PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-01-14 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains the files that provide documentation and supplementary information to assist in understanding and using the data products on the volume. The documents are either in PDF-Format or are text files in ASCII with variable length of characters per line. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair. The following refers only for DSN documents: There are two types of "documentation" in this directory. Simple text files have attached PDS labels and file names ending with the extension *.TXT. Complex documents are defined by a PDS label file which has a name ending with *.LBL. The label file points to at least one readable text file and (possibly) other files in formats such as MicroSoft Word, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), etc. Simple text files have fixed-length lines of 80 characters. Lines are delimited by carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs in positions 79 and 80 of each line. Label files for the complex documents also have fixed-length lines of 80 characters, delimited by carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs in positions 79 and 80. Readable text files in plain ASCII have file name extensions *.ASC; readable files in HTML format have file name extensions *.HTM. Both have variable length lines delimited by carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pairs. Structure of the DOCUMENT directory: DOCUMENT | |- DOCINFO.TXT The file you are reading. | |- MRS_DOC | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_021202_00.PDF Group delay stability specification | | and measurements at New Norcia. | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_030522_00.PDF Range calibrations at New Norcia | | and Kourou. | | | |- M32UNBWL1B_RCL_030801_00.PDF Transponder group velocities (in | | german). | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.PDF MaRS Data Archive Plan. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3019.ASC MaRS Data Archive Plan. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.PDF MaRS File Naming Convention. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016.ASC MaRS File Naming Convention. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-IS-3016_APP_A.ASC MaRS File Naming Convention | | Appendix A: Example PDS labels | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-MA-3008.PDF MaRS User Manual. | | | |- MARS_OPS_LOGBOOK_04_COM.PDF Status of all planned radio | | science comissioning | | operations in years 2003-2004. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-LI-3028.PDF List of MaRS Team members. | | | |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3035.PDF IFMS Doppler Processing Software | | Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2. | | | |- MEX_MRS_IGM_DS_3036.PDF IFMS Ranging Processing Software | | Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2. | | | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-DS-3039.PDF Radio Science Predicted and Recon- | | structed Orbit and Planetary Con- | | stellation Data: Specifications | |- MEX-MRS-IGM-TN-3045.PDF Reference Systems and Techniques | for Simulation and Prediction of | atmospheric and ionospheric | sounding measurements | |- ESA_DOC | | | |- IFMS-OCCFTP_10_3_1.PDF Documentation of IFMS data format. | | | |- MEX-ESC-ID-5003_FDSICD.PDF File format description of ESOC | | Flight Dynamics files (ancillary | | files). | | | |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_C.PDF Documentation of DDS | | configuration. | | | |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_I.PDF Definition of XML-schema for the | | data delivery interface. | | | |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003_APPENDIX_H.PDF Description of content of ESOC | | Flight Dynamics files (ancillary | | files). | | | |- MEX-ESC-IF-5003.PDF Data delivery interface document. | | | |- RO-EST-IF-5010_D15.PDF Specifications of operational | interfaces and procedures. | |- DSN_DOC | | | | | |- DSN_ODF_TRK-2-18.PDF Documentation of Tracking System | | Interfaces and Orbit Data File | | Interface | | | | | |- DSN_DESIGN_HB technical information on current | | and near future configurations of | | the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN). | |- JPL_D-16765_RSR.PDF Documentation of RSR data format. | | | |- D810_005.LBL | | | | | | | |- HGA_CALA.LBL | | Label file for a document describing in-flight calibration of the Mars Express High-Gain Antenna (HGA). There are three parts to the document: HGA_CALA.ASC ASCII version of the text HGA_SBDA.PDF Normalized S-band antenna pattern HGA_XBDA.PDF Normalized X-band antenna pattern | | | | | |- LIT_SIS.HTM | | Software Interface Specification (SIS) for Light Time Files (LIT). This is an HTML file accompanied by label LIT_SIS.LBL. | | | | | |-M00DSN0L1A_DKF_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT The DSN Keyword File (DKF) is an ASCII file containing a table of time-ordered DSN configuration instructions. | | | | | | | |-M00DSN0L1A_SOE_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT The Sequence of Events (SOE) file was