PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID = HEA DATA_SET_ID = "MEX-M-MRS-1/2/3-EXT2-3028-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "M00SUE0L1A_HEA_112031352_00.TXT" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2012-10-31T15:48:29.000 PRODUCER_ID = "SUE" INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MEX" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-07-26 NOTE = "DSN MEX Data Report" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Miscellaneous ============= This is the first report since HEAB201A.TXT. This report covers both open and closed loop data. Open Loop Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have completed quick-look processing on the following MEX RSR open loop data at Stanford: DOY DSS RSR BAND RSR CH KSPS BT REC RECS RSR MAX START STOP ID RS LEN FILE NAME SNR --- --- -------- -------- ---- --- -- ---- -- ----- ----- ------------ ----- 203 15 13:52:00 14:07:00 X/XR 6 1 2 16 8260 901 B203135A.RSR 50.0 203 15 13:52:00 14:07:00 X/SR 5 1 2 16 8260 901 B203135B.RSR 35.5 204 15 14:56:00 16:41:00 X/XR 6 1 2 16 8260 6301 B204145A.RSR 49.9 204 15 14:56:00 16:41:00 X/SR 5 1 2 16 8260 6301 B204145B.RSR 35.4 206 63 11:50:00 12:06:00 X/XR 4 1 2 16 8260 961 B206115A.RSR 58.2 206 63 11:50:00 12:06:00 X/SR 3 1 2 16 8260 961 B206115B.RSR 42.0 Days 203 and 206 were occultations; day 204 is gravity data. Anomalies --------- There is +/-0.5 dB fluctuation in the X-Band carrier amplitude before the occultation on day 206. Otherwise these appear to be good data. Begin listing of files in /users/m2/data/MEX/TEMP/ODF60 Closed Loop Data ================ Data Collection --------------- We have collected, labeled, and stored the following closed-loop data on our system at Stanford. These data cover the days 2011/152 through 2011/181. The files have also been copied to the MaRS saturn system where they can be found in directory /cygdrive/e/raid0/stanford/MEX/ODF/2011. The following are dual-band ODFs at 60-second sampling: FILE NAME START TIME STOP TIME FILE SIZE YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (bytes) ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- B152152A.ODF 2011-06-01T11:35:37 2011-06-01T14:21:12 0000016128 B153153A.ODF 2011-06-02T06:20:53 2011-06-02T09:53:53 0000008064 B154154A.ODF 2011-06-03T06:58:21 2011-06-03T18:38:30 0000016128 B155157A.ODF 2011-06-04T07:17:34 2011-06-06T15:33:35 0000064512 B158158A.ODF 2011-06-07T12:21:45 2011-06-07T16:08:51 0000024192 B159160A.ODF 2011-06-08T12:00:37 2011-06-09T14:06:29 0000024192 B161161A.ODF 2011-06-10T10:09:43 2011-06-10T22:06:37 0000016128 B162164A.ODF 2011-06-11T09:06:37 2011-06-13T10:34:06 0000064512 B164164A.ODF 2011-06-13T15:55:37 2011-06-13T19:54:37 0000016128 B165166A.ODF 2011-06-14T11:58:22 2011-06-15T18:09:06 0000040320 B167167A.ODF 2011-06-16T19:34:34 2011-06-16T20:33:34 0000008064 B168168A.ODF 2011-06-17T04:05:39 2011-06-17T20:58:51 0000016128 B169171A.ODF 2011-06-18T06:53:58 2011-06-20T12:36:37 0000064512 B172172A.ODF 2011-06-21T05:33:01 2011-06-21T06:42:19 0000008064 B172173A.ODF 2011-06-21T18:50:01 2011-06-22T13:32:17 0000016128 B174174A.ODF 2011-06-23T08:16:37 2011-06-23T14:13:56 0000016128 B176178A.ODF 2011-06-25T06:45:52 2011-06-27T19:23:42 0000056448 B179179A.ODF 