Unbenanntes DokumentRosetta Mars Express Venus Express MaRS/ RSI/ VeRa Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan Issue: 5 Revision: 10 Date: 13.01.2004 Document: MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019 ROS-RSI-IGM-IS-3079 VEX-VRA-IGM-IS-3007 Prepared by ___________________________________________ Markus Fels Approved by ___________________________________________ Martin Pätzold (MaRS Principal Investigator) page left free Document Change Record DISTRIBUTION LISTS Recipient Institution No. Of Copies MaRS Team Martin Pätzold IGM 1 Markus Fels IGM 1 Bernd Häusler Universität der Bundeswehr München 2 Richard Simpson Stanford University 2 ESA/ ESOC/ ESTEC Agustin Chicarro ESA 1 Patrick Martin ESA 1 Michel Denis ESA 1 Joe Zender ESA 1 Adriana Ocampo ESTEC 1 RSI Team Martin Pätzold IGM 1 Markus Fels IGM 1 Bernd Häusler UBW 2 ESA/ ESOC/ ESTEC Gerhard Schwehm ESA 1 Rita Schulz ESA 1 Detlef Koschny ESA 1 Joe Zender ESA 1 Mark Sweeney ESOC 1 VeRa Team Bernd Häusler UBW 2 Martin Pätzold IGM 1 Markus Fels IGM 1 ESA/ ESOC/ ESTEC Hakan Svedhem ESTEC 1 Adriana Ocampo ESTEC 1 ACRONYMS A/D Analog/Digital AGC Automatic Gain Control AGVTP Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan AOL Amplitude Open Loop ATDF Archival Tracking Data Format CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory CL Closed-Loop DDS Data Delivery System DSN Deep Space Network DVD Digital Versatile Disk ESA European Space Agency ESOC European Space Operation Center ESTEC European Space Technology Center FOL Frequency Open Loop G/S Ground Station HGA High Gain Antenna IFMS Intermediate Frequency Modulation System JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory LCP Left Circular Polarization LGA Low Gain Antenna LOS Line Of Sight MaRS Mars Express Radio Science Experiment MGA Medium Gain Antenna MGS Mars Global Surveyor MSP Master Science Plan NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NNO New Norcia ODF Orbit Data File ODR Original Data Record OL Open-Loop ONED one-way dual-frequency mode ONES One-way single-frequency mode PDS Planetary Data System (NASA) POL Polarization Open Loop PSA Planetary Science Archive (ESA). RCP Right Circular Polarization RSI Rosetta Radio Science Investigation RSR Radio Science Receiver RX Receiver S/C Spacecraft SIS Software Interface Specification S-TX S-Band Transmitter SPICE Space Planet Instrument C-Matrix Events TBC To Be Confirmed TBD To Be Determined TNF Tracking and Navigation File TWOD Two-way dual-frequency mode TWOS Two-way single-frequency mode UBW Universität der Bundeswehr München USO Ultra Stable Oszillator VeRa Venus Express Radio Science Experiment VEX Venus Express X-TX X-band Transmitter 1. Introduction 1.1. Scope This document and its content are consistent with the Experimenter to Archive Interface Control Document (EAICD) of ESA’s Planetary Science Archive (PSA). It presents the Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan (AGVTP) for the Rosetta Orbiter Radio Science (RSI) Experiment, the Mars Express Orbiter Radio Science (MaRS) Experiment and the Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa). It describes the data flow, the different data types and levels, the directory structures for the different data volumes, and the delivery and distribution plans. Further it contains information about the Volume, Dataset and File Formats, the used Standards in Data Product Generation (PDS, Time, Coordinates), the process of Data Validation, the Volume and Dataset Name Specifications and finally there are shown some Example PDS Label files for the different Data types of data level 1a, 1b and 2. 1.2. Referenced Documents The following documents are referenced in the AGVTP and may be referred to if more information is needed. Reference Number Title Issue Number Date ESA-MEX-TN-4008 Mars Express Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan 1 12.6.2001 RO-EST-PL-5011 ROSETTA Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan 2.0 27.10.2003 MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016 ROS-RSI-IGM-IS-3087 VEX-VRA-IGM-IS-3009 Radio Science File Naming Convention and Radio Science File Formats 3.0 4.6.2003 JPL D-7669, Part 2 Planetary Data System, Standards Reference 3.5 15.10.2002 GRST-TTC-GS-ICD-0518-TOSG IFMS-to-OCC Interface Control Document 1.0 14-Mar-2000 JPL D-16765 (159-SCIENCE) Radio Science Receiver RSR Draft 5.2.2001 TRK-2-34 DSMS Tracking System Data Archival Data (Description of the TNF data files) B 30.4.2000 TRK-2-18 Orbit Data File Interface change 3 15.06.2000 RO-UoB-IF-1234 Experimenter To Planetary Science Archive Interface Control Document (EAICD) Draft 5 7.11.2003 VEX-VERA-UBW-TN-3040 Reference Systems and Techniques Used for the Simulation and Prediction of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Sounding Measurements at Planet Venus 2.3 12.11.2003 1.3. Document Overview The AGVTP consists of ten major sections with several subsections that follow the introduction. Section 2 describes instruments and the science objectives Section 3 the operational scenarios Section 4 the data flows Section 5 the archive structure and formats Section 6 the Data Delivery Schedules Section 7 the Standards used in Data Product Generation Section 8 Data Validation Section 9 MaRS, RSI and VeRa Volumes and Datasets Organization, Formats and Name Specification 2. Instrument Overviews 2.1. Mars Express Orbiter Radio Science Experiment MaRS makes use of the onboard radio subsystem, which is primarily responsible for the communication link between the S/C and the ground stations on Earth. Mars Express Orbiter is capable of receiving and transmitting radio signals via two dedicated antenna systems: High Gain Antenna (HGA), a fixed parabolic dish of 1.80m diameter and two Low Gain Antennas (LGA), front and rear, S- Band only. The transponders consist of an S- band and X- band receiver and transmitter each. The S/C is capable of receiving two uplink signals at S- band (2100 MHz) via the LGAs , or non-simultaneously at either X- Band (7100 MHz) or S- Band via the HGA and transmit simultaneously two downlink signals at S- Band (2300 MHz) and X- Band (8400 MHz) or at S- Band only via the LGAs. The HGA is the main antenna for receiving telecommands from and transmitting telemetry to the ground. The LGAs are used during the commissioning phase just after launch and for emergency operations. A simultaneous and coherent dual-frequency downlink at X-band and S-band via the High Gain Antenna (HGA) is required to separate the contributions from the classical Doppler shift and the dispersive media effects caused by the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth and the propagation of the signals through the dispersive media, respectively. The experiment relies on the observation of the phase, amplitude, polarization and propagation times of radio signals transmitted from the spacecraft and received with ground station antennas on Earth. The radio signals are affected by the medium through which the signals propagate (atmospheres, ionospheres, interplanetary medium, solar corona), by the gravitational influence of the planet on the spacecraft and finally by the performance of the various systems involved both on the spacecraft and on ground. 