ROSINA Commissioning Report Part 1 period 19-20. March 2004 Table of Content 1. Timeline 2. Events 2.1. Manual Switch on 2.2. Switch off by OBCP 2.3. Switch on by OBCP 2.4. First switch on of COPS 2.5. COPS to monitoring mode 3. Conclusion 1. Timeline Procedure Title UTC 1 RN-FCP-001 Manual switch on 19 Mar 2004 - 22:50 2 RN-FCP-051 Switch off by OBCP 19 Mar 2004 - 23:17 3 RN-FCP-050 Switch on by OBCP 19 Mar 2004 - 23:25 4 RN-CVP-141 First switch on of COPS 19 Mar 2004 - 23:49 5 RN-FCP-051 Switch off by OBCP 20 Mar 2004 - 7:59 6 RN-FCP-050 Switch on by OBCP 20 Mar 2004 - 22:35 7 RN-CVP-141 (cont) First switch on of COPS 20 Mar 2004 - 22:39 8 RN-FCP-012 COPS pressure monitoring 9 RN-FCP-051 Switch off by OBCP 2. Events 2.1. Manual Switch on No anomalies were observed during this procedure. LCL current varied between 0.146 and 0.43 A, depending on the load of the DPU. 2.2. Switch off by OBCP No anomalies detected during the switch off. Context file was sent. 2.3. Switch on by OBCP No anomalies detected during switch on. Context file was correctly received. 2.4. First switch on of COPS No anomalies were detected during switch-on of COPS into standby mode. During measurement of the filament offset a sensor error report was received. This error was due to a higher than expected offset value in the emission current (0.21 uA (raw value 32 instead of <10)). This required a change in the table settings of COPS. The value was set to raw value 50 which fixed the problem. The cause of this problem is most probably photoemission of the COPS outer grid increasing the emission current. This effect is of no consequences neither to the health of the instrument nor to its scientific performance. It was also recognized that the limit in the COPS table is set to a value which is too low to allow operation of the filament on 200 uA. This value is only used during commissioning to speed up the outgasing. This step was omitted from the procedure. Both values will be updated during the next S/W upload foreseen during the second part of the ROSINA commissioning. The final pressure value reported by COPS and sent as pressure report to the other instruments was 2 x 10-9 mbar. No anomalies occurred during the commissioning neither of the second filament nor of the first two microtip arrays. It became obvious that the microtip conditioning will take more time than available during this commissioning period. The pressure reading never reached a plateau and was always a factor of 3 higher than for the filament. However, this was expected. As the microtips will not be used probably until we reach the comet (monitoring is done with the filament) this activity can as well be postponed by a few years. Activities were stopped after the conditioning of the second microtip because we were near the end of the pass. Activities were resumed during the next pass. All microtips were switched on one after the other. No anomalies were detected. During the high emission mode of the first three microtip arrays a sensor error occurred. The cause of this error was a wrong parameter. There is a difference in the electronics of the FS and the FM model. For the FM the lowest emission value which is regulated by the electronics is 5 uA whereas for the FS the regulation starts only at 80 uA. The parameter sent (25 uA) was correctly not accepted for the FS. For safety reasons (and because there was no need) we decided not to go to such a high value before the microtips had more time to outgas. On both days it was seen that the DPU sometimes has a problem with the time stamp given to the HK packets. The time of the DPU runs faster by 4 ms per minute (which is within the limits). However from time to time it jumps by 10 or more seconds into the future. It is always resynchronized by the S/C later on. The cause of this jumps which happened quite often during the first pass and much less so during the second is unknown and needs analysis. This will be done by Braunschweig (B. Fiethe). 2.5. COPS to monitoring mode No anomalies occurred during this step. The pressure reading was only slightly lower than on the previous day. Due to the time jumps of the DPU it was decided to eliminate also the slightest risk and to switch off ROSINA at the end. COPS will be left on for an extended period of time during the next commissioning slot of ROSINA. 3. Conclusion The overall performance of ROSINA DPU and COPS was excellent. No major anomalies occurred. The pressure onboard Rosetta during the commissioning of COPS was 2 x 10-9 mbar and very stable. It is to be hoped that this pressure decreases during the following weeks, months and years in order to get sensitive measurements with ROSINA near the comet. ROSINA Commissioning Report for the period 21.