2011-06-28T08:25:43 2011-06-28T13:06:36 0000008064 B180180A.ODF 2011-06-29T11:34:50 2011-06-29T16:44:09 0000008064 B181181A.ODF 2011-06-30T12:51:57 2011-06-30T16:43:49 0000016128 The following are X-Band ODFs at one-second sampling: FILE NAME START TIME STOP TIME FILE SIZE YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (bytes) ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- B152152B.ODF 2011-06-01T11:35:07 2011-06-01T14:22:08 0000362880 B155155A.ODF 2011-06-04T16:00:11 2011-06-04T23:57:17 0000846720 B156156A.ODF 2011-06-05T19:01:02 2011-06-05T21:47:23 0000362880 B158158B.ODF 2011-06-07T12:21:15 2011-06-07T16:09:56 0000499968 B162162A.ODF 2011-06-11T09:06:07 2011-06-11T15:55:36 0000645120 B163163A.ODF 2011-06-12T06:40:07 2011-06-12T15:59:40 0000959616 B166166A.ODF 2011-06-15T09:45:07 2011-06-15T13:49:44 0000532224 B170170A.ODF 2011-06-19T17:51:53 2011-06-19T22:38:43 0000628992 B171171A.ODF 2011-06-20T03:49:07 2011-06-20T05:38:13 0000217728 B172172B.ODF 2011-06-21T18:49:31 2011-06-21T20:42:55 0000233856 B173173A.ODF 2011-06-22T11:35:07 2011-06-22T13:33:23 0000258048 B174174B.ODF 2011-06-23T08:16:07 2011-06-23T14:14:56 0000491904 B176176A.ODF 2011-06-25T06:45:22 2011-06-25T11:28:15 0000620928 B177177A.ODF 2011-06-26T10:45:03 2011-06-26T14:34:56 0000499968 The following are S-Band ODFs at one-second sampling: FILE NAME START TIME STOP TIME FILE SIZE YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (bytes) ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- B152152C.ODF 2011-06-01T12:23:51 2011-06-01T14:06:09 0000225792 B155155B.ODF 2011-06-04T17:03:54 2011-06-04T23:39:22 0000524160 B156156B.ODF 2011-06-05T19:50:37 2011-06-05T21:31:26 0000225792 B158158C.ODF 2011-06-07T13:10:46 2011-06-07T15:53:00 0000354816 B162162B.ODF 2011-06-11T09:53:51 2011-06-11T12:05:20 0000193536 B163163B.ODF 2011-06-12T08:25:59 2011-06-12T15:59:38 0000153216 B166166B.ODF 2011-06-15T10:34:08 2011-06-15T13:49:42 0000330624 B170170B.ODF 2011-06-19T18:40:54 2011-06-19T22:38:41 0000419328 B171171B.ODF 2011-06-20T05:03:20 2011-06-20T05:38:08 0000080640 B172172C.ODF 2011-06-21T19:48:06 2011-06-21T20:27:59 0000088704 B173173B.ODF 2011-06-22T12:58:29 2011-06-22T13:33:21 0000080640 B174174C.ODF 2011-06-23T09:56:53 2011-06-23T10:31:50 0000080640 B176176B.ODF 2011-06-25T07:34:23 2011-06-25T11:28:13 0000411264 B177177B.ODF 2011-06-26T11:32:59 2011-06-26T14:17:59 0000362880 The following are TNFs (TRK-2-34 data) from individual DSN passes. They can be found in directory /cygdrive/e/raid0/stanford/MEX/TNF: FILE NAME START TIME STOP TIME FILE SIZE YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (bytes) ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- B152L65A.TNF 2011-06-01T11:35:00 2011-06-01T14:35:00 0010177470 B153G55A.TNF 2011-06-02T06:10:00 2011-06-02T09:55:00 0004964634 B154H65A.TNF 2011-06-03T07:05:00 2011-06-03T08:30:00 0002762474 B154Q14A.TNF 2011-06-03T16:10:00 2011-06-03T18:40:00 0005567820 B155H54A.TNF 2011-06-04T07:05:00 2011-06-04T11:35:00 0003546834 B155Q14A.TNF 2011-06-04T16:00:00 2011-06-04T23:55:00 0024934958 B156H65A.TNF 2011-06-05T07:25:00 2011-06-05T09:20:00 0002140986 B156S15A.TNF 2011-06-05T18:00:00 2011-06-05T21:55:00 0011334098 B157H63A.TNF 2011-06-06T07:40:00 2011-06-06T15:35:00 0013572392 B158M65A.TNF 