PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2012-04-24 NOTE = "Comments on VIRTIS VEx archive 2nd delivery for the extended mission 2" END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON VIRTIS VEx delivery archive for the extended mission 2, V2.0 S. Erard, 6/2011 F. Henry, 4/2012 F. Henry, 9/2012 1. Delivery This delivery contains data acquired during MTP 41 -> 56. It includes raw data for all channels/transfer mode, including calibrations and science observations, and several types of data products: raw data, geometry files, auxiliary files. Calibrated data files are included only for the H and M-IR channels. The science team is not yet satisfied with the accuracy of the calibration procedure for the M-visible channel, and feel that a release of calibrated data at this stage would not satisfy the community either. Raw data are generated through the final VIRTIS pipeline, as described in the EAICD. Therefore, formatting and data content is expected to be final, except for issues identified at the last minute and indicated below. These issues will be addressed in a future revision. 2. Data Data and geometry files (data area and labels) are in their final form. In all instances, the scheduled operations have been performed and have produced usable files at all level (ie data and geometry). Calibrated dark frames for H, mentioned in the EAICD, are not included in the archive at this stage. A special code is used in data labels in some occasions, when -999.99 is used to flag an unknown / non-defined value where a digital value is expected. Although this is not PDS-compliant, this solution has been accepted by the PSA for obvious practical reasons. 3. Docs Docs have been updated relative to the previous test delivery, and reflect the current state of the archive. 4. Index The main index is written by PVV '(pvv index). An alternative index is written from the data base in Meudon and is expected to be complete and compliant. It includes relevant parameters for an advanced search into the archive. No geometry index is included, since the geolib software provided by the PSA appears to produce non compliant files. Included is an index for the browse images. It has been generated with PVV : 'pvv qlindex'. This index only lists the detached labels, and not the .JPG images, for some unknown reason. 5. Other files The transfer function for M-visible is not yet available. A dummy one (uniform frame) is provided for user's convenience. Although it is perfectly usable in a calibration pipeline, it is considered a dummy flat-field because it provides no radiometric correction.