PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = HEA DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT6-3892-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "M00SUE0L1A_HEA_170300334_00.TXT" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2017-11-10T07:29:05.000 PRODUCER_ID = "SUE" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-02-07 NOTE = "DSN MEX OCC Data Report" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Miscellaneous ============= This is the first report since HEAH024A.TXT. The current DSN schedule shows no further MEX open-loop radio science activity through the middle of April. We understand from notes distributed after the MEX SWT in Kiruna (31 January - 2 February) that there will be no science and no S-Band transmitter operation during the July-August 2017 solar conjunction, which implies no MaRS SCO data collection. The concern is spacecraft battery life. Open Loop Data ============== We have completed quick-look processing on the following MEX RSR open loop radio occultation data at Stanford. DOY DSS RSR BAND RSR CH KSPS BT REC RECS RSR MAX START STOP ID RS LEN FILE NAME SNR --- --- -------- -------- ---- --- -- ---- -- ----- ----- ------------ ----- 21 15 02:39:01 03:24:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 2700 H021023A.RSR 54.2 21 15 02:39:01 03:24:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 2700 H021023B.RSR 36.9 21 15 23:38:01 00:23:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 2700 H021233A.RSR 13.0 21 15 23:38:01 00:23:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 2700 H021233B.RSR 0.0 30 15 03:34:01 04:19:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 2700 H030033A.RSR 53.0 30 15 03:34:01 04:19:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 2700 H030033B.RSR 34.0 35 43 09:32:01 10:17:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 2700 H035093A.RSR 58.9 35 43 09:32:01 10:17:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 2700 H035093B.RSR 43.5 35 65 16:31:01 17:17:00 X/XR 2 1 2 16 8260 2760 H035163A.RSR 49.2 35 65 16:31:01 17:17:00 X/SR 1 1 2 16 8260 2760 H035163B.RSR 34.9 36 63 13:34:01 14:16:00 X/XR 2 1 2 16 8260 2520 H036133A.RSR 60.1 36 63 13:34:01 14:16:00 X/SR 1 1 2 16 8260 2520 H036133B.RSR 43.7 Anomalies - Occultations ------------------------ On day 021, data from the second occultation (start time 23:38:01) were collected with the wrong set of RSR tuning predicts. Those data are not usable for science. An occultation originally scheduled for DSS 15 on day 023 between 02:40 and 04:25 was not captured because the pass was converted to one-way. On day 035, data from the second occultation (start time 16:31:01) have variable baseline amplitudes (+/-0.5 dB at X-Band). The S-Band effects are less, but visible in quick-look plots. An increase in noise level after ingress appears synchronously in both channels. These symptoms suggest weather related chnges in the near-Earth propagation path. Impact on the science processing may be small, especially since the occultation itself seems to occur within a time window of about +/-6 minutes when disturbances were minimal. The other data appear to be nominal (and good).