KPL/PCK P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file =========================================================================== By: Nat Bachman (NAIF) 2011 October 21 Purpose -------------------------------------------------------- This file makes available for use in SPICE-based application software orientation and size/shape data for natural bodies. The principal source of the data is a published report by the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements [1]. Orientation and size/shape data not provided by this file may be available in mission-specific PCK files. Such PCKs may be the preferred data source for mission-related applications. Mission-specific PCKs can be found in PDS archives or on the NAIF web site at URL: File Organization -------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are as follows. Introductory Information: -- Purpose -- File Organization -- Version description -- Disclaimer -- Sources -- Explanatory notes -- Body numbers and names PcK Data: Orientation Data ---------------- -- Orientation constants for the Sun, planets, and Pluto. Additional items included in this section: - Earth north geomagnetic centered dipole value for the epochs 2012 -- Orientation constants for satellites -- Orientation constants for asteroids Davida Eros Gaspra Ida Itokawa Lutetia Pallas Steins Vesta -- Orientation constants for comets 19P/Borrelly 9P/Tempel 1 Orientation data provided in this file are used by the SPICE Toolkit to evaluate the orientation of body-fixed, body-centered reference frames with respect to the ICRF frame ("J2000" in SPICE documentation). These body-fixed frames have names of the form IAU_<body name> for example IAU_JUPITER See the PCK Required Reading file pck.req for details. Radii of Bodies --------------- -- Radii of Sun, planets, and Pluto -- Radii of satellites, where available -- Radii of asteroids Ceres Davida Eros Gaspra Ida Itokawa Lutetia Mathilde Steins Toutatis Vesta -- Radii of comets 19P/Borrelly 81P/Wild 2 9P/Tempel 1 Halley Version Description -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created on October 21, 2011 at NASA's Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF), located at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. The previous version of the file was pck00009.tpc That file was published March 3 2010. This version incorporates data from reference [1]. This file contains size, shape, and orientation data for all objects covered by the previous version of the file. New objects covered by this file but not the previous version are: Anthe Daphnis Davida Lutetia Methone Pallas Pallene Polydeuces Steins Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------- Applicability of Data This P_constants file may not contain the parameter values that you prefer. NAIF suggests that you inspect this file visually before proceeding with any critical or extended data processing. File Modifications by Users Note that this file may be readily modified by you to change values or add/delete parameters. NAIF requests that you update the "by line," date, version description section, and file name if you modify this file. A user-modified file should be thoroughly tested before being published or otherwise distributed. P_constants files must conform to the standards described in the two SPICE technical reference documents: PCK Required Reading Kernel Required Reading Known Limitations and Caveats Accuracy -------- In general, the orientation models given here are claimed by the IAU Working Group Report [1] to be accurate to 0.1 degree ([1], p.158). However, NAIF notes that orientation models for natural satellites and asteroids have in some cases changed substantially with the availability of new observational data, so users are urged to investigate the suitability for their applications of the models presented here. Earth orientation ----------------- NAIF strongly cautions against using the earth rotation model (from [1]), corresponding to the SPICE reference frame name IAU_EARTH, for work demanding high accuracy. This model has been determined by NAIF to have an error in the prime meridian location of magnitude at least 150 arcseconds, with a local minimum occurring during the year 1999. Regarding availability of better earth orientation data for use with the SPICE system: Earth orientation data are available from NAIF in the form of binary earth PCK files. These files provide orientation data for the ITRF93 (terrestrial) reference frame relative to the ICRF. NAIF employs an automated process to create these files; each time JPL's Tracking Systems and Applications Section produces a new earth orientation parameter (EOP) file, a new PCK is produced. These PCKs cover a roughly 10 year time span starting at Jan. 1, 2000. In these PCK files, the following effects are accounted for in modeling the earth's rotation: - Precession: 1976 IAU model - Nutation: 1980 IAU model, plus interpolated EOP nutation corrections - Polar motion: interpolated from EOP file - True sidereal time: UT1 - UT1R (if needed): given by analytic formula + TAI - UT1 (or UT1R): interpolated from EOP file + UT1 - GMST: given by analytic formula + equation of equinoxes: given by analytic formula where TAI = International Atomic Time UT1 = Greenwich hour angle of computed mean sun - 12h UT1R = Regularized UT1 GMST = Greenwich mean sidereal time These kernels are available from the NAIF web site (follow the links to Data, generic_kernels, and PCK data) or or via anonymous ftp from the server The kernels are in the path pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck At this time, these kernels have file names of the form earth_000101_yymmdd_yymmdd.bpc The first date in the file name, meaning 2000 January 1, is the file's coverage begin time. The second and third dates are, respectively, the file's coverage end time and the epoch of the last datum. These binary PCK files are very accurate (error < 0.1 microradian) for epochs preceding the epoch of the last datum. For later epochs, the error rises to several microradians. Binary PCK files giving accurate earth orientation from 1972 to 2007 and *low accuracy* predicted earth orientation from 2007 to 2037 are also available in the same location. See the aareadme.txt file at the "pck" URL above for details. Characteristics and names of the binary kernels described here are subject to change. See the "pck" URL above for information on current binary earth PCKs. Lunar orientation ----------------- The lunar orientation formula provided by this file is a trigonometric polynomial approximation yielding the orientation of the lunar "Mean Earth/Polar Axis" (ME) reference frame. The SPICE reference frame name corresponding to this model is IAU_MOON. A more accurate approximation can be obtained by using both the NAIF lunar frame kernel and the binary lunar orientation PCK file. These files provide orientation data for the both the Mean Earth/Polar Axis frame, which has the SPICE name MOON_ME, and the Lunar Principal Axes frame, which has the SPICE name MOON_PA. These files are available on the NAIF web site (see URLs above) and in the NAIF server's ftp area. The lunar frame kernel is located in the path pub/naif/generic_kernels/fk/satellites and has a name of the form The binary lunar PCK is in the path pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck and has a name of the form moon_pa_dennn_yyyy-yyyy.bpc See the "aareadme.txt" files in the paths shown above for details on file contents and versions. We also suggest you refer to the SPICE tutorial named "lunar_earth_pck-fk," which is available from the NAIF web site. Earth geomagnetic dipole ------------------------ The SPICE Toolkit doesn't currently contain software to model the earth's north geomagnetic centered dipole as a function of time. As a convenience for users, the north dipole location from the epoch 2012.0 was selected as a representative datum, and the planetocentric longitude and latitude of this location have been associated with the keywords BODY399_N_GEOMAG_CTR_DIPOLE_LON BODY399_N_GEOMAG_CTR_DIPOLE_LAT Values for the earth's north geomagnetic centered dipole are presented in comments as a discrete time series for the time range 1945-2000. For details concerning the geomagnetic field model from which these values were derived, including a discussion of the model's accuracy, see [9] and [11]. Prime meridian offsets ---------------------- Prime meridian offset kernel variables, which have names of the form BODYnnn_LONG_AXIS are not used by SPICE geometry software. These variables should be considered deprecated; however, they will be retained for backwards compatibility. Users wishing to specify an offset reflecting the orientation of a reference ellipsoid relative to a body-fixed reference frame specified here should do so by creating a constant-offset frame (also called a "TK" frame) specification. See the Frames Required Reading frames.req for details. The Mars prime meridian offset given by [5] is provided for informational purposes only. Software limitations -------------------- SPICE Toolkits prior to version N0057 cannot make use of trigonometric polynomial terms in the formulas for orientation of the planets. The second nutation precession angle (M2) for Mars is represented by a quadratic polynomial in the 2006 IAU report. The SPICELIB subroutine BODEUL can not handle this term (which is extremely small), so we truncate the polynomial to a linear one. The