-23. March 2005 Table of Content 1. SW Upload 2. RTOF commissioning 2.1. Timeline 2.2. Problems encountered 2.3. Analysis of failure 2.4. Course of action 3. Scientific performance 4. Anomaly reports 5. Open tasks 6. Conclusions 1. SW Upload The SW version 6.6 was uploaded to the redundant part of the ROSINA DPU. This was the first switch on of this part. No anomalies occurred. Subsequently, the DPU was switched on on the redundant path (data and power) and COPS was put into standby mode. Everything worked nominally. It can be stated that the redundant path for the DPU is now fully commissioned and the SW in both parts of the DPU are identical. 2. RTOF commissioning 2.1. Timeline UTC 16:52 COPS into monitoring mode 12V curr= 50.08 mA Temp elec.=9.66 DegC Temp sensor=11.34 DegC COPS Mon Tab(6) CM_NG_Grid offset=-75 pA, high em, low ion range 17:05 RTOF stby T_HV=8.67 T_LVPC 12.25 T_BP_OS 44.8 T_BP_SS 46 T_MCP 29.7 5V I=36 Curr -5V =256 Curr +15V =114 Curr -15V= 55 Curr -5Vadd =54 Curr +8V =30 Curr -24V= 0.4 Cmd err cnt=51 17:24 COPS Pressure 1.49 e-10 mbar 17:45 Table upload finished 17:50 SS Filament on stby, fil_Heat=188 mA 18:02 SS Filament on 100 uA fil_HEAT=1025 mA 18:12 Drift -1500 V V=-1445 18:17 Pulser on V=183 18:26 Drift to -1200 V, off by DPU 18:35 Drift on V=-1500 V Drift off by DPU 18:46 Pulser off 18:47 Drift on -1500 V 5V current = 1.2 mA!! 19:06 ETS on 5V current = 347 mA RTOF off 5V current =-20 mA RTOF on 5V current =8 mA Fil on 5V current =15mA ETS on 5V current =345mA Drffit on -1500 V drift reaches 1339 V, drift off by DPU A2 -716V ok SL -2312 V ok RL -2915 reaches 2700 V, HV off by DPU 20:23 RTOF off 2.2. Problems encountered While the drift voltage was on -1500 V a sudden drop of this voltage to ~-1300 V was observed together with an increase of the 24V- and -5V currents which caused a switch off of the HV's by the DPU. A subsequent switch on of the drift voltage to -1500 V was not successful, the voltage reached only ~-1300 V. A switch on to -1000 V was also not successful, the voltage reached was ~-700 V. In all cases the DPU switched off the HV. The margin for this voltage was then enlarged from +-100V to +-500 V. The drift could be switched on to -1500 V, but reached only a voltage around -1400 V. A test of the other HV's revealed that all voltages could be switched on to their nominal value except the reflectron lens which reached only about -2700 V instead of the commanded -2900 V. On the second day RTOF was switched on manually by stepping up the HV, alternating between drift, source lens and reflectron lens so as to ensure that the voltage difference remains as small as possible between the drift and the adjacent voltages. The drift reached the -1500 V foreseen, the reflectron was put to -2500 V because an additional current on the -5V was observed as soon as the reflectron lens voltage exceeded -2600 V. It was also recognized that some of the safety margins set in the DPU are not adequate. E.g. whenever the reflectron backplane voltage (R1) is changed, the voltage on R2 is influenced (well understood resistance network) which leads to a switch off because then the R2 voltage is outside the limit. Several margins had to be enlarged to allow a manual switch on of RTOF. Once RTOF was switched on it remained stable and produced nice spectra (see chapter 3), which was quite unexpected because the reflectron lens was on an unforeseen level . While RTOF was switched off with the automated sequences a high current on the +-15 V occurred pulling these voltages down. This was recognized only quite late by the DPU because the monitoring of the DPU is inactive while voltages are stepped down. The reason for this high current is unknown. It left no permanent damage on the RTOF. On the third day the switch on procedure was repeated without any anomalies except that, when the ETS-L was switched on, the E2 voltage which is on 8 V nominally showed a value of 9 V which caused again a switch-off of the whole sensor. This anomaly is well understood: the ETS_L uses quite a large current while being switched on which caused a small deviation in the housekeeping value of the E2 voltage. Again this margin which in this case was only +-1 V is much too small. A second switch-on was more successful and RTOF remained stable after that. The ortho-source channel did not give any spectra which is not unexpected because there the reflectron lens voltage of -2500 V was even more displaced from its nominal value (-3000 V) and the channel is less sensitive than the storage source. With different parameters however this can be adjusted. A different manual switch off procedure which reversed the switch on procedure was executed and lead to a smooth switch off of RTOF. 2.3. Analysis of failures It is not clear what led to the failure in the drift or reflectron lens voltage. It seems that the 9 kV power supply which delivers all high voltages has a broken component which causes an additional current of 30 mA on the +24 V. The cause