2.1.1. Science objectives As part of the Mars Express Orbiter payload, the Mars Express Orbiter Radio Science experiment (MaRS) will perform the following experiments: radio sounding of the neutral Martian atmosphere (occultation experiment) to derive vertical density, pressure and temperature profiles as a function of height (height resolution better than 100 meter) radio sounding of the ionosphere (occultation experiment) to derive vertical ionospheric electron density profiles and to derive a description of the global behavior of the Martian ionosphere through its diurnal and seasonal variations depending also on solar wind conditions determination of dielectric and scattering properties of the Martian surface in specific target areas by a bistatic radar experiment determination of gravity anomalies in conjunction with simultaneous observations using the camera HRSC as a base for three dimensional (3D) topography for the investigation of the structure and evolution of the Martian crust and lithosphere radio sounding of the solar corona during the superior conjunction of the planet Mars with the Sun the determination of the mass of Phobos 2.1.2. Instrument Modes The MaRS experiment has four different operational modes: TWOD : two-way, dual-frequency coherent mode: X- band uplink or S-band uplink S- and X- band downlink simultaneously. Applicable for science objective a), b), d),e) TWOS : two-way, single-frequency mode: X- band uplink X- band downlink Applicable for science objective d), e) and f) ONED : One-way, dual frequency mode: No uplink S- and X- band downlink simultaneously Applicable for science objective c) ONES : One-way, single frequency mode: No uplink X- band downlink Applicable for science objective c) The dual-frequency downlink at X-band and S-band is used to separate classical and dispersive Doppler shifts and therefore to correct the observed frequency shift by the plasma contribution due to the propagation through the interplanetary medium. The different kind of data types with respect to the two different ground station systems are shown in the Table 2.1- 1 . Ground station systems Description IFMS (ESA) CL Closed-loop data: Doppler and Ranging at selected sample rates OL Open-loop data: Downconverted received sky frequency A/D converted at very high sample rates RCP at two frequencies RCP and LCP at one frequency DSN (NASA) ODF Orbit Data File(Closed-loop) Doppler and Ranging RSR Radio- Science Receiver (Open-loop) 2 or 4 channels LCP & RCP polarizations Table 2.1-1: MaRS, RSI and VeRa data types 2.2. Rosetta Radio Science Investigation (RSI) RSI makes use of the onboard radio subsystem, which is primarily responsible for the communication link between the s/c and the ground stations on Earth. The Rosetta radio subsystem is especially equipped with an Ultra- Stable Oscillator (USO), which significantly improves the sensitivity and accuracy of the one-way radio link measurements. Rosetta is capable of receiving and transmitting radio signals via three dedicated antenna systems: High Gain Antenna (HGA), a fully steer able parabolic dish of 2.20m diameter Medium Gain Antenna (MGA), a fixed parabolic dish of 0.60m diameter two Low Gain Antennas (LGA), front and rear, S- Band only The transponders consist of an S- band and X- band receiver and transmitter each. The s/c is capable of receiving two uplink signals at S- band (2100 MHz) via the LGAs , or non-simultaneously at either X- Band (7100 MHz) or S- Band via the HGA and transmit simultaneously two downlink signals at S- Band (2300 MHz) and X- Band (8400 MHz) or at S- Band only via the LGAs. The HGA is the main antenna for receiving telecommands from and transmitting telemetry to the ground. The LGAs are used during the commissioning phase just after launch and for emergency operations. The MGA is considered as a back-up. 2.2.1. Science objectives The Rosetta RSI experiment has identified primary and secondary science objectives at the comet, the asteroids flybys and during cruise. The science objectives are divided into categories: a) cometary gravity field investigations b) comet nucleus investigations c) cometary coma investigations d) asteroid mass and bulk density as the prime science objectives, and as the secondary science objectives: e) solar corona sounding f) a search for gravitational waves 2.2.2. Instrument modes The Rosetta RSI experiment has four different operational modes: TWOD : two-way, dual-frequency coherent mode: X- band uplink; S-band uplink for objective e) S- and X- band downlink simultaneously. Applicable for science objective a), b), d),e) and f) TWOS : two-way, single-frequency mode: X- band uplink X- band downlink Applicable for science objective a) ONED : One-way, dual frequency mode: No uplink S- and X- band downlink simultaneously Applicable for science objective c) (plasma and dust investigations of cometarys coma) ONES : One-way, single frequency mode: No uplink X- band downlink Applicable for the bistatic radar experiment to determine the surface roughness of the comet The different RSI data types are the same as for MaRS and VeRa and are shown in the Table 2.1- 1 . 2.3. Venus Express Radio Science Experiment (VeRa) VeRa makes use of the onboard radio subsystem, which is very similar to the radio subsystem of Mars Express. The main difference is that Venus Express, like Rosetta, is especially equipped with an Ultra- Stable Oscillator (USO). 2.3.1. Science objectives As part of the Venus Express payload, the Venus Express Radio Science experiment will perform the following experiments: radio sounding of the neutral Venutian atmosphere (occultation experiment) to derive vertical density, pressure and temperature profiles as a function of height (height resolution better than 100 meter) radio sounding of the ionosphere (occultation experiment) to derive vertical ionospheric electron density profiles and to derive a description of the global behavior of the Venutian ionosphere through its diurnal and seasonal variations depending also on solar wind conditions determination of dielectric and scattering properties of the Venutian surface in specific target areas by a bistatic radar experiment determination of gravity anomalies (tbc) radio sounding of the solar corona during the superior conjunction of the planet Venus with the Sun 2.3.2. Instrument Modes The VeRa experiment has four different operational modes: TWOD : two-way, dual-frequency coherent mode: X- band uplink; S-band uplink S- and X- band downlink simultaneously. Applicable for science objective d) und e) TWOS : two-way, single-frequency mode: X- band uplink X- band downlink Applicable for science objective e) ONED : One-way, dual frequency mode: No uplink S- and X- band downlink simultaneously Applicable for science objective a) b) c) ONES : One-way, single frequency mode: No uplink X- band downlink Applicable for science objective c) The dual-frequency downlink at X-band and S-band is used to separate classical and dispersive Doppler shifts and therefore to correct the observed frequency shift by the plasma contribution due to the propagation through the interplanetary medium. The different VeRa data types are the same as for MaRS and RSI and are shown in the Table 2.1-1 . 3. MaRS, RSI and VeRa Operational Scenarios 3.1. Data Processing The MaRS, RSI and VeRa data processing depends on the ground station receiving system (DSN or NNO) and its raw data type (closed-loop or open loop): The IFMS data from New Norcia (NNO) will be transferred to ESOC and stored at ESOC on the Data Delivery System (DDS). It will then be transferred via ftp from the DDS in Darmstadt to Cologne . The closed-loop IFMS data files are raw tracking data and contain Doppler and Ranging data recordings at selected sample rates. The exact format of the open-loop IFMS data is still tbd, but it consist of the down-converted and A/D converted received sky frequency at very high sample rates. The data from the three different DSN ground stations will be collected by the JPL Radio-Science Group (RSG) and by the Stanford Radio Science Team for delivery to Cologne (data delivery from Stanford to Cologne as soon as available). The DSN data are closed-loop Orbit Data Files (ODFs) and open-loop Radio- Science Receiver (RSR) files. The latter are very similar to the IFMS open-loop data files and consist of down-converted received sky frequency, A/D converted at very high sample rates (up to 50000 Hz). These data files will be sent via JPL to Stanford for processing up to level 2 and will be collected in Cologne for further archiving. The processed RSR files consist first of frequency resolution and intensity estimates probably at a sub-second resolution (tbc) for radio occultations and second for surface scattering, there will be power spectra (and voltage cross-spectra when two polarizations are collected), averaged over a few seconds (tbc), for each band. All raw tracking data files and the processed data up to level 2 will be collected in Cologne . After a final check the processed data will be delivered to the Co-Is and after the propriety phase to PSA. The following scientific analysis and interpretation of the processed data product is up to the Co-I and his science objective. Lists of collaborating institutes for MaRS, RSI and VeRa are shown in the Table 3.2-1 , Table 3.2-2 and Table 3.2-3 . 