PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RELEASE_ID = 0001 REVISION_ID = 0000 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2017-06-08 NOTE = "List of contents in the CALIB directory for the Mars Express PFS archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END CALIB Directory Contents The CALIB directory contains calibration tables needed to calibrate the example calibrated data stored in the CALIB_SAMPLE/ top-level directory. The files in this directory follow the file naming convention defined in the EIACD, v 3.1.4 . These files are classified as special data product, and have the have descriptive value in the field different from orbit number or mission phase. In this case the field is composed by: = = _ : DS Observation of deep space RESP Instrumental responsivity < Pendulum_Direction > FWD Forward pendulum direction REV Reverse pendulum direction Further details on the meaning of and can be found in the calibration documents in DOCUMENT/. Directories contained in CALIB/ : CALINFO.TXT > The file you are reading. LWC > Directory containing the calibration tables for the long wavelength channel SWC > Directory containing the calibration tables for the short wavelength channel