Gene and Danny: Here is the time line for the MEX BSR on day 157 (local time Sunday 04:05 to 10:15 AM) at DSS 63. This will be similar to experiments we did 1-2 months ago. The surface echo starts well above the carrier and drifts slowly upward for a little over an hour. The part of the orbit that causes the echo to turn around and race back toward the carrier is not included in this observation; and there are no occultations. There is lots of extra time at the beginning (77 minutes of low priority telemetry). But the end game is tight; we have only 67 minutes from the time the surface observations end until EOA. We will not see the slew back to Earth point; it is barely in the spacecraft sequence. I am recommending that we use 2 minute steps in the second Mini-Cal and post-cal rather than the customary 3 minutes - unless you conclude in real time that 3 minute steps will fit (a combination of 2 and 3 minutes steps is acceptable). EOT is DELAYED 10 minutes in order to fit the second Mini-Cal (you should probably clear this in advance with the NOPE). There is no return to spacecraft pointing because we go directly to stow after MINICAL #2. The reflecting region starts at (2N, 174E), then drifts slowly southwest to (16S, 161E). From maps, this looks like smooth plains at the beginning and cratered terrain at the end. But it is also due west of Stealth, which has historically been a poor reflector of radio waves. Incidence angle on the surface increases from 33 to 45 degrees during the experiment. LCP should be much stronger than RCP throughout. The spacecraft range to the target is near its maximum when we start; by the end, it has decreased, but not by a lot. Expect modest X-Band, and weak S-Band, echoes. If the surface really is smoother at the beginning, the echo strength may be about the same all the way through. Otherwise, the echoes should become slightly stronger as we go from beginning to end. For playback, I recommend the following for the 25 kHz data (no segment longer than 88 minutes): Pre-cal Track until start of 100 kHz data Surface observations until end of 100 kHz data Remaining track (e.g., MINICAL #2) and post-cal For 100 kHz playback three 17 minute segments and one 16 minute segment would be best; but I can carve these up at Stanford if you give me a 67 minute file from each RSR. I expect to be in Sweden for the MEX Science Working Team meeting during this experiment. I doubt there is any easy way to reach me by telephone, and I will not know until I get there whether there are any internet possibilities for communicating. It may be best to assume you are on your own for this operation. Thanks, Dick 2010/157 (UTC) - - - - - - - 11:05 Begin Pre-cal at DSS 63 FGAIN = 60 dB (all channels, except X-RCP) 65 dB X-RCP FRO_X = 0; FRO_S = 0 (all SCHAN) Start 4-channel 25 kHz recordings after Step 5 (new NOP) Stop 25 kHz recording after Step 20 (new NOP) 13:05 Begin track X-Band AOS; telemetry should be ON, but ignore it 14:06 S-Band AOS 14:22 Resume 25 kHz recording X-Band telemetry OFF 14:30 Advise DSS 63 of switch to planetary coordinates at 14:40 Advise DSS 63 of start of MINICAL #1 at 14:45 14:35 Begin SLEW #1 14:40 DSS 63 switch to planetary coordinates 14:41 FRO_X = +37000 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_S = +8000 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_X = +28000 Hz (SCHAN 4) 14:45 Begin MINICAL #1 (3 minute time steps) 15:00 End of MINICAL #1 (end of step 5) 15:04 End SLEW #1 Begin 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) 15:25 FRO_X = +46000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 15:47 FRO_X = +55000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 16:05 Advise DSS 63 that MINICAL #2 begins at 16:14 (2 min time steps) Advise DSS 63 that EOT is delayed from 16:15 to 16:25 16:11 End 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) Begin SLEW #2 (expect echo, if visible, to disappear) 16:14 Begin MINICAL #2 (use 2 minute time steps) 16:24 End MINICAL #2 (end of step 5) 16:25 Delayed end of track (scheduled EOT 16:15) Go to zenith Begin post-cal when ready (recommend 2 minute time steps) 17:15 End post-cal (or earlier, if post-cal complete) End 25 kHz recordings End of Activity