Geo File : SPIM_0AU_07915A02_P_GO_01.TXT Generation date : Fri Oct 7 20:38:29 2011 Data File source : SPIM_0AU_07915A02_P_04.DAT Contents of metakernel file KPL/MK This is the meta-kernel for Mars 2004 e100, from 2003-12-22 MEXFULL2 = uppercase name \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '/net/nfs/spicam/orbito/spice/kernels' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KER_PATH' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KER_PATH/lsk/NAIF0009.TLS', '$KER_PATH/sclk/MEX_111005_STEP.TSC', '$KER_PATH/spk/DE405.BSP', '$KER_PATH/fk/MEX_V11.TF', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__031222180906_00052.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040201000000_00060.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040301000000_00068.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040401000000_00072.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040501000000_00076.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040601000000_00080.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040701000000_00086.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040801000000_00088.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__040901000000_00091.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041001000000_00096.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041101000000_00100.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__041201000000_00105.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050101000000_00109.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050201000000_00113.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050301000000_00117.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050401000000_00122.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050501000000_00129.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050601000000_00136.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050701000000_00140.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050801000000_00153.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__050901000000_00165.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051001000000_00181.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051101000000_00194.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__051201000000_00203.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060101000000_00217.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060201000000_00229.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060301000000_00241.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060401000000_00253.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060501000000_00263.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060601000000_00274.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060701000000_00290.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060801000000_00294.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__060901000000_00307.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061001000000_00310.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061101000000_00324.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__061201000000_00336.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070101000000_00349.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070201000000_00361.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070301000000_00371.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070401000000_00387.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070501000000_00395.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070601000000_00403.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070701000000_00414.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070801000000_00423.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__070901000000_00431.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071001000000_00441.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071101000000_00449.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__071201000000_00457.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080101000000_00465.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080201000000_00474.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080301000000_00484.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080401000000_00490.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080501000000_00498.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080601000000_00508.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080701000000_00516.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080801000000_00525.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__080901000000_00536.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081001000000_00544.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081101000000_00549.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__081201000000_00553.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090101000000_00562.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090201000000_00570.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090301000000_00580.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090401000000_00586.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090501000000_00594.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090601000000_00602.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090701000000_00611.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090801000000_00619.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__090901000000_00628.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091001000000_00637.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091101000000_00648.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__091201000000_00654.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100101000000_00662.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100201000000_00674.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100301000000_00682.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100401000000_00688.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100501000000_00696.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100601000000_00704.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100701000000_00712.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100801000000_00723.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__100901000000_00731.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101001000000_00739.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101101000000_00749.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__101201000000_00755.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110101000000_00758.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110201000000_00766.