that the reflectron lens voltage has to be kept below 2600V and that RTOF can be switched on as long as the voltage difference between drift and reflectron lens is kept low, could mean that a current is flowing between drift and reflectron lens in the ion optics above a certain voltage difference (glowing, not a fixed resistor). However it could also mean that the output voltage of the 9 kV is somehow limited due to a broken transistor. The isolating ceramic between drift and reflectron lens is 8 mm and should be more than sufficient for the voltages applied. The reflectron has undergone partial discharge tests which showed that the design margin for HV breakdown was more than a factor of 2 and that it stands voltages exceeding 8 kV. It is also not clear why this happened after such a long time in vacuum. The other possibility is that the failure lies within the electronics. Analysis is ongoing. The second failure, the increase of the +-15V current is also not fully understood. It may again be connected to the first failure because the sequence of stepping down was done with the automated sequences which do not reflect the changes done with the manual switch-on. 2.4. Course of action The next steps are the following: - Complete analysis of failure - Get new values for the voltages based on the restriction of the reflectron lens and drift from the spare instrument - Design a procedure based on the experience from the last commissioning with a mission time line for the switch-on/off of RTOF - Do a SW patch in July to account for the too small margins set in the DPU to prevent unnecessary switch-off. - Test the above procedure during the next slot (6./7. July) - Implement the new procedure into the automated DPU SW and upload a SW patch and test sensor(during active checkout , fall 2006) 3. Scientific performance Nevertheless RTOF proves to be a sturdy sensor. It produces excellent spectra at least in the storage channel (see below) with a very good mass resolution and an excellent sensitivity although the voltages were not at all optimized. 4. Anomaly reports Two anomaly reports were raised: - SC ROSINA RTOF Autonomous Switch-off during Deactivation State Open ID ROS_SC-87 Description While commanding the ROSINA RTOF sensor from operational configuration with high voltages up to Standby, a sensor error report was generated at 081.20.19 and the sensor switched off autonomously by the ROSINA DPU. Shortly before the event generation, parameters NRNAR184 PSU_-15_Val and NRNAR183 PSU_+15_Val were reported out of limits, reporting respectively -9.96V and 9.78V. - SC ROSINA Internal Monitoring Triggerings during RTOF Operations State Open ID ROS_SC-86 Description During RTOF operations, the high voltages values reported in housekeeping were observed to be very inaccurate. This caused the triggering of ROSINA internal monitoring during operations. The consequence of the monitoring triggering was that the high voltages were commanded back to 0, which prevented operations of the RTOF detector. The monitoring tables had to be updated temporarily to support testing of the RTOF detector during the slot. They both relate to the failures observed (see above) and cannot yet be closed. 5. Open tasks See 2.4. It has to be stated that in the present condition RTOF cannot be run autonomously and needs more commissioning time. 6. Conclusions ROSINA RTOF is at the moment not yet in a stable situation where it could be run autonomously. In the present state it could also not take part in any payload activities without near real time housekeeping data. It certainly needs more commissioning time and SW uploads. However its scientific performance nevertheless still fulfills the requirements stated in the ROSINA proposal. ROSINA Report for the period 6.-7. July 2005 Sequence of events: 6. July: 09:08 COPS on, monitoring mode, p=8e-11 mbar 09:58 DFMS on 10:26 M5 10:47 M210 11:30 M205 12:13 M150 12:39 M152 13:00 M212 14:45 M160 15:15 M162 15:45 DFMS off 15:45 COPS M312 (medium sensitivity, low emission to monitor thruster firing) COPS science mode 7. July: 07:45 DFMS on, M3310 10:45 Problems with ROSINA switch-off due to RDP-heater 10:58 ROSINA off COPS Results: COPS worked without problems all the time and monitored the thruster firings in a mode which did not lead to saturation. The highest pressure monitored was 10^-6 mbar. DFMS For the first time DFMS operated in the science mode, performing several modes autonomously. All results were nominal. However, there was a problem when ROSINA was switched off due to the RDP heater of DFMS which interfered with the switch-off command. The heater first had to be switched off manually in order to switchoff ROSINA. This problem has to be solved with a SW update. ROSINA Active checkout PC4 Report for the period 11.