PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM PRODUCT_ID = "DOCINFO.TXT" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "AAREADME file for DOCUMENT directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2018-02-28 END_OBJECT = TEXT END Content: The DOCUMENT Directory has the following structure: DOCUMENT -|--OSIRIS_SSR : OSIRIS Space Science Review Instrument Paper | (Instrument Description) | |--EAICD : OSIRIS Archiving Interface Control Document | |--SIS : Software Interface Specifications for | OSIRIS Science Products | |--CALIB : Calibration documents | |--SCIENCE_USER_GUIDE: Science User Guide Note that previously delivered OSIRIS_L1_L2_SIS_V??.PDF and OSIRIS_THUMB_SIS_V01.PDF have been discontinued and replaced by OSIRIS_SIS_V??.PDF.