PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2024-11-11 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains the files that provide documentation and supplementary information to assist in understanding and using the data products on the volume. The files evolved as the mission progressed; users should refer to the files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the most up-to-date information. Files on early volumes may be only 'place-holders.' Structure of the DOCUMENT directory: DOCUMENT | |- DOCINFO.TXT | |- MEX_MRS_RIU_IS_3050.PDF File naming convention for | Higher Science Products. | |- MARS_DESC.TXT Description of the Mars | Express Radio Science | Experiment MaRS. | |- MEX-MRS-RIU-MA-3008.PDF Flight operations manual | Experiment user manual. | |- MEX_POINTING_MODE_DESC.TXT MEX pointing mode | description. | |- MEX_MRS_RIU_MP_001.TAB Mars Express Mission | phases. | |- MARS_OCC24.PDF Summary of OCC measurements. | The documents are either in PDF-Format or are text files in ASCII with variable length of characters per line. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair.