Schematron using XPath 2.0 The Mission lid_reference should start with urn:esa:psa:context:investigation:mission. Observation_System_Component with type Instrument must have a LID starting urn:esa:psa:context:instrument: Observation_System_Component with type Spacecraft must have a LID starting urn:esa:psa:context:instrument_host:spacecraft. Browse or thumbnail products should be in the browse[_...] collection. Documents (Product_Document) are only allowed in the document or calibration_files collections Each product must have an Observing_System_Component of type Spacecraft The attribute 'instrument_pointing_mode' in the Observation_Context class must have a value of 'Surface', 'Atmosphere', 'Limb', 'No pointing', 'Space'. The following Targets are not allowed in PSA: Test_image, Plaque, Responsivity, CalImage, Calibration, Cal_Lamps, FF_Lamp, Stim_Lamp, Cal All products MUST contain Investigation_Area in the Observation_Area or Context_Area The following collections are allowed in the PSA: browse[_...] data_raw data_partially_processed data_calibrated data_derived document calibration_raw calibration_partially_processed calibration_files geometry miscellaneous[_....] spice_kernels xml_schema Observational products MUST contain Mission_Area Observational products MUST contain psa:Mission_Information or msn:Mission_Information Products MUST contain Modification_History The PSA does not archive telemetry - data should be unpacked and converted to a suitable format first. The Target LID or LIDVID should start with urn:nasa:pds:context:target: (if target is defined under PDS governance) or with urn:esa:psa:context:target: (if target is defined under PSA governance). Only Product_Observational products should appear in a data collection Observational products MUST contain Observing_System If the target is a planet, the LID or LIDVID should start: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet. Observational products MUST contain Primary_Results_Summary Observational products MUST contain Primary_Results_Summary/Science_Facets Each product must have an Observing_System_Component of type Instrument Observational products MUST contain Primary_Result_Summary/processing_level Observational products MUST contain Primary_Result_Summary/purpose The attribute psa:processing_input_identification must be equal to one of the following values: 'telemetry','PDS product','SPICE kernel','auxiliary'. The attribute psa:type must be equal to one of the following values 'Accelerometer', 'Biology experiment', 'Chemistry laboratory', 'Compilation', 'Dust analyser', 'Electric field instrument', 'Gamma ray detector', 'Gas analyser', 'Gravimeter', 'Imager', 'Imaging spectrometer', 'Interferometer', 'Langmuir probe', 'Magnetometer', 'Mass spectrometer', 'Microphone', 'Microscope', 'Mutual impedance probe', 'Neutron detector', 'Not applicable', 'Particle analyser', 'Polarimeter', 'Radar', 'Radio Receiver', 'Radio science', 'Relaxation sounder', 'SPICE kernels', 'Seismometer', 'Sensor suite', 'Spacecraft sensors', 'Spectrograph', 'Spectrometer', 'Spectrum analyser', 'Sub-surface tool', 'Surface tool', 'Temperature sensor', 'Weather station'. Product_SPICE_Kernel can ONLY be in the spice_kernels collection