3.2. Collaborating Institutes 3.2.1. MaRS Name Institute M- Paetzold (PI) Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität zu Köln, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- B. Häusler, S. Remus Institut für Raumfahrttechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- W. Ian Axford Max- Planck- Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg- Lindau, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- J.-P. Barriot Observatoire Midi Pyrenees, Toulouse, France Jean- Claude Cerisier CETP, 4 Ave. Neptune, Saint Maur Cedex, France -------------------------------------------------------------- T. Hagfors Max- Planck- Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg- Lindau, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- G.L. Tyler, R. Simpson, D. Hinson, Dep. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University , Palo Alto , USA -------------------------------------------------------------- P. Janle Institut für Geophysik, Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- G. Kirchengast Institut für Geophysik u. Meteorologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität,Graz, Austria -------------------------------------------------------------- V. Dehant Observatoire Royale, Bruexelles Table 3.2-1 : List of collaborating institutes for MaRS 3.2.2. RSI Name Institute M- Paetzold (PI) Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität zu Köln, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- B. Häusler, S. Remus Institut für Raumfahrttechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- K. Aksnes Insitute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo , Norway -------------------------------------------------------------- J.D. Anderson S.W. Asmar B.T. Tsurutani Jet Propulsion Laboratory,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena , USA -------------------------------------------------------------- J.-P. Barriot Observatoire Midi Pyrenees, Toulouse, France -------------------------------------------------------------- M.K. Bird Radioastronomisches Institut, Universität zu Bonn, Bonn, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- H. Boehnhardt Max- Planck- Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg- Lindau, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- N. Thomas Universität Bern, Berne, Swizerland -------------------------------------------------------------- E. Grün Max- Planck- Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- W.H. Ip National Central University , Taipei , Taiwan -------------------------------------------------------------- E. Marouf Dep. of Electrical Engineering, San Jose State University , San Jose , California , USA -------------------------------------------------------------- T. Morley ESA-ESOC, Darmstadt , Germany Table 3.2-2 : List of collaborating institutes for RSI 3.2.3. VeRa Name Institute B. Häusler (Principal Investigator), S. Remus Institut für Raumfahrttechnik, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- M- Paetzold (Co-PI) Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität zu Köln, Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- G.L. Tyler, R. Simpson, D. Hinson, Dep. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University , Palo Alto , USA -------------------------------------------------------------- M. Bird Universität Bonn , Germany -------------------------------------------------------------- R. Treumann Max-Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany Table 3.2-3 : List of collaborating institutes for VeRa 4. MaRS, RSI and VeRA Data Flow 4.1. Data Flow The data flow for the MaRS, RSI and VeRa experiments is shown in Figures 4.1-1 to 4.1-3. 4.2. Points of contact 4.2.1. Point of contact for PSA archiving Cologne is the single point of contact for the PSA archive team. Function Name Adress E-mail Telephone/ Fax -------------------------------------------------------------- Principal Investigator Martin Pätzold Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln , Germany paetzold@geo.uni-koeln.de phone: (49)-221-470-3385 Fax: (49)-221-470-5198 -------------------------------------------------------------- Data Manager Markus Fels Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln, Germany fels@geo.uni-koeln.de phone: (49)-221-470-4035 Fax: (49)-221-470-5198 4.2.2. Points of contact for data forwarding site Name Adress E-mail Telephone/ Fax -------------------------------------------------------------- Stanford UniversityRichard A. Simpson Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Packard Building 350, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-9515, USA rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu phone: (1)-650-723-3525 Fax: (1)-650-723-9251 -------------------------------------------------------------- JPL Sami W. Asmar Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91009 , USA sami.w.asmar@jpl.nasa.gov phone: (1)-818-354-6288 Fax: (1)-818-393-9282 -------------------------------------------------------------- ESOC DDS TBD Esoc, Robert- Bosch- Str. 5, Darmstadt, Germany mex.dds@esa.int (Mars Express) rosetta. dds@esa.int (Rosetta) TBD (Venus Express) 4.2.3. Points of contact for data distribution Function Name Adress E-mail Telephone/ Fax -------------------------------------------------------------- Data Manager Markus Fels Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln, Germany fels@geo.uni-koeln.de phone: (49)-221-470-4035 Fax: (49)-221-470-5198 4.3. Data Level Definition 4.3.1. Level 1a data Level 1a raw tracking data (closed-loop and open-loop) will be recorded directly in the ground stations. New Norcia (NNO): Closed-loop IFMS data will be forwarded to the DDS at ESOC and ftped to the home institute in Cologne . The open-loop IFMS data will be sent on hard media (probably DVDs) from the ground station in New Norcia directly to Cologne . Deep Space Network (DSN): ODF (closed-loop) and RSR (open-loop) data will be collected by JPL and transferred to Stanford University and finally send to Cologne on CD-ROMs. 4.3.2. Level 1b and 2 data Level 1b data are processed from level 1a (raw tracking data) into an ASCII formatted file. Cologne is processing IFMS and ODF data, Stanford University processes RSR data up to level 2 and forwards raw and processed data to Cologne for archiving. Level 2 data are calibrated data after further processing. The file format is in ASCII. This data level can be used for further scientific interpretation and will be available to the Co-Is along with the required ancillary data as soon as available with a propriety phase of at least six months. Level 1a to level 2 data will be archived in Cologne once all tracking and ancillary data of a campaign are available. Target date for PDS delivery is six months after the last data of a specific campaign have been recorded. 4.3.3. Level 3 data Derived scientific data products (see Table 4.3‑1) by the Co-Is will be archived in Cologne . A certain scientific data set will be available to the public on request after the first major publication of this data set. 4.3.4. CODMAC level definition In the keywords DATA_SET_ID and PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID within the data labels, CODMAC level are used instead of PSA level. In all other file names and documents we keep the PSA data level definition as described above. For a comparison between the two data level definition see Table 4.3-2. MaRS Science Data Product -------------------------------------------------------------- Description -------------------------------------------------------------- Gravity LOS accelerations Occultations Atmospheric profiles Ionospheric profiles Bistatic radar dielectric constant surface roughness Solar Corona Doppler or phase time series Total electron content Change in electron content Electron density -------------------------------------------------------------- RSI -------------------------------------------------------------- Gravity Low orbit LOS accelerations Gravity field coefficients LOS accelerations (asteroids) Mass flux Doppler time series LOS accelerations Derived mass flux Occultations Dust scatter spectra Ionospheric profiles Bistatic radar dielectric constant surface roughness refractivity Solar Corona Doppler or phase time series Total electron content Change in electron content Electron density -------------------------------------------------------------- VeRa -------------------------------------------------------------- Gravity LOS