resulting orientation error has a maximum magnitude of less than 0.0032 degrees over the time span 1996-2015 and less than 0.0082 degrees over the time span 1986-2025. Sources and References -------------------------------------------------------- The sources for the constants listed in this file are: [1] Archinal, B.A., A'Hearn, M.F., Bowell, E., Conrad, A., Consolmagno, G.J., Courtin, R., Fukushima, T., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Seidelmann, P.K., Stooke, P., Tholen, D.J., Thomas, P.C., and Williams, I.P. "Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2009." [2] Archinal, B.A., A'Hearn, M.F., Conrad, A., Consolmagno, G.J., Courtin, R., Fukushima, T., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Seidelmann, P.K., Stooke, P., Tholen, D.J., Thomas, P.C., and Williams, I.P. "Erratum to: Reports of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2006 & 2009." [3] Seidelmann, P.K., Archinal, B.A., A'Hearn, M.F., Conrad, A., Consolmagno, G.J., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Stooke, P., Tedesco, E.F., Tholen, D.J., and Thomas, P.C. "Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on cartographic coordinates and rotational elements: 2006." [4] Nautical Almanac Office, United States Naval Observatory and H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (2010). "The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2010," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.: and The Stationary Office, London. [5] Duxbury, Thomas C. (2001). "IAU/IAG 2000 Mars Cartographic Conventions," presentation to the Mars Express Data Archive Working Group, Dec. 14, 2001. [6] Russell, C.T. and Luhmann, J.G. (1990). "Earth: Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere." <http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla. edu/personnel/russell/papers/earth_mag>. Originally published in "Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences," J.H. Shirley and R.W. Fainbridge, eds. Chapman and Hall, New York, pp 208-211. [7] Russell, C.T. (1971). "Geophysical Coordinate Transformations," Cosmic Electrodynamics 2 184-186. NAIF document 181.0. [8] ESA/ESTEC Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS) (2003). Web page: "Dipole approximations of the geomagnetic field." < help/background/magfield/cd.html>. [9] International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy and International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (2004). Web page: "The 9th Generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field." < IAGA/vmod/igrf.html>. [10] Davies, M.E., Abalakin, V.K., Bursa, M., Hunt, G.E., and Lieske, J.H. (1989). "Report of the IAU/IAG/COSPAR Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 1988," Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, v.46, no.2, pp. 187-204. [11] International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Web page: "International Geomagnetic Reference Field." Discussion URL: Coefficients URL: Most values are from [1]. All exceptions are commented where they occur in this file. The exceptions are: -- Radii for the Sun are from [4]. -- Prime meridian constant (W0) terms for Pluto, Charon, and Ida are from [2]. -- The second nutation precession angle (M2) for Mars is represented by a quadratic polynomial in the 2000 IAU report. The SPICELIB subroutine BODEUL can not handle this term (which is extremely small), so we truncate the polynomial to a linear one. -- Earth north geomagnetic centered dipole values are from [11]. The values were also computed from the 11th generation IGRF by Nat Bachman. "Old values" listed are from the SPICE P_constants file pck00009.tpc dated March 3, 2010. Most of these values came from the 2006 IAU report [3]. Explanatory Notes -------------------------------------------------------- This file, which is logically part of the SPICE P-kernel, contains constants used to model the orientation, size and shape of the Sun, planets, natural satellites, and selected comets and asteroids. The orientation models express the direction of the pole and location of the prime meridian of a body as a function of time. The size/shape models ("shape models" for short) represent all bodies as ellipsoids, using two equatorial radii and a polar radius. Spheroids and spheres are obtained when two or all three radii are equal. The SPICE Toolkit routines that use this file are documented in the SPICE "Required Reading" file pck.req. They are also documented in the "PCK" SPICE tutorial, which is available on the NAIF web site. File Format A terse description of the PCK file format is given here. See the SPICE "Required Reading" files pck.req and kernel.req for a detailed explanation of the SPICE text kernel file format. The files pck.req and kernel.req are included in the documentation provided with the SPICE Toolkit. The file starts out with the ``ID word'' string KPL/PCK This string identifies the file as a text kernel containing PCK data. This file consists of a series of comment blocks and data blocks. Comment blocks, which contain free-form descriptive or explanatory text, are preceded by a \begintext token. Data blocks follow a \begindata token. In order to be recognized, each of these tokens must be placed on a line by itself. The portion of the file preceding the first data block is treated as a comment block; it doesn't require an initial \begintext token. This file identifies data using a series of KEYWORD = VALUE assignments. The left hand side of each assignment is a "kernel variable" name; the right hand side is an associated value or list of values. The SPICE subroutine API allows SPICE routines and user applications to retrieve the set of values associated with each kernel variable name. Kernel variable names are case-sensitive and are limited to 32 characters in length. Numeric values may be integer or floating point. String values are normally limited to 80 characters in length; however, SPICE provides a mechanism for identifying longer, "continued" strings. See the SPICE routine STPOOL for details. String values are single quoted. When the right hand side of an assignment is a list of values, the list items may be separated by commas or simply by blanks. The list must be bracketed by parentheses. Example: BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1366 6378.1366 6356.7519 ) Any blanks preceding or following keyword names, values and equal signs are ignored. Assignments may be spread over multiple lines, for example: BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1366 6378.1366 6356.7519 ) This file may contain blank lines anywhere. Non-printing characters including TAB should not be present in the file: the presence of such characters may cause formatting errors when the file is viewed. Time systems and reference frames The 2009 IAU Working Group Report [1] states the time scale used as the independent variable for the rotation formulas is Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) and that the epoch of variable quantities is J2000 TDB (2000 Jan 1 12:00:00 TDB, Julian ephemeris date 2451545.0 TDB). Throughout SPICE documentation and in this file, we use the names "J2000 TDB" and "J2000" for this epoch. The name "J2000.0" is equivalent. SPICE documentation refers to the time system used in this file as either "ET" or "TDB." SPICE software makes no distinction between TDB and the time system associated with the independent variable of the JPL planetary ephemerides T_eph. The inertial reference frame used for the rotational elements in this file is identified by [1] as the ICRF (International Celestial Reference Frame). The SPICE PCK software that reads this file uses the label "J2000" to refer to the ICRF; this is actually a mislabeling which has been retained in the interest of backward compatibility. Using data from this file, by means of calls to the SPICE frame transformation routines, will actually compute orientation relative to the ICRF. The difference between the J2000 frame and the ICRF is on the order of tens of milliarcseconds and is well below the accuracy level of the formulas in this file. Orientation models All of the orientation models use three Euler angles to describe the orientation of the coordinate axes of the "Body Equator and Prime Meridian" system with respect to an inertial system. By default, the inertial system is the ICRF (labeled as "J2000"), but other inertial frames can be specified in the file. See the PCK Required Reading for details. The first two angles, in order, are the ICRF right ascension and declination (henceforth RA and DEC) of the north pole of a body as a function of time. The third angle is the prime meridian location (represented by "W"), which is expressed as a rotation about the north pole, and is also a function of time. For each body, the expressions for the north pole's right ascension and declination, as well as prime meridian location, are sums (as far as the models that appear in this file are concerned) of quadratic polynomials and trigonometric polynomials, where the independent variable is time. In this file, the time arguments in expressions always refer to Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB), measured in centuries or days past a reference epoch. By default, the reference epoch is the J2000 epoch, which is Julian ephemeris date 2451545.0 (2000 Jan 1 12:00:00 TDB), but other epochs can be specified in the file. See the PCK Required Reading for details. Orientation