-16. December 2006 Table of Content 1. DPU 2. DFMS 3. RTOF 4. COPS 5. Anomaly reports 6. Open tasks 7. Conclusions 1. DPU SW 6.A was uploaded to the main DPU part. Just after the upload a SW patch was made due to a monitoring problem for RTOF which was found only recently with the FM in Bern. Both SW patches were successful. The SW on the main and the redundant part are currently not the same. During the next slot the redundant part should also be updated to the same level. 2. DFMS The sequence 7 (inflight gas calibration for CEM and MCP) was run during the pass. Sequence 1 (background modes for CEM and MCP) was run out of pass. Both sequences run very smoothly. The results have to be analyzed in detail, however the data look very nice, good resolution was achieved with mass peaks (very often even multiple mass peaks) on almost every mass. The background of Rosetta seems still to be quite prominent. For the asteroid flyby this will mean that we need a long duration background measurement (several days) before and after the flyby. Cover operation went very smoothly. No current increase was seen compared to previous cover movements which is a good sign for the health of this mechanism. Due to the no-go for RTOF we used the remaining time for DFMS. The manual optimization on the transfer lens voltages and the zoom quad 1 voltage went smoothly except one detector housekeeping readout error which caused several hundred progress reports to be sent to ground. This problem was known from the lab. The first error is probably due to a timing problem of the detector - DPU interface. The subsequent progress reports have to be eliminated by a SW patch. The data compression and the pixel gain measurement went smoothly. It is now possible to reduce the science data rate of ROSINA considerably by using a lossless wavelet compression. The compression factor will however be variable (app. between a factor 2 and 20), cannot be modeled and depends on the science data (number of peaks detected, peak shapes, background noise, etc.). Overall, DFMS is now in a state where it can be run autonomously also out of pass. 3. RTOF Cover operation went very smoothly. When the 9 kV was switched on, the 24V current went up and above the new limit set in the DPU which caused a switch off of the 9 kV. A second try gave the same result. However, compared to the last time RTOF was on (March 2005), the situation has most probably improved. The first jump of the current (up to 54mA) was as big as in spring 2005, however after this the current more or less remained constant. The time of observation is too short to be absolutely sure but comparing the two behaviors it looks as if the second increase of the current (up to 68 mA in March 2005) has diminished (see figure). For comparison two curves from the FM in the vacuum chamber are shown. The first one (March 2006) led to a highly reduced high voltage of only 200 V instead of >7 kV. The second curve was taken after one more week in the vacuum chamber while the instrument was heated in order to outgas. The voltage reached after this week was 3.8 kV and stable. In space the voltage reached in March 05 was 2.9 kV. It seems that the second increase of the 24V current is due to corona discharge which seems to be smaller now than in March 05 (see also ROSINA failure investigation, May 06, RO-ROS-TR-1120). It can therefore be hoped that the maximum voltage achievable has increased in the FS as well and the operation is more stable. Another attempt should be made to switch on RTOF 9kV once the instrument is cooler (March next year seems to be a good time). This will be complemented in the lab by putting the HV board of the FM in vacuum and by following the evolution of the 24V current and the output voltage over the next months in the lab. The FS sensor on Rosetta can be used in the state it was in March 2005 and produces good spectra. However, we will proceed with great caution in order to take minimal risks and we may just need a few more years of outgassing to get back to the nominal performance of RTOF. 4. COPS No problems were encountered with COPS. The total pressure measured by COPS is still in the low 10-11 mbar. The conditioning of all microtip groups went absolutely smoothly. The first operation of the ram gauge together with the nude gauge also posed no problem, although for the future we will have to foresee an intermediate range of emission (50 uA, currently only 15 and 100 uA). In order to keep the microtips conditioned we should aim to switch them on at least once a year (active or passive checkout). Once at the comet the conditioning has to be repeated. 