accelerations Occultations Atmospheric profiles Ionospheric profiles Bistatic radar dielectric constant surface roughness Solar Corona Doppler or phase time series Total electron content Change in electron content Electron density Table 4.3-1 : Examples for Science Data products (Data Level 3) CODMAC level PSA level Description -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1a | raw data 2 | 1b | edited raw data 3 | 2 | calibrated data 5 | 3 | derived scientific data Table 4.3-2 : Comparison between CODMAC level and PSA level 4.4. MaRS, RSI and VeRA Archiving Functions 4.4.1. Archive Content The complete data set size of each investigation is expected to be approximately 200GB for MaRS, 1000GB for RSI and tbd for VeRa. The storage media of the archival data set are CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs. The data set will be divided in single volumes with respect to the science objectives. Level 1a, level1b and level 2 data will be stored on the same medium (if medium space allows), separated into special data directories. All these directories will be separated again into directories for different types of data, e.g. open loop separate from closed loop and so on. Within directories, the data will be ordered by time, using special subdirectories if appropriate. Please note that not all possible directories have to be present. For example, one data set may contain closed loop data but no open loop data thus there is no need for an open loop subdirectory. The same is true for data coming from IFMS and DSN. Level 3 and higher Level data will be stored on separate data volumes. 4.4.2.Expected Number of file products The following lists can only give an estimate and overview of the to be archived file products and file numbers. The MEX commissioning has shown that operational constraints and events will change the operations plan and will have an impact on the actual number of data takings. Rosetta RSI Tbd Venus Express VeRa Tbd Mars Express MaRS ESA IFMS total number of files to be archived Commissioning 1 L1a total: 1620 L1b total: 180 L2 total: 24 Commissioning 2 L1a total: 324 L1b total: 180 L2 total: 24 Gravity L1a total: 24900 L1b total: 45 L2 total: 8 Occultation L1a total: 311250 L1b total: 225 L2 total: 40 Solar Corona L1a total: 18960 L1b total: 90 L2 total: 8 Rosetta RSI ESA IFMS total number of files to be archived Commissioning 1 L1a total: 324 L1b total: 180 L2 total: 24 Commissioning 2 L1a total: 324 L1b total: 180 L2 total: 24 Commissioning 3 TBD DSN TBD 4.4.3. Single Raw Data File (level 1a) Volume Closed-loop IFMS Calculation (bytes) One hour data recording @ 1 second sampling time Overhead 18 kBytes Ranging 110 x number of samples /hour 396 kBytes Doppler 220 x number of samples/hour 792 kBytes Meteo 100 x number of samples/hour 6 kbytes (1 min sampling time) DSN ODF Calculation (bytes) One hour data recording @ 1 second sampling time 1.11 MB/hour Open-Loop IFMS Calculation (bytes) Event volume Occultation 6 bytes*5000 samples/s 54 Mbyte (2x15 min) Bistatic radar 6 bytes*50000 samples/s 2160 Mbyte (2 hours) Solar corona 6 bytes*5000 samples/s648 MByte (6 hours) RSR Calculation (bytes) Event volume (tracking pass) Occultations 0.5 Mbytes / minute each channel 15 Mbytes total (duration 2x 15 minutes) each channel Bistatic radar 12.5 Mbytes / minute each channel 750 Mbytes total (duration 1 hour) each channel Solar corona 0.5 Mbytes / minute each channel 195 Mbytes total (6.5 hours) each channel The number of available tracking passes for each science objective is given in Table 4.4-1 . Investigation Science Objective # of tracking passes duration Total data volume MaRS Gravity TBD Occultations 1500 Bistatic radar 200 Solar Corona 240 RSI Gravity TBD Mass flux TBD Occultations TBD Bistatic radar TBD Solar Corona TBD VeRa Gravity TBD Occultations TBD Bistatic radar TBD Solar Corona TBD Table 4.4-1 : Estimate for available tracking passes for each science objective 1000 samples/s implemented in the Rosetta RSI user manual, but 5000 samples/s aspired 5. Archive Structure and Formats MaRS, RSI and VeRA will issue two kinds of data volumes: Data level 1a and 1b: Observational data (level 1b) processed from the raw data (level 1a) as received and structured by the receiving system of the ground stations Data level 2: Calibrated data derived from the processed data files (level 1b) Data Level 3: Science Data derived from Level 2 data Data of levels 1a, 1b and 2 will be stored on the same data volume separated into different subdirectories, if enough free capacity on the data volume is available. Level 3 and higher Level data will be stored on separate data volumes. Subdirectories appearing in Table 5.1-1 to 5.1-3 but in practice will not contain observed data or ancillary data of any level on the physical archive volume, will not be created. 5.1. Volume Format 5.1.1. MaRS Top-Level Directory Structure for a MaRS level 1a, 1b and 2 data volume Table ROOT |-AAREADME.TXT description of volume contents |-ERRATA.TXT overview of anomalies and errors |-VOLDESC.CAT description of the contents of the logical volume |-CATALOG | |-CATINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents | |-MISSION.CAT PDS catalog object for Mission | |-INST.CAT brief description of the radio systems of the s/c and | | the ground stations | |- INSTHOST.CAT brief description of the Instrument Host | |-DATASET.CAT brief description of the reduced MaRS data | |-PERSON.CAT description of key persons involved in MaRS | |-REF.CAT collection of references uses in the inst.cat and | dataset.cat |-CALIB | |-CALINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents | |-CLOSED_ LOOP | | |-DSN Closed-loop calibration data of the DSN ground stations | | |-IFMS | | | |-RCL Range Calibration data files | | | |-DCL Doppler Calibration data files | | | |- MET Meteo data files | |-OPEN_ LOOP | | |-DSN Open-loop calibration data of the DSN ground stations | | |-IFMS | | | |-RCL Range Calibration data files | | | |-DCL Doppler Calibration data files | | | |-MET Meteo data files | | |-UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT Data files with wrong and corrected | uplink frequency. |-DOCUMENT | |-DOCINFO.TXT description of contents the Document Directory | |-MRS_DOC | | |- M32ESOCL1b_RCL_021202_00.PDF | | | Group delay stability specifications & measurements at | | | New Norcia | | |-M32ESOCL1b_RCL_030522_00.PDF | | | Range calibrations at New Norcia and Kourou | | |-M32UNBWL1b_RCL_030801_00.PDF | | | Transponder group velocities (in german) | | |-MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-301.PDF MaRS Data Archive Plan | | |-MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.PDF MaRS File Naming Convention | | |-MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016_APP_A.ASC MaRS File Naming Convention | | | Appendix A, Example PDS labels | | |-MEX-MRS-IGM-MA-3008.PDF | | | MaRS User Manual | | |-MARS_OPS_LOGBOOK_04_COM.PDF | | | status of all planned radio science operations to date | | |-MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035.PDF | | | IFMS Doppler Processing and Calibration Software | | |Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2 | | |-MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3036PDF | | | IFMS Ranging Processing and Calibration Software | | | Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2. | | |-MEX-MRS-IGM-LI-3028.PDF List of MaRS Team members. | | | |-ESA_DOC | | |-IFMS_OCCFTP documentation of IFMS data format | | |-MEX_ESC_ID_5003_FDSICD.PDF | | |- file format description of ESOC Flight Dynamics files | | | (ancillary files) | | |-MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_C | | | documentation of DDS configuration | | |-MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_I | | | definition of XML-schema for the data delivery interface | | |-MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_H | | | content description of ESOC Flight Dynamics files | | | (ancillary files) | | |-MEX-ESC-IF-5003_(DDID) data delivery interface document | | |-RO-EST-IF-5010 | | | specifications of operational interfaces and procedures | |-DSN_DOC | | |-DSN_ODF_TRK-2-18.PDF | | | Documentation of Tracking System Interfaces and Orbit | | | Data File Interface | | |-JPL_D-16765_RSR.PDF documentation of RSR data format | | |-DSN_WEA_FORMAT_TRK_2_24.PDF | | | Specification of