PDS_VERSION_ID            = PDS3
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE       = "SFH 2006-09-27
    2012-09-14 SBN:T.Barnes  Removed DATA_SET_ID.
    2017-02-24 CG/CT: removed wrong info in INSTRUMENT_DESC and refer to Keller et al."
RECORD_TYPE               = STREAM

OBJECT                    = INSTRUMENT
  INSTRUMENT_ID           = "OSINAC"

    INSTRUMENT_DESC       = "

    The instrument was provided by the OSIRIS consortium led by the
    principal investigator Dr. Horst Uwe Keller.

    The OSIRIS consortium have the following members:

    MPS         Overall responsibility and project management, system
                engineering, interfaces, Focal Plane Assemblies, CCDs
                and Readout Boards, HK Boards, integration  and
                qualification of  E-Boxes, harnesses, system
                integration, high level software, NAC & WAC system
                calibration, QA, mission operations

    LAM         NAC telescope, camera integration and qualification
                WAC optical bench, camera

    UPD         Integration and qualification, shutter mechanisms and
                shutter electronics, Front Door Mechanisms (mechanisms
                for NAC and WAC)

    IAA         Mechanism Controller Board

    INTA        Filter Wheel Mechanisms, E-Box Power Converter Module,
                NAC & WAC CRB Power Converter Modules

    RSSD        Data Processing Unit

    IDA         Mass memory, low level software and data compression

    DASP        NAC & WAC Filters

    UPM         Thermal and structural analysis, NAC MLI, WAC FPA MLI

    For detailed instrument description please see the Space Science
    Review Paper by Keller et al. (2007) included in the dataset
    OSIRIS, the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging 
    System is the scientific camera system on board Rosetta. It 
    comprises a Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) and a Wide Angle Camera (WAC)
     with a field of view (FOV) of 2.20 degree times 2.22 degree and 
    11.35 degree times 12.11 degree, respectively, and an 
    instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 18.6 microradian per pixel 
    and of 101.0 microradian per pixel, respectively. Both cameras use 
    a 2048 times 2048 pixel backside illuminated CCD detector with a 
    UV optimized anti-reflection coating. The CCDs are equipped with 
    lateral anti-blooming that allows overexposure of the nucleus 
    without creating saturation artifacts, enabling the study of 
    details in the faint coma structures next to the illuminated limb.
    The CCD full well capacity is smaller than 120000 electrons per 
    pixel (Keller et al. 2007). The pixel linearity is guaranteed only 
    below this limit. A gain value of 3.1 electrons per DN (DN = 
    digital number) in HIGH gain mode and 15.5 electrons per DN in LOW 
    gain mode is used, as specified by the manufacturer. Calibration 
    images to measure the gain were acquired in December 2014, and 
    will be used to investigate whether an update to the current gain 
    values is needed. The NAC and WAC are equipped with two readout 
    ampli?ers each that can be used independently or together to 
    achieve a faster readout of the image. Both cameras are off-axis 
    systems, with no central obscuration along the beam. The off-axis 
    design has the advantage of providing high transmittance from the 
    UV to the near-IR and diffraction limited performance with low 
    geometrical optical aberration, but introduces a significant 
    geometric distortion that needs to be corrected for scientific use 
    of the image products.
    The NAC is equipped with 11 filters covering a wavelength range of 
    250 nanometer to 1000 nanometer, while the WAC has 14 filters 
    covering a range of 240 nanometer to 720 nanometer. The 
    transmission curves of the NAC and WAC filters can be found in 
    Figure 1 of Tubiana et al. 2015 included in the dataset 
    In addition to the bandpass filters, the NAC filter wheels contain 
    a neutral density filter and anti-reflection coated focus plates: 
    three far focus plates (FFP-UV, FFP-VIS, and FFP-IR) and a near 
    focus plate (NFP-VIS). The focus plates, combined with the 
    bandpass filters, allow two focusing ranges: far focus from 
    infinity to 2 kilometer, optimized at 4 kilometer, and near focus 
    from 2 kilometer to 1 kilometer, optimized at 1.3 kilometer. Both 
    cameras have a plane-parallel 12 millimeter thick anti-reflection 
    coated plate (ARP) in front of the CCD for radiation shielding. 
    The transmission curves of the focus plates, the anti-reflection 
    coated plates, together with the total reflectivity of the mirror 
    system and the quantum efficiency of the CCD are plotted in Figure 
    1 of Tubiana et al. 2015.
    The NAC and WAC have been designed as a complementary pair that 
    addresses, on the one hand, the study of the nucleus surface, and, 
    on the other hand, the investigation of the dynamics of the 
    sublimation processes. The NAC, with its high spatial resolution, 
    was used to detect the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from a 
    distance of millions of kilometers, and it is now used to study 
    the morphology and mineralogy of the surface and details of the 
    dust ejection process. The WAC has a lower spatial resolution and, 
    accordingly, a much wider field of view. This allows observations 
    of the 3D flow-field of dust and gas even if the spacecraft is near 
    the nucleus and provides a synoptic view of the nucleus for 
    context of the NAC and other instruments onboard Rosetta. To 
    summarize, the WAC provides long-term monitoring of the entire 
    nucleus and its surrounding, while the NAC studies the surface 

  OBJECT                           = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO
    REFERENCE_KEY_ID               = "KELLERETAL2006"
END_OBJECT                = INSTRUMENT