models for satellites and some planets (including Jupiter) involve both polynomial terms and trigonometric terms. The arguments of the trigonometric terms are linear polynomials. In this file, we call the arguments of these trigonometric terms "nutation precession angles." Example: 2009 IAU Model for orientation of Jupiter. Note that these values are used as an example only; see the data area below for current values. Right ascension --------------- alpha = 268.056595 - 0.006499 T + 0.000117 sin(Ja) 0 + 0.000938 sin(Jb) + 0.001432 sin(Jc) + 0.000030 sin(Jd) + 0.002150 sin(Je) Declination ----------- delta = 64.495303 + 0.002413 T + 0.000050 cos(Ja) 0 + 0.000404 cos(Jb) + 0.000617 cos(Jc) - 0.000013 cos(Jd) + 0.000926 cos(Je) Prime meridian -------------- W = 284.95 + 870.5366420 d Here T represents centuries past J2000 ( TDB ), d represents days past J2000 ( TDB ). Ja-Je are nutation precession angles. In this file, the polynomials' coefficients above are assigned to kernel variable names (left-hand-side symbols) as follows BODY599_POLE_RA = ( 268.056595 -0.006499 0. ) BODY599_POLE_DEC = ( 64.495303 0.002413 0. ) BODY599_PM = ( 284.95 870.5360000 0. ) and the trigonometric polynomials' coefficients are assigned as follows BODY599_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000117 0.000938 0.001432 0.000030 0.002150 ) BODY599_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000050 0.000404 0.000617 -0.000013 0.000926 ) BODY599_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) Note the number "599"; this is the NAIF ID code for Jupiter. In this file, the polynomial expressions for the nutation precession angles are listed along with the planet's RA, DEC, and prime meridian terms. Below are the 2006 IAU nutation precession angles for the Jupiter system. J1 = 73.32 + 91472.9 T J2 = 24.62 + 45137.2 T J3 = 283.90 + 4850.7 T J4 = 355.80 + 1191.3 T J5 = 119.90 + 262.1 T J6 = 229.80 + 64.3 T J7 = 352.25 + 2382.6 T J8 = 113.35 + 6070.0 T J9 = 146.64 + 182945.8 T J10 = 49.24 + 90274.4 T Ja = 99.360714 + 4850.4046 T Jb = 175.895369 + 1191.9605 T Jc = 300.323162 + 262.5475 T Jd = 114.012305 + 6070.2476 T Je = 49.511251 + 64.3000 T Here T represents centuries past J2000 ( TDB ) J1-J10 and Ja-Je are the nutation precession angles. The angles J9 and J10 are equal to 2*J1 and 2*J2, respectively. Angles J9 and J10 are not present in [1]; they have been added to fit the terms 2*J1 and 2*J2, which appear in the orientation models of several satellites, into a form that can be accepted by the PCK system. The assignment of the nutation precession angles for the Jupiter system is as follows: BODY5_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 73.32 91472.9 24.62 45137.2 283.90 4850.7 355.80 1191.3 119.90 262.1 229.80 64.3 352.25 2382.6 113.35 6070.0 146.64 182945.8 49.24 90274.4 99.360714 4850.4046 175.895369 1191.9605 300.323162 262.5475 114.012305 6070.2476 49.511251 64.3000 ) You'll see an additional symbol grouped with the ones listed above; it is BODY599_LONG_AXIS This is a deprecated feature; see the note on "Prime meridian offsets" under "Known Limitations and Caveats" above. The pattern of the formulas for satellite orientation is similar to that for Jupiter. Example: 2006 IAU values for Io. Again, these values are used as an example only; see the data area below for current values. Right ascension --------------- alpha = 268.05 - 0.009 T + 0.094 sin(J3) + 0.024 sin(J4) 0 Declination ----------- delta = 64.50 + 0.003 T + 0.040 cos(J3) + 0.011 cos(J4) 0 Prime meridian -------------- W = 200.39 + 203.4889538 d - 0.085 sin(J3) - 0.022 sin(J4) d represents days past J2000. J3 and J4 are nutation precession angles. The polynomial terms are assigned to symbols by the statements BODY501_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY501_POLE_DEC = ( 64.50 0.003 0. ) BODY501_PM = ( 200.39 203.4889538 0. ) The coefficients of the trigonometric terms are assigned to symbols by the statements BODY501_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0.094 0.024 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0.040 0.011 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.085 -0.022 ) 501 is the NAIF ID code for Io. SPICE software expects the models for satellite orientation to follow the form of the model shown here: the polynomial portions of the RA, DEC, and W expressions are expected to be quadratic, the trigonometric terms for RA and W (satellite prime meridian) are expected to be linear combinations of sines of nutation precession angles, the trigonometric terms for DEC are expected to be linear combinations of cosines of nutation precession angles, and the polynomials for the nutation precession angles themselves are expected to be linear. Eventually, the software will handle more complex expressions, we expect. Shape models There is only one kind of shape model supported by the SPICE Toolkit software at present: the triaxial ellipsoid. The 2009 IAU report [1] does not use any other models, except in the case of Mars, where separate values are given for the north and south polar radii. In this file, we provide as a datum the mean Mars polar radius provided by [1]. The North and South values are included as comments. For each body, three radii are listed: The first number is the largest equatorial radius (the length of the semi-axis containing the prime meridian), the second number is the smaller equatorial radius, and the third is the polar radius. Example: Radii of the Earth. BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1366 6378.1366 6356.7519 ) Body Numbers and Names -------------------------------------------------------- The following NAIF body ID codes and body names appear in this file. See the NAIF IDs Required Reading file naif_ids.req for a detailed discussion and a complete list of ID codes and names. 1 Mercury barycenter 2 Venus barycenter 3 Earth barycenter 4 Mars barycenter 5 Jupiter barycenter 6 Saturn barycenter 7 Uranus barycenter 8 Neptune barycenter 9 Pluto barycenter 10 Sun 199 Mercury 299 Venus 399 Earth 301 Moon 499 Mars 401 Phobos 402 Deimos 599 Jupiter 501 Io 502 Europa 503 Ganymede 504 Callisto 505 Amalthea 506 Himalia 507 Elara 508 Pasiphae 509 Sinope 510 Lysithea 511 Carme 512 Ananke 513 Leda 514 Thebe 515 Adrastea 516 Metis 699 Saturn 601 Mimas 602 Enceladus 603 Tethys 604 Dione 605 Rhea 606 Titan 607 Hyperion 608 Iapetus 609 Phoebe 610 Janus 611 Epimetheus 612 Helene 613 Telesto 614 Calypso 615 Atlas 616 Prometheus 617 Pandora 618 Pan 632 Methone 633 Pallene 634 Polydeuces 635 Daphnis 649 Anthe 799 Uranus 701 Ariel 702 Umbriel 703 Titania 704 Oberon 705 Miranda 706 Cordelia 707 Ophelia 708 Bianca 709 Cressida 710 Desdemona 711 Juliet 712 Portia 713 Rosalind 714 Belinda 715 Puck 899 Neptune 801 Triton 802 Nereid 803 Naiad 804 Thalassa 805 Despina 806 Galatea 807 Larissa 808 Proteus 999 Pluto 901 Charon 1000005 Comet 19P/Borrelly 1000036 Comet Halley 1000093 Comet 9P/Tempel 1 1000107 Comet 81P/Wild 2 2000001 Asteroid Ceres 2000002 Asteroid Pallas 2000004 Asteroid Vesta 2000021 Asteroid Lutetia 2000216 Asteroid Kleopatra 2000253 Asteroid Mathilde 2000433 Asteroid Eros 2000511 Asteroid Davida 2002867 Asteroid Steins 2004179 Asteroid Toutatis 2025143 Asteroid Itokawa 2431010 Asteroid Ida 9511010 Asteroid Gaspra Orientation Constants for the Sun and Planets -------------------------------------------------------- Sun Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY10_POLE_RA = ( 286.13 0. 0. ) BODY10_POLE_DEC = ( 63.87 0. 0. ) BODY10_PM = ( 84.176 14.18440 0. ) BODY10_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Mercury Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body199_pole_ra = ( 281.01 -0.033 0. ) body199_pole_dec = ( 61.45 -0.005 0. ) body199_pm = ( 329.548 6.1385025 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY199_POLE_RA = ( 281.0097 -0.0328 0. ) BODY199_POLE_DEC = ( 61.4143 -0.0049 0. ) BODY199_PM = ( 329.5469 6.1385025 0. ) BODY199_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY199_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY199_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY199_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0.00993822 -0.00104581 -0.00010280 -0.00002364 -0.00000532 ) \begintext The linear coefficients have been scaled up from degrees/day to degrees/century, because the SPICELIB PCK reader expects these units. The original constants were: 174.791086 4.092335 349.582171 8.184670 164.373257 12.277005 339.164343 16.369340 153.955429 20.461675 \begindata BODY1_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 174.791086 0.14947253587500003E+06 349.582171 0.29894507175000006E+06 164.373257 0.44841760762500006E+06 339.164343 0.59789014350000012E+06 153.955429 0.74736267937499995E+06 ) \begintext Venus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY299_POLE_RA = ( 272.76 0. 0. ) BODY299_POLE_DEC = ( 67.16 0. 