;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NAME: TASCPDS [Table ASCII PDS] ; ; PURPOSE: To read a PDS ascii table file into an IDL structure containing ; columns of the data table as elements. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = TASCPDS (filename, label, objindex, [/SILENT]) ; ; INPUTS: ; Filename: Scalar string containing the name of the PDS file to read. ; Label: String array containing the table header information. ; Objindex: Integer specifying the starting index of teh current table ; object in the label array to be read. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Result: Table structure constructed from designated records with fields ; for each column in the table, along with a string array field ; containing the name of each column. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: ; SILENT: Suppresses any messages from the procedure. ; ; EXAMPLES: ; To read an ascii table file TABLE.LBL into a structure "table": ; IDL> label = HEADPDS ('TABLE.LBL', /SILENT) ; IDL> table = TASCPDS ('TABLE.LBL', label, /SILENT) ; ; PROCEDURES USED: ; Functions: OBJPDS, GET_INDEX, CLEAN, REMOVE, STR2NUM, PDSPAR, POINTPDS ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: John D. Koch [December 1994] (adapted from READFITS by ; Wayne Landsman) ; Re-written by: Puneet Khetarpal [08 July, 2004] ; ; Modifications: To view a complete list of modifications made to this ; routine, please see changelog.txt file. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- level 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: the name variable is a viable required keyword scalar string, ; label is a viable PDS label string array, and start and end_ind are ; viable integers pointing at the start and end of the current table ; object being processed. ; postcondition: extracts the "name" keyword from the label, stores it in a ; structure, and returns to the main block. function obtain_keyword, name, label, start_ind, end_ind ; initialize keyword structure: struct = create_struct("flag",1) ; obtain keyword parameters: val = pdspar (label, name, count=count, index=index) ; external routine ; if no viable params found, then issue error: if (count eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required " + name + " keyword(s)." goto, endfun endif ; extract the indices where keyword index is between start_ind and end_ind: pos = where (index gt start_ind and index lt end_ind, cnt) ; if none found then return flag as -1: if (cnt eq 0) then goto, endfun ; store the viable values, indices, and count for "name" keyword: val = val[pos] index = index[pos] count = n_elements(val) ; place the stored params in the structure: struct = create_struct(struct,"val",val,"count",count,"index",index) return, struct endfun: struct.flag = -1 return, struct end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: name is a structure containing all names param for current ; table object, label is a viable PDS label string array, and start_ind ; and end_ind are integer pointers to start and end of current object. ; postcondition: the table name is searched through all the name values and ; then removed from the structure, the count is decremented by one, and ; the index value is also removed from the corresponding structure field. ; function remove_table_name, name, label, start_ind, end_ind ; first obtain COLUMN object indices for current table object: column = objpds(label, "COLUMN") ; external routine pos = where (column.index gt start_ind and column.index lt end_ind) column.index = column.index[pos] ; check to see if the first name index is less than the first column ; index value. If found then there exists a table name, and is removed: if (name.index[0] lt column.index[0]) then begin name.val = name.val[1:name.count - 1] name.index = name.index[1:name.count - 1] name.count = name.count - 1 endif ; clean up name array values, and removed unwanted characters: param = ['"', "'", "(", ")"] for j = 0, name.count-1 do begin name.val[j] = clean (name.val[j]) ; external routine name.val[j] = remove (name.val[j], param) ; external routine endfor return, name end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: data_type is a structure containing the required keyword ; params for DATA_TYPE keyword. ; postcondition: the data type keyword values are cleaned, and the values after ; the first '_' character are extracted, if present. ; function separate_table_data_type, data_type ; set the param variable: param = ['"', "'", ")", "("] ; start the loop to go through each data_type value array: for j = 0, data_type.count - 1 do begin ; first clean data_type: data_type.val[j] = clean (data_type.val[j], /space) ; external routine data_type.val[j] = remove (data_type.val[j], param) ; external routine ; extract the second component of value if '_' present: if (!version.release gt 5.2) then begin temp = strsplit(data_type.val[j], '_', /extract) endif else begin temp = str_sep (data_type.val[j], '_') ; obsolete in IDL