5. Anomaly reports One anomaly report was raised: ID: ROS_SC-120 During execution of DFMS mode 3019 on DOY 348, a sensor error was generated, reporting that MCP had been switched-off by the ROSINA autonomy due to spurious housekeeping reading (known DFMS feature). While the MCP was OFF, ROSINA started to periodically generate normal events EID 44007 Progress reports. This could wrap-around the event packet store if it occurred while ground is not there to intervene and shall therefore be fixed. The following anomaly report can be closed with this SW upload: ID: ROS_SC-95 DFMS switch-off failed The flight control procedure RN-FCP-011 (switch off COPS) can now be used without problem due to the new SW. 6. Open tasks - SW version 6.A has to be uploaded to the redundant part of the DPU - RTOF 9 kV has to be retested in a colder environment. - The temperature dependence of the DFMS detectors has to be monitored. 7. Conclusions DFMS and COPS are fully operational and fulfill all specs. RTOF could currently be operated with limited voltages and still achieve the specs. However, in order to limit the risk at this time in the mission we will just check from time to time if the behavior of the RTOF HV is changing. Otherwise, we will limit the operation to a minimum until we are close to the comet (or possible near Lutetia). ROSINA Delta commissioning Report for the period 20.-22. March 2007 Table of Content 1. Purpose of test 2. RTOF 3. DFMS 4. COPS 5. Anomaly reports 6. Open tasks 7. Conclusions 1. Purpose of test The main purposes of the test were the following: 1. Check if the 24V current for RTOF shows the same behavior in a colder envcironment than it did in the hot environment in December 06 2. Check the temperature dependence of DFMS in order to reevaluate the thermal modelling. 3. Check the influence of the Postacceleration voltage in DFMS 2. RTOF When the 9 kV was switched on, the 24V current went up to 57 mA after 1 minute. The limit was then set to 60 mA. During the second switch-on, RTOF reached this limit after 70 s and was switched off by the DPU. The tests were stopped. The disappointing fact was that the RTOF electronics was still at 20DegC although the distance to the sun was 1.5 times larger than in December 2006. At that time the temperature in the RTOF electronics was around 30DegC. We had hoped that the decrease in temperature would be much bigger and therefore the outgassing in RTOF highly reduced. The detectors of RTOF showed a temperature which was 30DegC lower (36DegC in December 06, 6DegC in March 07). The other alternative to get rid of the outgassing is by heating RTOF as high as possible as long as possible. In order to do so we would appreciate if we could let RTOF run in stby (with both data acquisition boards also in stby) during the active checkout PC6 and during earth flyby. To this purpose we would include a new sensor mode in the next SW upload planned for the beginning of the active checkout. The instrument would need appr. 20W, produce limited HK but no science data. This may help to get rid of the excessive gas in the potting of the RTOF HV. A next test of the HV could then be envisaged for the active checkout in summer 08 where the distance to the sun will be larger. The FS sensor on Rosetta can be used in the state it was in March 2005 and produces good spectra. However, we will proceed with great caution in order to take minimal risks and we may just need a few more years of outgassing to get back to the nominal performance of RTOF. 3. DFMS The sequence 7 (inflight gas calibration for CEM and MCP) and sequence 1 (background modes for CEM and MCP) was run out of pass. Both sequences run very smoothly although they needed more time than foreseen. A temporary SW patch seems to be working for the anomaly encountered during PC4 (excessive event generation). Subsequently the postaccel voltage was set to 0 and the background modes for the MCP repeated. The results have to be analyzed in detail, however the data look very nice, good resolution was achieved with mass peaks (very often even multiple mass peaks) on almost every mass. Again the surprising fact was the rather high temperatures with the detector temperature at -5DegC. This somehow is quite reassuring because after the July 2005 tests the temperature predictions were rather in the vicinity of -15DegC. With this new data point we will revisit the thermal model of DFMS. However, in order to do so we need the solar aspect angles for all periods when DFMS was on. Another surprising (and not quite so reassuring) fact is that the background of Rosetta seems still to be quite prominent even at this larger distance from the sun. The background is for the water roughly the same as in December 06 and has equal or higher peaks for the Hydrazin and for the solvents (Toluene) (see attached spectra). The evolution of this background has to be carefully monitored. 