1;MEX;15-144/22:54:59.020; ;<> Model Condition File NOT present or NOT read correctly;; ;15-144/22:33:56.000 2;MEX;15-144/22:55:00.020; ;;InitStates;15-144/22:33:57.000 3;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Coherent Channel Status for S-band only: ON;SC_COHERENT_CHANNEL_STATUS_S;15-144/22:43:56.000 4;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Coherent Channel Status for X-band only: ON;SC_COHERENT_CHANNEL_STATUS_X;15-144/22:43:56.000 5;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Downlink Band: None;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-144/22:43:56.000 6;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set S-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_S;15-144/22:43:56.000 7;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-144/22:43:56.000 8;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set S-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_S;15-144/22:43:56.000 9;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: OFF;SC_RANGING_X;15-144/22:43:56.000 10;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set S-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_S;15-144/22:43:56.000 11;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-144/22:43:56.000 12;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set S-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_S;15-144/22:43:56.000 13;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 131072.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-144/22:43:56.000 14;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-144/22:43:56.000 15;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Spacecraft Receiver Band: X;SC_RXC_BAND;15-144/22:43:56.000 16;MEX;15-144/23:04:59.027; ;Set Uplink Bit Rate: 2000;SC_UL_BIT_RATE;15-144/22:43:56.000 17;MEX;15-145/00:00:00.000; ;Light Time: OWLT = 21:03, RTLT = 42:06; ; 18;MEX;15-145/00:25:12.087; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 131072.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-145/00:04:09.000 19;MEX;15-145/00:26:14.088; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/00:05:11.000 20;MEX;15-145/00:26:14.088; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: .2;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/00:05:11.000 21;MEX;15-145/00:26:14.088; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_X;15-145/00:05:11.000 22;MEX;15-145/00:26:14.088; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 1.25;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/00:05:11.000 23;MEX;15-145/00:26:14.088; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: ON;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-145/00:05:11.000 24;MEX;15-145/01:00:19.115; ;Set Downlink Band: X+S;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/00:39:16.000 25;MEX;15-145/01:58:57.760; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9556; ;15-145/01:37:54.596 26;MEX;15-145/02:23:06.541; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9556; ;15-145/02:02:03.356 27;MEX;15-145/02:24:44.295; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9556 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-145/02:03:41.109 28;MEX;15-145/02:46:51.854; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9556; ;15-145/02:25:48.650 29;MEX;15-145/05:14:01.313; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/04:52:58.000 30;MEX;15-145/05:15:01.314; ;Set Downlink Band: None;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/04:53:58.000 31;MEX;15-145/05:15:01.314; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/04:53:58.000 32;MEX;15-145/05:15:01.314; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: OFF;SC_RANGING_X;15-145/04:53:58.000 33;MEX;15-145/05:15:01.314; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/04:53:58.000 34;MEX;15-145/05:15:01.314; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-145/04:53:58.000 35;MEX;15-145/05:32:34.535; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9557; ;15-145/05:11:31.209 36;MEX;15-145/05:54:31.727; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9557 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-145/05:33:28.384 37;MEX;15-145/08:58:36.774; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9557; ;15-145/08:37:33.288 38;MEX;15-145/09:22:44.808; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9557; ;15-145/09:01:41.302 39;MEX;15-145/09:24:20.120; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9557 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-145/09:03:16.612 40;MEX;15-145/09:46:29.967; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9557; ;15-145/09:25:26.441 41;MEX;15-145/12:32:34.119; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9558; ;15-145/12:11:30.471 42;MEX;15-145/12:54:05.054; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9558 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-145/12:33:01.390 43;MEX;15-145/15:58:09.993; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9558; ;15-145/15:37:06.186 44;MEX;15-145/16:22:18.179; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9558; ;15-145/16:01:14.352 45;MEX;15-145/16:23:51.108; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9558 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-145/16:02:47.280 46;MEX;15-145/16:46:04.083; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9558; ;15-145/16:25:00.237 47;MEX;15-145/19:32:45.545; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9559; ;15-145/19:11:41.576 48;MEX;15-145/19:53:34.091; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9559 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-145/19:32:30.107 49;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Begin Pre-Cal; ; 