Gene and Danny: Here is the time line for the MEX BSR on day 041 (local time 08 February 20:00 to 09 February 02:20) at DSS 14. Word from Stefan Remus is that S-Band is back in the spacecraft sequence; but now we have the S-RCP maser 'red' at DSS 14. So we will collect S-LCP (and check that the recurring problems in late 2009 have been fixed), but the S- Band science will be limited without both polarizations. The surface observations start at (32S, 54W) and end at (42S, 65W); this is lightly cratered terrain northwest of the large basin Argyre. The spacecraft has just passed apoapsis, so everything happens slowly and signals are relatively weak; but we have just passed Mars opposition, so the small Earth- Mars distance makes the weak signals stronger. Incident angle on the surface varies from 45 to 56 degrees, meaning LCP should be stronger than RCP throughout but with RCP making gains toward the end. I should arrive in Burbank at 6:05 PM. I'll plan to grab some dinner en route to JPL and get to the main gate a little before 8 PM. Thanks, Dick 2010/041 (UTC) - - - - - - - 04:00 Begin Pre-cal at DSS 14 FGAIN = 60 dB (all channels, including X-RCP) FRO_X = 0; FRO_S = 0 (all SCHAN) Start 4-channel 25 kHz recordings after Step 4 Stop 25 kHz recording after Step 18 06:00 Begin track (X-Band may be ON; the DKF is not clear) 06:37 S-Band ON 06:50 Resume 25 kHz recording 07:00 Advise DSS 14 of switch to planetary coordinates at 07:10 07:05 Begin SLEW #1 07:10 DSS 14 switch to planetary coordinates 07:11 FRO_X = +29600 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_S = +5000 Hz (SCHAN 3) 07:12 Begin MINICAL #1 07:27 End of MINICAL #1 (end of step 5) 07:29 End SLEW #1 Begin 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) 08:25 Advise station of MINICAL #2 starting at 08:32 and Advise station of return to S/C pointing predictions at 08:47 08:31 End 100 kHz recording (SCHAN 4) Begin SLEW #2 08:32 Begin MINICAL #2 08:47 End MINICAL #2 (end of step 5) DSS 14 return to spacecraft pointing predicts 08:48 FRO_X = 0 Hz (SCHAN 3) FRO_S = 0 Hz (SCHAN 3) 08:50 End SLEW #2 09:06 X-Band telemetry ON 09:07 Early end of track (scheduled EOT 09:20) Go to zenith Begin post-cal when ready 10:20 End post-cal (or earlier, if post-cal complete) End 25 kHz recordings End of Activity