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110301000000_00774.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110401000000_00780.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110501000000_00788.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110601000000_00794.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110701000000_00802.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110801000000_00815.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__110901000000_00822.BSP', '$KER_PATH/spk/ORMM__111001000000_00822.BSP', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P030602191822_00135.BC', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P050401000000_00260.BC', '$KER_PATH/ck/ATNM_P060401000000_00822.BC', '$KER_PATH/pck/PCK00009.TPC', '$KER_PATH/pck/MARS_IAU2000_V0.TPC') \begintext SUN... 1 AU (from Near Earth Objects Program) = 149 597 870.691 km LS (deg) at first time 2010-03-07T01:27:30.640: 60.596 SUN apparent position on planet (IAU_MARS) at first time: Long (deg), Lat (deg), Dist (AU) : 282.178, 21.772, 1.6631 SUN ra, dec (deg, EMEJ2000) at first time : 328.557, -14.698 TARGET... NAD/LIMB CENTER of slit, mechanical offsets in SC axes (in degrees) : 90.000 89.830 UV: codop, x0(first CCD column read), y0(first CCD line read), binning value for each band, width, height : 101 0 103 16 16 16 16 16 408 5 Parameters definition... 1stB, 2ndB, 3rdB, 4thB, and 5thB are center of UV Bands (binning included). For all kind of observations, the line of sight (LOS) emanating from the center of a UV band is defined by SC attitude. In the case of star observations, geometry parameters are also computed for a LOS emanating from the UV CCD center, but defined by S/C position and Star direction. (This LOS is called LOSE in the following description of parameters to distinguish from LOS defined by SC attitude). Planproj is the projection plane (u,v,w frame) defined as the plane at the nearest point on MARS to vdir and perpendicular to vdir (view direction from MEX); with w = -vdir , v = North pole, u = right handed. The view direction is LOS emanating from the center of the CCD and defined by SC attitude. Time UTC (A23) + (I5, F9.1, 2F8.2, F7.1, F8.2, F7.2, F7.1, F10.1, F11.2, F8.2, 2F9.3,F7.2, 2F8.2, F6.2, F7.2, 2F10.1,F7.2, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, F8.2, F7.2, F11.2,2F9.3, 9F11.6, F8.2,F8.2, 10F10.2, 6F8.2) Number of parameters (without Time): 68 Reference number in geometry software, Column number, Label 0 1 Record number 19 2 Altitude of the spacecraft above PLANET ellipsoid (in km, IAU_MARS) 17 3 Longitude of the sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, increases toward East from 0 to 360, IAU_MARS) 18 4 Latitude of the sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 20 5 Solar Zenith Angle at sub-spacecraft point (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 141 6 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 142 7 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 145 8 Solar zenith angle at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 144 9 Distance from MEX to nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 if behind SC) 143 10 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 146 11 Pixel (0.01 deg) size at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in kms, IAU_MARS) 147 12 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 148 13 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 149 14 Angle between S/C-SUN vector and LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 150 15 Phase angle between the SUN and the Observer measured at the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 151 16 Solar incidence angle between SUN and Normal at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 152 17 Solar local time at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 153 18 Emission angle between Normal and Observer at nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) 155 19 Distance between the nearest point on LOS emanating from the center of 3rdB band (in degrees) and center of MARS (in kms) 154 20 Distance between MEX position and center of MARS (in kms) 156 21 Azimut of SUN in MEX axes (relative to X, in degrees) 101 22 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 102 23 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 103 24 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 107 25 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 108 26 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 1stB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 121 27 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 122 28 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 123 29 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 127 30 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 128 31 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 2ndB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 161 32 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 162 33 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 163 34 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 167 35 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 168 36 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 4thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 181 37 Longitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 182 38 Latitude of nearest point on MARS ellipsoid to LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, IAU_MARS) 183 39 Altitude above the nearest point on MARS ellipsoid of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in kms, IAU_MARS, < 0 IF intersection) 187 40 Right ascension of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 188 41 Declination of LOS emanating from the center of 5thB band (in degrees, EMEJ2000) 87 42 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 88 43 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 89 44 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (1,0,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 90 45 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 91 46 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 92 47 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,1,0) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 93 48 X component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 94 49 Y component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 95 50 Z component of the unit inertial pointing vector (0,0,1) in MEX coordinates relative to MARSIAU frame 312 51 Angle between the S/C X axis and the local verticale at MARS Nearest Point (in degrees) 301 52 Angle between the projection plane U axis and the S/C X axis projected on this plane (in degrees) 302 53 P1 u horizon point component in Planproj 