 -10.504 288.15 31.16 3192.32 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.34 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.76 -1.58 320.96 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.48 30.87 119.3 -9839.1 3233.32 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.28 3.14 70.81 6624.2 2006-03-09T16:09:15.980 74 8017.9 348.83 20.98 70.4 288.49 30.87 119.3 -9839.0 3236.18 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.27 3.14 70.80 6627.1 11411.5 0.21 288.83 30.57 3279.26 249.631 -10.723 288.66 30.72 3257.71 249.468 -10.650 288.32 31.02 3214.67 249.143 -10.504 288.15 31.17 3193.18 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.33 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.77 -1.58 320.96 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.47 30.88 119.3 -9839.7 3234.17 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.27 3.14 70.81 6625.0 2006-03-09T16:09:16.980 75 8018.7 348.82 20.99 70.4 288.48 30.88 119.3 -9839.6 3237.03 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.27 3.14 70.79 6627.9 11412.3 0.21 288.83 30.58 3280.10 249.631 -10.723 288.66 30.73 3258.56 249.468 -10.650 288.31 31.03 3215.53 249.143 -10.504 288.14 31.18 3194.04 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.32 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.77 -1.58 320.97 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.47 30.89 119.3 -9840.3 3235.02 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.27 3.14 70.81 6625.9 2006-03-09T16:09:17.980 76 8019.5 348.82 21.00 70.4 288.48 30.89 119.3 -9840.2 3237.88 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.26 3.14 70.79 6628.7 11413.1 0.21 288.82 30.60 3280.95 249.631 -10.723 288.65 30.74 3259.41 249.468 -10.650 288.31 31.04 3216.38 249.143 -10.504 288.14 31.19 3194.89 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.31 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.77 -1.59 320.97 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.46 30.91 119.3 -9840.9 3235.87 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.26 3.14 70.80 6626.7 2006-03-09T16:09:18.980 77 8020.3 348.81 21.00 70.4 288.47 30.90 119.3 -9840.9 3238.74 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.25 3.14 70.78 6629.6 11413.9 0.21 288.82 30.61 3281.79 249.631 -10.723 288.64 30.75 3260.26 249.468 -10.650 288.30 31.05 3217.23 249.143 -10.504 288.13 31.20 3195.75 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.29 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.78 -1.59 320.98 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.46 30.92 119.3 -9841.6 3236.72 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.26 3.14 70.80 6627.6 2006-03-09T16:09:19.980 78 8021.1 348.81 21.01 70.4 288.47 30.91 119.2 -9841.5 3239.59 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.25 3.14 70.78 6630.4 11414.7 0.21 288.81 30.62 3282.64 249.631 -10.723 288.64 30.77 3261.10 249.468 -10.650 288.30 31.06 3218.09 249.143 -10.504 288.13 31.22 3196.61 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.28 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.78 -1.59 320.98 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.45 30.93 119.3 -9842.2 3237.57 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.03 119.25 3.14 70.79 6628.4 2006-03-09T16:09:20.980 79 8021.9 348.81 21.02 70.4 288.46 30.92 119.2 -9842.1 3240.44 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.03 119.24 3.14 70.78 6631.3 11415.5 0.21 288.81 30.63 3283.48 249.631 -10.723 288.63 30.78 3261.95 249.468 -10.650 288.29 31.07 3218.94 249.143 -10.504 288.12 31.23 3197.46 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.27 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.78 -1.59 320.99 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.45 30.94 119.2 -9842.8 3238.42 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.25 3.14 70.79 6629.3 2006-03-09T16:09:21.980 80 8022.7 348.80 21.02 70.4 288.46 30.94 119.2 -9842.8 3241.29 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.24 3.14 70.77 6632.1 11416.3 0.21 288.80 30.64 3284.33 249.631 -10.723 