50;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Antenna Status: U/L=HGA, D/L=HGA; ; 51;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Receiver Status: RCVR1=OFF, TWNC=OFF, RCVR2=ON, TWNC=OFF; ; 52;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Ranging Mode: RNG=ON, DOR=OFF, RNG=OFF, DOR=OFF; ; 53;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Transmitter Status: PWR=OFF, EXC=1, PWR=OFF, EXC=2; ; 54;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=0.0, SC=OFF, MI=0.0; ; 55;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=262144.0, SC=OFF, MI=0.0; ; 56;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: D/L RNG: CHOP=E, MDL=SIN, DRVD=0; ; 57;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: RCV: Parms:; ; 58;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: RCV: Parms: ,MP=D; ; 59;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: RSR; ; 60;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: UWV: AMP=SHEMT, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 61;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=S, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 62;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=524288.000000; ; 63;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=L, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 64;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=524288.000000; ; 65;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: UWV: AMP=XHEMT, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 66;MEX;15-145/21:15:00.000;14;Config: TXL; ; 67;MEX;15-145/22:13:59.089; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 524288.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-145/21:52:55.000 68;MEX;15-145/22:15:00.000;14;Begin Tracking; ; 69;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/21:53:57.000 70;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: .2;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/21:53:57.000 71;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_X;15-145/21:53:57.000 72;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 1.25;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-145/21:53:57.000 73;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: ON;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-145/21:53:57.000 74;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090;14;Acquisition Of X-Band Signal; ; 75;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090;14;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 76;MEX;15-145/22:15:01.090;14;D/L Change: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 77;MEX;15-145/22:20:00.000;14;Acquire U/L: X/18, PWR=10.0, BR=62.5; ; 78;MEX;15-145/22:24:00.000;14;Range Modulation On: SUP=3.0dB; ; 79;MEX;15-145/22:25:00.000;14;Begin Ranging Acquisition; ; 80;MEX;15-145/22:53:08.122; ;Set Downlink Band: X+S;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-145/22:32:04.000 81;MEX;15-145/22:53:08.122;14;Acquisition Of S-Band Signal; ; 82;MEX;15-145/22:53:08.122;14;Acquire D/L: S/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=0.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 83;MEX;15-145/22:53:08.122;14;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 84;MEX;15-145/22:57:40.401; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9559; ;15-145/22:36:36.275 85;MEX;15-145/23:02:08.233;14;Acquire D/L: S/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=0.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 86;MEX;15-145/23:02:08.233;14;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 87;MEX;15-145/23:02:08.233;14;Acquire D/L: X/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 88;MEX;15-145/23:21:47.855; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9559; ;15-145/23:00:43.708 89;MEX;15-145/23:23:17.838; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9559 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-145/23:02:13.690 90;MEX;15-145/23:45:33.583; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9559; ;15-145/23:24:29.418 91;MEX;15-146/00:00:00.000; ;Light Time: OWLT = 21:04, RTLT = 42:08; ; 92;MEX;15-146/01:17:48.000;14;NOTE: X-Band Transmitter Off in 15 minutes; ; 93;MEX;15-146/01:30:48.000;14;Range Modulation Off; ; 94;MEX;15-146/01:32:48.000;14;X-Band Transmitter Off; ; 95;MEX;15-146/01:32:51.445;14;NOTE: Track is ending in one RTLT. No command confirmation receivable hereafter.; ; 96;MEX;15-146/02:13:57.274; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-146/01:52:53.000 97;MEX;15-146/02:13:57.274;14;NOTE: Loss Of S-Band Signal; ; 98;MEX;15-146/02:14:56.523;14;Acquire D/L: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 99;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275; ;Set Downlink Band: None;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-146/01:53:53.000 100;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/01:53:53.000 101;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: OFF;SC_RANGING_X;15-146/01:53:53.000 102;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/01:53:53.000 103;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-146/01:53:53.000 104;MEX;15-146/02:14:57.275;14;NOTE: Loss Of X-Band Signal; ; 105;MEX;15-146/02:15:00.000;14;End Tracking; ; 106;MEX;15-146/02:30:00.000;14;End Post-Cal; ; 107;MEX;15-146/02:32:45.085; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9560; ;15-146/02:11:40.797 108;MEX;15-146/02:53:01.862; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9560 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-146/02:31:57.560 109;MEX;15-146/05:57:12.111; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9560; ;15-146/05:36:07.668 110;MEX;15-146/06:21:19.528; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9560; ;15-146/06:00:15.065 111;MEX;15-146/06:22:46.803; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9560 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-146/06:01:42.339 112;MEX;15-146/06:45:05.944; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9560; ;15-146/06:24:01.462 113;MEX;15-146/09:32:55.841; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9561; ;15-146/09:11:51.237 114;MEX;15-146/09:52:28.692; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9561 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-146/09:31:24.073 115;MEX;15-146/12:56:40.400; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9561; ;15-146/12:35:35.641 116;MEX;15-146/13:03:59.765; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 131072.