303 54 P1 v horizon point component in Planproj 304 55 P2 u horizon point component in Planproj 305 56 P2 v horizon point component in Planproj 306 57 P3 u horizon point component in Planproj 307 58 P3 v horizon point component in Planproj 308 59 P4 u horizon point component in Planproj 309 60 P4 v horizon point component in Planproj 310 61 P5 u horizon point component in Planproj 311 62 P5 v horizon point component in Planproj 320 63 X ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 321 64 X dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 322 65 Y ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 323 66 Y dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 324 67 Z ra component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 325 68 Z dec component of transformation matrix from IAU_MARS to EMEJ2000 Time (UTC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 -- End Comments 2010-03-07T01:27:30.640 1 5952.3 247.10 -0.46 40.8 259.05 -42.58 68.1 7273.7 3361.48 1.39 111.821 -12.139 134.79 37.15 68.11 10.46 62.47 6748.4 9348.5 336.38 259.17 -42.25 3393.91 111.635 -12.440 259.11 -42.41 3377.71 111.728 -12.289 258.98 -42.75 3345.24 111.914 -11.989 258.91 -42.91 3328.97 112.007 -11.838 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.816367 -0.083679 -0.571439 0.428729 0.575139 -0.696711 34.75 322.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.01 -0.50 136.63 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:31.640 2 5953.4 247.10 -0.47 40.8 259.23 -42.63 68.1 7278.8 3353.86 1.40 111.690 -12.061 134.73 37.20 68.10 10.47 62.56 6740.8 9349.6 336.24 259.35 -42.29 3386.37 111.504 -12.362 259.29 -42.46 3370.13 111.597 -12.212 259.16 -42.79 3337.56 111.783 -11.911 259.09 -42.96 3321.25 111.876 -11.761 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.815242 -0.082173 -0.573261 0.430865 0.575356 -0.695213 34.63 322.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.01 -0.50 136.63 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:32.640 3 5954.6 247.10 -0.48 40.8 259.41 -42.67 68.1 7283.8 3346.25 1.40 111.559 -11.984 134.67 37.26 68.09 10.48 62.65 6733.2 9350.8 336.10 259.53 -42.34 3378.86 111.373 -12.284 259.47 -42.51 3362.56 111.466 -12.134 259.34 -42.84 3329.90 111.652 -11.833 259.28 -43.01 3313.54 111.745 -11.683 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.814111 -0.080667 -0.575079 0.432998 0.575569 -0.693710 34.52 322.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.01 -0.50 136.64 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:33.640 4 5955.8 247.09 -0.49 40.8 259.59 -42.72 68.1 7288.9 3338.65 1.40 111.428 -11.906 134.61 37.32 68.08 10.50 62.74 6725.5 9352.0 335.97 259.71 -42.38 3371.35 111.241 -12.206 259.65 -42.55 3355.01 111.335 -12.056 259.53 -42.88 3322.26 111.521 -11.756 259.46 -43.05 3305.85 111.614 -11.605 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.812975 -0.079160 -0.576893 0.435128 0.575778 -0.692202 34.40 322.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.02 -0.50 136.64 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:34.640 5 5957.0 247.09 -0.50 40.8 259.78 -42.76 68.1 7293.9 3331.06 1.40 111.297 -11.828 134.55 37.37 68.06 10.51 62.83 6717.9 9353.2 335.83 259.90 -42.43 3363.86 111.110 -12.129 259.84 -42.59 3347.47 111.203 -11.978 259.71 -42.93 3314.63 111.390 -11.678 259.65 -43.10 3298.17 111.483 -11.528 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.811833 -0.077652 -0.578703 0.437255 0.575983 -0.690689 34.28 323.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.02 -0.49 136.65 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:35.640 6 5958.2 247.09 -0.51 40.8 259.96 -42.80 68.1 7299.0 3323.49 1.40 111.166 -11.750 134.49 37.43 68.05 10.52 62.91 6710.4 9354.4 335.70 260.08 -42.47 3356.38 110.979 -12.051 260.02 -42.64 3339.95 111.072 -11.901 259.90 -42.97 3307.01 111.259 -11.600 259.84 -43.14 3290.50 111.352 -11.450 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.810685 -0.076144 -0.580509 0.439379 0.576185 -0.689172 34.16 323.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.02 -0.49 136.65 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:36.640 7 5959.4 247.08 -0.52 40.8 260.15 -42.85 68.0 7304.0 3315.93 1.40 111.035 -11.673 134.43 37.49 68.04 10.53 63.00 6702.8 9355.6 335.57 260.26 -42.51 3348.92 110.848 -11.973 260.20 -42.68 3332.44 110.941 -11.823 260.09 -43.01 3299.40 111.128 -11.522 260.02 -43.18 3282.85 111.221 -11.372 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.809532 -0.074635 -0.582312 0.441499 0.576382 -0.687650 34.04 323.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.03 -0.49 136.66 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:37.640 8 5960.5 247.08 -0.53 40.8 260.33 -42.89 68.0 7309.0 3308.39 1.40 110.904 -11.595 134.36 37.54 68.02 10.55 63.09 6695.2 9356.7 335.43 260.45 -42.55 3341.47 110.717 -11.895 260.39 -42.72 3324.94 110.811 -11.745 260.27 -43.06 3291.81 110.997 -11.444 260.21 -43.22 3275.21 111.090 -11.294 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.808374 -0.073126 -0.584110 0.443617 0.576575 -0.686123 33.92 323.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.03 -0.49 136.66 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:38.640 9 5961.7 247.08 -0.54 40.8 260.52 -42.93 68.0 7314.1 3300.86 1.40 110.773 -11.517 134.30 37.60 68.01 10.56 63.17 6687.7 9357.9 335.30 260.63 -42.59 3334.04 110.586 -11.817 260.58 -42.76 3317.46 110.680 -11.667 260.46 -43.10 3284.24 110.866 -11.366 260.40 -43.27 3267.59 110.960 -11.216 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.807210 -0.071616 -0.585904 0.445732 0.576765 -0.684591 33.80 323.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.03 -0.48 136.67 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:39.640 10 5962.9 247.07 -0.55 40.8 260.71 -42.97 68.0 7319.1 3293.35 1.40 110.642 -11.438 134.24 37.66 67.99 10.57 63.26 6680.2 9359.1 335.17 260.82 -42.63 3326.62 110.456 -11.738 260.76 -42.80 3310.00 110.549 -11.588 260.65 -43.14 3276.68 110.736 -11.288 260.59 -43.30 3259.98 110.829 -11.138 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.806040 -0.070106 -0.587694 0.447844 0.576950 -0.683055 33.68 323.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.04 -0.48 136.67 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:40.640 11 5964.1 247.07 -0.56 40.8 260.90 -43.00 68.0 7324.0 3285.85 1.40 110.512 -11.360 134.18 37.72 67.98 10.58 63.34 6672.6 9360.3 335.03 261.00 -42.66 3319.21 110.325 -11.660 260.95 -42.83 3302.55 110.418 -11.510 260.84 -43.17 3269.14 110.605 -11.210 260.78 -43.34 3252.39 110.698 -11.060 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.804865 -0.068595 -0.589481 0.449953 0.577132 -0.681514 33.56 323.