0. ) BODY299_PM = ( 160.20 -1.4813688 0. ) BODY299_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Earth Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 report. Current values: \begindata BODY399_POLE_RA = ( 0. -0.641 0. ) BODY399_POLE_DEC = ( 90. -0.557 0. ) BODY399_PM = ( 190.147 360.9856235 0. ) BODY399_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Nutation precession angles for the Earth-Moon system: The linear coefficients have been scaled up from degrees/day to degrees/century, because the SPICELIB PCK reader expects these units. The original constants were: 125.045D0 -0.0529921D0 250.089D0 -0.1059842D0 260.008D0 13.0120009D0 176.625D0 13.3407154D0 357.529D0 0.9856003D0 311.589D0 26.4057084D0 134.963D0 13.0649930D0 276.617D0 0.3287146D0 34.226D0 1.7484877D0 15.134D0 -0.1589763D0 119.743D0 0.0036096D0 239.961D0 0.1643573D0 25.053D0 12.9590088D0 \begindata BODY3_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 125.045 -1935.5364525000 250.089 -3871.0729050000 260.008 475263.3328725000 176.625 487269.6299850000 357.529 35999.0509575000 311.589 964468.4993100000 134.963 477198.8693250000 276.617 12006.3007650000 34.226 63863.5132425000 15.134 -5806.6093575000 119.743 131.8406400000 239.961 6003.1503825000 25.053 473327.7964200000 ) \begintext Earth north geomagnetic centered dipole: The north dipole location is time-varying. The values shown below, taken from [8], represent a discrete sampling of the north dipole location from 1945 to 2000. The terms DGRF and IGRF refer to, respectively, "Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field" and "International Geomagnetic Reference Field." See references [6], [8], and [9] for details. Coordinates are planetocentric. Data source Lat Lon ----------- ----- ------ DGRF 1945 78.47 291.47 DGRF 1950 78.47 291.15 DGRF 1955 78.46 290.84 DGRF 1960 78.51 290.53 DGRF 1965 78.53 290.15 DGRF 1970 78.59 289.82 DGRF 1975 78.69 289.53 DGRF 1980 78.81 289.24 DGRF 1985 78.97 289.10 DGRF 1990 79.13 288.89 IGRF 1995 79.30 288.59 IGRF 2000 79.54 288.43 Original values: Values are from [7]. Note the year of publication was 1971. body399_mag_north_pole_lon = ( -69.761 ) body399_mag_north_pole_lat = ( 78.565 ) Previous values: body399_n_geomag_ctr_dipole_lon = ( 288.43 ) body399_n_geomag_ctr_dipole_lat = ( 79.54 ) Current values: Values are given for the epoch 2012.0 and were derived by Nat Bachman from constants provided by [11]. \begindata BODY399_N_GEOMAG_CTR_DIPOLE_LON = ( 287.62 ) BODY399_N_GEOMAG_CTR_DIPOLE_LAT = ( 80.13 ) \begintext Mars Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY499_POLE_RA = ( 317.68143 -0.1061 0. ) BODY499_POLE_DEC = ( 52.88650 -0.0609 0. ) BODY499_PM = ( 176.630 350.89198226 0. ) \begintext Source [5] specifies the following value for the lambda_a term (BODY499_LONG_AXIS ) for Mars. This term is the POSITIVE EAST LONGITUDE, measured from the prime meridian, of the meridian containing the longest axis of the reference ellipsoid. (CAUTION: previous values were POSITIVE WEST.) body499_long_axis = ( 252. ) We list this lambda_a value for completeness. The IAU report [1] gives equal values for both equatorial radii, so the lambda_a offset does not apply to the IAU model. The 2003 IAU report defines M2, the second nutation precession angle, by: 2 192.93 + 1128.4096700 d + 8.864 T We truncate the M2 series to a linear expression, because the PCK software cannot handle the quadratic term. Again, the linear terms are scaled by 36525.0: -0.4357640000000000 --> -15916.28010000000 1128.409670000000 --> 41215163.19675000 -1.8151000000000000E-02 --> -662.9652750000000 We also introduce a fourth nutation precession angle, which is the pi/2-complement of the third angle. This angle is used in computing the prime meridian location for Deimos. See the discussion of this angle below in the section containing orientation constants for Deimos. \begindata BODY4_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 169.51 -15916.2801 192.93 41215163.19675 53.47 -662.965275 36.53 662.965275 ) \begintext Jupiter Old values: The rotation rate is from the 2006 IAU report; all other values are unchanged in the 2009 report. body599_pm = ( 284.95 870.5366420 0. ) Current values: The number of nutation precession angles is 15. The ninth and tenth are twice the first and second, respectively. The eleventh through fifteenth correspond to angles JA-JE in the 2006 IAU report; angles JA-JE were not used prior to that report. \begindata BODY599_POLE_RA = ( 268.056595 -0.006499 0. ) BODY599_POLE_DEC = ( 64.495303 0.002413 0. ) BODY599_PM = ( 284.95 870.5360000 0. ) BODY599_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY599_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000117 0.000938 0.001432 0.000030 0.002150 ) BODY599_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000050 0.000404 0.000617 -0.000013 0.000926 ) BODY599_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ) BODY5_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 73.32 91472.9 24.62 45137.2 283.90 4850.7 355.80 1191.3 119.90 262.1 229.80 64.3 352.25 2382.6 113.35 6070.0 146.64 182945.8 49.24 90274.4 99.360714 4850.4046 175.895369 1191.9605 300.323162 262.5475 114.012305 6070.2476 49.511251 64.3000 ) \begintext Saturn Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body699_pole_ra = ( 40.589 -0.036 0. ) body699_pole_dec = ( 83.537 -0.004 0. ) body699_pm = ( 38.90 810.7939024 0. ) body699_long_axis = ( 0. ) The first seven angles given here are the angles S1 through S7 from the 2000 report; the eighth and ninth angles are 2*S1 and 2*S2, respectively. body6_nut_prec_angles = ( 353.32 75706.7 28.72 75706.7 177.40 -36505.5 300.00 -7225.9 316.45 506.2 345.20 -1016.3 29.80 -52.1 706.64 151413.4 57.44 151413.4 ) Current values: The change from the previous set of values is the removal of S7. This causes BODY6_NUT_PREC_ANGLES elements that formerly corresponded to 2*S1 and 2*S1 to be shifted toward the start of the array. \begindata BODY699_POLE_RA = ( 40.589 -0.036 0. ) BODY699_POLE_DEC = ( 83.537 -0.004 0. ) BODY699_PM = ( 38.90 810.7939024 0. ) BODY699_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext The first six angles given here are the angles S1 through S6 from the 2009 report; the seventh and eigth angles are 2*S1 and 2*S2, respectively. \begindata BODY6_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 353.32 75706.7 28.72 75706.7 177.40 -36505.5 300.00 -7225.9 316.45 506.2 345.20 -1016.3 706.64 151413.4 57.44 151413.4 ) \begintext Uranus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY799_POLE_RA = ( 257.311 0. 0. ) BODY799_POLE_DEC = ( -15.175 0. 0. ) BODY799_PM = ( 203.81 -501.1600928 0. ) BODY799_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext The first 16 angles given here are the angles U1 through U16 from the 2000 report; the 17th and 18th angles are 2*U11 and 2*U12, respectively. \begindata BODY7_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 115.75 54991.87 141.69 41887.66 135.03 29927.35 61.77 25733.59 249.32 24471.46 43.86 22278.41 77.66 20289.42 157.36 16652.76 101.81 12872.63 138.64 8061.81 102.23 -2024.22 316.41 2863.96 304.01 -51.94 308.71 -93.17 340.82 -75.32 259.14 -504.81 204.46 -4048.44 632.82 5727.92 ) \begintext Neptune Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY899_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY899_POLE_DEC = ( 43.46 0. 0. ) BODY899_PM = ( 253.18 536.3128492 0. ) BODY899_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY899_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY899_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY899_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext The 2000 report defines the nutation precession angles N, N1, N2, ... , N7 and also uses the multiples of N1 and N7 2*N1 and 2*N7, 3*N7, ..., 9*N7 In this file, we treat the angles and their multiples as separate angles. In the kernel variable BODY8_NUT_PREC_ANGLES the order of the angles is N, N1, N2, ... , N7, 2*N1, 2*N7, 3*N7, ..., 9*N7 Each angle is defined by a linear polynomial, so two consecutive array elements are allocated for each angle. The first term of each pair is the constant term, the second is the linear term. \begindata BODY8_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 357.85 52.316 323.92 62606.6 220.51 55064.2 354.27 46564.5 75.31 26109.4 35.36 14325.4 142.61 2824.6 177.85 52.316 647.840 125213.200 355.700 104.632 533.550 156.948 711.400 209.264 889.250 261.580 1067.100 313.896 1244.950 366.212 1422.800 418.528 1600.650 470.844 ) \begintext Orientation Constants for the Dwarf Planet Pluto -------------------------------------------------------- Pluto Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body999_pole_ra = ( 312.993 0. 0. ) body999_pole_dec = ( 6.163 0. 0. ) body999_pm = ( 237.305 -56.3625225 0. ) body999_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: Due to the new definition of planetocentric coordinates for small bodies, and to the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet, Pluto's north pole direction has been inverted. The PM constant W0 is from [2]. \begindata BODY999_POLE_RA = ( 132.993 0. 0. ) BODY999_POLE_DEC = ( -6.163 0. 0. ) BODY999_PM = ( 302.695 56.3625225 0. ) BODY999_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Orientation constants for the satellites -------------------------------------------------------- Satellites of Earth Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. New values: \begindata BODY301_POLE_RA = ( 269.9949 0.0031 0. ) BODY301_POLE_DEC = ( 66.5392 0.0130 0. ) BODY301_PM = ( 38.3213 13.17635815 -1.4D-12 ) BODY301_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -3.8787 -0.1204 0.0700 -0.0172 0.0 0.0072 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0052 0.0 0.0 0.0043 ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 1.5419 0.0239 -0.0278 0.0068 0.0 -0.0029 0.0009 0.0 0.0 0.0008 0.0 0.0 -0.0009 ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 3.5610 0.1208 -0.0642 0.0158 0.0252 -0.0066 -0.0047 -0.0046 0.0028 0.0052 0.0040 0.0019 -0.0044 ) \begintext Satellites of Mars Phobos Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: The quadratic prime meridian term is scaled by 1/36525**2: 8.864000000000000 ---> 6.6443009930565219E-09 \begindata BODY401_POLE_RA = ( 317.68 -0.108 0. ) BODY401_POLE_DEC = ( 52.90 -0.061 0. ) BODY401_PM = ( 35.06 1128.8445850 6.6443009930565219E-09 ) BODY401_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 1.79 0. 0. 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -1.08 0. 0. 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -1.42 -0.78 0. 0. ) \begintext Deimos Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. New values: The Deimos prime meridian expression is: 2 W = 79.41 + 285.1618970 d - 0.520 T - 2.58 sin M 3 + 0.19 cos M . 3 At the present time, the PCK kernel software (the routine BODEUL in particular) cannot handle the cosine term directly, but we can represent it as 0.19 sin M 4 where M = 90.D0 - M 4 3 Therefore, the nutation precession angle assignments for Phobos and Deimos contain four coefficients rather than three. The quadratic prime meridian term is scaled by 1/36525**2: -0.5200000000000000 ---> -3.8978300049519307E-10 \begindata BODY402_POLE_RA = ( 316.65 -0.108 0. ) BODY402_POLE_DEC = ( 53.52 -0.061 0. ) BODY402_PM = ( 79.41 285.1618970 -3.897830D-10 ) BODY402_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 2.98 0. ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. -1.78 0. ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -2.58 0.19 ) \begintext Satellites of Jupiter Io Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY501_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY501_POLE_DEC = ( 64.50 0.003 0. ) BODY501_PM = ( 200.39 203.4889538 0. ) BODY501_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0.094 0.024 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0.040 0.011 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.085 -0.022 ) \begintext Europa Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY502_POLE_RA = ( 268.08 -0.009 0. ) BODY502_POLE_DEC = ( 64.51 0.003 0. ) BODY502_PM = ( 36.022 101.3747235 0. ) BODY502_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 1.086 0.060 0.015 0.009 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0.468 0.026 0.007 0.002 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.980 -0.054 -0.014 -0.008 ) \begintext Ganymede Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY503_POLE_RA = ( 268.20 -0.009 0. ) BODY503_POLE_DEC = ( 64.57 0.003 0. ) BODY503_PM = ( 44.064 50.3176081 0. ) BODY503_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.037 0.431 0.091 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.016 0.186 0.039 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0.033 -0.389 -0.082 ) \begintext Callisto Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY504_POLE_RA = ( 268.72 -0.009 0. ) BODY504_POLE_DEC = ( 64.83 0.003 0. ) BODY504_PM = ( 259.51 21.5710715 0. ) BODY504_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.068 0.590 0. 0.010 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.029 0.254 0. -0.004 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.061 -0.533 0. -0.009 ) \begintext Amalthea Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY505_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY505_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 0.003 0. ) BODY505_PM = ( 231.67 722.6314560 0. ) BODY505_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -0.84 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.01 0. ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.36 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0.76 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.01 0. ) \begintext Thebe Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY514_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY514_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 0.003 0. ) BODY514_PM = ( 8.56 533.7004100 0. ) BODY514_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -2.11 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.04 ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. -0.91 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.01 ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 1.91 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 ) \begintext Adrastea Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY515_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY515_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 0.003 0. ) BODY515_PM = ( 33.29 1206.9986602 0. ) BODY515_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Metis Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY516_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY516_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 0.003 0. ) BODY516_PM = ( 346.09 1221.2547301 0. ) BODY516_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Saturn Mimas Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body601_pole_ra = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) body601_pole_dec = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) body601_pm = ( 337.46 381.9945550 0. ) body601_long_axis = ( 0. ) body601_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. 13.56 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) body601_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. -1.53 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) body601_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. -13.48 0. -44.85 0. 0. 0. 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY601_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY601_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY601_PM = ( 333.46 381.9945550 0. ) BODY601_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 13.56 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. -1.53 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -13.48 0. -44.85 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Enceladus Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body602_pole_ra = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) body602_pole_dec = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) body602_pm = ( 2.82 262.7318996 0. ) body602_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY602_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY602_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY602_PM = ( 6.32 262.7318996 0. ) BODY602_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Tethys Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body603_pole_ra = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) body603_pole_dec = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) body603_pm = ( 10.45 190.6979085 0. ) body603_long_axis = ( 0. ) body603_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. 0. 9.66 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) body603_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. 0. -1.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) body603_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. 0. -9.60 2.23 0. 0. 0. 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY603_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY603_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY603_PM = ( 8.95 190.6979085 0. ) BODY603_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 9.66 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -1.09 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -9.60 2.23 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Dione Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body604_pole_ra = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) body604_pole_dec = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) body604_pm = ( 357.00 131.5349316 0. ) body604_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY604_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY604_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY604_PM = ( 357.6 131.5349316 0. ) BODY604_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Rhea Old values: Values are from the 2009 IAU report. body605_pole_ra = ( 40.38 -0.036 0. ) body605_pole_dec = ( 83.55 -0.004 0. ) body605_pm = ( 235.16 79.6900478 0. ) body605_long_axis = ( 0. ) body605_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.10 0. 0. 0. ) body605_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.35 0. 0. 0. ) body605_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -3.08 0. 0. 0. ) Current values: Data values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. However the kernel variable contents have changed due to removal of the angle S7. \begindata BODY605_POLE_RA = ( 40.38 -0.036 0. ) BODY605_POLE_DEC = ( 83.55 -0.004 0. ) BODY605_PM = ( 235.16 79.6900478 0. ) BODY605_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3.10 0. 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.35 0. 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -3.08 0. 0. ) \begintext Titan Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. BODY606_POLE_RA = ( 36.41 -0.036 0. ) BODY606_POLE_DEC = ( 83.94 -0.004 0. ) BODY606_PM = ( 189.64 22.5769768 0. ) BODY606_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.66 0. 0 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.30 0. 0 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -2.64 0. 0 ) Current values: Note removal of dependence on the nutation precession angles. \begindata BODY606_POLE_RA = ( 39.4827 0. 0. ) BODY606_POLE_DEC = ( 83.4279 0. 