PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM PRODUCT_ID = "DOCINFO.TXT" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-02-05 NOTE = "Description of the contents of the DOCUMENT dir." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Example DOCUMENT | |- DOCINFO.TXT The file you are reading | |- S1_DCIXS_TO_PSA_ICD.LBL PDS label for DCIXS EAICD | |- S1_DCIXS_TO_PSA_ICD.ASC DCIXS EAICD in ASCII format. It | provides users of the D-CIXS | instrument with a detailed description | of the data products, a description of | how they were generated, including | data sources and destinations. As part | of this information sufficient | description of the instrument is | provided to help in the interpretation | of the data. | | |- S1_DCIXS_TO_PSA_ICD.PDF DCIXS EAICD in Adobe Acrobat's | Portable Document Format. It provides | users of the D-CIXS instrument with a | detailed description of the data | products, a description of how they | were generated, including data sources | and destinations. As part of this | information sufficient description of | the instrument is provided to help in | the interpretation of the data and. | |- S1_DCIXS_DAT_HNDL.LBL PDS label for DCIXS Data | Handling ICD | |- S1_DCIXS_DAT_HNDL_ICD.ASC DCIXS Data Handling ICD in | ASCII format. This document contains | a description of the DCIXS/XSM command | and telemetry data.The data structures | for the telemetry and on-board CAN BUS | are defined. The different packet | sizes and transmission periods which | can arise for the different experiment | modes/states are listed. | |- S1_DCIXS_DAT_HNDL_ICD.PDF DCIXS Data Handling ICD in | Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document | Format. This document contains | a description of the DCIXS/XSM command | and telemetry data.The data structures | for the telemetry and on-board CAN BUS | are defined. The different packet | sizes and transmission periods which | can arise for the different experiment | modes/states are listed. | |- S1_DCIXS_USER_MAN.LBL PDS label for DCIXS User Manual | |- S1_DCIXS_USER_MAN.ASC DCIXS User Manual in ASCII | format | |- S1_DCIXS_USER_MAN.PDF DCIXS User Manual in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format