PDS_VERSION_ID                   = PDS3                                      
RECORD_TYPE                      = STREAM                                    
 OBJECT                           = TEXT                                     
  PUBLICATION_DATE               = 2022-10-25                                
  NOTE                           = "Description of the INDEX                 
                                   directory contents."                      
END_OBJECT                       = TEXT                                      
                    INDEX Directory Contents                                 
The INDEX directory contains tabular index files describing the              
content of the data set.  Each tabular index is accompanied by               
a detached PDS label.  The index files present depend upon the               
files in the data set.                                                       
Required files present in all data sets:                                     
INDXINFO.TXT - The file you are reading.                                     
INDEX.TAB     - Main INDEX table listing all label files                     
INDEX.LBL     - PDS Label for the main INDEX table                           
    N.B. The INDEX.TAB file contains columns for the                         
    RELEASE_ID and REVISION_ID.  This is a system                            
    used by the PSA to incrementally build up a data                         
    set and to provide a mechanism by which files can                        
    be updated without reconstructing the entire data                        
    set. The system is not used by all missions. For                         
    those missions not using the concept, a default                          
    value of RELEASE_ID=0001 REVISION_ID=0000                                
    is used in the INDEX label and table.                                    
Optional files, depending on the content of the data set:                    
BROWSE_INDEX.TAB     - INDEX table listing all label files in the BROWSE     
BROWSE_INDEX.LBL     - PDS Label for the BROWSE_INDEX table                  
GEO_XXXX.TAB  - Geometry and position index file, where                      
                   XXXX = the reference target used to compute the           
                   geometric parameters.                                     
GEO_XXXX.LBL  - PDS Label for the GEO_XXXX.TAB index file                    
Other index files can be defined by the data set developer to list           
products in their data set and to provide valuable information and           
relate various parameters to their data products. These are                  
individual to each data set.                                                 
                 Notes on Using the Index Tables                             
     Each index table contains one row (record) for each data product        
on the volume.  The table is formatted so that it can be read directly       
into many data management systems.  All fields are separated by commas       
and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks (").             
Character fields are left justified and numeric fields are right             
justified.  Each record ends with ASCII carriage return and line feed        
characters.  This allows the table to be treated as a fixed length           
record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal         
text file on other computers.                                                
     The PDS label file for each table describes the content and             
structure of the fields in the index table.  This description includes       
the name of each field, its format, and a brief definition.  The             
values for start byte and number of bytes listed in the label file do        
not include commas between fields or quotation marks surrounding             
character fields.