NAME = "HEADER ARRAY" AXES = 1 AXIS_ITEMS = 128 START_BYTE = 1 DESCRIPTION = "The header has 128 elements giving operation mode, date of observation, time exposure, peltier and CCD temperatures, etc. informations. All relevant parameters are in the label as keyword. Time of each record (year,month,day,hour, minute,second,centisecond) is given by the elements HEADER_ARRAY[61:67*]. Peltier and CCD temperatures are given by the elements HEADER_ARRAY[50:51*] (*count from 1). Integer rank Name Meaning Value Use ------------ ---- ------- ----- --- 1 Data origin = 0 or 1: on-ground = 2: in-flight 2 Data description = 0: raw data 3 File creation date year 4 month 5 day 6 hour 7 min 8 sec 9 Reserved 10 Reserved 11 UTC board TIME year 12 month 13 day 14 hour 15 minute 16 second 17 fraction (1/100th of sec) 18 - 20 Reserved 21 ITYPE Data identification = 0: ground data = 32: simulated data = 33: 5 lines = 34: superpixel = 35: window 22 Reserved 23 INUM Image number 24 IMAGE imode = 0 25 Word type integer2 (Dos) = 0 26 - 30 Reserved 30 Reserved 31 NREC Section 1 length = 32 = (int(npix/64)+1) 32 - 40 Reserved 41 CODEOP operational code = 98: superpixel = 99: window = 100: 5lines = 101: 5 lines (bin>1) = 102: 5 line (bin progr) 42 TI/10 exposure time UV (* 10 msec) 43 X0 = 0 44 Y0 first band position 45 NCOL number of columns = 408 * 46 NLIG number of bands = 5 * 47 BIN binning 48 GAIN gain = 1 49 NPIX Number of pixels = ncol*nlig 50 TPEL Temperature peltier (hot) 51 TCCD Temperature CCD 52 Mission = 1: Mars express = 2: Venus express 53 BE mode = 0: dummy TC = 1: TestN = 2: TestS = 3: not used = 4: Limb = 5: StarLimb1 = 6: StarLimb2 = 7: StarLimb3 = 8: Nadir1 = 9: Nadir2 = 10: Nadir3 = 11: Align = 12: TiProg = 13: Sun1 = 14: Sun2 = 15: Sun3 54 Sampling period 55 HT UV 56 Slit position = 0: not set = 1: set 57 Peltier activation = 0: off = 1: on 58 Pre-cooling duration (Peltier) 59 Nadir Shutter status= 0: closed = 1: open = 2: opening = 255: unknown 60 Solar Shutter status= 0: closed = 1: open 61 UTC packet generation Time Year 62 Month 63 Day 64 Hour 65 Minute 66 Seconds 67 fraction (1/100th of sec) 68 - 70 Reserved 71 Temperature of = 255: unknown SU TRP1 72 Temperature of = 255: unknown SU TRP2 73 Temperature of Peltier's hot side 74 Temperature of CCD 75 Temperature of num board 76 Temperature of BT board 77 Temperature of solar Shutter 78 Temperature of servitudes board 79 Temperature of HVPS 80 Temperature of Structure 81 Main SPICAV LCL = 255: unknown current 82 Time out counter 83 NACK counter 84 IR channel activation= 0: off = 1: on 85 SOIR channel act = 0: off = 1: on 86 vdds Software used to = 0: vdds produce this file = 1:spi dds2uv0 87 - 99 Reserved 100 Nb of characters stored in next 28 words 101 - 128 comments/complements " OBJECT = ELEMENT NAME = "HEADER ELEMENT" DESCRIPTION = "Element of the header" DATA_TYPE = LSB_INTEGER BYTES = 2 END_OBJECT = ELEMENT