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.04 -0.48 136.68 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:41.640 12 5965.3 247.07 -0.57 40.9 261.09 -43.04 68.0 7329.0 3278.37 1.40 110.381 -11.282 134.11 37.78 67.96 10.60 63.43 6665.2 9361.5 334.90 261.19 -42.70 3311.83 110.194 -11.582 261.14 -42.87 3295.11 110.288 -11.432 261.03 -43.21 3261.61 110.475 -11.132 260.98 -43.38 3244.82 110.568 -10.982 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.803684 -0.067084 -0.591263 0.452058 0.577310 -0.679968 33.44 323.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.04 -0.48 136.68 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:42.640 13 5966.5 247.06 -0.58 40.9 261.28 -43.08 67.9 7334.0 3270.91 1.41 110.251 -11.204 134.05 37.83 67.94 10.61 63.51 6657.7 9362.6 334.77 261.38 -42.74 3304.46 110.064 -11.504 261.33 -42.91 3287.69 110.157 -11.354 261.22 -43.25 3254.09 110.344 -11.054 261.17 -43.42 3237.26 110.438 -10.904 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.802498 -0.065572 -0.593041 0.454161 0.577483 -0.678418 33.32 323.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.05 -0.47 136.69 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:43.640 14 5967.6 247.06 -0.59 40.9 261.47 -43.11 67.9 7339.0 3263.46 1.41 110.120 -11.126 133.99 37.89 67.93 10.62 63.60 6650.2 9363.8 334.64 261.57 -42.77 3297.10 109.933 -11.425 261.52 -42.94 3280.29 110.027 -11.275 261.42 -43.28 3246.60 110.214 -10.976 261.36 -43.45 3229.71 110.307 -10.826 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.801306 -0.064060 -0.594815 0.456260 0.577653 -0.676863 33.20 323.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.05 -0.47 136.69 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:44.640 15 5968.8 247.06 -0.60 40.9 261.66 -43.14 67.9 7343.9 3256.02 1.41 109.990 -11.047 133.92 37.95 67.91 10.64 63.68 6642.8 9365.0 334.51 261.76 -42.80 3289.76 109.803 -11.347 261.71 -42.97 3272.90 109.896 -11.197 261.61 -43.32 3239.12 110.084 -10.897 261.56 -43.49 3222.19 110.177 -10.748 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.800109 -0.062548 -0.596585 0.458356 0.577819 -0.675304 33.08 323.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.05 -0.47 136.70 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:45.640 16 5970.0 247.05 -0.61 40.9 261.85 -43.18 67.9 7348.9 3248.61 1.41 109.860 -10.969 133.86 38.01 67.89 10.65 63.76 6635.3 9366.2 334.38 261.95 -42.83 3282.44 109.672 -11.268 261.90 -43.01 3265.54 109.766 -11.119 261.80 -43.35 3231.65 109.953 -10.819 261.75 -43.52 3214.68 110.047 -10.669 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.798906 -0.061035 -0.598351 0.460449 0.577980 -0.673740 32.95 323.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.05 -0.47 136.70 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:46.640 17 5971.2 247.05 -0.62 40.9 262.04 -43.21 67.9 7353.8 3241.21 1.41 109.730 -10.890 133.79 38.07 67.87 10.66 63.85 6627.9 9367.4 334.25 262.14 -42.87 3275.13 109.542 -11.190 262.09 -43.04 3258.18 109.636 -11.040 262.00 -43.38 3224.21 109.823 -10.741 261.95 -43.55 3207.18 109.917 -10.591 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.797698 -0.059521 -0.600113 0.462539 0.578138 -0.672171 32.83 324.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.06 -0.46 136.71 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:47.640 18 5972.4 247.04 -0.63 40.9 262.24 -43.24 67.8 7358.7 3233.83 1.41 109.599 -10.812 133.73 38.13 67.85 10.68 63.93 6620.5 9368.6 334.12 262.33 -42.90 3267.84 109.412 -11.111 262.28 -43.07 3250.85 109.506 -10.961 262.19 -43.41 3216.78 109.693 -10.662 262.14 -43.58 3199.71 109.787 -10.512 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.796484 -0.058008 -0.601870 0.464626 0.578292 -0.670597 32.71 324.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.06 -0.46 136.71 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:48.640 19 5973.5 247.04 -0.64 40.9 262.43 -43.27 67.8 7363.6 3226.46 1.41 109.469 -10.733 133.66 38.19 67.83 10.69 64.01 6613.2 9369.7 333.99 262.52 -42.92 3260.57 109.282 -11.032 262.48 -43.10 3243.53 109.376 -10.883 262.39 -43.44 3209.37 109.563 -10.584 262.34 -43.61 3192.25 109.657 -10.434 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.795265 -0.056494 -0.603624 0.466710 0.578442 -0.669019 32.58 324.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.06 -0.46 136.72 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:49.640 20 5974.7 247.04 -0.65 40.9 262.63 -43.30 67.8 7368.5 3219.12 1.41 109.339 -10.655 133.60 38.25 67.81 10.70 64.09 6605.8 9370.9 333.87 262.71 -42.95 3253.32 109.152 -10.954 262.67 -43.12 3236.23 109.246 -10.804 262.58 -43.47 3201.97 109.433 -10.505 262.54 -43.64 3184.81 109.527 -10.355 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.794041 -0.054979 -0.605373 0.468790 0.578588 -0.667437 32.46 324.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.07 -0.46 136.72 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:50.640 21 5975.9 247.03 -0.66 40.9 262.82 -43.33 67.8 7373.4 3211.79 1.41 109.209 -10.576 133.53 38.31 67.78 10.72 64.18 6598.5 9372.1 333.74 262.91 -42.98 3246.08 109.022 -10.875 262.87 -43.15 3228.95 109.116 -10.725 262.78 -43.50 3194.60 109.303 -10.426 262.74 -43.67 3177.39 109.397 -10.277 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.792811 -0.053464 -0.607119 0.470867 0.578730 -0.665850 32.33 324.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.07 -0.45 136.73 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:51.640 22 5977.1 247.03 -0.67 40.9 263.02 -43.35 67.8 7378.3 3204.48 1.41 109.080 -10.497 133.47 38.37 67.76 10.73 64.26 6591.1 9373.3 333.61 263.10 -43.00 3238.87 108.892 -10.796 263.06 -43.18 3221.68 108.986 -10.647 262.98 -43.52 3187.24 109.173 -10.348 262.94 -43.70 3169.98 109.267 -10.198 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.791575 -0.051949 -0.608860 0.472941 0.578868 -0.664258 32.21 324.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.07 -0.45 136.73 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:52.640 23 5978.3 247.03 -0.68 40.9 263.22 -43.38 67.7 7383.1 3197.18 1.42 108.950 -10.418 133.40 38.43 67.74 10.74 64.34 6583.8 9374.5 333.48 263.30 -43.03 3231.67 108.762 -10.717 263.26 -43.20 3214.44 108.856 -10.568 263.18 -43.55 3179.90 109.044 -10.269 263.14 -43.72 3162.60 109.137 -10.119 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.790334 -0.050433 -0.610597 0.475012 0.579002 -0.662662 32.08 324.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.08 -0.45 136.74 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:53.640 24 5979.4 247.02 -0.69 40.9 263.42 -43.40 67.7 7388.0 3189.91 1.42 108.820 -10.340 133.33 38.49 67.71 10.76 64.42 6576.6 9375.6 333.36 263.49 -43.05 3224.49 108.632 -10.638 263.45 -43.23 3207.21 108.726 -10.489 263.38 -43.57 3172.58 108.914 -10.190 263.34 -43.75 3155.23 109.008 -10.041 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.789088 -0.048917 -0.612329 0.477079 0.579132 -0.661061 31.96 324.