0. ) BODY606_PM = ( 186.5855 22.5769768 0. ) BODY606_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 ) \begintext Hyperion The IAU report does not give an orientation model for Hyperion. Hyperion's rotation is in chaotic and is not predictable for long periods. Iapetus Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body608_pole_ra = ( 318.16 -3.949 0. ) body608_pole_dec = ( 75.03 -1.143 0. ) body608_pm = ( 350.20 4.5379572 0. ) body608_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY608_POLE_RA = ( 318.16 -3.949 0. ) BODY608_POLE_DEC = ( 75.03 -1.143 0. ) BODY608_PM = ( 355.2 4.5379572 0. ) BODY608_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Phoebe Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY609_POLE_RA = ( 356.90 0. 0. ) BODY609_POLE_DEC = ( 77.80 0. 0. ) BODY609_PM = ( 178.58 931.639 0. ) BODY609_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Janus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: Data values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. However the kernel variable contents have changed due to removal of the angle S7. \begindata BODY610_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY610_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY610_PM = ( 58.83 518.2359876 0. ) BODY610_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY610_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -1.623 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.023 ) BODY610_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. -0.183 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.001 ) BODY610_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 1.613 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.023 ) \begintext Epimetheus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: Data values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. However the kernel variable contents have changed due to removal of the angle S7. \begindata BODY611_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY611_POLE_DEC = ( 83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY611_PM = ( 293.87 518.4907239 0. ) BODY611_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY611_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -3.153 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.086 0. ) BODY611_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.356 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.005 0. ) BODY611_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 3.133 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.086 0. ) \begintext Helene Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY612_POLE_RA = ( 40.85 -0.036 0. ) BODY612_POLE_DEC = ( 83.34 -0.004 0. ) BODY612_PM = ( 245.12 131.6174056 0. ) BODY612_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Telesto Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY613_POLE_RA = ( 50.51 -0.036 0. ) BODY613_POLE_DEC = ( 84.06 -0.004 0. ) BODY613_PM = ( 56.88 190.6979332 0. ) BODY613_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Calypso Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY614_POLE_RA = ( 36.41 -0.036 0. ) BODY614_POLE_DEC = ( 85.04 -0.004 0. ) BODY614_PM = ( 153.51 190.6742373 0. ) BODY614_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Atlas Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY615_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY615_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 0. ) BODY615_PM = ( 137.88 598.3060000 0. ) BODY615_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Prometheus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY616_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 ) BODY616_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 ) BODY616_PM = ( 296.14 587.289000 ) BODY616_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Pandora Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY617_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY617_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 0. ) BODY617_PM = ( 162.92 572.7891000 0. ) BODY617_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Pan Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY618_POLE_RA = ( 40.6 -0.036 0. ) BODY618_POLE_DEC = ( 83.5 -0.004 0. ) BODY618_PM = ( 48.8 626.0440000 0. ) BODY618_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Uranus Ariel Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY701_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY701_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY701_PM = ( 156.22 -142.8356681 0. ) BODY701_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.29 ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.28 ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.05 0.08 ) \begintext Umbriel Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY702_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY702_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY702_PM = ( 108.05 -86.8688923 0. ) BODY702_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.21 ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.20 ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0. 0.06 ) \begintext Titania Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY703_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY703_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY703_PM = ( 77.74 -41.3514316 0. ) BODY703_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.29 ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.28 ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.08 ) \begintext Oberon Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY704_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY704_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY704_PM = ( 6.77 -26.7394932 0. ) BODY704_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.16 ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.16 ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.04 ) \begintext Miranda Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY705_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY705_POLE_DEC = ( -15.08 0. 0. ) BODY705_PM = ( 30.70 -254.6906892 0. ) BODY705_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.41 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 0. ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.25 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 0. ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.15 -1.27 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0.15 ) \begintext Cordelia Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY706_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY706_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY706_PM = ( 127.69 -1074.5205730 0. ) BODY706_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -0.15 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0.14 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Ophelia Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY707_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY707_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY707_PM = ( 130.35 -956.4068150 0. ) BODY707_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. -0.03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Bianca Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY708_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY708_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY708_PM = ( 105.46 -828.3914760 0. ) BODY708_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. -0.16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0.16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Cressida Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY709_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY709_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY709_PM = ( 59.16 -776.5816320 0. ) BODY709_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.01 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Desdemona Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY710_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY710_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY710_PM = ( 95.08 -760.0531690 0. ) BODY710_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.17 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Juliet Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY711_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY711_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY711_PM = ( 302.56 -730.1253660 0. ) BODY711_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.06 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.06 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Portia Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY712_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY712_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY712_PM = ( 25.03 -701.4865870 0. ) BODY712_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Rosalind Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY713_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY713_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY713_PM = ( 314.90 -644.6311260 0. ) BODY713_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.29 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.08 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Belinda Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY714_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY714_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY714_PM = ( 297.46 -577.3628170 0. ) BODY714_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.03 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.01 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Puck Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY715_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY715_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY715_PM = ( 91.24 -472.5450690 0. ) BODY715_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.33 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.31 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Neptune Triton Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY801_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY801_POLE_DEC = ( 41.17 0. 