v. > 5.2 endelse if (n_elements(temp) eq 3) then begin data_type.val[j] = temp[1] + '_' + temp[2] endif else if (n_elements(temp) gt 1) then begin data_type.val[j] = temp[1] endif endfor return, data_type end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: keywds contains all required keyword values in a structure, ; items contains all item keyword values, curr_ind and next_ind are ; integer pointers to current and next column object being processed, and ; curpos is an integer containing the current cursor position being ; processed in the record. ; postcondition: the routine tests whether there are any table items for ; current column object, and if found, then populates the necessary ; item structure for current column object and returns to main block. ; If no table items are found, then simply extracts the number of ; bytes for current object and returns it as a bytarr. function process_table_items, keywds, items, curpos, curr_ind, next_ind ; first determine whether there exist ITEMS for current COLUMN: if (items.flag eq -1) then begin ipos = -1 endif else begin ipos = where (items.items.index gt curr_ind and items.items.index lt $ next_ind) endelse ; if items not present then extract the number of bytes for current object: if (ipos[0] eq -1) then begin ; determine the index for current bytes values to be assigned: pos = where (keywds.bytes.index gt curr_ind and $ keywds.bytes.index lt next_ind) element = bytarr(long(keywds.bytes.val[pos[0]])) ; increment the cursor position by current bytes: curpos = curpos + long(keywds.bytes.val[pos[0]]) endif else begin ; if items are present, then create a secondary element bytarr ; for each item, and start a temp cursor position for this column: item_bytes = long(items.bytes.val[ipos[0]]) element = bytarr(item_bytes) temppos = item_bytes ; check for offset keyword values. if offset is 0 then simply ; set the item element structure to be element, else construct ; a bytarr for offset buffer to be read, increment temppos, and ; add the offset buffer to item element structure along with element: if (items.offset.count eq 0) then begin item_offset = 0 endif else begin item_offset = long(items.offset.val[ipos[0]]) endelse if (item_offset eq 0) then begin item_elem = create_struct("element", element) endif else begin offtemp = bytarr(item_offset) temppos = temppos + item_offset item_elem = create_struct("element", element, "offtemp", offtemp) endelse ; now replicate the item element structure number of items - 1 times. ; it is being replicated items - 1 times because of the offset buffer. ; when there is an offset, the offset bytes do not carry after the ; last item, so the item_elem structure constructed earlier would be ; incorrect: num_items = long(items.items.val[ipos[0]]) item_elem = replicate(item_elem, num_items - 1) ; multiply temppos by the number of items - 1: temppos = temppos * (num_items - 1) ; create a temporary structure to hold last array element, and ; increment temppos by item_bytes: temp_struct = create_struct("element",element) temppos = temppos + item_bytes ; populate the column structure to act as the element to be read: element = create_struct("item_elem",item_elem,"last",temp_struct) ; finally increment main cursor position by temppos value: curpos = curpos + temppos endelse ; add cursor position and element into column object structure: object_struct = create_struct("curpos",curpos,"data",element) return, object_struct end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: element is an n dimensional bytarr data read from the file, ; type contains the data type of the element being processed, and rows ; is the number of rows in the table. ; postcondition: element is converted into the n dimensional array of type ; "type", and returned to main block. ; function convert_table_element, element, type, rows ; error protection: on_ioerror, error_case ; depending on the case of the type assign each element to its own ; element conversion type: data = create_struct("flag",1) stat = size(element) ; IDL has issues with converting from bytarr into string for n rows by 1 ; column bytarr for n > 1, as a string conversion reduces the dimension of ; the array by one. Therefore, when there are n rows GT 1, the number of ; dimensions is 1, and the size of that one dimension is 1, then perform ; a conversion into string, element by element. e.g., array is in format: ; array = [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]: if (type ne "N/A") then begin if (stat[0] eq 1 && stat[1] gt 1 && rows gt 1) then begin temp = strarr(stat[1]) for i = 0, stat[1] - 1 do begin temp[i] = string(element[i]) endfor element = temp endif else begin element = string(element) endelse endif case type of "INTEGER": element = long(element) "UNSIGNED_INTEGER": element = long(element) "REAL": element = double(element) "FLOAT": element = float(element) "CHARACTER": element = string(element) "DOUBLE": element = double(element) "BYTE": element = long(element) "BOOLEAN": element = long(element) "TIME": element = string(element) "DATE": element = string(element) "N/A": ; no conversion performed, spare column else: begin print, "Error: " + type + $ " not a recognized data type!" data.flag = -1 return, data end endcase data = create_struct(data, "element",element) return, data error_case: on_ioerror, null print, "WARNING: bad table data - no conversion performed" data = create_struct(data, "element", element) return, data end ;- level 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is a viable PDS label string array, start_ind is the ; index specifying the start of the current object, and end index its ; end. Label must contain a valid ASCII table with INTERCHANGE format ; keyword. ; postcondition: returns a boolean (1 or -1) depending on whether it finds ; an ASCII interchange format keyword, or not. ; function tasc_interform, label, start_ind, end_ind ; obtain all INTERCHANGE_FORMAT keyword values from label: interform = pdspar (label, "INTERCHANGE_FORMAT", count=cnt, index=int_ind) ; check whether there exist any interchange format keywords: if (cnt eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required INTERCHANGE_FORMAT keyword" return, -1 endif else begin ; obtain the indices of interchange format array object, where ; they are between start and end index: interpos = where (int_ind gt start_ind and int_ind lt end_ind, cnt2) ; extract the interform values: interform = interform[interpos[0]] interform = interform[0] ; remove all white space, and remove the '"' chars if found: interform = clean(interform,/space) ; external routine interform = remove(interform, '"') ; external routine ; if interchange format value is binary, then return -1 with error: if (interform eq "BINARY") then begin print, "Error: This is binary table file; try TBINPDS." return, -1 endif endelse ; if all goes well, then return 1: return, 1 end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is a viable PDS label string array, and start_ind and ; end_ind are valid integers specifying the start and end of the ; current table object as index pointers in the string array. ; postcondition: extracts required keywords for table object in the label. ; function obtain_table_req, label, start_ind, end_ind ; initialize keyword structure: keywds = create_struct("flag",1) ; obtain table object definitions for current object: ; extract the keyword structure from subroutine, and check whether ; there are any params for the keyword, if not then return to main block ; else store the value ; first obtain number of COLUMNS: columns_num = obtain_keyword("COLUMNS", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (columns_num.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun columns = fix(columns_num.val[0]) ; obtain ROW_BYTES keyword: row_bytes = obtain_keyword("ROW_BYTES",label, start_ind, end_ind) if (row_bytes.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun row_bytes = long(row_bytes.val[0]) ; obtain ROWS keyword: rows = obtain_keyword("ROWS", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (rows.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun rows = long(rows.val[0]) ; obtain RECORD_BYTES keyword: record_bytes = obtain_keyword("RECORD_BYTES", label, 0, end_ind) if (record_bytes.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun record_bytes = long(record_bytes.val[0]) ; check whether either columns, rows or row_bytes equal 0: if (columns * rows * row_bytes le 0) then begin print, "Error: ROWS OR ROW_BYTES or COLUMNS <= 0. No data read." goto, endfun endif ; obtain information for each column object: ; obtain NAME keyword: name = obtain_keyword("NAME", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (name.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun ; remove table name from name structure if present: name = remove_table_name(name, label, start_ind, end_ind) ; obtain DATA_TYPE keyword, then clean, separate, and extract it: data_type = obtain_keyword("DATA_TYPE", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (data_type.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun ; obtain data architecture and separate data type: data_type = separate_table_data_type(data_type) ; obtain BYTES keyword: bytes = obtain_keyword ("BYTES", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (bytes.