This file was produced by Bill Taber on October 3, 1997.  

The values in this file are taken from the JPL Interoffice Memorandum
(IOM 314.10-127 May 22, 1995) "JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides,
DE403/LE403" by Myles Standish, et al.

The masses for the sun and planetary barycenters given in this file are
derived from the masses used for the integration of the planetary
ephemeris DE-403.  In the ephemeris the values of the masses are given
as ratios to of Solar GM to barycenter GM.  These values are given here.

	BODY1_GMSUN/GM  =   6023600.0
	BODY2_GMSUN/GM  =    408523.71
	BODY3_GMSUN/GM  =    332946.048134
	BODY4_GMSUN/GM  =   3098708.0
	BODY5_GMSUN/GM  =      1047.3486
	BODY6_GMSUN/GM  =      3497.898
	BODY7_GMSUN/GM  =     22902.98
	BODY8_GMSUN/GM  =     19412.24
	BODY9_GMSUN/GM  = 135200000.0

These values are used by other products that use DE-403 to provide
gravitational force models for integration of trajectories.  

Given the mass ratios and the mass of the sun, you can compute the mass
of any barycenter.  These values are supplied in the text data given
below.  Note that the values provided are rounded to three decimal


AU         =      149597870.691 

BODY1_GM   =          22032.080
BODY2_GM   =         324858.599
BODY3_GM   =         403503.235
BODY4_GM   =          42828.314
BODY5_GM   =      126712767.863
BODY6_GM   =       37940626.063
BODY7_GM   =        5794549.007
BODY8_GM   =        6836534.064
BODY9_GM   =            981.601
BODY10_GM  =   132712440023.310


The masses of bodies other than the earth and moon are simply taken to
be the masses of the barycenters given above.  The masses of the earth
and moon are taken from the referenced IOM.


BODY199_GM   =          22032.080 
BODY299_GM   =         324858.599
BODY301_GM   =           4902.799
BODY399_GM   =         398600.436
BODY499_GM   =          42828.314
BODY599_GM   =      126712767.863
BODY699_GM   =       37940626.063
BODY799_GM   =        5794549.007
BODY899_GM   =        6836534.064
BODY999_GM   =            981.601