0. ) BODY801_PM = ( 296.53 -61.2572637 0. ) BODY801_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -32.35 0. -6.28 -2.08 -0.74 -0.28 -0.11 -0.07 -0.02 -0.01 ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22.55 0. 2.10 0.55 0.16 0.05 0.02 0.01 0. 0. ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22.25 0. 6.73 2.05 0.74 0.28 0.11 0.05 0.02 0.01 ) \begintext Nereid Old values: Values are from the 1988 IAU report [10]. Note that this rotation model pre-dated the 1989 Voyager 2 Neptune encounter. body802_pole_ra = ( 273.48 0. 0. ) body802_pole_dec = ( 67.22 0. 0. ) body802_pm = ( 237.22 0.9996465 0. ) body802_long_axis = ( 0. ) The report seems to have a typo: in the nut_prec_ra expression, where the report gives -0.51 sin 3N3, we use -0.51 3N2. body802_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. -17.81 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2.56 -0.51 0.11 -0.03 ) body802_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. -6.67 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.47 -0.07 0.01 ) body802_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 16.48 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -2.57 0.51 -0.11 0.02 ) Current values: The 2009 report [1] states that values for Nereid are not given because Nereid is not in synchronous rotation with Neptune (notes following table 2). Naiad Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY803_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY803_POLE_DEC = ( 43.36 0. 0. ) BODY803_PM = ( 254.06 +1222.8441209 0. ) BODY803_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY803_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 -6.49 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.25 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY803_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 -4.75 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY803_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 4.40 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.27 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Thalassa Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY804_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY804_POLE_DEC = ( 43.45 0. 0. ) BODY804_PM = ( 102.06 1155.7555612 0. ) BODY804_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY804_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. -0.28 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY804_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. -0.21 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY804_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 0. 0.19 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Despina Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY805_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY805_POLE_DEC = ( 43.45 0. 0. ) BODY805_PM = ( 306.51 +1075.7341562 0. ) BODY805_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY805_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. 0. -0.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY805_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. 0. -0.07 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY805_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.49 0. 0. 0.06 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Galatea Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY806_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY806_POLE_DEC = ( 43.43 0. 0. ) BODY806_PM = ( 258.09 839.6597686 0. ) BODY806_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY806_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. 0. 0. -0.07 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY806_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. 0. 0. -0.05 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY806_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 0. 0. 0. 0.05 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Larissa Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY807_POLE_RA = ( 299.36 0. 0. ) BODY807_POLE_DEC = ( 43.41 0. 0. ) BODY807_PM = ( 179.41 +649.0534470 0. ) BODY807_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY807_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.27 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY807_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.20 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY807_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.19 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Proteus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY808_POLE_RA = ( 299.27 0. 0. ) BODY808_POLE_DEC = ( 42.91 0. 0. ) BODY808_PM = ( 93.38 +320.7654228 0. ) BODY808_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY808_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0.70 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.05 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY808_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.51 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY808_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.48 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.04 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Pluto Charon Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body901_pole_ra = ( 312.993 0. 0. ) body901_pole_dec = ( 6.163 0. 0. ) body901_pm = ( 57.305 -56.3625225 0. ) body901_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: Due to the new definition of planetocentric coordinates for small bodies, and to the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet, Charon's north pole direction has been inverted. The PM constant W0 is from [2]. \begindata BODY901_POLE_RA = ( 132.993 0. 0. ) BODY901_POLE_DEC = ( -6.163 0. 0. ) BODY901_PM = ( 122.695 56.3625225 0. ) BODY901_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Orientation constants for Selected Comets and Asteroids -------------------------------------------------------- Ceres Current values: \begindata BODY2000001_POLE_RA = ( 291. 0. 0. ) BODY2000001_POLE_DEC = ( 59. 0. 0. ) BODY2000001_PM = ( 170.90 952.1532 0. ) BODY2000001_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Pallas Current values: \begindata BODY2000002_POLE_RA = ( 33. 0. 0. ) BODY2000002_POLE_DEC = ( -3. 0. 0. ) BODY2000002_PM = ( 38. 1105.8036 0. ) BODY2000002_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Vesta Old values: Values are from the 2009 IAU report. body2000004_pole_ra = ( 301. 0. 0. ) body2000004_pole_dec = ( 41. 0. 0. ) body2000004_pm = ( 292. 1617.332776 0. ) body2000004_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY2000004_POLE_RA = ( 305.8 0. 0. ) BODY2000004_POLE_DEC = ( 41.4 0. 0. ) BODY2000004_PM = ( 292. 1617.332776 0. ) BODY2000004_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Lutetia Current values: \begindata BODY2000021_POLE_RA = ( 52. 0. 0. ) BODY2000021_POLE_DEC = ( 12. 0. 0. ) BODY2000021_PM = ( 94. 1057.7515 0. ) BODY2000021_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Ida Old values: BODY2431010_POLE_RA = ( 168.76 0. 0. ) BODY2431010_POLE_DEC = ( -2.88 0. 0. ) BODY2431010_PM = ( 265.95 +1864.6280070 0. ) BODY2431010_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) Current values: The PM constant W0 is from [2]. \begindata BODY2431010_POLE_RA = ( 168.76 0. 0. ) BODY2431010_POLE_DEC = ( -2.88 0. 0. ) BODY2431010_PM = ( 274.05 +1864.6280070 0. ) BODY2431010_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Eros Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2000433_POLE_RA = ( 11.35 0. 0. ) BODY2000433_POLE_DEC = ( 17.22 0. 0. ) BODY2000433_PM = ( 326.07 1639.38864745 0. ) BODY2000433_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Davida Current values: \begindata BODY2000511_POLE_RA = ( 297. 0. 0. ) BODY2000511_POLE_DEC = ( 5. 0. 0. ) BODY2000511_PM = ( 268.1 1684.4193549 0. ) BODY2000511_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Gaspra Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY9511010_POLE_RA = ( 9.47 0. 0. ) BODY9511010_POLE_DEC = ( 26.70 0. 0. ) BODY9511010_PM = ( 83.67 1226.9114850 0. ) BODY9511010_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Steins Current values: \begindata BODY2002867_POLE_RA = ( 90. 0. 0. ) BODY2002867_POLE_DEC = ( -62. 0. 0. ) BODY2002867_PM = ( 93.94 1428.852332 0. ) BODY2002867_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Itokawa Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2025143_POLE_RA = ( 90.53 0. 0. ) BODY2025143_POLE_DEC = ( -66.30 0. 0. ) BODY2025143_PM = ( 000.0 712.143 0. ) BODY2025143_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext 9P/Tempel 1 Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY1000093_POLE_RA = ( 294. 0. 0. ) BODY1000093_POLE_DEC = ( 73. 0. 