DSN weather file. | | |-DSN_MEDIA_CAL_TRK_2_23.PDF Specification of DSN media | calibration data. |-INDEX | |-INDXINFO.TXT description of thecontents of the Index Directory | |-INDEX.LBL detached PDS label to describe INDEX.TAB | |-INDEX.TAB PDS table, listing all data files included in the | volume |-EXTRAS | |-EXTRINFO.TXT text description of the directory contents | |-ANCILLARY ESOC Relevant DDS files to describe the observation | | geometry | |-SPICE Relevant SPICE Kernels to describe the observation geometry | |-UNI_BW Relevant PREDICT files from the Uni BW Munich | |-MRS Log-files Logfiles of Level 2 processing |-DATA | |-LEVEL1A | | |-CLOSED_LOOP | | | |-DSN ODF Orbit Data Files | | | |-IFMS | | | |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files | | | |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files | | | |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | | |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | | |-RNG Ranging data files | | |-OPEN_ LOOP DSN RSR Radio-Science Receiver data files | | |-IFMS | | |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files | | |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files | | |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | |-RNG Ranging data files | | | |-LEVEL1B | | |-CLOSED_ LOOP | | | |-DSN ODF Orbit Data Files | | | |- IFMS | | | | |- AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files | | | | |- AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files | | | | |- DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | | | |- DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | | | |- RNG Ranging data files | | | | | |- OPEN_LOOP | | | |-DSN RSR Radio-Science Receiver data files | | | |-IFMS | | | | |-AG1 Auto Gain Control 1 data files | | | | |-AG2 Auto Gain Control 2 data files | | | | |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | | | |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | | | |-RNG Ranging data files | |-LEVEL2 | | |- CLOSED_ LOOP | | | |- DSN ODF Orbit Data Files | | | |- IFMS | | | | |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | | | |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | | | |-RNG Ranging data files | | |- OPEN_ LOOP | | | |-DSN RSR Radio-Science Receiver data files | | | |-IFMS | | | | |-DP1 Doppler 1 data files | | | | |-DP2 Doppler 2 data files | | | | |-RNG Ranging data files Table 5.1-1 : Top-Level Directory Structure for a MaRS processed data volume (level 1a, 1b, 2) 6. Data Delivery Schedule This section summarise the preliminary schedule for delivery of data to the PSA. These are deliveries from the MaRS, RSI and VeRA archiving team lead by the PIs Martin Pätzold (MaRS, RSI) and Bernd Häusler (VeRa) to the PSA. Deliveries will be made from the Radio-Science archive team to the PSA at ESTEC for final assembly into the appropriate ESA mission archives. 6.1. MaRS 6.1.1. MaRS observation timeline An overview of the MaRS observation timeline during the nominal mission is given in Figure 6.1-1 and Table 6.1-1. Event Date Commissioning 1 July 2003 Commissioning 2 Oct 2003 Orbit Commissioning Jan/ Feb 2004 OCP1 March - August 2004 SCP1 August - October 2004- Gravity+ BSR October- December 2004 OCP2 Dec- Feb 2005 OCP3 TBD OCP4 TBD SCP2 Sep- Nov 2006 Gravity+ BSR TBD SCP3 TBD Gravity+ BSR TBD Table 6.1-1 : MaRS observation timeline (tbc) RSI RSI observation time line tbd Commissioning Near-Earth Commissioning Date: March 2004 Delivery date: September 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Commissioning 1 Date: May 2004 Delivery date: November 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Commissioning 2 Date: September 2004 Delivery date: March 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Phase Objective: Solar corona C1 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: asteroid flyby tbd Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C2 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: asteroid flyby 2 tbd Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C3 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C4 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Prime Mission Objective: Gravity Field Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Bistatic Radar Campaigns Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Plasma Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Mass flux Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Dust Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 6.1.2. Commissioning Near-Earth Commissioning Date: June/July 2003 Delivery date: April 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Commissioning Date: October 2003 Delivery date: April 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Mars Orbit Commissioning Date: January- February 2004 Delivery date: August 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Gravity BIstatic Radar 6.1.3. Prime Mission Objective: Occultations OCP1 Date: March 2004- August 2004 Delivery date: April 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona SCP1 Date: August 2004- October 2004 Delivery date: May 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations OCP2 Date: December 2004 - February 2005 Delivery date: August 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Bistatic Radar Date: Scheduled by MSP Delivery date: 6 months after last observation of a phase Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Gravity Date: Scheduled by MSP Delivery date: End of nominal mission (at latest) Data volume: Tbd. Data type: Closed-loop Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations OCP3 Date: April 2005 – May 2005 Delivery date: December 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Phobos Date: Scheduled by MSP Delivery date: After all Phobos flybys Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 6.1.4. Extended Mission Objective: Occultations OCC4 Date: July 2005- May 2006 Delivery date: November 2006 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations OCC5 Date: September 2006 - November 2006 Delivery date: May 2007 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations OCC6 Date: April 2007- June 2007 Delivery date: December 2007 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona SCP2 Date: September 2006-November 2006 Delivery date: May 2007 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Bistatic Radar Date: Tbd. Delivery date: Tbd. Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Phobos Date: Scheduled by MSP Delivery date: After all Phobos flybys Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Gravity Date: Tbd. Delivery date: Tbd. Data volume: Tbd. Data type: Closed-loop Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 6.2.RSI 6.2.1. RSI observation time line tbd 6.2.2. Commissioning Near-Earth Commissioning Date: March 2004 Delivery date: September 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Commissioning 1 Date: May 2004 Delivery date: November 2004 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Cruise Commissioning 2 Date: September 2004 Delivery date: March 2005 Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 6.2.3. Cruise Phase Objective: Solar corona C1 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: asteroid flyby tbd Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C2 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: asteroid flyby 2 tbd Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C3 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Solar corona C4 Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 6.2.3. Prime Mission Objective: Gravity Field Date: tbd Delivery date: tbd Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Bistatic Radar Campaigns Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd. Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Occultations Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Plasma Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Mass flux Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 Objective: Dust Date: Tbd Delivery date: Tbd + 6 months Data volume: Tbd Data type: level 1a level 1b and 2 7. Standards Used in MaRS, RSI and VeRa Data Product Generation 7.1. PDS Standards The Standards for generating and Validation of the Data Volumes and Datasets are based on the standards provided by the JPL’s Planetary Data System Version 3.5. For further informations see Document Planetary Data System, Standards Refere-nce, JPL D-7669, Part 2. 