SPACECRAFT POINTING MODE AND DESCRIPTIONS Version 2.1 Written by Maud Barthelemy 2/10/2006 Modified by Maud Barthelemy 30/01/2007 Modified by Ludmila Carone 25/09/2007 This document describes the values for the SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE keyword. First, the definition of the SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE keyword is: "The spacecraft_pointing_mode element provides the pointing mode of the spacecraft. The definition of the modes and the standard values are given via the SPACECRAFT_POINTING_MODE_DESC element, which shall always accompany this keyword." Reference: VEX-ESF-IF-5005, Issue 2.2, 2005-05-20 1) NADIR This pointing mode is used for science observations normally around pericentre. The Z axis of the sc points towards the Mars centre. The X axis of the s/c is perpendicular to the ground track. 2) ACROSSTRACK The ACROSSTRACK pointing mode is a derivative of the NADIR pointing mode. It is computed by applying a rotation around the s/c Y-axis. The rotational angle shall be computed such that the projection of the s/c Z axis onto the Mars surface is separated by a constant predefined angle from the sub-satellite point as seen from the Mars centre. The angle is measured in degrees and shall be specified in the data product label. 3) ALONGTRACK The ALONGTRACK pointing mode is a derivative of the NADIR pointing mode. It is computed by applying a rotation around the s/c X-axis. The rotational angle shall be computed such that the projection of the s/c Z axis onto the Mars surface is separated by a constant predefined angle from the sub-satellite point as seen from the Mars centre. The angle is measured in degrees and shall be specified in the data product label. 4) EARTH HGA boresight axis pointing to the Earth (either HGA 1 or 2), - Y-axis of the S/C (SA axis) is either closest to the ecliptic plane normal or perpendicular to the plane defined by the earth and sun directions. - In addition, in case of the Y axis ecliptic option, the direction of the Y axis (north/south) can be selected. 5) INERT Inertial attitude is used to point a payload towards a fix direction. The direction is given in right ascension and declination. The rotational degree of freedom around this direction can be used to optimise power/thermal conditions. 6) NADIR_POW Nadir with yaw steering with s/c Z-axis as the LOS: The s/c Z-axis is pointing towards the Mars centre. The Y-axis is perpendicular to the Sun. The position of X axis is selected such that no sun illumination of the -X face occurs. 7) SPECULAR The SPECULAR reflection pointing mode is aimed at pointing the High-Gain Antenna to a locus of surface points that result in specular reflection of the radio wave if Mars were smooth. That part of the signal power which is reflected toward Earth is received at the ground station. To compute the point of specular reflection a sphere model of the Mars surface is taken. 8) CUSTOM The SPEC mode pointing is a user custom pointing. It aimed at the implementation of user specific pointing requirements which cannot be accommodated via a specific interface. 9) MOSAIC The aim of mosaic pointing is to cover the full Venus disc from apocenter by performing a raster motion. For each of the raster points the attitude is computed based on the nadir pointing with yaw steering for power optimisation and applying one rotation along the S/C Y axis and one rotation along the S/C X axis (in this order).