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun ; obtain START_BYTE keyword, and subtract 1 for IDL indexing: start_byte = obtain_keyword("START_BYTE", label, start_ind, end_ind) if (start_byte.flag eq -1) then goto, endfun start_byte.val = long(start_byte.val) - 1 ; store values into the keyword structure: keywds = create_struct(keywds, "columns",columns,"row_bytes",row_bytes, $ "rows",rows,"name",name,"data_type",data_type, $ "bytes",bytes,"start_byte",start_byte, $ "record_bytes",record_bytes) return, keywds endfun: keywds.flag = -1 return, keywds end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is a viable PDS label string array, start_ind and end_ind ; are integer pointers to start and end of current table in label. ; postcondition: obtains the optional table keywords from the label, and ; returns them in a structure. function obtain_tasc_opt, label, start_ind, end_ind ; initialize structure: keywds = create_struct("flag", 1, "prefix", 0, "suffix", 0) ; obtain ROW_PREFIX_BYTES keyword: rowprefix = pdspar (label, "ROW_PREFIX_BYTES", count=pcount, index=pindex) if (pcount gt 0) then begin pos = where (pindex gt start_ind and pindex lt end_ind, cnt) if (cnt gt 0) then begin keywds.prefix = long(rowprefix[pos[0]]) if (keywds.prefix lt 0) then begin print, "Error: invalid ROW_PREFIX_BYTES (" + $ clean(string(keywds.prefix), /space) + ")." goto, endfun endif endif endif ; obtain ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES keyword: rowsuffix = pdspar (label, "ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES", count=scount, index=sindex) if (scount gt 0) then begin pos = where (sindex gt start_ind and sindex lt end_ind, cnt) if (cnt gt 0) then begin keywds.suffix = long(rowsuffix[pos[0]]) if (keywds.suffix lt 0) then begin print, "Error: invalid ROW_SUFFIX_BYTES (" + $ clean(string(keywds.suffix), /space) + ")." goto, endfun endif endif endif return, keywds endfun: keywds.flag = -1 return, keywds end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is viable PDS label string array, req_keywds is a ; structure containing required table object keywords, and start and ; end_ind are viable integer pointers to start and end of the current ; table object. ; postcondition: Extracts table items keyword params from label and returns ; to main block as a structure. function obtain_table_items, label, req_keywds, start_ind, end_ind ; initialize items keyword structure: keywds = create_struct("flag", 1, "flag2", 1) ; obtain necessary ITEM keyword values: ; first obtain ITEMS keyword values: items = pdspar (label, "ITEMS", count=items_count, index=items_index) if (items_count eq 0) then begin goto, endfun endif ; extract values of items between start_ind and end_ind, and store: pos = where (items_index gt start_ind and items_index lt end_ind, cnt) if (cnt eq 0) then goto, endfun items = create_struct("val",items[pos],"count",n_elements(items), $ "index",items_index[pos]) ; now we know that there are columns with ITEMS keyword in current table ; object, so extract the other item keyword values: ; obtain ITEM_BYTES keyword values: bytes = pdspar (label, "ITEM_BYTES", count=byte_count, index=byte_index) if (byte_count eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required ITEM_BYTES keyword for items column." keywds.flag2 = -1 goto, endfun endif pos = where (byte_index gt start_ind and byte_index lt end_ind, cnt) if (cnt eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required ITEM_BYTES keyword for current table." keywds.flag2 = -1 goto, endfun endif bytes = create_struct("val", bytes[pos], "count", n_elements(bytes), $ "index", byte_index[pos]) ; initialize a temp structure to hold default values: temp = create_struct("val",0,"count",0,"index",0) ; obtain ITEM_OFFSET keyword values, if present: offset = pdspar (label, "ITEM_OFFSET", count=off_count, index=off_index) ; if there exist ITEM_OFFSET keywords, then obtain ones between ; start and end_ind else set it to temp structure: if (off_count gt 0) then begin pos = where (off_index GT start_ind AND off_index LT end_ind, cnt) if (cnt eq 0) then begin offset = temp endif else begin offset = create_struct("val", long(offset[pos]), "count", $ n_elements(offset),"index",off_index[pos]) ; since the offset values in the PDS label are given as the ; number of bytes from the beginning of a one item to the ; beginning of next, therefore, the offset that we are concerned ; with is the difference between the end of one item and the ; beginning of next: offset.val = long(offset.val) - long(bytes.val) lt_zero = where(offset.val lt 0, lt_cnt) if (lt_cnt gt 0) then begin print, "Error: invalid ITEM_OFFSET value, must be >=ITEM_BYTES" keywds.flag2 = -1 goto, endfun endif endelse endif else offset = temp ; store info into a structure: keywds = create_struct(keywds, "items",items, "bytes",bytes,"offset", $ offset) return, keywds endfun: keywds.flag = -1 return, keywds end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: keywds contains required keywords for current table object, ; items contains items keywords for current table object, label is a ; viable PDS label string array, start_ind and end_ind are integer ; pointers to start and end of current table object ; postcondition: creates a structure to be read from the data file and returns ; to the main block. function create_table_struct, keywds, opt, items, label, start_ind, end_ind ; initialize variables: curpos = 0 ; cursor position complete_set = create_struct("flag", 1) ; structure to be returned data_set = 0 ; data structure set ; create structure for row prefix bytes if any: if (opt.prefix gt 0) then begin data_set = create_struct("prefix", bytarr(opt.prefix)) endif ; start the loop: for j = 0, keywds.columns - 1 do begin ; set current and next COLUMN object index pointers: curr_ind = keywds.name.index[j] if (j eq keywds.columns - 1) then begin next_ind = end_ind endif else begin next_ind = keywds.name.index[j+1] endelse ; name of current column: name = "COLUMN" + clean(string(j+1),/space) ; external routine ; extract start byte value for current column: start_byte = long(keywds.start_byte.val[j]) ; the temp buffer to be read is: difference between start_byte of ; current column and last curpos: buffer_length = start_byte - curpos if (buffer_length lt 0) then begin print, "Error: inconsistent START_BYTE and BYTES specification" + $ " in COLUMNS " + clean(string(j),/space) + " and " + $ clean(string(j+1), /space) + "." goto, endfun endif else if (buffer_length eq 0) then begin temp = -1 endif else begin temp = bytarr (buffer_length) curpos = start_byte endelse ; process item objects for current COLUMN object: element = process_table_items (keywds, items, curpos,curr_ind,next_ind) ; create column structure: if (temp[0] eq -1) then begin col_struct = create_struct ("element", element.data) endif else begin col_struct = create_struct ("temp", temp, "element", element.data) endelse ; construct structure to be read: if (size(data_set,/type) eq 8) then begin data_set = create_struct(data_set, name, col_struct) endif else begin data_set = create_struct(name, col_struct) endelse endfor ; accomodate for row bytes bytescheck = (opt.suffix gt 0) ? keywds.row_bytes : keywds.row_bytes - 2 ; *** added for testing*** bytescheck = keywds.row_bytes ; set additional buffer array at end of record: ; if cursor position < bc then take the difference between bc and curpos ; and create a temporary buffer to be read at the end of each record. ; if cursor position > bc then issue error, and exit routine: ; Following if statements were restructured to remove BYTE specification problem - Parin K if (bytescheck gt curpos) then begin diff = bytescheck - curpos data_set = create_struct(data_set, "temp", bytarr(diff)) if (opt.suffix gt 0) then begin data_set = create_struct(data_set, "suffix", bytarr(opt.suffix)) endif endif if (bytescheck eq curpos) then begin ; check for row suffix bytes: if (opt.suffix gt 0) then begin data_set = create_struct(data_set,"suffix", bytarr(opt.suffix)) endif endif if (bytescheck lt curpos) then begin print, "Error: Improper START_BYTE or BYTES specification" print, "in PDS label, or data file missing carriage return" print, "and/or line feed characters." goto, endfun endif ; set the CR and LF structure elements if needed: if (opt.suffix eq 0) then begin data_set = create_struct(data_set, "crlf", bytarr(2)) endif ; replicate data structure ROWS times: data_set = replicate (data_set, keywds.rows) ; construct the complete data structure: complete_set = create_struct (complete_set, "data_set", data_set) return, complete_set endfun: complete_set.flag = -1 return, complete_set end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: pointer is a structure containing viable pointer information ; for current table object, data_struct contains the data structure to ; be read from file, keywds contains all the required keyword info, and ; silent is set to either 0 or 1 depending on the function specification. ; postcondition: this subroutine reads the data from the pointer datafile ; and returns the data structure. ; function read_ascii_table_data, pointer, data_struct, keywds, silent ; error protection: on_ioerror, signal ; construct data_set structure: data_set = create_struct("flag", 1) ; first inform user of status: if (silent eq 0) then begin text = clean(string(keywds.columns), /space) + " Columns and " + $ clean(string(keywds.rows), /space) + " Rows" ; external routine print, "Now reading table with " + text endif ; now open file and read data after setting the file pointer to skip: openr, unit, pointer.datafile, /get_lun point_lun, unit, pointer.skip readu, unit, data_struct close, unit free_lun, unit data_set = create_struct(data_set, "data", data_struct) return, data_set signal: on_ioerror, null print, "Error: File either corrupted or bad PDS label." data_set.flag = -1 return, data_set end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: data contains the data from the file in a structure, suffix ; contains the suffix bytes value. ; postcondition: the cr and lf characters are checked for their presence, ; and any inconsistency returns -1, else 1. ; function check_table_crlf, data, suffix ; check for suffix bytes if (suffix gt 0) then begin cr_arr = data.suffix endif else begin cr_arr = data.crlf endelse ; find the positions where the cr and lf chars are present in struct: crpos = where (cr_arr eq 13B, crcount) lfpos = where (cr_arr eq 10B, lfcount) ; since data is an array of structures for each record, therefore, the ; cr and lf chars must equal the number of elements in the structure array: if ((crcount ne n_elements(data)) && $ (lfcount ne