RECORD_TYPE           = "STREAM"

OBJECT                = TEXT
  PUBLICATION_DATE    = 2018-02-28
  NOTE                = "Description of the CALIB directory"
END_OBJECT            = TEXT

CALIB Directory Content

The CALIB folder contains the calibration database used by OsiCalliope to 
generate the calibrated images. All information is readable using either a text
editor (ascii format) or a standard PDS data file reader.

The CALIB folder has the following structure:

   CALIB --|-- ABSCAL               : Folder containing the DN/s to W/m^2/sr/nm
           |                          conversion factors to radiometric 
           |                          calibrate the images.
           |-- BADPIXELS            : Folder containing a list of bad pixels on
           |                          the CCDs and their correction method.
           |-- BIAS                 : Folder containing the bias offsets for 
           |                          the various operational modes of OSIRIS
           |-- DISTORTION           : Folder containing the geometric 
           |                          distorsion correction parameters for the 
           |                          cameras
           |-- EXPOSURE             : Folder containing data for exposure
           |                          time correction.
           |-- FLATFIELDS           : Folder containing the flatfields for
           |                           the various filter combinations
           |-- THROUGHPUT           : Folder containing the the parameters used 
                                      for the determination of the camera 

The description of the file name convention of these files can be found in the
The content of the files is described in the calibration documents under