4. COPS No problems were encountered with COPS. The total pressure measured by COPS is at the detection limit of 2x 10-11 mbar. 5. Anomaly reports No new anomaly report was raised: 6. Open tasks - SW version 6.A has to be uploaded to the redundant part of the DPU - RTOF has to be heated as long and as much as possible - RTOF 9 kV has to be retested in a colder environment. - The temperature dependence of the DFMS detectors has to be monitored. - The S/C oputgassing has to be monitored 7. Conclusions DFMS and COPS are fully operational and fulfill all specs. RTOF could currently be operated with limited voltages and still achieve the specs. However, in order to limit the risk at this time in the mission we will just check from time to time if the behavior of the RTOF HV is changing. Otherwise, we will limit the operation to a minimum until we are close to the comet (or possible near Lutetia). ROSINA Active checkout PC6 Report for the period 17.-21. September 2007 Table of Content 1. DPU 2. DFMS 3. RTOF 4. COPS 5. Anomaly reports 6. Open tasks 7. Conclusions 1. DPU SW 6.B was uploaded to the main DPU part. The SW on the main and the redundant part are currently not the same. This has to be changed in one of the future checkouts. 2. DFMS Cover operation went very smoothly. No current increase was seen compared to previous cover movements which is a good sign for the health of this mechanism. The manual optimization on IRP1 voltage, the transfer lens voltages and the zoom quad 1 voltage went smoothly. We will now analyze the differences between the FS and FM model and see how far we can do the remaining optimization on the FM in the lab and how much remains to be done in space. The sequence 7 (inflight gas calibration for CEM and MCP) was run during the pass. Sequence 1 (background modes for CEM and MCP) was run out of pass. Both sequences run very smoothly. The execution time has been shortened from 13 h to 6.5 h due to a better optimized operation. The results have to be analyzed in detail, however the data look very nice, good resolution was achieved with mass peaks (very often even multiple mass peaks) on almost every mass. The background of Rosetta seems still to be quite prominent, close to what was observed in March 2007 (see fig. 1). For the asteroid flyby this will mean that we need a long duration background measurement (several days) before and after the flyby. Overall, DFMS is in a state where it can be run autonomously also out of pass. Fig. 1: DFMS water peak, low resolution 3. RTOF Cover operation went very smoothly. At the end of PC6 RTOF was switched on in mode 7 (stby with the data acquisition systems also on stby). However, the current limits were too tight which means that RTOF will now be run in normal stby only using appr. 16W. This should heat the electronics in order to speed up the outgassing. 4. COPS No sensor problems were encountered with COPS. The total pressure measured by COPS is close to the detection limit of 1 10-11 mbar. The new mode which was implemented in order to exercise the ram gauge did not take into the account the slightly different behavior of the FS model compared with the FM. This resulted in several DPU and sensor error reports although COPS behaved nominally. A further SW upload will correct this. 5. Anomaly reports One anomaly report was raised: ID: ROS_SC-142 RN error events during RN01 execution. This anomaly is related to the sensor and DPU errors reports and will be corrected in the next SW upload. 6. Open tasks - A new SW upload correcting the error events related to the above mentioned AR has to be uploaded together with the now optimized - DFMS parameters. - The SW version has to be uploaded also to the redundant part of the DPU - RTOF 9 kV has to be retested in a colder environment. - The temperature dependence of the DFMS detectors has to be monitored. - The outgassing of the SC has to be monitored. The CPPCR should not be affected by this. All open tasks are already foreseen. 7. Conclusions DFMS and COPS are fully operational and fulfill all specs. RTOF could currently be operated with limited voltages and still achieve the specs. However, in order to limit the risk at this time in the mission we will just check from time to time if the behavior of the RTOF HV is changing. Otherwise, we will limit the operation to a minimum until we are close to the comet (or possible near Lutetia) ROSINA Active checkout PC8 Report for the period 14.-28. July 2008 Table of Content 1. DPU/ RN08&RN12 2. DFMS / RN03&RN05&RN10 (DFMS) 3. RTOF / RN01&RN10 (RTOF) 4. COPS / RN09 5. Interference test RN04 6. Anomaly reports 7. Open tasks / CPPCR 8. Conclusions 1. DPU/ RN08&RN12 SW 7.0 was uploaded to the redundant DPU part on July 14. There was an inconsistency in the OBCP switch on procedure not allowing using the main power and the redundant DPU part simultaneously. The switch-on had to be done manually. The context file contained a wrong cover position for RTOF due to the fact that the last time the redundant part was used the cover had to be partially closed due to a thermal problem of the detector. The context file had to be manually patched. The cover operations were therefore delayed and were executed during DFMS and RTOF tests respectively. This led to an unforeseen configuration (RTOF and DFMS on in parallel, but not COPS) which gave raise to some error reports. A SW patch has to fix this problem in the future. On July 28 the SW in the main DPU was also updated. The context file was correct. 