n_elements(data))) then begin ;Modified A.Cardesin 02 Jun 2005 ;print ROW number, to be able to verify the file easily print, "Error in ROW: ",lfcount+1 print, "Error in table: Insufficient number of carriage return "+ $ "and line feed characters found. Carriage return and " + $ "line feed characters should terminate each line." return, -1 endif return, 1 end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: keywds contains the required keyword params, data contains ; the data as read from the file in a structure format. ; poscondition: the data structure is parsed and all the column data is ; extracted, organized into arrays, and returned as a structure. ; function organize_table_data, keywds, data ; initialize data structures: data_set = create_struct("flag", 1) name_val = keywds.name.val[0:keywds.name.count-1] data_struct = create_struct("names", name_val) rows = keywds.rows ; go through each column and convert data structure into array: for i = 0, keywds.columns - 1 do begin ; get the column title and data type: title = "column" + clean(i + 1,/space) type = keywds.data_type.val[i] ; obtain the ith tag's element and store it as temp element, and ; determine the type of object element is, i.e., a structure, array: if (size(data.(0), /type) ne 8) then begin element = data.(i+1).element endif else begin element = data.(i).element endelse stat = size(element, /type) ; check to see if current column is a structure: if (stat eq 8) then begin ; perform conversion of the element into arrays using subroutine: stat = size(element.item_elem.element) combo = bytarr(stat[1], stat[2] + 1, stat[3]) combo[*, 0:stat[2] - 1, *] = element.item_elem.element combo[*, stat[2], *] = element.last.element temp = convert_table_element(combo, type, rows) ; subroutine endif else begin temp = convert_table_element(element, type, rows) ; subroutine endelse ; if conversion not successful then return to main block with flag: if (temp.flag eq 1) then begin element = temp.element endif else begin goto, endfun endelse ; add to data structure: data_struct = create_struct(data_struct, title, element) endfor data_set = create_struct(data_set, "data", data_struct) return, data_set endfun: data_set.flag = -1 return, data_set end ;- level 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- function tascpds, fname, label, objindex, SILENT=silent ; error protection: on_error, 2 ; check for number of parameters in function call: if (n_params() lt 3) then begin print, "Syntax: result = tascpds (filename,label,objindex[,/SILENT])" return, -1 endif ; check for silent keyword: silent = keyword_set(SILENT) ; obtain viable objects for label: objects = objpds(label, "ALL") ; external routine if (objects.flag eq -1) then begin print, "Error: No viable TABLE objects found in label." return, -1 endif ; match the indices of all viable objects against objindex: objpos = where (objindex eq objects.index) ; if a match is found, then store the name of that object, else ; indicate the specification of invalid objindex: if (objpos[0] ne -1) then begin objects.array = objects.array[objpos[0]] objectname = objects.array[0] endif else begin print, "Error: Invalid objindex specified: " + $ clean(string(objects.index[objpos[0]]), /space) return, -1 endelse ; set start and end object pointers for current table object: start_ind = objindex end_ind = get_index(label, start_ind) ; external routine if (end_ind eq -1) then return, -1 ; check for valid interchange format using subroutine: if (tasc_interform(label, start_ind, end_ind) eq -1) then return, -1 ; obtain required keywords for the current object: req_keywds = obtain_table_req(label, start_ind, end_ind) ; subroutine if (req_keywds.flag eq -1) then return, -1 ; obtain optional keywords for current object: opt_keywds = obtain_tasc_opt(label, start_ind, end_ind) ; subroutine if (opt_keywds.flag eq -1) then return, -1 ; obtain items keywords for the column objects using subroutine: items = obtain_table_items(label, req_keywds, start_ind, end_ind) if (items.flag2 eq -1) then return, -1 ; obtain pointer information for table object: pointer = pointpds (label, fname, objectname) ; external routine if (pointer.flag EQ -1) then return, -1 ; create data structure to be read: complete_set = create_table_struct (req_keywds, opt_keywds, items, label, $ start_ind, end_ind) ; subroutine if (complete_set.flag eq -1) then begin return, -1 endif else begin data_struct = complete_set.data_set endelse ; read data structure from file using subroutine: data_set = read_ascii_table_data (pointer, data_struct, req_keywds, silent) if (data_set.flag eq -1) then return, -1 data = data_set.data ; check for CR and LF chars using subroutine: if (check_table_crlf(data,opt_keywds.suffix) eq -1) then begin return, -1 endif ; separate data into columns and convert into appropriate type: data_set = organize_table_data (req_keywds, data) ; subroutine if (data_set.flag eq 1) then begin data = data_set.data endif else begin return, -1 endelse return, data end