288.63 30.79 3262.80 249.468 -10.650 288.29 31.09 3219.79 249.143 -10.504 288.12 31.24 3198.32 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.26 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.79 -1.60 320.99 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.44 30.95 119.2 -9843.5 3239.27 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.24 3.14 70.79 6630.1 2006-03-09T16:09:22.980 81 8023.4 348.80 21.03 70.4 288.45 30.95 119.2 -9843.4 3242.14 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.23 3.14 70.77 6633.0 11417.1 0.21 288.79 30.65 3285.17 249.631 -10.723 288.62 30.80 3263.65 249.468 -10.650 288.28 31.10 3220.65 249.143 -10.504 288.11 31.25 3199.18 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.25 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.79 -1.60 321.00 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.44 30.96 119.2 -9844.1 3240.12 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.24 3.14 70.78 6631.0 2006-03-09T16:09:23.980 82 8024.2 348.80 21.04 70.4 288.45 30.96 119.2 -9844.0 3242.99 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.23 3.14 70.76 6633.8 11417.9 0.21 288.79 30.66 3286.02 249.631 -10.723 288.62 30.81 3264.50 249.468 -10.650 288.28 31.11 3221.50 249.143 -10.504 288.11 31.26 3200.03 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.24 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.79 -1.60 321.00 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.43 30.97 119.2 -9844.7 3240.97 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.23 3.14 70.78 6631.8 2006-03-09T16:09:24.980 83 8025.0 348.79 21.05 70.4 288.44 30.97 119.2 -9844.6 3243.84 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.22 3.14 70.76 6634.7 11418.6 0.21 288.78 30.67 3286.86 249.631 -10.723 288.61 30.82 3265.34 249.468 -10.650 288.27 31.12 3222.36 249.143 -10.504 288.10 31.27 3200.89 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.23 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.80 -1.60 321.01 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.43 30.98 119.2 -9845.3 3241.83 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.22 3.14 70.77 6632.7 2006-03-09T16:09:25.980 84 8025.8 348.79 21.05 70.4 288.44 30.98 119.2 -9845.3 3244.69 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.22 3.14 70.76 6635.5 11419.4 0.21 288.78 30.68 3287.71 249.631 -10.723 288.61 30.83 3266.19 249.468 -10.650 288.27 31.13 3223.21 249.143 -10.504 288.10 31.28 3201.75 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.22 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.80 -1.61 321.01 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.42 30.99 119.2 -9846.0 3242.68 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.04 119.22 3.14 70.77 6633.5 2006-03-09T16:09:26.980 85 8026.6 348.79 21.06 70.4 288.43 30.99 119.2 -9845.9 3245.54 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.04 119.21 3.14 70.75 6636.4 11420.2 0.21 288.77 30.70 3288.55 249.631 -10.723 288.60 30.84 3267.04 249.468 -10.650 288.26 31.14 3224.06 249.143 -10.504 288.09 31.29 3202.60 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.21 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.80 -1.61 321.02 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.42 31.01 119.2 -9846.6 3243.53 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.21 3.14 70.77 6634.4 2006-03-09T16:09:27.980 86 8027.4 348.78 21.07 70.4 288.43 31.00 119.2 -9846.5 3246.39 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.21 3.14 70.75 6637.2 11421.0 0.21 288.77 30.71 3289.40 249.631 -10.723 288.60 30.85 3267.89 249.468 -10.650 288.26 31.15 3224.92 249.143 -10.504 288.09 31.30 3203.46 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.19 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.81 -1.61 321.02 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.41 31.02 119.2 -9847.2 3244.38 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.21 3.14 70.76 6635.2 2006-03-09T16:09:28.980 87 8028.2 348.78 21.07 70.4 288.42 31.01 119.2 -9847.1 3247.25 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.20 