7.2. Time Standards MaRS, RSI and VeRa data products makes use of different Time and Reference system. For our data processing and archiving the most important Time Systems are: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Ephemeris Time (ET) The scientific success of a Radio Science Experiment depends critically on a common understanding about the conventions for the reference and time systems. The following sections give an overview of the time standards necessary to understand the above mentioned Time systems and to convert to other common Time Systems. It should be noted that radio science data are generated and recorded at ground stations. Thus the times given in the data and label files are ground station and not onboard time. 7.2.1. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is obtained from atomic clocks running at the same rate as TT (see section ) or TAI (see section ). The UTC time scale is always within 0.7 seconds of UT1 (see section ). By the use of leap seconds, care is taken to ensure that this difference is never exceeded. However, because of the introduction of the leap seconds it becomes clear that this time scale is not steady. The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) can add leap seconds and is normally doing this at the end of June or December of each year if necessary. The actual UTC can only be determined for a previous point in time but predictions for the future are published by the IERS. This fact should be noted when future missions are planned on the base of the UTC time standard. UTC can be obtained by the difference of the predicted value DUT1 or the past value D UT between UT1 and UTC published in the IERS Bulletin A (http://maia.usno.navy.mil/) which contains previous leap seconds and predictions : or UTC = UT - D UT This relation is needed to obtain UT1 (UT) from UTC. 7.2.2. Dynamical Time Scale T eph for the JPL DE 405 Ephemeris In a general relativistic framework, time is not an absolute quantity but depends on the location and motion of a clock. Therefor unlike UTC T eph is not based on the rotation of the earth around its axis. T eph refers to the center of mass of the solar system and is the independent variable of barycentric planetary ephemerides. It should be noted that during the years 1984-2003 the time scale of ephemerides referred to the barycenter of the solar system was the relativistic time scale Barycentric Dynamic Time TDB (see section ). From 2004 onwards this time scale for the JPL DE 405 ephemeris will be replaced by T eph. For practical purposes the length of the ephemeris second can be taken as equal to the length of the TDB second. T eph is approximately equal to TDB, but not exactly. On the other hand, T eph is mathematically and physically equivalent to the newly-defined TCB (see section ), differing from it by only an offset and a constant rate. Within the accuracy required by MaRS, RSI and VeRa we use: T eph ~ TDB. T eph is then defined as seconds past J2000, with J2000 being 12 h 1 January TDB. 7.2.3. Other Time Standards Barycentric Dynamic Time (TDB) Since the differences compared to TT are fairly small, the corrections can be determined by the following approximation : TDB = TT + 0.001658 sec x sin g + 0.000014 sec x sin (2g) with g being the mean anomaly of the Earth in its orbit given by g=357.53 + 0.95856003 x (JD(UT1)-2451545.0) [deg] International Atomic Time (TAI) TAI provides the practical realization of a uniform time scale based on atomic clocks. This time is measured at the surface of the Earth. Since this time scale is a steady one, it differs from UTC by an integral number of leap seconds introduced up the current point in time: TAI = UTC + LS where LS is the number of leap seconds. The unit of TAI is the SI second. Dynamic Time (TT) Terrestial Time (TT) – formerly Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT) - is to be understood as time measured on the geoid. It has conceptionally a uniform time scale. TT is the independent variable of geocentric ephemerides. TT replaced Ephemeris Time (ET) in 1984. The difference between TT and the atomic time scale (TAI) is a constant value of 32.184 seconds: TT=TAI+32.184 sec One therefore obtains also the relationship: UTC=TT-32.184 sec - LS TT does not take into account relativistic corrections. It is used as an independent argument of geocentric ephemeris. GMT (UT) Time is traditionally measured in days of 86400 SI seconds. Each day has 24 hours counted from 0 h at midnight . The motion of the real sun was replaced by the concept of a fictitious mean sun that moves uniformly in right ascension defining the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time (UT). Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST), however, is the Greenwich hour angle of the vernal equinox, i. e. it denotes the angle between mean vernal equinox of date and the Greenwich meridian. The mean vernal equinox is based on a reference system which takes into account the secular effects, i.e. the precession of the Earth´s equator but not periodic effects such as the nutation of the Earth´s axis. In terms of SI seconds, the length of a sidereal day (i. e. the Earths spin period) amounts 23 h 56 m 4 s.091 ± 0 s.005 (corresponding to a factor 1/1.00273790935) making it about four minutes shorter than a 24 h solar day. Hence, sidereal time and mean solar time have different rates. Universal Time (UT1) Universal Time UT1 is the presently adopted realization of a mean solar time scale (constant average length of a solar day of 24 hours) with UT1 = UT. As a result, the length of one second of UT1 is not constant because of the apparent motion of the sun and the rotation of the Earth. UT1 is therefore defined as a function of sidereal time. For any particular day, 0 h UT1 is defined as the instant at which Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) has the value: GMST(0h UT1) = 24110.54841 sec + 8640184.812866 sec x T_0 + 0.093104 x T_0exp(2)-0.0000062 sec x T_0exp(3) For an arbitrary time of the day, the expression may be generalized to obtain the Greenwich hour angle GHA by multiplying this time with the factor 1.00273790935, adding this result to GMST and convert it into degrees (if so desired) GMST(UT1) = 24110.54841 sec + 8640184.812866 sec x T_0 + 1.00273790935 UT1 + 0.093104 sec x Texp(2) - 0.0000062 sec x Texp(3) where T is the time in Julian centuries since the 1st of January 2000 , 12 h, i.e. 2000 Jan. 1.5 : T = (JD(UT1)-2451545)/36525 and JD is the Julian Date. Ecliptic and Earth equator at 2000 Jan 1.5 define the J2000 system. The most useful relation for computer software is one that uses only JD (UT1): GMST(degree) = 280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 x (JD-2451545.0) + 0.000387933 Texp(2) - Texp(3) /38710000 The difference between UT1 and TT or TAI ( atomic clock time, to be explained below) can only be determined retrospectively. This difference is announced by the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and is handled in practice by the implementation of leap seconds (maximum of two in one year). The above formulae contain implicitly the Earth’s mean angular rotation omega in degrees per second [3.15]. Omega (rad/sec)=(1.002737909350795+5.9006 x 10E-11 T -5.9 x 10E-15 Texp(2)) x 2 PI/86400 sec Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG) Geocentric Coordinate Time TCG represents the time coordinate of a four dimensional reference system and differs from TT by a constant scale factor yielding the relation TCG = TT + L_G (JD-2443144.5) x 86400 sec L_G = 6.9692903 x 10E-10 For practical reasons this equation can also be put into the following relation : TCG = TT + 2.2 s/cy x (year-1977.0) cy = century Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB) The Barycentric Coordinate Time TCB has been introduced to describe the motion of solar system objects in a non rotating relativistic frame centered at the solar system barycenter. TCB and TCG exhibit a rate difference which depends on the gravitational potential of the Sun at the mean Earth-Sun distance 1 AU and the Earth´s orbital velocity. The accumulated TCB-TT time difference amounts to roughly 11 s around epoch J2000. TCB = TCG + L_C (JD-2443144.5) x 86400 sec +P (Mc Carthy 1996) and P approximately +0.0016568 sec x sin(35999.37 degree T + 357.5 degree) +0.0000224 sec x sin(32964.5 degree T + 246 degree) +0.0000138 sec x sin(71998.7 degree T + 355 degree) + 0.0000048 sec x sin(3034.9 degree T +25 degree) + +0.0000047 x sin (34777.3 degree T +230 degree) T=(JD-2451545.0)/36525 L_c = 1.4808268457 x 10E-8 The largest contribution is given by the first term. When neglecting the other terms we can approximate P by: P = 0.001658 s sin(g) + 0.000014 s sin(2g) Julian Date (JD) In astronomical computations, a continuous day count is used which avoids the usage of a calendar. The Julian Date (JD) is the number of days since noon January 1, 4712 BC including fractions of the day. Modified Julian Date (MJD) Since the JD has become such a large number, the Modified Julian Date was introduced for convenience. JD was reset at November 17 th 1858 which leads to the following equation : MJD=JD-2400000.5 days Note that the count for MJD starts at midnight . 