PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 NOTE = "SARA references" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2010-03-31, M.B.Dhanya (ISRO/SPL-VSSC)" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BHARDWAJ_ET_AL_2005" REFERENCE_DESC = "Low energy neutral atom imaging on the Moon with the SARA instrument aboard Chandrayaan-1 mission. Anil Bhardwaj, Stas Barabash, Yoshifumi Futaana, Yoichi Kazama, Kazushi Asamura, David McCann, R Sridharan, Mats Holmstrom, Peter Wurz and Rickard Lundin. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 114, 749-760, 2005" END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "KAZAMA_ET_AL_2006" REFERENCE_DESC = "Energetic Neutral atom imaging mass spectroscopy of the Moon and Mercury environments. Yoichi Kazamaa, Stas Barabash, Martin Wieser, Kazushi Asamura, Peter Wurz. Adv Space Res. 37,38-44,2006." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "FUTAANA_ET_AL_2006" REFERENCE_DESC = "Low energy neutral atoms imaging of the Moon. Yoshifumi Futaanaa, Stas Barabash, Mats Holmstrom, Anil Bhardwaj. Planet. Space Sci. 54,132-143, 2006." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "KAZAMA_ET_AL_2007" REFERENCE_DESC = "Development of an LENA instrument for planetary missions by numerical simulations. Y.Kazama, S. Barabash, M. Wieser, K. Asamura, and P. Wurz. Planet. Space Sci., 55, 1518-1529, 2007." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "McCANN_ET_AL_2007" REFERENCE_DESC = "Miniature ion mass analyzer. D. McCann, S. Barabash, H. Nilsson, and A. Bhardwaj. Planet. Space Sci., 55, 1190-1196, 2007." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BARABASH_ET_AL_2009" REFERENCE_DESC = "Investigation of the solar wind Moon interaction onboard Chandrayaan-1 mission with the SARA experiment. S. Barabash, A. Bhardwaj, M. Wieser, R. Sridharan, T. Kurian, S. Varier, E. Vijayakumar, V. Abhirami, K. V. Raghavendra, S. V. Mohankumar, M. B. Dhanya, S. Thampi, K. Asamura, H. Andersson, Y. Futaana, M. Holmstrom, R. Lundin, J. Svensson, S. Karlsson, R. D. Piazza and P. Wurz. Current Sci., 96, 526-532, 2009." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "WIESER_ET_AL_2009" REFERENCE_DESC = "Extremely high reflection of solar wind protons as neutral hydrogen atoms from regolith in space. Martin Wieser, Stas Barabash,Yoshifumi Futaana , Mats Holmstrom, Anil Bhardwaj,R. Sridharan, M.B.Dhanya, Peter Wurz, Audrey Schaufelberger, Kazushi Asamura. Planetary and Space Science, 57, 2132-2134, 2009." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "HOLMSTROM_ET_AL_2009" REFERENCE_DESC = "Dynamics of solar wind protons reflected by the Moon. M. Holmstrom, M. Wieser, S. Barabash, Y. Futaana, and A. Bhardwaj. Journal of Geophysical Research, in press, 2010." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "WIESER_ET_AL_2010" REFERENCE_DESC = "First observation of a mini-magnetosphere above a lunar magnetic anomaly using energetic neutral atoms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2010." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END