PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2023-12-08, JHB" RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 /** VMC Level 3 DATA products can be opened using Python. The ‘Astropy’ library is required. VMC Level 3 DATA products can also be opened using DS9, a free software for astronomical images which can also be used for opening VMC FITs data products. When opening the files, DS9 takes the first layer of the FITs file (the calibrated layer), and detects that it contains three dimensions (more than one colour channel). DS9 then opens a "Cube" window to handle the three dimensions. In the menu "Axes order", the user must select "2 3 1", and then the first channel (red) appears in the viewer. In the "Cube" window, it is possible to switch the channel. Once the image is in the viewer, several operations can be performed, including exporting to an image format. VMC Level 3 BROWSE products should be readable to normal image programmes such as the following: - Photos for Windows - Preview/Apple Photos for Mac - **/ OBJECT = SOFTWARE SOFTWARE_ID = "N/A" SOFTWARE_VERSION_ID = "N/A" OBJECT = SOFTWARE_INFORMATION DATA_FORMAT = "N/A" NODE_ID = "N/A" PDS_USER_ID = "N/A" REQUIRED_STORAGE_BYTES = "N/A" SOFTWARE_DESC = "N/A" SOFTWARE_LICENSE_TYPE = "N/A" SOFTWARE_NAME = "N/A" TECHNICAL_SUPPORT_TYPE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = SOFTWARE_INFORMATION OBJECT = SOFTWARE_ONLINE NODE_ID = "N/A" ON_LINE_IDENTIFICATION = "N/A" ON_LINE_NAME = "N/A" PLATFORM = "N/A" PROTOCOL_TYPE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = SOFTWARE_ONLINE OBJECT = SOFTWARE_PURPOSE SOFTWARE_PURPOSE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = SOFTWARE_PURPOSE END_OBJECT = SOFTWARE END