PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2008-09-01 NOTE = "Description of the GEOMETRY directory contents for the Venus Express ASPERA-4 / IMA archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END GEOMETRY Directory Contents The GEOMETRY directory contains ancillary geometry files for the Venus Express data within the IMA instrument dataset. The data includes spacecraft position and attitude in both EMEJ2000 and VSO coordinates system. The following files are found in this directory. GEOMINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. ORB.FMT - Describes the format of the spacecraft orbit/attitude Table. GEOMETRY data product refers to this file. The spacecraft geometry files have the following naming convention: ORB_yymmddhhmmss_ttttt.TAB - A data table that contains spacecraft geometry information belonging to the time period as defined by the associated data product, where yymmddhhmmss is the beginning of observation and ttttt the duration in minutes. The data fields in this table include timing and position/attitude state of the spacecraft expressed in two coordinate frames: the J2000 inertial frame centered on the target (typically Venus), and the Venus Solar Orbital (VSO) frame. Although both frames are centered on the target, the orientation of the frames differ. During the interplanetary cruise, the target is Earth and the J2000 coordinate system will be defined accordingly. Geometry information are computed using various NAIF kernel files in addition to the orbit/ attitude files retrieved from ESOC, and are sampled at equal time intervals of 60 sec. The data table is described below in detail: one data field (column) for the UTC time, one data field for each of the x, y, and z components of the spacecraft position expressed in the centered J2000 frame, 9 data fields in which are stored the elements of the 3 orientation vectors defining the 3-axis spacecraft attitude referenced in the J2000 coordinate system, followed by 3 and 9 data fields that incorporate respectively the position vector [3] and the 9 attitude parameters in VSO. The three components are always consecutive in x, y, z order. ORB_yymmddhhmmss_ttttt.LBL - PDS label for ORB_yymmddhhmmss_ttttt.TAB. These spacecraft attitude and position data files are part of the ASPERA-4 archive. These files are provided here to improve the usability of the Level 1B IMA data on this disk. The SPICE kernels related to the VEX mission may be obtained using anonymous ftp to the following NAIF or ESA server: ftp://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/VEX/kernels ftp://ssols01.esac.esa.int/pub/data/SPICE/VEX/kernels Each of these kernels is dynamic and is subject to updates with time. The official archive of all SPICE products is maintained by the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. In addition to being the PDS archive site for the SPICE kernels, NAIF provides and maintains a software toolkit (SPICELIB) for accessing the kernels. For more information about NAIF or SPICELIB please visit the NAIF website (http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/naif.html).