PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-12-02 NOTE = "Description of the BROWSE directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The BROWSE directory contains compilation products permitting to have a quick look into the available data products. The structure and naming conventions for the BROWSE directory are completely identical to that of the DATA directory. PSA LEVEL 1B ++++++++++++ For each observation the following product is available in the BROWSE directory 1 jpeg file (.JPG) and its associated label containing an intensity plot of the observation ../VEXSPI_1003_LEV1B/BROWSE/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb_INT.JPG ../VEXSPI_1003_LEV1B/BROWSE/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb_INT.LBL PSA LEVEL 2 +++++++++++ For each observation the following products are available in the BROWSE directory (assuming P is the number of orders measured in that observation) P jpeg files (.JPG) and P associated labels containing an overview picture of all spectra taken in a given order during the observation ../VEXSPI_1003_LEV2/BROWSE/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb_xxx.JPG ../VEXSPI_1003_LEV2/BROWSE/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb/YYYYMMDD_Maa_tbb_xxx.LBL with YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day, aa=mtp number, t=occultation type (O for a single observation (sunrise, sunset, nadir, calibration), C for a sunset that was part of a sunrise + sunset combination, L for a sunrise that was part of a sunrise+sunset combination), bb=occultation number in current mtp, xxx=order number.