0. ) BODY1000093_PM = ( 252.63 212.064 0. ) BODY1000093_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext 19P/Borrelly Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY1000005_POLE_RA = ( 218.5 0. 0. ) BODY1000005_POLE_DEC = ( -12.5 0. 0. ) BODY1000005_PM = ( 000. 390.0 0. ) BODY1000005_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Radii of Sun and Planets -------------------------------------------------------- Sun \begindata BODY10_RADII = ( 696000. 696000. 696000. ) \begintext Mercury Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY199_RADII = ( 2439.7 2439.7 2439.7 ) \begintext Venus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY299_RADII = ( 6051.8 6051.8 6051.8 ) \begintext Earth Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body399_radii = ( 6378.14 6378.14 6356.75 ) Current values: \begindata BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1366 6378.1366 6356.7519 ) \begintext Mars Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body499_radii = ( 3397. 3397. 3375. ) Current values: The 2009 IAU report gives separate values for the north and south polar radii: north: 3373.19 south: 3379.21 The report provides the average of these values as well, which we use as the polar radius for the triaxial model. \begindata BODY499_RADII = ( 3396.19 3396.19 3376.20 ) \begintext Jupiter Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY599_RADII = ( 71492 71492 66854 ) \begintext Saturn Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY699_RADII = ( 60268 60268 54364 ) \begintext Uranus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY799_RADII = ( 25559 25559 24973 ) \begintext Neptune Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: (Values are for the 1 bar pressure level.) \begindata BODY899_RADII = ( 24764 24764 24341 ) \begintext Radii of the Dwarf Planet Pluto -------------------------------------------------------- Pluto Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY999_RADII = ( 1195 1195 1195 ) \begintext Radii of Satellites -------------------------------------------------------- Moon Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY301_RADII = ( 1737.4 1737.4 1737.4 ) \begintext Satellites of Mars Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body401_radii = ( 13.4 11.2 9.2 ) body402_radii = ( 7.5 6.1 5.2 ) Current values: \begindata BODY401_RADII = ( 13.0 11.4 9.1 ) BODY402_RADII = ( 7.8 6.0 5.1 ) \begintext Satellites of Jupiter Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report, except for those of Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Metis. For Metis, now all three radii are provided. body502_radii = ( 1564.13 1561.23 1560.93 ) body503_radii = ( 2632.4 2632.29 2632.35 ) body504_radii = ( 2409.4 2409.2 2409.3 ) The value for the second radius for body 516 is not given in 2003 IAU report. The values given are: body516_radii = ( 30 --- 20 ) For use within the SPICE system, we use only the mean radius. body516_radii = ( 21.5 21.5 21.5 ) Current values: Note that for Ganymede and Callisto only mean radii are provided. \begindata BODY501_RADII = ( 1829.4 1819.4 1815.7 ) BODY502_RADII = ( 1562.6 1560.3 1559.5 ) BODY503_RADII = ( 2631.2 2631.2 2631.2 ) BODY504_RADII = ( 2410.3 2410.3 2410.3 ) BODY505_RADII = ( 125 73 64 ) \begintext Only mean radii are available in the 2003 IAU report for bodies 506-513. \begindata BODY506_RADII = ( 85 85 85 ) BODY507_RADII = ( 40 40 40 ) BODY508_RADII = ( 18 18 18 ) BODY509_RADII = ( 14 14 14 ) BODY510_RADII = ( 12 12 12 ) BODY511_RADII = ( 15 15 15 ) BODY512_RADII = ( 10 10 10 ) BODY513_RADII = ( 5 5 5 ) BODY514_RADII = ( 58 49 42 ) BODY515_RADII = ( 10 8 7 ) BODY516_RADII = ( 30 20 17 ) \begintext Satellites of Saturn Old values: Values are from the 2006 IAU report. body601_radii = ( 207.4 196.8 190.6 ) body602_radii = ( 256.6 251.4 248.3 ) body603_radii = ( 540.4 531.1 527.5 ) body604_radii = ( 563.8 561.0 560.3 ) body605_radii = ( 767.2 762.5 763.1 ) body606_radii = ( 2575 2575 2575 ) body607_radii = ( 164 130 107 ) body608_radii = ( 747.4 747.4 712.4 ) body609_radii = ( 108.6 107.7 101.5 ) body610_radii = ( 97.0 95.0 77.0 ) body611_radii = ( 69.0 55.0 55.0 ) Only the first equatorial radius for Helene (body 612) is given in the 2006 IAU report: body612_radii = ( 17.5 --- --- ) The mean radius is 16km; we use this radius for all three axes, as we do for the satellites for which only the mean radius is available. body612_radii = ( 17.5 17.5 17.5 ) body613_radii = ( 15 12.5 7.5 ) body614_radii = ( 15.0 8.0 8.0 ) body615_radii = ( 18.5 17.2 13.5 ) body616_radii = ( 74.0 50.0 34.0 ) body617_radii = ( 55.0 44.0 31.0 ) For Pan, only a mean radius is given in the 2006 report. body618_radii = ( 10 10 10 ) Current values: \begindata BODY601_RADII = ( 207.8 196.7 190.6 ) BODY602_RADII = ( 256.6 251.4 248.3 ) BODY603_RADII = ( 538.4 528.3 526.3 ) BODY604_RADII = ( 563.4 561.3 559.6 ) BODY605_RADII = ( 765.0 763.1 762.4 ) BODY606_RADII = ( 2575.15 2574.78 2574.47 ) BODY607_RADII = ( 180.1 133.0 102.7 ) BODY608_RADII = ( 745.7 745.7 712.1 ) BODY609_RADII = ( 109.4 108.5 101.8 ) BODY610_RADII = ( 101.5 92.5 76.3 ) BODY611_RADII = ( 64.9 57.0 53.1 ) BODY612_RADII = ( 21.7 19.1 13.0 ) BODY613_RADII = ( 16.3 11.8 10.0 ) BODY614_RADII = ( 15.1 11.5 7.0 ) BODY615_RADII = ( 20.4 17.7 9.4 ) BODY616_RADII = ( 67.8 39.7 29.7 ) BODY617_RADII = ( 52.0 40.5 32.0 ) BODY618_RADII = ( 17.2 15.7 10.4 ) BODY632_RADII = ( 1.6 1.6 1.6 ) BODY633_RADII = ( 2.9 2.8 2.0 ) BODY634_RADII = ( 1.5 1.2 1.0 ) BODY635_RADII = ( 4.3 4.1 3.2 ) BODY649_RADII = ( 1 1 1 ) \begintext Satellites of Uranus Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY701_RADII = ( 581.1 577.9 577.7 ) BODY702_RADII = ( 584.7 584.7 584.7 ) BODY703_RADII = ( 788.9 788.9 788.9 ) BODY704_RADII = ( 761.4 761.4 761.4 ) BODY705_RADII = ( 240.4 234.2 232.9 ) \begintext The 2000 report gives only mean radii for satellites 706--715. \begindata BODY706_RADII = ( 13 13 13 ) BODY707_RADII = ( 15 15 15 ) BODY708_RADII = ( 21 21 21 ) BODY709_RADII = ( 31 31 31 ) BODY710_RADII = ( 27 27 27 ) BODY711_RADII = ( 42 42 42 ) BODY712_RADII = ( 54 54 54 ) BODY713_RADII = ( 27 27 27 ) BODY714_RADII = ( 33 33 33 ) BODY715_RADII = ( 77 77 77 ) \begintext Satellites of Neptune Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: The 2009 report gives mean radii only for bodies 801-806. \begindata BODY801_RADII = ( 1352.6 1352.6 1352.6 ) BODY802_RADII = ( 170 170 170 ) BODY803_RADII = ( 29 29 29 ) BODY804_RADII = ( 40 40 40 ) BODY805_RADII = ( 74 74 74 ) BODY806_RADII = ( 79 79 79 ) \begintext The second equatorial radius for Larissa is not given in the 2009 report. The available values are: BODY807_RADII = ( 104 --- 89 ) For use within the SPICE system, we use only the mean radius. \begindata BODY807_RADII = ( 96 96 96 ) BODY808_RADII = ( 218 208 201 ) \begintext Satellites of Pluto Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY901_RADII = ( 605 605 605 ) \begintext Radii for Selected Comets and Asteroids -------------------------------------------------------- Ceres Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2000001_RADII = ( 487.3 487.3 454.7 ) \begintext Vesta Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2000004_RADII = ( 289. 280. 229. ) \begintext Lutetia Current values: \begindata BODY2000021_RADII = ( 62.0 50.5 46.5 ) \begintext Ida Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2431010_RADII = ( 26.8 12.0 7.6 ) \begintext Mathilde Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2000253_RADII = ( 33. 24. 23. ) \begintext Eros Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2000433_RADII = ( 17.0 5.5 5.5 ) \begintext Davida Current values: \begindata BODY2000511_RADII = ( 180. 147. 127. ) \begintext Gaspra Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY9511010_RADII = ( 9.1 5.2 4.4 ) \begintext Steins Current values: \begindata BODY2002867_RADII = ( 3.24 2.73 2.04 ) \begintext Toutatis Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2004179_RADII = ( 2.13 1.015 0.85 ) \begintext Itokawa Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY2025143_RADII = ( 0.535 0.294 0.209 ) \begintext Kleopatra Old values: Values are from the 2003 report. body2000216_radii = ( 108.5 47 40.5 ) Current values: No values are provided in the 2009 report. Halley Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: \begindata BODY1000036_RADII = ( 8.0 4.0 4.0 ) \begintext 9P/Tempel 1 Old values: The effective radius is unchanged in the 2009 IAU report. Current values: The value in the data assignment below is the "effective radius." According to [1]: The maximum and minimum radii are not properly the values of the principal semi-axes, they are half the maximum and minimum values of the diameter. Due to the large deviations from a simple ellipsoid, they may not correspond with measurements along the principal axes, or be orthogonal to each other. \begindata BODY1000093_RADII = ( 3.0 3.0 3.0 ) \begintext 19P/Borrelly Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 report. Current values: The value in the data assignment below is the "effective radius." The first principal axis length is 3.5 km The lengths of the other semi-axes are not provided by [1]. \begindata BODY1000005_RADII = ( 4.22 4.22 4.22 ) \begintext 81P/Wild 2 Old values: Values are unchanged in the 2009 report. Current values: \begindata BODY1000107_RADII = ( 2.7 1.9 1.5 ) \begintext =========================================================================== End of file pck00010.tpc ===========================================================================