Bundle Description for the PITMS Archive Bundle =============================================== Overview ========== The PITMS archive bundle includes all data taken by the Peregrine Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) instrument aboard the Peregrine Lunar Lander spacecraft. The data are generated by ionizing neutral gases that are collected passively, setting up a radio frequency (RF) voltage on a central ring electrode to trap the ions, and ramping up the RF field intensity to allow ions to escape based on their mass-to-charge ratio. On January 8, 2024 after the ULA’s Vulcan rocket inserted Peregrine into the planned translunar trajectory during initialization of the propulsion system, an anomaly occurred. Astrobotic’s hypothesis about the Peregrine spacecraft’s propulsion anomaly is that a valve between the helium pressurant and the oxidizer failed to reseal after actuation during initialization. This led to a rush of high pressure helium that spiked the pressure in the oxidizer tank beyond its operating limit and ruptured the tank. During the roughly ten-day operational lifetime, as the propellant continued to leak, PITMS and all the instruments operated in emergency response mode each day. The data contained in the collections were collected when PITMS operated in four sessions over the Peregrine mission, for a 8.5 hrs total instrument operation time. Data Collections ================ The data are included in two different processing levels, raw and calibrated. Raw data are the original data from the instrument. Calibrated data are raw data converted to engineering units and corrected for detector response. The calibration process is also described in the PITMS DATA PLAN document. The following table describes the PITMS products in the data_calibration and data_calibrated collections: Data Definitions Table ======================================================================================== Product Name Product Description ======================================================================================== PITMS_Data_Plan.pdf | PITMS Data Plan, PDS Descriptions, and Users' Guide PITMS_RAW_HK.csv | Housekeeping data PITMS_RAW_AUX.csv | Auxiliary data PITMS_RAW_SCI.csv | Science data PITMS_RAW_CAT.csv | Concatenated file containing each full spectrum from the SCI file plus HK and AUX data relevant to each spectrum PITMS_RAW_DECKD | Peregrine Deck D temperature PITMS_CAL_VAR.csv | Variables in the PITMS data calibration process for each spectrum PITMS_CAL_timestamp.csv | Calibrated mass spectra in instrument independent units (mass to charge ratio vs ions or partial pressure). There are 80 csv files each with a spectrum identified by its timestamp in the filename. ======================================================== Document Collection =================== The document collection contains the PITMS DATA PLAN. Context Collection ================== The context collection contains pointers to the context information including mission, spacecraft, instrument, and bundle descriptions.