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-146/12:42:55.000 117;MEX;15-146/13:05:01.766; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-146/12:43:57.000 118;MEX;15-146/13:05:01.766; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: .2;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/12:43:57.000 119;MEX;15-146/13:05:01.766; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_X;15-146/12:43:57.000 120;MEX;15-146/13:05:01.766; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 1.25;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/12:43:57.000 121;MEX;15-146/13:05:01.766; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: ON;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-146/12:43:57.000 122;MEX;15-146/13:20:47.357; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9561; ;15-146/12:59:42.578 123;MEX;15-146/13:22:11.497; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9561 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-146/13:01:06.717 124;MEX;15-146/13:44:33.881; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9561; ;15-146/13:23:29.084 125;MEX;15-146/16:33:04.749; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9562; ;15-146/16:11:59.829 126;MEX;15-146/16:51:58.328; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9562 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-146/16:30:53.394 127;MEX;15-146/19:56:18.339; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9562; ;15-146/19:35:13.267 128;MEX;15-146/20:20:24.787; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9562; ;15-146/19:59:19.695 129;MEX;15-146/20:21:46.266; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9562 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-146/20:00:41.172 130;MEX;15-146/20:44:11.553; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9562; ;15-146/20:23:06.442 131;MEX;15-146/20:48:00.114; ;Set Downlink Band: None;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-146/20:26:55.000 132;MEX;15-146/20:48:00.114; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/20:26:55.000 133;MEX;15-146/20:48:00.114; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: OFF;SC_RANGING_X;15-146/20:26:55.000 134;MEX;15-146/20:48:00.114; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-146/20:26:55.000 135;MEX;15-146/20:48:00.114; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-146/20:26:55.000 136;MEX;15-146/23:33:10.146; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9563; ;15-146/23:12:04.912 137;MEX;15-146/23:51:31.285; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9563 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-146/23:30:26.038 138;MEX;15-147/00:00:00.000; ;Light Time: OWLT = 21:05, RTLT = 42:10; ; 139;MEX;15-147/02:55:52.004; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9563; ;15-147/02:34:46.619 140;MEX;15-147/03:19:58.394; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9563; ;15-147/02:58:52.989 141;MEX;15-147/03:21:17.319; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9563 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-147/03:00:11.913 142;MEX;15-147/03:43:45.626; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9563; ;15-147/03:22:40.203 143;MEX;15-147/06:33:21.273; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9564; ;15-147/06:12:15.727 144;MEX;15-147/06:51:04.817; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9564 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-147/06:29:59.259 145;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Begin Pre-Cal; ; 146;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Antenna Status: U/L=HGA, D/L=HGA; ; 147;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Receiver Status: RCVR1=OFF, TWNC=OFF, RCVR2=ON, TWNC=OFF; ; 148;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Ranging Mode: RNG=ON, DOR=OFF, RNG=OFF, DOR=OFF; ; 149;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Transmitter Status: PWR=OFF, EXC=1, PWR=OFF, EXC=2; ; 150;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=0.0, SC=OFF, MI=0.0; ; 151;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=52428.8, SC=OFF, MI=0.0; ; 152;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: D/L RNG: CHOP=E, MDL=SIN, DRVD=0; ; 153;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: RCV: Parms:; ; 154;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: RCV: Parms: ,MP=D; ; 155;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: RSR; ; 156;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: UWV: AMP=SHEMT, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 157;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=S, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 158;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=104857.600000; ; 159;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=L, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 160;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=104857.600000; ; 161;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: UWV: AMP=XTWM1, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 162;MEX;15-147/07:00:00.000;65;Config: TXL; ; 163;MEX;15-147/08:13:59.617; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 104857.6;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-147/07:52:54.000 164;MEX;15-147/08:15:00.000;65;Begin Tracking; ; 165;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-147/07:53:56.000 166;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: .2;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-147/07:53:56.000 167;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_X;15-147/07:53:56.000 168;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 1.25;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-147/07:53:56.000 169;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: ON;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-147/07:53:56.000 170;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618;65;Acquisition Of X-Band Signal; ; 171;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618;65;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 172;MEX;15-147/08:15:01.618;65;D/L Change: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=52428.8, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 173;MEX;15-147/08:20:00.000;65;Acquire U/L: X/18, PWR=10.0, BR=62.5; ; 174;MEX;15-147/08:24:00.000;65;Range Modulation On: SUP=3.0dB; ; 175;MEX;15-147/08:25:00.000;65;Begin Ranging Acquisition; ; 176;MEX;15-147/08:53:10.646; ;Set Downlink Band: X+S;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-147/08:32:05.000 177;MEX;15-147/08:53:10.646;65;Acquisition Of S-Band Signal; ; 178;MEX;15-147/08:53:10.646;65;Acquire D/L: S/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=0.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 179;MEX;15-147/08:53:10.646;65;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 180;MEX;15-147/09:02:11.281;65;Acquire D/L: S/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=0.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 181;MEX;15-147/09:02:11.281;65;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 182;MEX;15-147/09:02:11.281;65;Acquire D/L: X/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=52428.8, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 183;MEX;15-147/09:55:30.809; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9564; ;15-147/09:34:25.114 184;MEX;15-147/10:19:36.472; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9564; ;15-147/09:58:30.757 185;MEX;15-147/10:20:52.902; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9564 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-147/09:59:47.186 186;MEX;15-147/10:43:23.629; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9564; ;15-147/10:22:17.896 187;MEX;15-147/12:07:46.000;65;NOTE: X-Band Transmitter Off in 15 minutes; ; 188;MEX;15-147/12:20:46.000;65;Range Modulation Off; ; 189;MEX;15-147/12:22:46.000;65;X-Band Transmitter Off; ; 190;MEX;15-147/12:22:48.322;65;NOTE: Track is ending in one RTLT. No command confirmation receivable hereafter.; ; 191;MEX;15-147/13:03:59.835; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-147/12:42:54.000 192;MEX;15-147/13:03:59.835;65;NOTE: Loss Of S-Band Signal; ; 193;MEX;15-147/13:04:57.647;65;Acquire D/L: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=52428.8, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 194;MEX;15-147/13:05:00.000;65;End Tracking; ; 195;MEX;15-147/13:05:00.000;65;End Post-Cal; ; 196;MEX;15-147/13:08:59.839; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 131072.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-147/12:47:54.000 197;MEX;15-147/13:33:22.117; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9565; ;15-147/13:12:16.261 198;MEX;15-147/13:50:37.269; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9565 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-147/13:29:31.401 199;MEX;15-147/16:55:02.713; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9565; ;15-147/16:33:56.709 200;MEX;15-147/17:19:08.507; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9565; ;15-147/16:58:02.484 201;MEX;15-147/17:20:22.535; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9565 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-147/16:59:16.511 202;MEX;15-147/17:42:56.405; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9565; ;15-147/17:21:50.363 203;MEX;15-147/18:44:57.089; ;Set Downlink Band: None;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-147/18:23:51.000 204;MEX;15-147/18:44:57.089; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: 0.7;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-147/18:23:51.000 205;MEX;15-147/18:44:57.089; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: OFF;SC_RANGING_X;15-147/18:23:51.000 206;MEX;15-147/18:44:57.089; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 0.8;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-147/18:23:51.000 207;MEX;15-147/18:44:57.089; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: OFF;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-147/18:23:51.000 208;MEX;15-147/20:33:33.601; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9566; ;15-147/20:12:27.436 209;MEX;15-147/20:50:05.378; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9566 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-147/20:28:59.202 210;MEX;15-147/23:54:32.713; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9566; ;15-147/23:33:26.402 211;MEX;15-148/00:00:00.000; ;Light Time: OWLT = 21:06, RTLT = 42:12; ; 212;MEX;15-148/00:18:37.725; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9566; ;15-147/23:57:31.394 213;MEX;15-148/00:19:48.757; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9566 