3.14 70.74 6638.1 11421.8 0.21 288.76 30.72 3290.25 249.631 -10.723 288.59 30.86 3268.74 249.468 -10.650 288.25 31.16 3225.77 249.143 -10.504 288.08 31.32 3204.32 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.18 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.81 -1.61 321.03 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.41 31.03 119.2 -9847.8 3245.23 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.20 3.14 70.76 6636.1 2006-03-09T16:09:29.980 88 8029.0 348.78 21.08 70.4 288.42 31.02 119.2 -9847.8 3248.10 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.19 3.14 70.74 6638.9 11422.6 0.21 288.76 30.73 3291.09 249.631 -10.723 288.59 30.88 3269.59 249.468 -10.650 288.25 31.17 3226.63 249.143 -10.504 288.08 31.33 3205.17 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.17 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.81 -1.62 321.03 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.40 31.04 119.2 -9848.5 3246.08 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.20 3.14 70.75 6636.9 2006-03-09T16:09:30.980 89 8029.8 348.77 21.09 70.4 288.41 31.04 119.2 -9848.4 3248.95 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.19 3.14 70.74 6639.8 11423.4 0.21 288.75 30.74 3291.94 249.631 -10.723 288.58 30.89 3270.44 249.468 -10.650 288.24 31.19 3227.48 249.143 -10.504 288.07 31.34 3206.03 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.16 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.82 -1.62 321.04 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.40 31.05 119.2 -9849.1 3246.94 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.19 3.14 70.75 6637.7 2006-03-09T16:09:31.980 90 8030.6 348.77 21.09 70.4 288.41 31.05 119.2 -9849.0 3249.80 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.18 3.14 70.73 6640.6 11424.2 0.21 288.75 30.75 3292.78 249.631 -10.723 288.58 30.90 3271.28 249.468 -10.650 288.24 31.20 3228.33 249.143 -10.504 288.07 31.35 3206.89 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.15 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.82 -1.62 321.04 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.39 31.06 119.2 -9849.7 3247.79 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.19 3.14 70.75 6638.6 2006-03-09T16:09:32.980 91 8031.4 348.76 21.10 70.4 288.40 31.06 119.2 -9849.6 3250.65 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.18 3.14 70.73 6641.5 11425.0 0.21 288.74 30.76 3293.63 249.631 -10.723 288.57 30.91 3272.13 249.468 -10.650 288.23 31.21 3229.19 249.143 -10.504 288.06 31.36 3207.74 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.14 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.82 -1.62 321.05 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.39 31.07 119.2 -9850.3 3248.64 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.05 119.18 3.14 70.74 6639.4 2006-03-09T16:09:33.980 92 8032.1 348.76 21.11 70.4 288.40 31.07 119.2 -9850.3 3251.50 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.05 119.17 3.14 70.72 6642.3 11425.7 0.21 288.74 30.77 3294.48 249.631 -10.723 288.57 30.92 3272.98 249.468 -10.650 288.23 31.22 3230.04 249.143 -10.504 288.06 31.37 3208.60 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.13 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.83 -1.63 321.05 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.38 31.08 119.2 -9851.0 3249.49 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.18 3.14 70.74 6640.3 2006-03-09T16:09:34.980 93 8032.9 348.76 21.11 70.4 288.39 31.08 119.2 -9850.9 3252.36 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.17 3.14 70.72 6643.2 11426.5 0.21 288.73 30.78 3295.32 249.631 -10.723 288.56 30.93 3273.83 249.468 -10.650 288.22 31.23 3230.90 249.143 -10.504 288.05 31.38 3209.46 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.12 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.83 -1.63 321.06 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.38 31.09 119.2 -9851.6 3250.34 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.17 3.14 70.73 6641.1 2006-03-09T16:09:35.980 94 8033.7 348.75 21.12 70.4 288.39 31.09 119.2 -9851.5 