;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAME: ADDEOBJ ; ; PURPOSE: To insert END_OBJECT keyword values if not present, and pad the ; lines to 80 bytes ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ADDEOBJ (ln, objarr, objcount) ; ; INPUTS: ; Ln: Scalar string containing a line from label for PDS file. ; Objarr: String array containing the values of OBJECT keyword in label. ; Objcount: The total count of objects in the objarr to be processed. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Result: Updated PDS label string with END_OBJECT keyword value ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT: none. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Puneet Khetarpal [June 28, 2004] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- level 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; precondition: the ln variable must be of type string ; postcondition: the ln variable is searched for comments. If present, they ; are removed from the string, and then the line is formatted to 80 ; bytes if not formatted. function cleanline, ln ; first check for comments and remove them if present: poslc = strpos(ln, '/*') posrc = strpos(ln, '*/') if ((poslc[0] gt -1) && (posrc[0] gt -1)) then begin if (poslc[0] lt posrc[0]) then begin str1 = strmid(ln, 0, poslc[0] - 1) str2 = strmid(ln, posrc[0] + 2) ln = str1 + str2 endif else begin print, "Error: Comments in label out of order." return, "-1" endelse endif ; now format line to 80 bytes if not formatted: length = strlen(ln) if (length lt 78) then begin pad = make_array(78 - length, /byte, value = 32B) ln += string(pad) + string([10B, 13B]) endif else begin ln += string([10B, 13B]) endelse return, ln end ;-- level 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ function addeobj, ln, objarr, objcount ; error protection: on_error, 2 ; initialize structure to be returned: struct = create_struct("flag", 1) ; check for number of arguments in function call, must equal 3: if (n_params() lt 3) then begin print, "Error: Syntax - result = addeobj (ln, objarr, objcount)" goto, endfun endif ; clean the line: ln = cleanline(ln) ; subroutine if (ln eq "-1") then goto, endfun ; determine the position of OBJECT or END_OBJECT keyword in ln string: tempstr = ln tempstr = clean(tempstr, /space) ; external routine objpos = strpos(tempstr, "OBJECT=") end_objpos = strpos(tempstr, "END_OBJECT") ; check for OBJECT keyword: if ((objpos gt -1) && (end_objpos eq -1)) then begin ; if present then extract OBJECT value by separating the string ; into two via the "=" separator (str_sep routine obsolete > 5.2): arr = (!version.release gt 5.2) ? strsplit(ln, "=", /extract) : $ str_sep(ln, "=") name = clean(arr[1], /space) ; external routine ; if there are currently no objects in the objarr, then assign ; objarr to the extracted name of the OBJECT, else concatenate ; the value to objarr, and increment objcount by 1: objarr = (objcount eq 0) ? name : [objarr, name] objcount += 1 endif else if (end_objpos gt -1) then begin ; if END_OBJECT keyword found in the string, then first check ; whether there are any viable objarr elements left to be processed ; for the found END_OBJECT keyword: if (objcount eq 0) then begin print, "Error: Inconsistent number of OBJECT and END_OBJECT " + $ "keywords found." goto, endfun endif ; determine whether the string already has an "=" character: pos = strpos(ln, "=") if (pos eq -1) then begin ; if not, then position to write onto string is right after ; the word "END_OBJECT": pos = strpos(ln, "END_OBJECT") pos += strlen("END_OBJECT") + 1 src = "= " + objarr[objcount - 1] endif else begin ; first check to ensure that the END_OBJECT param matches ; OBJECT param, obtain object parameter, and end object param: src = objarr[objcount - 1] eobjparam = clean(strmid(ln, pos + 1), /space) ; if object param not equals end object param, then error: if (eobjparam ne src) then begin print, "Error: OBJECT (" + src + ") and END_OBJECT (" + $ eobjparam + ") value mismatch." goto, endfun endif ; else extract string upto the already included "=" sign: pos += 2 ln = strmid (ln, 0, pos - 1) ; clean line: ln = cleanline(ln) if (ln eq "-1") then goto, endfun endelse ; insert the OBJECT value into END_OBJECT value keyword, and ; decrement objcount, and reconstruct objarr: strput, ln, src, pos objcount = objcount - 1 if (objcount eq 0) then begin objarr = "-1" endif else begin temp = objarr[0:objcount-1] objarr = temp endelse endif ; add to the struct the ln, objarr, and objcount vars: struct = create_struct(struct, "ln", ln, "array", objarr, "count",objcount) return, struct endfun: ; if error, then set struct.flag to -1 and return struct: struct.flag = -1 return, struct end