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-147/23:58:42.425 214;MEX;15-148/00:24:30.336; ;Set Downlink Band: X;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-148/00:03:24.000 215;MEX;15-148/00:24:30.336; ;Set X-band Ranging Modulation Index: .2;SC_RANGING_MOD_INDEX_X;15-148/00:03:24.000 216;MEX;15-148/00:24:30.336; ;Set X-band Ranging Status: ON;SC_RANGING_X;15-148/00:03:24.000 217;MEX;15-148/00:24:30.336; ;Set X-band Telemetry Mod Index: 1.25;DOWNLINK_TLM_MOD_INDEX_X;15-148/00:03:24.000 218;MEX;15-148/00:24:30.336; ;Set X-band Telemetry Modulation Status: ON;TMOD_STATUS_X;15-148/00:03:24.000 219;MEX;15-148/00:42:25.429; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9566; ;15-148/00:21:19.080 220;MEX;15-148/00:58:41.362; ;Set Downlink Band: X+S;DOWNLINK_BAND;15-148/00:37:35.000 221;MEX;15-148/03:33:32.467; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9567; ;15-148/03:12:25.996 222;MEX;15-148/03:49:32.401; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9567 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-148/03:28:25.919 223;MEX;15-148/06:54:03.458; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9567; ;15-148/06:32:56.842 224;MEX;15-148/07:18:08.476; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9567; ;15-148/06:57:01.840 225;MEX;15-148/07:19:16.909; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9567 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-148/06:58:10.272 226;MEX;15-148/07:41:56.920; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9567; ;15-148/07:20:50.266 227;MEX;15-148/10:33:43.363; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9568; ;15-148/10:12:36.586 228;MEX;15-148/10:48:58.894; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9568 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-148/10:27:52.107 229;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Begin Pre-Cal; ; 230;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Antenna Status: U/L=HGA, D/L=HGA; ; 231;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Receiver Status: RCVR1=OFF, TWNC=OFF, RCVR2=ON, TWNC=OFF; ; 232;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Ranging Mode: RNG=ON, DOR=OFF, RNG=ON, DOR=OFF; ; 233;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Transmitter Status: PWR=ON, EXC=1, PWR=ON, EXC=2; ; 234;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=262144.0, SC=OFF, MI=0.0; ; 235;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;At BOT: S/C Tlm Mode: BR=262144.0, SC=NA, MI=71.6; ; 236;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: D/L RNG: CHOP=E, MDL=SIN, DRVD=0; ; 237;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: RCV: Parms:; ; 238;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: RCV: Parms: ,MP=D; ; 239;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: RSR; ; 240;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: UWV: AMP=SHEMT, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 241;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=S, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 242;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=524288.000000; ; 243;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: TLM: DC= 3700, IC1=L, IC2=2, IC3=CCSDS, OC1=B, OC2=S; ; 244;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: D/L SYM RATE: BAND=X, SR=524288.000000; ; 245;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: UWV: AMP=XHEMT, MODE=DIPLEX, POL_UL=RCP, POL_DL=RCP; ; 246;MEX;15-148/13:00:00.000;63;Config: TXL; ; 247;MEX;15-148/13:53:31.921; ;NOTE: South Pole Crossing 9568; ;15-148/13:32:25.001 248;MEX;15-148/13:58:59.924; ;Set Downlink Symbol Rate: 524288.0;DOWNLINK_SYM_RATE;15-148/13:37:53.000 249;MEX;15-148/14:00:00.000;63;Begin Tracking; ; 250;MEX;15-148/14:00:00.000;63;Acquire D/L: S/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 251;MEX;15-148/14:00:00.000;63;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 252;MEX;15-148/14:00:00.000;63;Acquire D/L: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 253;MEX;15-148/14:05:00.000;63;Acquire U/L: X/18, PWR=10.0, BR=62.5; ; 254;MEX;15-148/14:09:00.000;63;Range Modulation On: SUP=3.0dB; ; 255;MEX;15-148/14:10:00.000;63;Begin Ranging Acquisition; ; 256;MEX;15-148/14:17:36.425; ;NOTE: Ascending Node Crossing 9568; ;15-148/13:56:29.486 257;MEX;15-148/14:18:41.599; ;NOTE: Periapsis 9568 --------------------------------------------------------------------; ;15-148/13:57:34.659 258;MEX;15-148/14:41:24.902; ;NOTE: North Pole Crossing 9568; ;15-148/14:20:17.944 259;MEX;15-148/14:47:13.901;63;Acquire D/L: S/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 260;MEX;15-148/14:47:13.901;63;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 261;MEX;15-148/14:47:13.901;63;Acquire D/L: X/18, 2-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 262;MEX;15-148/17:02:42.000;63;NOTE: X-Band Transmitter Off in 15 minutes; ; 263;MEX;15-148/17:15:42.000;63;Range Modulation Off; ; 264;MEX;15-148/17:17:42.000;63;X-Band Transmitter Off; ; 265;MEX;15-148/17:17:45.798;63;NOTE: Track is ending in one RTLT. No command confirmation receivable hereafter.; ; 266;MEX;15-148/17:33:50.280; ;NOTE: Descending Node Crossing 9569; ;15-148/17:12:43.200 267;MEX;15-148/17:48:29.101; ;NOTE: Apoapsis 9569 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; ;15-148/17:27:22.011 268;MEX;15-148/17:59:56.172;63;Acquire D/L: S/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=0, SC=NA, MOD=OFF, MI=45.8, ANT=HGA; ; 269;MEX;15-148/17:59:56.172;63;NOTE: Carrier Only -- No Telemetry Modulation; ; 270;MEX;15-148/17:59:56.172;63;Acquire D/L: X/18, 1-Way, BW=5, BR=262144.0, FL=10112, SC=NA, MOD=ON, MI=71.6, ANT=HGA; ; 271;MEX;15-148/18:00:00.000;63;End Tracking; ; 272;MEX;15-148/18:15:00.000;63;End Post-Cal; ;