PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = HEA DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-X-MRS-1/2/3-PRM-0124-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "M00SUE0L1A_HEA_042441545_00.TXT" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2006-07-18T17:08:30.000 PRODUCER_ID = "SUE" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-09-01 NOTE = "DSN MEX Data Collection: Days 241-245" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Open Loop Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have completed quick-look processing on the following MEX RSR open loop data at Stanford: DOY DSS RSR BAND RSR CH KSPS BT REC RECS RSR MAX START STOP ID RS LEN FILE NAME SNR --- --- -------- -------- ---- --- -- ---- -- ----- ----- ------------ ----- 241 63 15:25:00 18:15:00 X/SL 2 1 2 16 8260 10201 4241152D.RSR 39.8 241 63 15:25:01 18:15:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 10200 4241152B.RSR 39.4 241 63 15:25:00 18:15:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 10201 4241152A.RSR 57.4 241 63 16:25:00 18:15:00 X/XL 1 1 2 16 8260 6601 4241162C.RSR 23.9 242 63 14:00:00 17:55:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 14101 4242140A.RSR 57.9 242 63 14:00:00 17:55:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 14101 4242140B.RSR 40.1 242 63 14:00:00 17:55:00 X/SL 2 1 2 16 8260 14101 4242140D.RSR 40.6 243 63 14:25:00 18:10:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 13501 4243142A.RSR 57.5 243 63 14:25:00 18:10:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 13501 4243142B.RSR 39.5 243 63 14:25:00 15:30:00 X/XL 1 1 2 16 8260 9601 4243153C.RSR 24.0 243 63 14:25:00 15:30:01 X/SL 2 1 2 16 8260 9600 4243153D.RSR 39.9 244 15 15:45:00 21:52:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 22021 4244154A.RSR 53.0 244 15 15:45:00 21:52:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 22021 4244154B.RSR 31.6 245 63 14:05:01 17:44:59 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 13199 4245140A.RSR 57.9 245 63 14:05:00 17:44:59 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 13200 4245140B.RSR 40.8 245 63 14:05:00 17:44:59 X/XL 1 1 2 16 8260 13200 4245140C.RSR 29.8 245 63 14:05:00 17:44:59 X/SL 2 1 2 16 8260 13200 4245140D.RSR 15.1 The X-RCP and S-LCP RSR digitizers are being driven perilously closer to saturation on days 241-243; in fact the sample histogram for S-LCP indicates significant clipping. The levels on day 245 are better, perhaps reflecting an increase in FGAIN; but S-LCP is still being clipped. It may be that the S-LCP attenuator needs to be reset in addition to FGAIN. Danny Kahan observed that S-RCP and S-LCP appeared to be the same on days 241-243. We also suspect that to be the case since the SNR is almost identical on those two channels. But S-LCP is clipped on all three days, so an exact match is not possible. On day 245, S-RCP and S-LCP appear to be different. All X-RCP data have spurs when the carrier is visible; this is probably the result of some non-linearity in the system. Spurs are not large compared with the carrier amplitude. Data on day 244 were collected at DSS 15, rather than the planned DSS 63, because the 63 transmitter was 'red' at start of track. No X-LCP or S-LCP data were collected. On day 244 there is an ingress occultation at about 16:59 and an egress at about 17:18. The signal frequency changes as the occultation approaches and recedes, but the signal appears to remain within the passband. There are some odd changes in sample power during the occultation - perhaps interference from the transmitter preparing the uplink sweep. On day 245 there are 4 apparent dropouts around 15:40 in both X-RCP and S-RCP. Cause is unknown.