2. DFMS / RN03&RN05&RN10 (DFMS) The sequence 7 (inflight gas calibration for CEM and MCP) was run during the pass. Sequence 1 (background modes for CEM and MCP) was run out of pass. Both sequences run very smoothly. The manual optimization on the transfer lens voltages went smoothly. We will now analyze the results and see how much remains to be done in space. For this we will need some time and compare the results with the instrument in the lab. Cover operation went very smoothly in parallel to the RTOF HV tests. No current increase was seen compared to previous cover movements which is a good sign for the health of this mechanism. Overall, DFMS was very stable during all of the operations including interference test. 3. RTOF / RN01&RN10 (RTOF) Cover operation went very smoothly. The 9kV HV in the electronics was switched on. After adjustment of the current limit the instrument was run with HV on during 30 minutes in a very stable situation. Due to the long signal travel time it was not possible to attempt a full operation mode although we are now quite confident that RTOF could be run in an operational mode with somewhat reduced ion energies. This will be tested and optimized on the model in the lab. However, it is clear that next year close to the Earth flyby (but still far enough from the Sun) an extensive test and optimization period for RTOF has to be foreseen in order to bring RTOF to a state where it can be successfully run autonomously. 4. COPS / RN09 No sensor problems were encountered with COPS. The total pressure measured by COPS is close to the detection limit of 1 10-11 mbar. During interference test the pressure was more than a factor of 4 higher (see separate report). During the COPS microtips exercising a sensor error report occurred due to a mismatch in commanded value and limits given in the DPU. A next SW patch will correct this. 5. Interference test RN04 Description of Interference: RN0001: Higher pressure due to outgassing of other payload / subsystem (see figure). This was measured with the COPS pressure sensor and is also seen on mass 15 and 16 in the DFMS. The initial pressure value is appr. a factor of 4 above the normal level as reported three days earlier by COPS during the DFMS test and a week later during the COPS test. The pressure decreased during the 22 h of observation reaching almost values as seen when ROSINA is on by itself after this time. From the operation of the other payload (see figure) it is not conclusive which instrument is the main contributor. AL, CS, CN and VR are excluded. MIRO and MIDAS are quite far away. RP is also probably excluded, because it was operational on day 208 during the COPS test. SR was already in stby mode for quite some time. The main suspect is therefore GIADA which sits directly besides COPS and close to DFMS. Further Comments: This interference could be tested by measuring with COPS for some time (>1h) and then switching on GIADA in parallel for some time (>3h). 6. Anomaly reports One anomaly report can be closed ID: ROS_SC-142 RN error events during RN01 execution. 7. Open tasks / CPPCR R_RN001: Some progress made, HV seems to be more stable. More tests needed in PC10 R_RN002: Optimizing RTOF parameters: to be done in PC10 R_RN003: Optimizing DFMS parameters: completed in PC8 (TBC) R_RN004: Interference test, no electrical interference from other payloads / subsystems, however enhanced outgassing (see separate report) R_RN005: Background stable, however the outgassing from other payload is quite high (see interference test), may limit paralell operation in case highest sensitivity is needed R_RN006: DFMS detector temperature: new modelling together with the results from PC8 look promising. Needs some more data evaluation before final conclusions can be drawn. R_RN008 and R_RN012: currently both DPU parts contain the same SW version 7.0. It is foreseen to patch the SW again in PC10 due to optimized DFMS and RTOF parameters and in order to correct the COPS limits (see 4.). R_RN009: COPS microtips: no problems except SW error (see 4.)To be done again in PC10 R_RN010: Cover operations. No problems, to be done again in PC10 R_RN011: RTOF bakeout completed during cruise OI_RN006 can be closed 8. Conclusions DFMS and COPS are fully operational and fulfill all specs. RTOF could currently be operated with limited voltages and still achieve the specs. However, in order to optimize the RTOF functionality, performance and stability an extensive test period is needed close to the Earth flyby