;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NAME: ARR_STRUCT ; ; PURPOSE: To populate an IDL structure containing the ARRAY object ; definitions; Intended to be used with ARRCOL_STRUCT.PRO ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ARR_STRUCT (label, objects, count) ; ; INPUTS: ; Label: String array containing the ARRAY object information ; Objects: IDL structure containing the ARRAY and its subobjects ; definitions ; Count: Integer tracking the number of objects being processed ; OUTPUTS: ; Result: an IDL structure containing the ARRAY element to be read ; ; PROCEDURES USED: CLEAN, COLL_STRUCT, ELEM_STRUCT, GET_INDEX ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Puneet Khetarpal [January 23, 2005] ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- level 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is a viable PDS label; cur_ind and end_index are ; viable start and end indices for current array object ; postcondition: the number of axes for current array object is returned function get_arr_axes, label, cur_ind, end_index ; obtain all axes values in the label: axes_all = pdspar(label, "AXES", COUNT=axescount,INDEX=axesindex) ; if no axes found in the label then issue error: if (axescount eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required AXES keyword in label" goto, endfunction endif else begin axespos = where (axesindex gt cur_ind and axesindex lt end_index) if (axespos[0] eq -1) then begin print, "Error: missing required AXES keyword in ARRAY object" goto, endfunction endif else begin axes = fix(clean(axes_all[axespos[0]],/space)) endelse endelse ; check for viable axes value: if ((axes lt 1) or (axes gt 6)) then begin print, "Error: invalid AXES value specified (min: 1, max: 6): " + $ clean(string(axes), /space) goto, endfunction endif return, axes endfunction: return, -1 end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; precondition: label is a viable PDS label; cur_ind and end_index are ; viable start and end indices for current array object; axes ; is an integer value of the number of axes the array has ; postcondition: the array axis items value is extracted from the ; label and returned function get_arr_axis_items, label, cur_ind, end_index, axes ; obtain all axis items values from the label: axis_all = pdspar (label, 'AXIS_ITEMS', COUNT=axiscount,INDEX=axisindex) ; if no axis items found in the label then issue error: if (axiscount eq 0) then begin print, "Error: missing required AXIS_ITEMS keyword from label" goto, endfunction endif else begin axis_pos = where (axisindex gt cur_ind and axisindex lt end_index) if (axis_pos[0] eq -1) then begin print, "Error: missing required AXIS_ITEMS keyword in ARRAY object" goto, endfunction endif else begin axis_items = axis_all[axis_pos[0]] endelse endelse ; if array is greater than 1-D then separate the axis items in string: if (axes gt 1) then begin axis_items = remove(axis_items, ['(',')','{','}']) if (!version.release gt 5.2) then begin temp = strsplit(axis_items, ',', /extract) endif else begin temp = str_sep (axis_items, ',') endelse axis_items = fix(cleanarr (temp, /space), type=3) endif else begin axis_items = fix(clean (axis_items,/space), type=3) endelse ; check for viable axis item values: pos = where(axis_items lt 1, cnt) if (cnt gt 0) then begin print, "Error: invalid AXIS_ITEMS value specified: " + $ clean(string(axis_items[pos[0]]), /space) goto, endfunction endif return, axis_items endfunction: return, -1 end ;- level 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; precondition: label is a viable PDS string array; objects contains ; all viable subojbects of current array object; count tracks the ; number of objects being processed ; postcondition: an IDL structure for the array object and its ; subobjects are populated and returned function arr_struct, label, objects, count ; initialize variables: struct = {flag: 1, name:""} cur_ind = objects.index[count] newstructflag = 1 ; obtain object's end index: end_index = get_index(label, cur_ind) if (end_index eq -1) then goto, endfunction ; obtain current array object's name struct.name = extract_name(label, cur_ind, end_index) if (struct.name eq "-1") then goto, endfunction ; increment count: count = count + 1 ; check for any sub-objects: subpos = where (objects.index gt cur_ind and objects.index lt end_index) if (subpos[0] eq -1) then begin print, "Error: no sub objects found for ARRAY at index " + $ clean(string(cur_ind), /space) goto, endfunction endif ; obtain the number of axes: axes = get_arr_axes (label, cur_ind, end_index) if (axes eq -1) then goto, endfunction ; obtain the axis_items: axis_items = get_arr_axis_items (label, cur_ind, end_index, axes) if (axis_items[0] eq -1) then goto, endfunction ; obtain start byte value: start_byte = extract_start_byte (label, cur_ind, end_index) ; set the current sub objects into a temporary array: temp_arr = objects.array[subpos] temp_ind = objects.index[subpos] temp_cnt = n_elements(temp_arr) ; process the array for one subobject and multiple subobjects: if (temp_cnt eq 1) then begin ; check if there is an element object: if (is_element(temp_arr[0])) then begin temp_struct = elem_struct(label, temp_ind[0]) count = count + 1 endif ; test valid structure: if (temp_struct.flag eq -1) then goto, endfunction ; get the data type of element: stat = size(temp_struct.element) ; make array of the axis items and dimensions: array = make_array(dimension=axis_items, type=stat[1], /nozero) struct = create_struct(struct, "element", array) endif else begin ; go through each sub object and process them as required: loopcnt = 0 while (loopcnt lt temp_cnt) do begin temp = count if (is_element(temp_arr[loopcnt])) then begin temp_struct = elem_struct (label, temp_ind[loopcnt]) loopcnt = loopcnt + 1 count = count + 1 endif else if (is_array(temp_arr[loopcnt])) then begin temp_struct = arr_struct (label, objects, count) loopcnt = loopcnt + (count - temp) endif else if (is_collection(temp_arr[loopcnt])) then begin temp_struct = coll_struct(label, objects, count) loopcnt = loopcnt + (count - temp) endif else begin print, "Error: invalid PDS object found in ARRAY object: " + $ temp_arr[loopcnt] goto, endfunction endelse ; test valid structure: if (temp_struct.flag eq -1) then goto, endfunction ; add temp structs into data struct: if (newstructflag eq 1) then begin data_struct = create_struct(temp_struct.name, $ temp_struct.element) newstructflag = -1 endif else begin data_struct = create_struct(data_struct, temp_struct.name, $ temp_struct.element) endelse endwhile ; replicate data structure into axes and axis_items: replicatedstructure = replicate(data_struct, axis_items) struct = create_struct(struct, "element", replicatedstructure) endelse return, struct endfunction: struct.flag = -1 return, struct end