PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GIOTTO" TARGET_NAME = "HALLEY" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = "UNK" NOTE = "Description of contents in the CATALOG subdirectory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Content Description of the CATALOG Subdirectory The CATALOG subdirectory on this dataset volume contains the completed catalog objects associated with the GRE instrument Archive. These objects contain a high level description about the data set and are coded in the Object Description Language (ODL). Following is a list of the catalog objects contained in this subdirectory and a description of each: FILE DESCRIPTION ---------- ------------------------------------------------------- DATASET.CAT Contains data set information on the MOC EDR Archive. INSTHOST.CAT Contains instrument host information. MISSION.CAT Contains mission information. PERSON.CAT Contains information on the personnel involved in the creation of the MOC EDR Archive. INST.CAT Contains instrument information for MOC REF.CAT Contains reference information. SOFT.CAT Empty catalogue, since there's no software provided with the dataset PERSON.CAT Contains information about the people who reformatted the dataset