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.08 -0.45 136.74 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:54.640 25 5980.6 247.02 -0.70 40.9 263.62 -43.42 67.7 7392.8 3182.66 1.42 108.690 -10.261 133.27 38.55 67.69 10.77 64.50 6569.3 9376.8 333.23 263.69 -43.08 3217.33 108.502 -10.559 263.65 -43.25 3200.01 108.596 -10.410 263.58 -43.60 3165.28 108.784 -10.111 263.54 -43.77 3147.88 108.878 -9.962 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.787836 -0.047401 -0.614058 0.479144 0.579258 -0.659456 31.83 324.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.08 -0.44 136.75 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:55.640 26 5981.8 247.02 -0.71 40.9 263.82 -43.45 67.7 7397.6 3175.42 1.42 108.561 -10.182 133.20 38.61 67.66 10.78 64.58 6562.1 9378.0 333.11 263.88 -43.10 3210.19 108.373 -10.480 263.85 -43.27 3192.82 108.467 -10.331 263.78 -43.62 3158.00 108.655 -10.032 263.74 -43.79 3140.55 108.749 -9.883 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.786579 -0.045884 -0.615782 0.481205 0.579380 -0.657846 31.70 324.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.09 -0.44 136.75 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:56.640 27 5983.0 247.01 -0.72 40.9 264.02 -43.47 67.6 7402.5 3168.21 1.42 108.431 -10.103 133.13 38.67 67.64 10.80 64.66 6554.8 9379.2 332.98 264.08 -43.12 3203.06 108.243 -10.401 264.05 -43.29 3185.65 108.337 -10.252 263.98 -43.64 3150.74 108.525 -9.953 263.94 -43.82 3133.25 108.619 -9.804 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.785317 -0.044367 -0.617503 0.483262 0.579498 -0.656231 31.58 324.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.09 -0.44 136.76 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:57.640 28 5984.2 247.01 -0.74 40.9 264.22 -43.49 67.6 7407.3 3161.01 1.42 108.302 -10.024 133.06 38.73 67.61 10.81 64.74 6547.6 9380.4 332.86 264.28 -43.14 3195.96 108.113 -10.322 264.25 -43.31 3178.50 108.208 -10.173 264.18 -43.66 3143.50 108.396 -9.874 264.15 -43.84 3125.96 108.490 -9.725 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.784049 -0.042850 -0.619218 0.485316 0.579612 -0.654612 31.45 324.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.09 -0.44 136.76 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:58.640 29 5985.3 247.01 -0.75 40.9 264.42 -43.50 67.6 7412.1 3153.84 1.42 108.172 -9.944 132.99 38.79 67.58 10.82 64.82 6540.5 9381.5 332.73 264.48 -43.15 3188.88 107.984 -10.243 264.45 -43.33 3171.38 108.078 -10.094 264.39 -43.68 3136.28 108.266 -9.795 264.35 -43.86 3118.69 108.360 -9.646 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.782776 -0.041332 -0.620930 0.487367 0.579723 -0.652989 31.32 324.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.10 -0.43 136.77 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:27:59.640 30 5986.5 247.00 -0.76 41.0 264.62 -43.52 67.6 7416.8 3146.69 1.42 108.043 -9.865 132.93 38.86 67.55 10.84 64.90 6533.3 9382.7 332.61 264.68 -43.17 3181.82 107.855 -10.164 264.65 -43.35 3164.27 107.949 -10.015 264.59 -43.70 3129.08 108.137 -9.716 264.56 -43.87 3111.44 108.231 -9.567 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.781497 -0.039814 -0.622637 0.489415 0.579829 -0.651361 31.19 325.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.10 -0.43 136.77 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:00.640 31 5987.7 247.00 -0.77 41.0 264.82 -43.54 67.5 7421.6 3139.55 1.42 107.914 -9.786 132.86 38.92 67.52 10.85 64.97 6526.2 9383.9 332.48 264.88 -43.19 3174.78 107.725 -10.084 264.85 -43.36 3157.18 107.820 -9.935 264.79 -43.71 3121.90 108.008 -9.637 264.76 -43.89 3104.22 108.102 -9.488 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.780213 -0.038296 -0.624341 0.491459 0.579931 -0.649729 31.06 325.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.10 -0.43 136.78 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:01.640 32 5988.9 247.00 -0.78 41.0 265.02 -43.55 67.5 7426.4 3132.44 1.42 107.785 -9.707 132.79 38.98 67.49 10.87 65.05 6519.0 9385.1 332.36 265.08 -43.20 3167.76 107.596 -10.005 265.05 -43.38 3150.12 107.690 -9.856 265.00 -43.73 3114.74 107.879 -9.558 264.97 -43.90 3097.01 107.973 -9.409 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.778924 -0.036778 -0.626039 0.493500 0.580029 -0.648092 30.93 325.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.11 -0.43 136.78 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:02.640 33 5990.1 246.99 -0.79 41.0 265.23 -43.57 67.5 7431.1 3125.35 1.42 107.655 -9.628 132.72 39.04 67.46 10.88 65.13 6512.0 9386.2 332.24 265.28 -43.21 3160.76 107.467 -9.926 265.25 -43.39 3143.07 107.561 -9.777 265.20 -43.74 3107.61 107.750 -9.478 265.17 -43.92 3089.83 107.844 -9.329 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.777629 -0.035259 -0.627734 0.495538 0.580124 -0.646451 30.80 325.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.11 -0.42 136.79 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:03.640 34 5991.2 246.99 -0.80 41.0 265.43 -43.58 67.4 7435.8 3118.28 1.43 107.526 -9.548 132.65 39.10 67.43 10.89 65.21 6504.9 9387.4 332.12 265.48 -43.23 3153.79 107.338 -9.846 265.45 -43.40 3136.05 107.432 -9.697 265.41 -43.76 3100.49 107.621 -9.399 265.38 -43.93 3082.67 107.715 -9.250 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.776329 -0.033740 -0.629424 0.497572 0.580214 -0.644805 30.67 325.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.11 -0.42 136.79 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:04.640 35 5992.4 246.99 -0.81 41.0 265.64 -43.59 67.4 7440.5 3111.24 1.43 107.397 -9.469 132.58 39.17 67.40 10.91 65.28 6497.8 9388.6 332.00 265.68 -43.24 3146.83 107.208 -9.767 265.66 -43.41 3129.05 107.303 -9.618 265.61 -43.77 3093.40 107.492 -9.320 265.59 -43.94 3075.53 107.586 -9.171 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.775024 -0.032221 -0.631110 0.499603 0.580300 -0.643155 30.54 325.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.12 -0.42 136.80 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:05.640 36 5993.6 246.98 -0.82 41.0 265.84 -43.60 67.4 7445.2 3104.21 1.43 107.268 -9.389 132.51 39.23 67.37 10.92 65.36 6490.8 9389.8 331.87 265.88 -43.25 3139.90 107.079 -9.687 265.86 -43.42 3122.07 107.174 -9.538 265.82 -43.78 3086.33 107.363 -9.240 265.79 -43.96 3068.41 107.457 -9.091 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.773713 -0.030702 -0.632792 0.501630 0.580383 -0.641501 30.41 325.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.12 -0.42 136.80 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:06.640 37 5994.8 246.98 -0.83 41.0 266.05 -43.61 67.3 7449.9 3097.21 1.43 107.139 -9.310 132.44 39.29 67.33 10.93 65.43 6483.8 9391.0 331.75 266.08 -43.26 3132.99 106.950 -9.608 266.07 -43.43 3115.12 107.045 -9.459 266.03 -43.79 3079.28 107.234 -9.161 266.00 -43.96 3061.32 107.328 -9.012 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.772397 -0.029182 -0.634469 0.503654 0.580461 -0.639842 30.28 325.