3253.21 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.16 3.14 70.72 6644.0 11427.3 0.21 288.73 30.79 3296.17 249.631 -10.723 288.56 30.94 3274.68 249.468 -10.650 288.22 31.24 3231.75 249.143 -10.504 288.05 31.39 3210.32 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.11 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.83 -1.63 321.06 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.37 31.10 119.2 -9852.2 3251.19 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.17 3.14 70.73 6642.0 2006-03-09T16:09:36.980 95 8034.5 348.75 21.13 70.4 288.38 31.10 119.2 -9852.1 3254.06 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.16 3.14 70.71 6644.9 11428.1 0.21 288.72 30.81 3297.01 249.631 -10.723 288.55 30.95 3275.53 249.468 -10.650 288.21 31.25 3232.61 249.143 -10.504 288.04 31.40 3211.17 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.09 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.83 -1.63 321.07 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.37 31.12 119.2 -9852.8 3252.05 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.16 3.14 70.73 6642.8 2006-03-09T16:09:37.980 96 8035.3 348.75 21.14 70.4 288.38 31.11 119.2 -9852.7 3254.91 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.15 3.14 70.71 6645.7 11428.9 0.21 288.72 30.82 3297.86 249.631 -10.723 288.55 30.96 3276.38 249.468 -10.650 288.21 31.26 3233.46 249.143 -10.504 288.04 31.42 3212.03 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.08 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.84 -1.64 321.07 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.36 31.13 119.2 -9853.4 3252.90 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.15 3.14 70.72 6643.7 2006-03-09T16:09:38.980 97 8036.1 348.74 21.14 70.4 288.37 31.12 119.1 -9853.4 3255.76 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.15 3.14 70.70 6646.6 11429.7 0.21 288.71 30.83 3298.71 249.631 -10.723 288.54 30.97 3277.23 249.468 -10.650 288.20 31.27 3234.32 249.143 -10.504 288.03 31.43 3212.89 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.07 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.84 -1.64 321.08 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.36 31.14 119.1 -9854.1 3253.75 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.06 119.15 3.14 70.72 6644.5 2006-03-09T16:09:39.980 98 8036.9 348.74 21.15 70.4 288.37 31.13 119.1 -9854.0 3256.61 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.06 119.14 3.14 70.70 6647.4 11430.5 0.21 288.71 30.84 3299.55 249.631 -10.723 288.54 30.99 3278.08 249.468 -10.650 288.20 31.29 3235.17 249.143 -10.504 288.03 31.44 3213.75 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.06 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.84 -1.64 321.08 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.35 31.15 119.1 -9854.7 3254.60 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.07 119.14 3.14 70.71 6645.4 2006-03-09T16:09:40.980 99 8037.7 348.74 21.16 70.4 288.36 31.15 119.1 -9854.6 3257.47 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.07 119.13 3.14 70.70 6648.3 11431.3 0.21 288.70 30.85 3300.40 249.631 -10.723 288.53 31.00 3278.92 249.468 -10.650 288.19 31.30 3236.03 249.143 -10.504 288.02 31.45 3214.60 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.05 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.85 -1.64 321.09 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.34 31.16 119.1 -9855.3 3255.46 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.07 119.14 3.14 70.71 6646.2 2006-03-09T16:09:41.980 100 8038.5 348.73 21.16 70.4 288.36 31.16 119.1 -9855.2 3258.32 1.89 249.305 -10.577 40.36 56.07 119.13 3.14 70.69 6649.1 11432.0 0.21 288.70 30.86 3301.25 249.631 -10.723 288.53 31.01 3279.77 249.468 -10.650 288.19 31.31 3236.88 249.143 -10.504 288.01 31.46 3215.46 248.980 -10.431 0.405837 -0.898378 0.167968 -0.004962 0.181615 0.983357 -0.913932 -0.399916 0.069248 139.04 170.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.85 -1.65 321.09 -37.07 317.67 52.88 288.34 31.17 119.1 -9855.9 3256.31 1.89 249.290 -10.570 40.38 56.07 119.13 3.14 70.71 6647.1