Gene and Danny: Here is the time line for the MEX BSR on day 170 (local time Saturday 08:10 to 14:10) at DSS 63. The ground track for this one is exciting, but the experiment itself will look familiar. The surface echo starts well above the carrier and drifts slowly upward for about 45 minutes. Then it reverses direction and eventually hurtles into the carrier at ingress occultation. Whether we see the final events is not clear from the DSN Keyword File, but I have done the time line assuming we end with at least an X-Band occultation. For the first 26 minutes after BOT there is no signal. S- and X-Band come on, and there is 15 minutes of low-priority X-Band telemetry while the S-Band transmitter warms up. We have the usual spacecraft calibration and slew to Mars with surface observations beginning at 18:28 UT. At this point, the reflecting region is at the base of Pavonis Mons (2S, 115W), the central Tharsis volcano. Incidence angle is 40 deg, so most of the echo will be LCP; but this is expected to be a poorly reflecting region, so you may not see much in either polarization. Over the next 30 minutes, the specular point drifts slowly southwest until it is climbing over Arsia Mons, the southern volcano. There may be a time (18:54 UT) when we are getting reflections from the summit caldera (10S, 120W), though my calculations indicate we will not score a direct hit. After leaving Arsia Mons, the reflecting region wanders further south; at 19:32 we are at (32S, 120W) and incidence angle is 60 deg - RCP and LCP should be about equal. Incidence angle continues to increase (more RCP), the spacecraft drops toward periapsis, and we have occultation at about 20:02 (51S, 53W). The DSN keyword File indicates that the spacecraft antenna returns to Earth point about 19:51 and that X-Band telemetry comes on and the S-Band transmitter goes off at 20:01. I think we just leave things running for BSR and see what happens. There is 65 minutes to do the second MINICAL and the post-cal, which should be plenty. If it looks too tight, feel free to use 2- minute time steps for MINICAL #2 and/or the post-cal. For playback, I recommend the following for the 25 kHz data (no segment longer than 88 minutes): Pre-cal Track until start of 100 kHz data Surface observations until 19:15 Remaining surface/occultation observations (to end of 100 kHz data) Remaining track (e.g., MINICAL #2) and post-cal For 100 kHz playback three 21 minute segments, a 20 minute segment, and a 13 minute segment would be best. This puts the confirmed surface observations into the first four files, with the iffy surface data and occultation in the short file at the end. I expect to be at Donner Summit for this experiment. Try the cell phone (650-380-0675) first; the landline (530-426-3536) is backup. Thanks, Dick 2010/170 (UTC) - - - - - - - 15:10 Begin Pre-cal at DSS 63 FGAIN = 60 dB (all channels, except X-RCP) 65 dB X-RCP FRO_X = 0; FRO_S = 0 (all SCHAN) Start 4-channel 25 kHz recordings after Step 5 (new NOP) Stop 25 kHz recording after Step 20 (new NOP) 17:10 Begin track (no signals at either S- or X-Band) 17:36 S-Band AOS X-Band AOS (telemetry ON; ignore it) 17:51 Resume 25 kHz recording X-Band telemetry OFF 17:55 Advise DSS 63 of switch to planetary coordinates at 18:05 Advise DSS 63 of start of MINICAL #1 at 18:10 18:01 Begin SLEW #1 18:05 DSS 63 switch to planetary coordinates 18:06 FRO_X = +45000 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_S = +8000 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_X = +28000 Hz (SCHAN 4) 18:10 Begin MINICAL #1 18:25 End of MINICAL #1 (end of step 5) 18:28 End SLEW #1 Begin 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) 18:38 FRO_X = +55000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:17 Maximum upward drift of echoes 19:39 FRO_X = +45000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:45 FRO_X = +36000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:49 FRO_X = +28000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:53 FRO_X = +18000 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_S = 0 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:56 FRO_X = +9000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 19:59 FRO_X = 0 Hz (SCHAN 3) 20:00 Advise DSS 63 that MINICAL #2 begins at 20:07 Advise DSS 63 that EOT is delayed from 20:10 to 20:22 20:02 Ingress occultation 20:04 End 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) 20:07 Begin MINICAL #2 20:22 End MINICAL #2 (end of step 5) Delayed end of track (scheduled EOT 16:15) Go to zenith Begin post-cal when ready 21:10 End post-cal (or earlier, if post-cal complete) End 25 kHz recordings End of Activity