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.12 -0.41 136.81 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:07.640 38 5995.9 246.97 -0.84 41.0 266.25 -43.62 67.3 7454.6 3090.23 1.43 107.010 -9.230 132.37 39.35 67.30 10.95 65.51 6476.8 9392.1 331.63 266.29 -43.26 3126.10 106.821 -9.528 266.27 -43.44 3108.18 106.916 -9.379 266.23 -43.80 3072.25 107.105 -9.081 266.21 -43.97 3054.25 107.199 -8.932 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.771076 -0.027663 -0.636142 0.505674 0.580535 -0.638179 30.14 325.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.13 -0.41 136.81 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:08.640 39 5997.1 246.97 -0.85 41.0 266.46 -43.62 67.3 7459.3 3083.28 1.43 106.882 -9.151 132.30 39.42 67.27 10.96 65.58 6469.9 9393.3 331.51 266.49 -43.27 3119.24 106.693 -9.449 266.47 -43.45 3101.27 106.787 -9.300 266.44 -43.80 3065.25 106.976 -9.002 266.42 -43.98 3047.20 107.070 -8.853 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.769749 -0.026143 -0.637811 0.507691 0.580606 -0.636511 30.01 325.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.13 -0.41 136.82 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:09.640 40 5998.3 246.97 -0.86 41.0 266.66 -43.63 67.2 7463.9 3076.34 1.43 106.753 -9.071 132.22 39.48 67.23 10.98 65.66 6462.9 9394.5 331.39 266.69 -43.28 3112.40 106.564 -9.369 266.68 -43.45 3094.39 106.658 -9.220 266.65 -43.81 3058.27 106.847 -8.922 266.63 -43.99 3040.18 106.942 -8.773 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.768418 -0.024623 -0.639475 0.509705 0.580672 -0.634839 29.88 325.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.13 -0.41 136.82 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:10.640 41 5999.5 246.96 -0.87 41.0 266.87 -43.63 67.2 7468.6 3069.44 1.43 106.624 -8.992 132.15 39.54 67.19 10.99 65.73 6456.0 9395.7 331.27 266.90 -43.28 3105.58 106.435 -9.289 266.88 -43.46 3087.52 106.530 -9.140 266.86 -43.81 3051.32 106.719 -8.843 266.84 -43.99 3033.17 106.813 -8.694 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.767081 -0.023102 -0.641135 0.511715 0.580735 -0.633163 29.74 325.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.14 -0.40 136.83 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:11.640 42 6000.7 246.96 -0.88 41.0 267.08 -43.64 67.2 7473.2 3062.55 1.43 106.496 -8.912 132.08 39.61 67.16 11.00 65.81 6449.1 9396.8 331.16 267.10 -43.28 3098.79 106.306 -9.209 267.09 -43.46 3080.68 106.401 -9.061 267.07 -43.82 3044.39 106.590 -8.763 267.05 -43.99 3026.20 106.685 -8.614 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.765738 -0.021582 -0.642790 0.513721 0.580793 -0.631482 29.61 325.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.14 -0.40 136.83 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:12.640 43 6001.8 246.96 -0.89 41.0 267.29 -43.64 67.1 7477.8 3055.69 1.43 106.367 -8.832 132.01 39.67 67.12 11.02 65.88 6442.3 9398.0 331.04 267.31 -43.28 3092.02 106.178 -9.130 267.30 -43.46 3073.87 106.272 -8.981 267.28 -43.82 3037.48 106.462 -8.683 267.26 -44.00 3019.25 106.556 -8.534 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.764391 -0.020061 -0.644441 0.515724 0.580848 -0.629797 29.47 325.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.14 -0.40 136.84 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:13.640 44 6003.0 246.95 -0.90 41.0 267.49 -43.64 67.1 7482.4 3048.85 1.43 106.238 -8.752 131.94 39.74 67.08 11.03 65.95 6435.4 9399.2 330.92 267.51 -43.28 3085.27 106.049 -9.050 267.50 -43.46 3067.08 106.144 -8.901 267.49 -43.82 3030.60 106.333 -8.603 267.47 -44.00 3012.32 106.428 -8.455 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.763038 -0.018541 -0.646088 0.517723 0.580898 -0.628108 29.34 326.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.15 -0.40 136.84 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:14.640 45 6004.2 246.95 -0.91 41.0 267.70 -43.64 67.0 7487.0 3042.04 1.44 106.110 -8.672 131.86 39.80 67.04 11.05 66.03 6428.6 9400.4 330.80 267.72 -43.28 3078.55 105.921 -8.970 267.71 -43.46 3060.31 106.015 -8.821 267.70 -43.82 3023.74 106.205 -8.524 267.69 -44.00 3005.42 106.299 -8.375 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.761680 -0.017020 -0.647730 0.519719 0.580945 -0.626414 29.20 326.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.15 -0.39 136.85 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:15.640 46 6005.4 246.95 -0.92 41.0 267.91 -43.64 67.0 7491.5 3035.26 1.44 105.982 -8.593 131.79 39.86 67.00 11.06 66.10 6421.8 9401.5 330.69 267.92 -43.28 3071.86 105.792 -8.890 267.92 -43.46 3053.57 105.887 -8.741 267.91 -43.82 3016.91 106.076 -8.444 267.90 -44.00 2998.54 106.171 -8.295 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.760317 -0.015499 -0.649368 0.521712 0.580987 -0.624717 29.07 326.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.15 -0.39 136.86 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:16.640 47 6006.5 246.94 -0.93 41.0 268.12 -43.64 67.0 7496.1 3028.50 1.44 105.853 -8.513 131.72 39.93 66.96 11.08 66.17 6415.1 9402.7 330.57 268.13 -43.28 3065.19 105.664 -8.810 268.13 -43.46 3046.86 105.759 -8.661 268.12 -43.81 3010.11 105.948 -8.364 268.11 -43.99 2991.69 106.043 -8.215 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.758948 -0.013978 -0.651001 0.523700 0.581026 -0.623014 28.93 326.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.16 -0.39 136.86 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:17.640 48 6007.7 246.94 -0.94 41.1 268.33 -43.63 66.9 7500.6 3021.76 1.44 105.725 -8.433 131.64 39.99 66.92 11.09 66.24 6408.3 9403.9 330.45 268.33 -43.27 3058.54 105.535 -8.730 268.33 -43.45 3040.17 105.630 -8.581 268.33 -43.81 3003.32 105.820 -8.284 268.32 -43.99 2984.86 105.914 -8.135 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.757575 -0.012457 -0.652630 0.525685 0.581061 -0.621308 28.79 326.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.16 -0.39 136.87 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:18.640 49 6008.9 246.94 -0.95 41.1 268.54 -43.63 66.9 7505.2 3015.05 1.44 105.597 -8.353 131.57 40.06 66.88 11.10 66.31 6401.6 9405.1 330.34 268.54 -43.27 3051.92 105.407 -8.650 268.54 -43.45 3033.50 105.502 -8.501 268.54 -43.80 2996.57 105.691 -8.204 268.53 -43.98 2978.06 105.786 -8.055 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.756196 -0.010935 -0.654254 0.527667 0.581091 -0.619597 28.66 326.