PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = STREAM                                                
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = ASCII                                               
  PUBLICATION_DATE      =  2024-11-05
  NOTE                  = "Introduction to this archive volume."              
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
                    Mars Express Radio-Science Data Archive                   
                              Volume ID: MEXMRS_3538
                       Data from Experiments on 2023/350
                         MEX Cruise Phase                                     
                              Martin Paetzold                                 
                    Rheinisches Institut fuer Umweltforschung                 
                           at the University of Cologne                       
                         Department of Planetary Research                     
     This file contains an accumulation of corrections and notes for the      
     Mars Express Radio-Science Data Archive.                                 
CORRECTIONS AND NOTES                                                         
      Most notably it was discovered that the incoming Doppler data from ESA  
      and thus level 1a and level 1b Doppler data may contain a wrong uplink  
      frequency. This problem was identified during processing and corrected  
      for level 2 data. If this problem occurred the folder                   
      UPLINK_FREQ_CORRECT will be generated in the CALIB directory containing 
      information which raw files were effected and where to find the         
      corrected data.                                                         
      Anomalies which occurred during measurements such as wrong sample rate  
      or wrong timing which might affect the quality of the data are listed   
      in CATALOG/DATASET.CAT under anomaly report near the end of the file.   
      Possibly contains one of the files, which are listed in the             
      Sorce_Product_ID in LEVEL02, files, which do not belong to the          
      measurement. These files were only used for processing. Therefore one   
      cannot find according LEVEL02 files. These, for the processing used     
      files, do not affect the LEVEL02 files.                                 
      If the number of data sets exceeds 999, the VOLUME_ID contains a        
      letter in its 4 digit sequence number. It is:                           
        A = 10, B = 11, C = 13,...                                            
      For instance a VOLUME_ID MEXMRS_2A50 represents the 1050th gravity data 