derived from materials provided by the MEX Project. It contains a summary of all events that were encountered during the measurement. | | | | | | | |-MggDSN0L1A_NMC_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT | | | | The NMC (Network Monitor and Control) Log contains all NMC messages and operator inputs | | | | | | | |-MggDSN0L1A_MFT_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT | | | | Mars Express Manifest file which lists the data files which were processed. | | | | | |- MEDIASIS.HTM | | Format and content description for Media Calibration files (ION and TRO). This file should be used in conjunction with TRK_2_23.TXT. This is an HTML file accompanied by label MEDIASIS.LBL. | | | | | |- MON0158.LBL | | Label file for the Deep Space Mission System Interface for Mission Monitor Data, a document describing 0158-Monitor data generated by the Monitor Interface Assembly of the Network Monitor and Control System. 0158-Monitor records are used to analyze the quality of the telecommunications link and to confirm events and configurations. The document is provided in three formats: MON0158.ASC Readable text (no figures, simplified tables) MON0158.DOC Microsoft Word format MON0158.PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format | | | | | |- OCCLOG01.TAB | | A summary listing of RSR files collected during the MEX Near-Earth Verification phase. Format and content of the file is described by its label OCCLOG01.LBL. | | | | | |- R3187A.LBL (optional) | | Label file for an operations report on the MEX radio science tests conducted on 2003-07-06. There are three versions of the text. R3187A.ASC ASCII version of text R3187A.DOC Microsoft Word version of text R3187A.PDF Adobe Acrobat version of text | | | | | |- R3187B.LBL | | Label file for an operations plan (briefing message) for the radio science tests conducted on 2003-07-06. A briefing message is often sent to the host DSN complex prior to radio science activities; it outlines the support which will be needed and provides a timeline for the events which may not appear in the standard sequence of events. The document itself (R3187B.ASC) is in plain ASCII text. | | | | | |- R3191B.LBL (Optional) | | Label file for an operations plan (briefing message) for the radio science tests conducted on 2003-07-10 and later. A briefing message is often sent to the host DSN complex prior to radio science activities; it outlines the support which will be needed and provides a timeline for the events which may not appear in the standard sequence of events. The document itself (R3191B.ASC) is in plain ASCII text. | | | | | |-R4134.ASC (Only for Bistatic Radar measurement) | | This document is a set of notes taken before and during the noise calibration tests of 13 May 2004. | | | | | |-R4124.ASC (Only for Bistatic Radar measurement) | | This document summarizes operations during the bistatic radar experiment on 21 May 2004 and subsequent analysis of the calibration data on all four receiver channels. | | | |-JPEG | | |-RydddSLx.JPG (S-Band left circular 60s power spectra for | | | measurement plots) | | |-RydddSRx.JPG (S-Band right circular 60s power spectra for | | | measurement plots) | | |-RydddXLx.JPG (X-Band left circular 60s power spectra for | | | measurement plots) | | |-RydddXRx.JPG (X-Band right circular 60s power spectra for | | | measurement plots) | | |-Ryddd.DOC/ASC Word and ASCII-documents containing notes | | | of experiment The JPEG folder contains a set of notes (mostly in tabular form) recording the progress of the Mars Express bistatic radar experiment and a set of plots showing normalized power spectra from each receiver channel when the surface echo was strongest. These are stored in this volume in the subfolder DOCUMENTS/DSN_DOC/JPEG. | | | |- OPTG_SIS.TXT | | SIS for Orbit Propagation and Timing Geometry Files (OPT). | | | | | |- SRX.TXT | | SIS for surface reflection data types SRG (geometry), SRI (image), and SRT (table). It was written for Mars Global Surveyor products; only the SRG data type appears in the Mars Express archive. | | | | | |- SUE_DMP.LBL | | Label file for the Stanford University Element (SUE) Data Management Plan (DMP). There are two parts to the document: SUE_DMP.ASC ASCII version of the text SUE_DMP.DOC Microsoft Word version of the document | | | | | |- TNF_SIS.TXT | | SIS for radio metric tracking data delivered to navigation and radio science beginning in early 2003. This is a text-only version of the TRK-2-34 SIS, which was distributed to users in Word and PDF formats. | | | | | |- TRK_2_21.TXT | | SIS for the Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) file, which contains data on rotation of the Earth. | | | | | |- TRK_2_23.TXT | | SIS for Media Calibration Files -- Ionosphere Calibration files (ION) and Troposphere Calibration files (TRO). | | | | | |- TRK_2_24.TXT | | SIS for Deep Space Network (DSN) Weather Files (WEA). The version included here is not current, but no replacement has been located. The files evolved as the mission progressed; users should refer to the files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the most up-to-date information. Files on early volumes may be only 'place-holders.'