7.3. Coordinate Systems MaRS, RSI and VeRa make use of different coordinate systems (so called frames in SPICE) with respect to the Target body and different science objectives. There are four different frames classes: 7.3.1. Inertial Frames Inertial frames do not accelerate with respect to the star background. They are the frames in which Newtons laws of motion apply. SPICE ACRONYM DESCRIPTION J2000 Earth mean equator, dynamical equinox of J2000 MARSIAU Mars Mean Equator and IAU vector of J2000. The IAU vector at Mars is the point on the mean equator of Mars where the equator ascends through the the eart mean equator. This vector is the cross of Earth mean north with Mars mean north Table 7.3-1 : Inertial Frames 7.3.2. Bodyfixed Frames Body fixed frames are reference frames that do not move with respect to surface features of an object, but do move with respect to inertial frames. The orientation of this frame is typically determined from the International Astronomical Union (IAU) model for the body in question. SPICE ACRONYM DESCRIPTION ITRF93 International Terrestrial Reference Frame 93 IAU_MARS IAU_MARS_BARYCENTER Mars IAU frame Mars IAU frame (origin in barycenter) IAU_VENUS IAU_VENUS_BARYCENTER Venus IAU frame Venus IAU frame (origin in barycenter) IAU_PHOBOS Phobos IAU frame IAU_DEIMOS Deimos IAU frame Table 7.3-2 : Bodyfixed Frames 7.4. Earth Ellipsoid - Ground Station Coordinates For the Earth the WGS-84 system is used as a reference ellipsoid to define the Ground Station coordinates. The equation below shows how to compute cartesian coordinates if the geodetic (= geocentric) longitude lambda , the geodetic latitude phi and altitude h above the reference ellipsoid with a radius R_ref and a flattening f are given: r_1= (N+h) cos phi cos lambda r_2 = (N+h) cos phi sin lambda r_3 = (1-f exp(2) N+h ) sin phi where N= R_ref/sqrt(1-f (2-f) (sin exp(2) (phi)) ) and 1/f = 298.257223563 The motion of a ground station in an inertial reference system is dominated by the Earth rotation with a velocity of 460 m/s at the equator and the translatory motion of the Earth around the solar system barycenter (~ 30 km/s). When the motion of the ground station is modeled in the inertial International Celestial Reference System ICRS, the position r ITRS of the station in the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) has to be transformed using SPICE. 7.4.1. Venus and Mars Ellipsoids Venus has a spherical shape with an equatorial radius and polar radius of 6051.8 km. For Mars we assume a rotational symmetric ellipsoid. The polar and equatorial semi-major axis have a length of 3376.20 km and 3396.19 km, respectively [3.13]. 7.5. Planetary Ephemeris and Planetary Coodinates The position of the planets are calculated using the JPL/DE405 ephemeris model. The ephemeris data are given in the barycentric time basis TDB and in either the heliocentric or the geocentric J2000 system in a pure geometrical sense, i.e. assuming infinite speed of light. 8. Data Validation 8.1. PSA Validation Tools TBD 8.2. Validation Process TBD 9. MaRS, RSI and VeRa Volumes and Datasets Organization, Formats and Name Specification 9.1 Definitions and General Concept 9.1.1. Definitions Data Product A labeled grouping of data resulting from a scientific observation. Examples of data products include spectrum tables, and time series tables. A data product is a component of a data set. Data Set The accumulation of data products, secondary data, software, and documentation, that completely document and support the use of those data products. A data set is part of a data set collection. Data Set Collection A data set collection consists of data sets that are related by observation type, discipline, target, or time, and therefore are treated as a unit, archived and distributed as a group (set) for a specific scientific objective and analysis. Volume A physical unit used to store or distribute data products (e.g. a CD_ROM or DVD disk) which contain directories and files. The directories and files include documentation, software, calibration and geometry information as well as the actual science data. A volume is part of a volume set. Volume Set A volume set consists of one or more data volumes containing a single data set or collection of related data sets. In certain cases, the volume set can consists of only one volume. 9.2. Volume and Dataset Name Specification 9.2.1. Dataset Dataset ID The Data Set ID is a unique alphanumeric identifier for the MaRS, VeRa and RSI data products. One data set corresponds to one physical data volume and both have the same four digit sequence number. See Table 9-1 for more information. XXX-Y-ZZZ-U-VVV-NNNN-WWW Acronym | Description | Example -------------------------------------------------------- XXX | Instrument Host ID | MEX -------------------------------------------------------- Y | Target ID | M (for Mars) -------------------------------------------------------- ZZZ | Instrument ID | MRS -------------------------------------------------------- U | Data level (here | 1/2/3 (Data set | CODMAC levels are used) | contains raw, edited | | and calibrated data) --------------------------------------------------------- VVV | MaRS mission phase |MCO | (deviate from the |(for values see above) | mission phases) | --------------------------------------------------------- NNNN | 4 digit sequence number | 0123 | which is identical to | | the number in Volume_id | --------------------------------------------------------- WWW | Version number | V1.0 Table 9-1 : Dataset ID Examples: MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-PRM-1144-V1.0 ROS-C-RSI-1/2/3-MCO-0099-V2.0 VEX-V-VRA-1/2/3-MCO-0124-V1.0 It should be noted that the MaRS mission phase names used in the data_set_id do not correspond to the mission phase names as defined from ESA for Mars Express. However, since the radio science team tries has to archive data for Mars Express as well as for Venus Express and Rosetta, it was granted the use of spacecraft-independent mission phase names which can be used for all three missions. For the mission_phases definition see Acronym Description Timespan For Rosetta TBD Acronym Description Timespan For Venus Express TBD Acronym Description Timespan For Mars Express MaRS mission name | abbreviation | time span ================================================================ Near Earth Verification | NEV | 2003-06-02 - 2003-07-31 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cruise 1 | CR1 | 2003-08-01 - 2003-12-25 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Comissioning | MCO | 2003-12-26 - 2004-06-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Prime Mission | PRM | 2004-07-01 - 2005-11-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Extended Mission | ENT | TBD ---------------------------------------------------------------- Table 9-2 : Mission phase description Dataset name The dataset name is the full name of the dataset already identifiable by a dataset id. Dataset names shall be at most 60 characters in length and must be in upper case. See Table 9-3 for more information. Description |Example ==================================== Instrument Host Name |MARS EXPRESS |ROSETTA ORBITER |VENUS EXPRESS ------------------------------------ Target name | Mars | Venus | 67P (for Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko) | Lutetia (tbc) | Steins (tbc) ------------------------------------ Instrument