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.16 -0.39 136.87 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:19.640 50 6010.1 246.93 -0.96 41.1 268.75 -43.62 66.8 7509.7 3008.37 1.44 105.469 -8.273 131.50 40.12 66.84 11.12 66.38 6395.0 9406.2 330.22 268.75 -43.26 3045.33 105.279 -8.570 268.75 -43.44 3026.86 105.374 -8.421 268.75 -43.80 2989.84 105.563 -8.124 268.75 -43.98 2971.29 105.658 -7.975 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.754812 -0.009414 -0.655874 0.529645 0.581118 -0.617882 28.52 326.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.17 -0.38 136.88 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:20.640 51 6011.2 246.93 -0.97 41.1 268.96 -43.61 66.8 7514.2 3001.71 1.44 105.340 -8.192 131.42 40.19 66.80 11.13 66.45 6388.3 9407.4 330.11 268.95 -43.25 3038.76 105.151 -8.490 268.96 -43.43 3020.25 105.246 -8.341 268.96 -43.79 2983.14 105.435 -8.044 268.96 -43.97 2964.54 105.530 -7.895 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.753423 -0.007893 -0.657489 0.531619 0.581140 -0.616163 28.38 326.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.17 -0.38 136.88 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:21.640 52 6012.4 246.93 -0.98 41.1 269.17 -43.60 66.8 7518.7 2995.08 1.44 105.212 -8.112 131.35 40.25 66.75 11.15 66.52 6381.7 9408.6 329.99 269.16 -43.24 3032.22 105.022 -8.409 269.17 -43.42 3013.67 105.117 -8.261 269.17 -43.78 2976.46 105.307 -7.964 269.17 -43.96 2957.82 105.402 -7.815 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.752028 -0.006371 -0.659100 0.533590 0.581159 -0.614440 28.24 326.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.17 -0.38 136.89 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:22.640 53 6013.6 246.92 -0.99 41.1 269.38 -43.59 66.7 7523.1 2988.48 1.44 105.084 -8.032 131.27 40.32 66.71 11.16 66.59 6375.1 9409.8 329.88 269.37 -43.23 3025.71 104.894 -8.329 269.38 -43.41 3007.11 104.989 -8.181 269.39 -43.77 2969.82 105.179 -7.884 269.39 -43.95 2951.12 105.274 -7.735 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.750629 -0.004850 -0.660706 0.535557 0.581174 -0.612712 28.10 326.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.17 -0.38 136.89 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:23.640 54 6014.8 246.92 -1.00 41.1 269.59 -43.58 66.7 7527.6 2981.90 1.44 104.956 -7.952 131.20 40.38 66.66 11.18 66.66 6368.5 9410.9 329.77 269.58 -43.22 3019.23 104.766 -8.249 269.58 -43.40 3000.58 104.861 -8.100 269.60 -43.76 2963.20 105.051 -7.803 269.60 -43.94 2944.46 105.146 -7.655 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.749224 -0.003328 -0.662308 0.537520 0.581185 -0.610980 27.96 326.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.18 -0.37 136.90 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:24.640 55 6015.9 246.92 -1.01 41.1 269.80 -43.57 66.6 7532.0 2975.36 1.44 104.828 -7.872 131.12 40.45 66.62 11.19 66.73 6362.0 9412.1 329.65 269.78 -43.21 3012.77 104.638 -8.169 269.79 -43.39 2994.08 104.733 -8.020 269.81 -43.75 2956.60 104.923 -7.723 269.82 -43.93 2937.82 105.018 -7.575 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.747814 -0.001807 -0.663905 0.539480 0.581191 -0.609244 27.82 326.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.18 -0.37 136.90 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:25.640 56 6017.1 246.91 -1.02 41.1 270.01 -43.55 66.6 7536.4 2968.84 1.44 104.700 -7.791 131.05 40.52 66.57 11.20 66.80 6355.4 9413.3 329.54 269.99 -43.20 3006.34 104.510 -8.088 270.00 -43.37 2987.60 104.605 -7.940 270.02 -43.73 2950.04 104.795 -7.643 270.03 -43.91 2931.21 104.890 -7.495 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.746399 -0.000285 -0.665498 0.541436 0.581194 -0.607504 27.68 326.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.18 -0.37 136.91 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:26.640 57 6018.3 246.91 -1.03 41.1 270.23 -43.54 66.5 7540.9 2962.35 1.45 104.573 -7.711 130.97 40.58 66.52 11.22 66.87 6349.0 9414.5 329.43 270.20 -43.18 2999.93 104.382 -8.008 270.21 -43.36 2981.16 104.478 -7.859 270.24 -43.72 2943.50 104.667 -7.563 270.25 -43.90 2924.63 104.762 -7.414 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.744979 0.001237 -0.667086 0.543388 0.581193 -0.605760 27.54 326.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.19 -0.37 136.91 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:27.640 58 6019.5 246.91 -1.04 41.1 270.44 -43.52 66.5 7545.3 2955.88 1.45 104.445 -7.631 130.89 40.65 66.47 11.23 66.94 6342.5 9415.6 329.32 270.41 -43.16 2993.56 104.255 -7.927 270.42 -43.34 2974.74 104.350 -7.779 270.45 -43.70 2937.00 104.540 -7.482 270.46 -43.88 2918.08 104.635 -7.334 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.743554 0.002758 -0.668670 0.545336 0.581188 -0.604011 27.40 326.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.19 -0.36 136.92 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:28.640 59 6020.6 246.90 -1.05 41.1 270.65 -43.50 66.4 7549.6 2949.45 1.45 104.317 -7.550 130.82 40.71 66.42 11.25 67.00 6336.1 9416.8 329.21 270.62 -43.14 2987.21 104.127 -7.847 270.63 -43.32 2968.35 104.222 -7.699 270.66 -43.68 2930.52 104.412 -7.402 270.67 -43.86 2911.55 104.507 -7.254 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.742124 0.004280 -0.670249 0.547281 0.581178 -0.602259 27.26 327.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.19 -0.36 136.92 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:29.640 60 6021.8 246.90 -1.06 41.1 270.86 -43.48 66.4 7554.0 2943.04 1.45 104.189 -7.470 130.74 40.78 66.38 11.26 67.07 6329.7 9418.0 329.10 270.82 -43.13 2980.90 103.999 -7.766 270.84 -43.30 2961.99 104.094 -7.618 270.87 -43.66 2924.07 104.284 -7.322 270.89 -43.84 2905.06 104.379 -7.173 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.740689 0.005801 -0.671823 0.549222 0.581165 -0.600502 27.12 327.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.20 -0.36 136.93 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:30.640 61 6023.0 246.89 -1.07 41.1 271.07 -43.46 66.3 7558.3 2936.67 1.45 104.062 -7.389 130.66 40.85 66.33 11.28 67.14 6323.3 9419.2 328.99 271.03 -43.11 2974.61 103.871 -7.686 271.05 -43.28 2955.65 103.967 -7.538 271.09 -43.64 2917.65 104.157 -7.241 271.10 -43.82 2898.60 104.252 -7.093 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.739248 0.007323 -0.673393 0.551159 0.581148 -0.598741 26.98 327.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.20 -0.36 136.93 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:31.640 62 6024.2 246.89 -1.09 41.1 271.28 -43.44 66.3 7562.7 2930.32 1.45 103.934 -7.309 130.59 40.91 66.27 11.29 67.20 6317.0 9420.3 328.88 271.24 -43.08 2968.35 103.744 -7.605 271.26 -43.26 2949.35 103.839 -7.457 271.30 -43.62 2911.26 104.029 -7.161 271.32 -43.80 2892.16 104.124 -7.012 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.737803 0.008844 -0.674958 0.553093 0.581127 -0.596976 26.83 327.