PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-10-13 NOTE = "Description of the CATALOG folder" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The CATALOG directory contains mission, host, instrument, reference, personnel, data set objects for this volume containing OSIRIS data from the ESA Rosetta Mission Each catalog object is stored as ASCII text. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The files are: CATINFO.TXT The file you are reading. MISSION.CAT A brief description of the mission. It includes a chronology of events, definition of mission phases, and science objectives. INSTHOST.CAT A description of the Rosetta Orbiter spacecraft. DATASET.CAT A description of the data set. OSIWAC_INST.CAT An overview of the OSIRIS WAC camera on the ESA Rosetta mission. PERSONNEL.CAT A listing of key people involved in analyzing the OSIRIS data and in producing the archival data set. REFERENCE.CAT A listing of references that might be generally useful in working with these data. TARGETS.CAT A listing of the targets observed in the dataset SOFTWARE.CAT A listing of the software associated with the dataset