2011-06-07T12:10:00 2011-06-07T16:10:00 0014601022 B159M25A.TNF 2011-06-08T12:00:00 2011-06-08T21:10:00 0011998236 B161J65A.TNF 2011-06-10T09:10:00 2011-06-10T11:05:00 0003688944 B161S25A.TNF 2011-06-10T18:25:00 2011-06-10T22:15:00 0005150100 B162J65A.TNF 2011-06-11T09:05:00 2011-06-11T16:00:00 0018430154 B163G65A.TNF 2011-06-12T06:40:00 2011-06-12T16:25:00 0024245544 B164G65A.TNF 2011-06-13T06:35:00 2011-06-13T10:35:00 0009423256 B164P25A.TNF 2011-06-13T15:55:00 2011-06-13T20:05:00 0005554830 B165L25A.TNF 2011-06-14T11:50:00 2011-06-14T21:15:00 0019945484 B166J65A.TNF 2011-06-15T09:45:00 2011-06-15T14:15:00 0015112068 B166P26A.TNF 2011-06-15T15:30:00 2011-06-15T18:10:00 0003085704 B167S24A.TNF 2011-06-16T18:35:00 2011-06-16T20:35:00 0003930932 B168E63A.TNF 2011-06-17T04:05:00 2011-06-17T07:15:00 0004342230 B168R25A.TNF 2011-06-17T17:40:00 2011-06-17T21:00:00 0006758794 B169G55A.TNF 2011-06-18T06:40:00 2011-06-18T14:35:00 0015489460 B169Q24A.TNF 2011-06-18T16:30:00 2011-06-18T21:50:00 0003138858 B170G65A.TNF 2011-06-19T06:35:00 2011-06-19T12:10:00 0004932804 B170Q15A.TNF 2011-06-19T16:45:00 2011-06-19T23:45:00 0019215920 B171E63A.TNF 2011-06-20T04:00:00 2011-06-20T05:45:00 0005311296 B171L15A.TNF 2011-06-20T11:40:00 2011-06-20T12:45:00 0002035160 B172F65A.TNF 2011-06-21T05:40:00 2011-06-21T07:15:00 0002509514 B172S15A.TNF 2011-06-21T18:00:00 2011-06-21T20:45:00 0007082276 B173L15A.TNF 2011-06-22T11:35:00 2011-06-22T13:55:00 0006116258 B174I65A.TNF 2011-06-23T08:15:00 2011-06-23T14:15:00 0012785632 B176F65A.TNF 2011-06-25T05:55:00 2011-06-25T11:35:00 0018812250 B176Q24A.TNF 2011-06-25T16:25:00 2011-06-25T18:20:00 0003768682 B177J63A.TNF 2011-06-26T09:50:00 2011-06-26T14:35:00 0014733024 B177K63A.TNF 2011-06-26T10:45:00 2011-06-26T14:35:00 0014483252 B178L25A.TNF 2011-06-27T11:30:00 2011-06-27T12:35:00 0001970792 B178P14A.TNF 2011-06-27T15:55:00 2011-06-27T19:35:00 0004841850 B179I63A.TNF 2011-06-28T08:30:00 2011-06-28T13:10:00 0008797532 B180L25A.TNF 2011-06-29T11:25:00 2011-06-29T16:45:00 0005817960 B181M25A.TNF 2011-06-30T12:40:00 2011-06-30T16:45:00 0007667086 Ancillary Data ============== Data Collection --------------- We have collected, labeled, and stored the following ancillary data on our system at Stanford. The files have also been copied to the MaRS saturn system where they appear under /cygdrive/e/raid0/stanford/MEX in directories ION, TRO, and WEA. ION files are ionosphere media calibration files, and TRO files are troposphere media calibration files; each file covers (approximately) one month. The ION and TRO files included here cover June 2011. WEA files are meteorological data files (one for each DSN complex). Each file is cumulative for the year; included here are the cumulative files for the first 205 days of 2011. FILE NAME START TIME STOP TIME FILE SIZE YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (bytes) ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ---------- B152182A.ION 2011-06-01T03:37:00 2011-07-01T07:07:00 0000040784 B152182A.TRO 2011-06-01T03:00:00 2011-07-01T03:00:00 0000146938 B0012051.WEA 2011-01-01T00:00:00 2011-07-24T23:59:59 0000605692 B0012054.WEA 2011-01-01T00:00:00 2011-07-24T23:59:59 0000623722 B0012056.WEA 2011-01-01T00:00:00 2011-07-24T23:59:59 0000614721