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.20 -0.35 136.94 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:32.640 63 6025.3 246.89 -1.10 41.1 271.49 -43.42 66.2 7567.0 2924.00 1.45 103.806 -7.228 130.51 40.98 66.22 11.30 67.27 6310.7 9421.5 328.77 271.45 -43.06 2962.12 103.616 -7.525 271.47 -43.24 2943.08 103.711 -7.377 271.51 -43.60 2904.90 103.902 -7.080 271.53 -43.78 2885.76 103.997 -6.932 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.736352 0.010365 -0.676519 0.555022 0.581102 -0.595207 26.69 327.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.21 -0.35 136.94 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:33.640 64 6026.5 246.88 -1.11 41.1 271.70 -43.39 66.2 7571.3 2917.72 1.45 103.679 -7.148 130.43 41.05 66.17 11.32 67.33 6304.4 9422.7 328.66 271.66 -43.04 2955.92 103.489 -7.444 271.68 -43.21 2936.84 103.584 -7.296 271.73 -43.57 2898.57 103.774 -7.000 271.75 -43.75 2879.38 103.869 -6.851 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.734897 0.011887 -0.678075 0.556948 0.581072 -0.593434 26.55 327.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.21 -0.35 136.95 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:34.640 65 6027.7 246.88 -1.12 41.1 271.92 -43.37 66.1 7575.6 2911.46 1.45 103.551 -7.067 130.35 41.11 66.12 11.33 67.40 6298.1 9423.9 328.55 271.86 -43.01 2949.76 103.361 -7.363 271.89 -43.19 2930.63 103.456 -7.215 271.94 -43.55 2892.27 103.647 -6.919 271.96 -43.73 2873.04 103.742 -6.771 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.733436 0.013408 -0.679626 0.558870 0.581039 -0.591656 26.40 327.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.21 -0.35 136.95 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:35.640 66 6028.8 246.88 -1.13 41.1 272.13 -43.34 66.1 7579.8 2905.24 1.45 103.424 -6.986 130.28 41.18 66.06 11.35 67.46 6291.9 9425.0 328.44 272.07 -42.98 2943.62 103.234 -7.283 272.10 -43.16 2924.45 103.329 -7.135 272.15 -43.52 2886.00 103.519 -6.838 272.18 -43.70 2866.73 103.614 -6.690 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.731971 0.014929 -0.681173 0.560788 0.581002 -0.589875 26.26 327.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.22 -0.34 136.96 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:36.640 67 6030.0 246.87 -1.14 41.2 272.34 -43.31 66.0 7584.1 2899.04 1.45 103.297 -6.906 130.20 41.25 66.01 11.36 67.53 6285.7 9426.2 328.33 272.28 -42.96 2937.51 103.106 -7.202 272.31 -43.13 2918.30 103.201 -7.054 272.37 -43.49 2879.76 103.392 -6.758 272.39 -43.67 2860.44 103.487 -6.610 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.730500 0.016450 -0.682715 0.562703 0.580961 -0.588090 26.11 327.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.22 -0.34 136.96 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:37.640 68 6031.2 246.87 -1.15 41.2 272.55 -43.28 66.0 7588.3 2892.88 1.45 103.169 -6.825 130.12 41.32 65.95 11.38 67.59 6279.6 9427.4 328.22 272.49 -42.93 2931.44 102.979 -7.121 272.52 -43.10 2912.18 103.074 -6.973 272.58 -43.46 2873.56 103.265 -6.677 272.61 -43.64 2854.20 103.360 -6.529 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.729024 0.017971 -0.684252 0.564613 0.580916 -0.586300 25.97 327.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.22 -0.34 136.97 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:38.640 69 6032.4 246.87 -1.16 41.2 272.76 -43.25 65.9 7592.6 2886.75 1.46 103.042 -6.744 130.04 41.38 65.90 11.39 67.65 6273.5 9428.5 328.12 272.70 -42.90 2925.39 102.851 -7.040 272.73 -43.07 2906.09 102.947 -6.892 272.79 -43.43 2867.38 103.137 -6.596 272.82 -43.61 2847.98 103.232 -6.448 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.727544 0.019492 -0.685784 0.566520 0.580867 -0.584507 25.82 327.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.23 -0.34 136.97 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:39.640 70 6033.5 246.86 -1.17 41.2 272.97 -43.22 65.8 7596.8 2880.65 1.46 102.915 -6.663 129.96 41.45 65.84 11.40 67.72 6267.4 9429.7 328.01 272.90 -42.86 2919.38 102.724 -6.960 272.94 -43.04 2900.03 102.819 -6.812 273.00 -43.40 2861.24 103.010 -6.515 273.04 -43.58 2841.79 103.105 -6.367 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.726058 0.021012 -0.687312 0.568423 0.580814 -0.582710 25.67 327.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.23 -0.33 136.98 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:40.640 71 6034.7 246.86 -1.18 41.2 273.18 -43.19 65.8 7601.0 2874.59 1.46 102.788 -6.583 129.88 41.52 65.78 11.42 67.78 6261.3 9430.9 327.91 273.11 -42.83 2913.40 102.597 -6.879 273.15 -43.01 2894.01 102.692 -6.731 273.22 -43.36 2855.13 102.883 -6.435 273.25 -43.54 2835.64 102.978 -6.287 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.724567 0.022533 -0.688836 0.570322 0.580757 -0.580908 25.53 327.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.23 -0.33 136.98 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:41.640 72 6035.9 246.86 -1.19 41.2 273.39 -43.15 65.7 7605.1 2868.55 1.46 102.660 -6.502 129.80 41.59 65.73 11.43 67.84 6255.3 9432.1 327.80 273.32 -42.80 2907.45 102.470 -6.798 273.36 -42.97 2888.02 102.565 -6.650 273.43 -43.33 2849.05 102.756 -6.354 273.46 -43.51 2829.52 102.851 -6.206 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.723072 0.024053 -0.690354 0.572216 0.580696 -0.579103 25.38 327.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.24 -0.33 136.99 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:42.640 73 6037.0 246.85 -1.20 41.2 273.60 -43.11 65.7 7609.3 2862.55 1.46 102.533 -6.421 129.72 41.66 65.67 11.45 67.90 6249.3 9433.2 327.69 273.53 -42.76 2901.54 102.342 -6.717 273.57 -42.94 2882.06 102.438 -6.569 273.64 -43.29 2843.01 102.629 -6.273 273.68 -43.47 2823.43 102.724 -6.125 0.386957 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.721571 0.025573 -0.691868 0.574107 0.580631 -0.577294 25.23 327.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.24 -0.33 136.99 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:43.640 74 6038.2 246.85 -1.21 41.2 273.81 -43.08 65.6 7613.4 2856.60 1.46 102.406 -6.340 129.64 41.72 65.61 11.46 67.96 6243.4 9434.4 327.59 273.73 -42.72 2895.67 102.215 -6.636 273.77 -42.90 2876.15 102.311 -6.488 273.85 -43.26 2837.01 102.502 -6.192 273.89 -43.43 2817.39 102.597 -6.044 0.386955 -0.813765 -0.433649 -0.720068 0.027092 -0.693374 0.575992 0.580562 -0.575483 25.08 327.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.24 -0.32 137.00 37.12 317.67 52.88 2010-03-07T01:28:44.640 75 6039.4 246.85 -1.22 41.2 274.02 -43.04 65.5 7617.5 2850.73 1.46 102.280 -6.260 129.56 41.79 65.55 11.48 68.02 6237.5 9435.6 327.49 273.94 -42.68 2889.89 102.089 -6.556 273.98 -42.86 2870.33 102.185 -6.408 274.06 -43.22 2831.10 102.376 -6.112 274.10 -43.39 2811.44 102.471 -5.964 0.386948 -0.813766 -0.433654 -0.718572 0.028608 -0.694864 0.577863 0.580488 -0.573680 24.94 327.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.25 -0.32 137.00 37.12 317.67 52.88