id | Mrs (tbc) | RSI (tbc) | VRA (tbc) ------------------------------------ MaRS mission phases |MISSION commissioning (can deviate from the|cruise 1 MEX official phase |prime mission names. See above) |extended mission --------------------------------------- A 4 digit sequence | 0123 number which is | identical to the | sequence number in | the corresponding | VOLUME_ID | ---------------------------------------- Version number | V1.0 Table 9-3 : Datset name Examples: Mars Express MARS MRS MISSION Comissioning 0123 V1.0 Venus Express VENUS VRA Prime Mission 0099 V2.0 ROSETTA ORBITER 67P RSI CRUISE 1 1144 V3.0 9.2.2. Dataset Collection Dataset Collection ID The data set collection ID element is a unique alphanumeric identifier for a collection of related data sets or data products. The data set collection is treated as a single unit, whose components are selected according to a specific scientific purpose. Components are related by observation type, discipline, target, time, or other classifications. See Table 9-2 for more information. XXX_Y_ZZZ_U_VVV_IIIIIIIIII_TTT Acronym | Description | Example ===================================== XXX | Instrument HostID | MEX | ROS | VEX --------------------------------- Y | Target ID | M (Mars) | V (Venus) | C (Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko) | L (asteroid Lutetia) | S (asteroid Steins) ----------------------------------- ZZZ | Instrument ID | MRS | RSI | VRA --------------------------------- U | Data Level | 1 (Raw Data of level 1a and 1b) | 2 (Calibrated Data) | 3-5 (Higher Level Data) | 1/2/3 (Data set contains raw, calibrated | and Higher Level DATA) ---------------------------------------------------- VVV | Data Description | | (Acronym) | MCO commissioning | CR1 cruise first part | PRM prime mission | ENT extended mission ---------------------------------------------------- IIIIIIIIII | Data Description | | (Detailed) | ROCC Occulation Profiles | | GRAV Gravity Data RANG Apocenter | Ranging BSR Bistatic Radar Spectra | PHOBOS Phobos Flyby | SUPCON superior solar conjunction | INFCON inferior solar conjunction | TTT Version Number V1.0 Table 9-4 : Dataset Collection ID Examples: MEX-M-MRS-5-PRM-ROCC-V1.0 ROS-W-RSI-5-MCO-GRAV-V2.0 VEX-V-VRA-5-MCO-BSR-V1.0 (1)In the keyword DATA_SET_ID the CODMAC-levels are used instead of PSA-level. In all other file names and documents we keep PSA-level. (2) In the keyword DATA_COLLECTION_ID the CODMAC-levels are used instead of PSA-level. In all other file names and documents we keep PSA-level. 9.2.3. Volume Volume ID The Volume ID provides a unique identifier for a single MaRS, RSI or VeRa data volume, typically a physical CD-ROM or DVD. The volume ID is also called volume label by the various CD-ROM recording software packages. The Volume ID is formed using an instrument identifier of 3 characters, followed by an underscore character, followed by a 4 digit sequence number. There can be several version of the same volume, if for example the archiving software changed during the archiving process or errors occurred during the initial production. This is indicated by the Volume Version ID, a string, which consists of a V for Version followed by a sequence number indicating the revision number. Please note that the Volume_Version_ID is a independent keyword and is not part of the actual Volume ID. See Table 9-5 for more information. XXXXXX_ZZZZ VV.V Acronym|Description |Example ========================================= XXXXXX |Mission and Instrument ID|MEXMRS |ROSRSI | VEXVRA ZZZZ |4 digit sequence number | 0001 Table 9-5 : Volume ID Examples: MEXMRS_0001 V1.0 ROSRSI_0999 V1.0 VEXVRA_0508 V1.0 Volume Version ID ----------------- There can be several version of the same volume, if for example the archiving software changed during the archiving process or errors occurred during the initial production. This is indicated by the Volume Version ID, a string, which consists of a V for Version followed by a sequence number indicating the revision number. VV.V Acronym Description Example VV.V Volume Version ID V1.0 If a volume is redone because of errors in the initial production or because of a change in the archiving software during the archiving process, the volume ID remains the same, and the Volume Version ID will be incremented. Volume Name The volume name contains the name of the physical data volume (typically a CD-ROM or DVD) already identifiable by its VOLUME ID. Both the VOLUME ID and the VOLUME NAME are printed on the CD-ROM or DVD labe l (see Figure xx). xxxxxx_zzzz_yyyy_ddd vv.v Acronym| Description |Example ======================================== xxxxxx|Mission and Instrument ID|MEXMRS ROSRSI VEXVRA --------------------------------------- zzzz |4 digit sequence number |0001 --------------------------------------- yyyy |Year of the measurement |2004 ---------------------------------------- ddd |Day of year of the |180 | measurement ---------------------------------------- vv.v |Volume Version ID | V1.0 Table 9-6 : Volume name definition Examples: MEXMRS_0001_2003_180 V1.0 ROSRSI_0999_2016_355 V1.0 VEXVRA_0508_2008_190 V1.0 9.2.4. Volume Set A volume set consists of a number of volumes. Volume Set ID The volume set ID identifies a data volume or a set of volumes. Volume sets are considered as a single orderable entity. Volume set ID shall be at most 60 characters in length, must be in upper case and separated by underscores. See Table 9-7 for more information. XXX_YYYY_ZZZ_WWW_UVVV Acronym | Description | Example ======================================================== XXX | Abbreviation of the country of origin| GER | USA -------------------------------------------------------- YYYY |The government branch | UNIK | NASA -------------------------------------------------------- ZZZ | Discipline within branch | IGM -------------------------------------------------------- WWW | Mission and Instrument ID | MEXMRS | ROSRSI | VEXVRA ------------------------------------------------------- UVVV | A 4 digit sequence identifier | | The U digit is to be used to represent | the volume set | U = 0 commissioning / cruise | = 1 flybys | = 2 prime missions | = 3 extended missions the trailing V are wildcards that represent the range of volumes in the set 0099 Table 9-7 : Volume Set ID Examples (tbc): GER_UNIK_IGM_MEXMRS_0099 USA_NASA_JPL_MEXMRS_0098 Volume Set Name The Volume Set Name provides the full, formal name of a group of data volumes containing a data set or a collection of related data sets. Volume set names shall be at most 60 characters in length and must be in upper case. Volume sets are considered as a single orderable entity. In certain cases, the volume set name can be the same as the volume name, such as when the volume set consists of only one volume. Spacecraft Example Mars Express MEX: RADIO SCIENCE OCCULTATION MEX: RADIO SCIENCE GLOBAL GRAVITY MEX: RADIO SCIENCE TARGET GRAVITY MEX: RADIO SCIENCE SOLAR CORONA MEX: RADIO SCIENCE PHOBOS FLYBY Venus Express tbd Rosetta tbd Examples: MEX: RADIO SCIENCE OCCULTATION MEX: RADIO SCIENCE GLOBAL GRAVITY Both the VOLUME SET ID and the VOLUME SET NAME are printed on the CD-ROM or DVD label. 9.2.5. Volume Series A volume series consists of one or more volume sets that represent data from one or more missions or campaigns. Volume Series Name The volume_series_name element provides a full, formal name that describes a broad categorization of data products or data sets related to a planetary body or a research campaign. See Table 9-8 for details. Spacecraft Example Mars Express MISSION TO MARS (tbc) Venus Express MISSION TO VENUS (tbc) Rosetta MISSION TO SMALL BODIES (tbc) Table 9-8 : Volume Series Name Examples: MISSION TO MARS (tbc) MISSION TO VENUS (tbc) MISSION TO SMALL BODIES (tbc) 9.3.Formats 9.3.1. Datasets MaRS See Document MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016 (Radio Science File Naming Convention and Radio Science File Formats) RSI See Document ROS-RSI-IGM-IS-3087 (Radio Science File Naming Convention and Radio Science File Formats) VeRa See Document VEX-VRA-IGM-IS-3009 (Radio Science File Naming Convention and Radio Science File Formats) 9.3.2. Data Files For information about the MaRS, RSI and VeRa Level 1a, 1b and 2 Data File Formats see Document MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016 (Radio Science File Naming Convention and Radio Science File Formats)