PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0002 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-10-21 NOTE = "This file provides an overview of the GEOMETRY files format." END_OBJECT = TEXT END The GEOMETRY directory contains the geometry file for PFS observation. A geometry file contains, for each measurement, the following information: - Acquisition number - Observation number - Value of the Spacecraft clock - Mars Longitude for the LWC instrument (-180°;+180°) deg - Mars Latitude for the LWC instrument (-90°;+90°) deg - Mars Longitude for the SWC instrument (-180°;+180°) deg - Mars Latitude for the SWC instrument (-90°;+90°) deg The Longitudes are expressed following the Eastward convention - Spacecraft altitude km - Local Time at the SWC target hours - Solar Longitude (0°;+360°) deg - Incidence angle for the SWC instrument (0°;+180°) deg - Emission angle for the SWC instrument (0°;+180°) deg - Phase angle for the SWC instrument (0°;+180°) deg - Mola Altimetry m - Limb altitude for the SWC instrument km - This parameter is non-zero only for limb observations - Distance from the spacecraft to the target point (SWC) km - Solar distance AU - Longitude of the sub-solar point (-180°;+180°) deg - Latitude of the sub-solar point (-90°;+90°) deg - Planetary phase angle (0°;+180°) deg - Longitude of the sub-spacecraft point (-180°;+180°) deg - Latitude of the sub-spacecraft point (-90°;+90°) deg - Julian Date - Secant of the emission angle The sub-directory structure is the same as the DATA directory, i.e. separated for LW and SW sensor and split in groups of 10 orbits. GEOMETRY data only during science data acquisition. GEOMETRY directory structure: GEOMETRY directory structure outline: GEOMETRY | | -LWC | |- ORB001X | |- ORB002X | |- SWC | - ORB001X | - ORB002X GEOMETRY files naming convention: PFS__MEAS_GEO_. Orbit number. defines the type of the detector used for the interferogram acquisition: Short wavelength (SW) or Long wavelength (LW). extension depends on the type of file (LBL for a label file, DAT for the data product associated with the label). E.G. : PFS_0030_MEAS_GEO_LW.DAT PFS_0030_MEAS_GEO_LW.LBL The .DAT product and .LBL label above are product associated to data file acquired during science data acquisition in the orbit 30, namely the files PFS_0030_MEAS_HK_LW.DAT housekeeping information collected during science data acquisition in orbit 30 PFS_0030_MEAS_RAW_LW.DAT RAW data collected during science data acquisition in orbit 30